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  • RMweb Premium

In Little Tel Aviv, the total lack of any traffic on the roads suggests that the local Orthodox community is Kosher for Passover.


Yesterday, everybody was in fancy dress, which means it was Purim.



About 15 years ago, I visited a partnership office in real Tel Aviv and was there for Purim. The staff were in fancy dress but when I asked why, I was told by one young lady that she had no idea why they dressed up - she actually said 'I may be Jewish but I'm not religious'  - so what did she learn at school then ?



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Sorry to hear about your break-in CHARD, hope they get it sorted quickly for you. Violations like that are awful :(




Monday morning on Long Island, but NOT in the basement/dungeon. The client finance/procurement offices moved this past weekend to a new temporary space, and I've been promoted to a real room on the sixth floor of the office building they are now in! See below;




Not the most impressive view, and apparently in a rather "questionable" location, but the view sure beats a dungeon! :O


Getting here yesterday presented a little challenge as the snow we were expecting actually arrived and it was snowing steadily from about 3:30PM on.

Given a 7:40PM departure time, I expected a slight delay, we were about an hour late, 30 minutes due to waiting for the crew coming in from two separate inbound flights, and another 30 to de-ice.

This is what it looks like, "just another day really", when there's snow at an airport that can deal with it;






Heaven help us/me tonight/tomorrow as they are still predicting anywhere from 12-24 inches of snow around/close to this location. To that end, as get my rental car from National, and one of the advantages is you just take whatever you "like" that is on the lot, I decided this time to get the BIGGEST MEANEST SUV they had, a sodding great GMC YUKON DENALI, even I have to step UP to get/climb into it - figuring the chance of getting stuck, IF I decide to venture out, is reduced greatly!


One of these...



Well, there we go, back to work here, although it's chaos right now as they are all still sorting everything out from the move, I doubt most of the folks here will manage anything productive today for sure!


-4 driving here and sunny, described as "extremely cold" on the news, doom and gloom predicted to start around 3AM tomorrow as the storm arrives.


Hope your week starts well.

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  • RMweb Gold

Ok I'll admit it today - afternoon all.


...... although I was up early as usual, honest, it's just that life has the habit of occasionally getting in the way of things.

The mild winter and 'early spring' caught me unawares and I have only just noticed various plants and shrubs shooting away before I have had a chance to prune them and tidy and feed their containers. That's my pottering sorted for the next day or two then.

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  • RMweb Premium

A'noon everyone. Just arrived at Heiterblick where I'll be returning to at the end of my shift tonight.


It stands to reason that NGT10 1001 will be out for continuation of its certification trials by night, so maybe I can, in fact, catch a glimpse. In the meantime, may I point you to a series of photos taken by some of my company pals earlier this month: http://l-nv.info/pages/gallery/01.03.2017-erste-probefahrt-im-netz-fuer-den-ngt10304.php


Neil, once again, happy birthday to you and do try to enjoy your day of honour, as it seems to be commonly called here in East Germany in what I suppose may be a remnant of GDR tradition.


Chard, I can well imagine that a burglary is a real shock to the system. Fingers crossed for you to not have too much of a hassle with the inevitable aftermath...


Cheers, folks...

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Birthday greetings Neil

Hope they catch the pre pond life before they get rid of your things Chard. If they do get a proper sentence for the crime the appeal court will cut it because of "deprived upbringing" or some such nonsense  

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Happy Birthday Neil. As your reward, you get to start another run around the sun.



Chard: so sorry to read of the burglary. Vermin like that deserve to be locked in a box and forgotten.

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  • RMweb Premium

I've just had a phone call from Waltons Model Shop. The Merchant Navy Class 'Royal Mail' I ordered is now in.


So I've arranged to call round first thing tomorrow morning to pick it up!

Happy birthday Neil.

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That's bl00dy awful Chard.


We've been getting more and more sales phone calls recently so I signed up for something called 'Nomorobo' through our ISP. Seems to work quite well so far but no doubt the pests will try to circumvent it. Is there something similar available in the UK?

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About 15 years ago, I visited a partnership office in real Tel Aviv and was there for Purim. The staff were in fancy dress but when I asked why, I was told by one young lady that she had no idea why they dressed up - she actually said 'I may be Jewish but I'm not religious'  - so what did she learn at school then ?


It was probably looked on as "something everyone did" even if they weren't religiously-minded.


