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Morning All,


Back in the office today, and struggling to keep smiling.


Happy Thanksgiving to all our American readers.


On the subject of sunglasses - I once saw a real poser - with sunglasses, on a Dover-Calais ferry, get up and walk straight into a smoked glass partition. Judging by the noise he made, he was lucky not to injure anything more than his pride, but there were a significant number of people in that lounge trying very hard not to laugh!


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


Slept like a rock and will have breakfast next. It is getting colder outside... 1° at this time. I should also start to think about Christmas presents, actually... :blink:


Robert - this thing with the poser sounds just about on par with those fare dodgers I once observed being caught by ticket inspectors on the train and who then moaned, "oh man, that'd be the second time today..." :D


Have a good day all!

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Morning all!


Stayed up to listen to the first hour or two of the Ashes. Went to bed with Pietersen and Cook at the crease. Woke up to hear that Bell was batting, thought "Well, that's ok". Then heard he was batting with Anderson. :blink:


Off to work shortly (on about 4 hours sleep).


No snow in Edinburgh, cold and dry. And dark.


By the way, beware - not all those wearing sunglasses are posers. One of my colleagues wears sunglasses most of the time, due to the fact she suffers from horrendous migraines.


Happy Thanksgiving to our American friends!

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By the way, beware - not all those wearing sunglasses are posers. One of my colleagues wears sunglasses most of the time, due to the fact she suffers from horrendous migraines.


I realise that, but this guy was definitely a poser. It wasn't just the sunglasses, but the whole package!


Morning all cold but snowless, Robert if it is just the dark short days getting you down it is soon the shortest day. If it is women and their machinations then I can not help at all.


He he he! Thanks for the laugh Mick. :lol:


It is a bit of both to be honest! The weather certainly doesn't help either. It has been battleship grey for days now.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

It is sunny, cold but frost free this morning. I had expected to have to de-ice my wife's car this morning but it wasn't necessary. A few clouds have now appeared but no snow is forecast now until Saturday.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, Looks rather frosty out. Cancelled all my work meetings for today as I don't want to share my "man flu" with everyone. Also need to be at home to receive an order of electrical fittings for the shed! My manager has sent me a note asking me to fill out my annual performance assessment data by tomorrow. Clearly this is of the utmost importance given that I leave on April the 5th and there is no way they are going to be giving me pay increases or bonuses. He seems to have mistaken me for someone who gives a sh*t.


Have a good one all.




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Afternoon all. No commute today for SET to screw up. :D The downside of that is I've been working remotely doing a system migration. My day started at 11pm last night until 11am today. Time for a mid-day nap and maybe some modelling later.

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  • RMweb Gold

Just a couple of inches of snow this morning. Frequent showers at the moment with a heavier spell forecast for later tonight.


The vast majority of drivers coped well but then there is always one or two just don't have a clue and seem totally bereft of common sense too.

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The neighbour who drove off a mountain last year in his 4W drive has bought himself a Jag.

That will prove interesting for him over the next few days.

One can just tell that many villagers are not wishing him well as he spends a lot of time standing next to the car flicking it with a duster.

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  • RMweb Gold

The local Christmas lights were turned on earlier tonight. To add atmosphere the local council hired in a snow making machine.


We have three inches of real snow and it is blowing a blizzard.

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  • RMweb Gold

...The neighbour who drove off a mountain last year in his 4W drive has bought himself a Jag...



Perhaps he won't be able to get anywhere as dangerous in the Jag!

I know certain ERs are wishing for a bit of snow but I'm going to be a bit grumpy! Even about an inch of snow in the southeast seems to create chaos. Even if I'm careful there still seem to be lots of people who don't adapt their driving even for the mild winters here. There always seems to be some idiot who does there usual screech up to a junction and then look surprised as their car skids out into the traffic.



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"Perhaps he won't be able to get anywhere as dangerous in the Jag!"

Well, he started off on the road in the 4W drive!

A different type of driving is required on rural roads as some will know.

No matter how sparse traffic might be, the one tractor will be just around the next bend.

High banked verges, single lanes, mud on the road, leaves, pheasants, farm gates opened outwards, ramblers, horses, stray sheep, cyclists and cattle etc.,.

It's possible to get away with stupid driving for as long as three weeks.

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  • RMweb Gold


A different type of driving is required on rural roads as some will know.


My favourite rural driving story takes place somewhere in the southwest during the Queen's Golden Jubilee. I always give way or reverse as necessary when visiting the areas of the country with narrow lanes. I was especially careful this time as the Rover coming the other way seemed to be being driven by what looked like a flat cap poking above the dashboard. As the gentleman pulled alongside he wound his window down, I assumed to thank me for pulling over so far (and cleverly avoiding the ditch placed there to trap the unwary). After the fug of cider fumes cleared the driver was shouting something (I thought) about oil on the road. I said "thank you, I hadn't noticed any oil" and then he and the two ladies in the back of his car starting ranting about "not oil, moyles". Apparently he was trying to tell me that there "were moyles of space" on my side of the road.

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  • RMweb Gold

Turkey is cooking, wine is a chilling and it's started to lightly snow.


Happy Thanksgiving Day, everyone!


Best, Pete.




I hope you have a nice day.

This morning's newspaper had an article about the sales starting tomorrow in the US. Amazon Uk seem to be trying to encourage us "over here" to start spending this Friday as well with various price reductions.

Normally by this time of year I would have got the freezer organised for Christmas but it still seems full, certainly no space for a turkey so it will have to be fresh this year! We finally have sorted out who is coming though. All the undecided relatives are now definitely coming for Christmas lunch and a couple of days later we'll be hosting a lunch for quite a few of my wife's cousins. Each of them will bring something for the meal so it should be interesting. Quite a few of them don't eat, meat, fish or eggs. I've been given the task of looking for eggless cake recipes. I thought it would be difficult but the interwebby is full of them!




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To In Laws for Christmas Day (only a one day holiday over here) so I'll expect a typical Italian Christmas Dinner.....

Tomorrow (Black Friday) a lot of stores open at 3:00am!!!!!!!!!!


To be honest I always hated the extended British Christmas - bored me stupid, though I liked Boxing Day (which exists only in Canada over here).

Can you imagine telling ex-pats that they go back to work on Boxing Day? Some HQ companies in Manhattan started doing the break thru New Years Day but now they are going back to their old ways of working because they believe it gives them the "jump" on European companies.


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

Keep safe BoD et al.


My daughter has just got in from work. Two and a half hours to drive four miles in nose to tail traffic on ice. This is her first time in such conditions. After a few tears she was ok.


We are all very, very relieved.

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Yesterday, my son did a winter driving course through his work. (His company does a lot of work in the tar sands in northern Alberta, and it was being provided for safety reasons). Normally, it is done on a water pan, but we had temperatures of minus 4C, so they got to do it on real ice. He has done quite a lot of winter driving in northern BC, and in the interior of the province, so he did quite well and was pleased about that. But he said that people who never leave head office here in Vancouver did provide a lot of entertainment - in a safe situation!

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