On Sunday as I went off to the stables, I passed someone in Little Tel Aviv dressed as Bananaman.

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Right, on my late Irish client's Estate, I have a hunch that the property he mentioned in his Will - which, as you remember, he didn't own - isn't the one he actually meant, but is somewhere on the same street. Now, either -


a) I find a way of doing a Form 88 Search (cost 5 euros) against his name and hope there's a property under it; or

b) I gamble on the possibility that the actual property he might own is a neighbouring property, which if my theory is correct boils the number of candidates down to two - one either side of the one he didn't own. Confused? :scratchhead:

The permutations are: 


1. The one I search against turns out to be correct, and the other one is wrong; or

2. The one I search against turns out to be wrong (again) and the other one is the correct one; or

3. They were both the wrong ones anyway.

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  • RMweb Gold

Right, on my late Irish client's Estate, I have a hunch that the property he mentioned in his Will - which, as you remember, he didn't own - isn't the one he actually meant, but is somewhere on the same street. Now, either -


a) I find a way of doing a Form 88 Search (cost 5 euros) against his name and hope there's a property under it; or

b) I gamble on the possibility that the actual property he might own is a neighbouring property, which if my theory is correct boils the number of candidates down to two - one either side of the one he didn't own. Confused? :scratchhead:

The permutations are: 


1. The one I search against turns out to be correct, and the other one is wrong; or

2. The one I search against turns out to be wrong (again) and the other one is the correct one; or

3. They were both the wrong ones anyway.

Is there no way of contacting the person who has been paying him rent and asking where they live?
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Is there no way of contacting the person who has been paying him rent and asking where they live?


At the moment, no! Almost no paperwork was left behind, so I've got no copies of any Irish Tenancy Agreements - hence I don't know who his Tenant is!!! He didn't even keep records of what he actually owned (possibly because he was afraid of his relatives getting hold of that), so I've been partly acting on tip-offs from a close friend (of his, not mine) who knew a few things about him. All the rental payments in are listed on the statements as simply "Payment Systems". No name is given. I'd have to write back to the bank to ask where these are actually coming from.

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Right, on my late Irish client's Estate, I have a hunch that the property he mentioned in his Will - which, as you remember, he didn't own - isn't the one he actually meant, but is somewhere on the same street. Now, either -


a) I find a way of doing a Form 88 Search (cost 5 euros) against his name and hope there's a property under it; or

b) I gamble on the possibility that the actual property he might own is a neighbouring property, which if my theory is correct boils the number of candidates down to two - one either side of the one he didn't own. Confused? :scratchhead:

The permutations are: 


1. The one I search against turns out to be correct, and the other one is wrong; or

2. The one I search against turns out to be wrong (again) and the other one is the correct one; or

3. They were both the wrong ones anyway.


I'd go with option (b) and ask the local bookie what odds he'd offer.

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  • RMweb Gold

At the moment, no! Almost no paperwork was left behind, so I've got no copies of any Irish Tenancy Agreements - hence I don't know who his Tenant is!!! He didn't even keep records of what he actually owned (possibly because he was afraid of his relatives getting hold of that), so I've been partly acting on tip-offs from a close friend (of his, not mine) who knew a few things about him. All the rental payments in are listed on the statements as simply "Payment Systems". No name is given. I'd have to write back to the bank to ask where these are actually coming from.

My mother's older step brother and sister found out from one of those "if the children of..." adverts by a solicitor in a local newspaper that they had been left money by the father that that they thought had died in WW1. He had in fact deserted and run away to Canada and felt after 60 years he needed to make amends!

Is there a local newspaper where your client seems to have property?


Edited by Tony_S
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  • RMweb Gold

Ian's rental car looks a bit like a mobile snowdrift already.

A few xmases ago we had walked through the snow covered streets of Denver to Union station. We were yards away from the snow free sidewalk outside the station when my other half slipped and fell in front of one if those SUVs. Must have looked odd to the driver seeing her disappear in front of them. Luckily they were stationary letting us cross the road.

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I've had a quick look, and there seems to be at least one.

I have some free time presently. I can get to Dublin easily from Exeter airport. For a daily fee, Guiness allowance, accomodation and food I can make enquiries in various establishments. I'd have to draw the line at killing anyone. I can email files and photos back or I can use microdots.

If you need me place an advert in the Torquay Express and Herald this Friday. Advert regarding, Gardener required urgently.

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