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Good morning one and all


It was good to see and catch up with my old pal at Leicester beer festival yesterday.  Less good, but sort of self-inflicted, was a fester in Leicester after deciding that any more beer would not be a good idea.  Trains from Leicester call at Bedford only once an hour and are affordable only if booked in advance.  How I wish that I had reserved my pew on the 17.32 instead of the 19.32.  Hey ho.  It is a good thing that my journey would not have been today as there are buckets and spades at Market Harborough until 2 pm and replacement buses.  Whether the latter are as well as or instead of running the main service via Corby I know not.  Neither do I know what Market H has done to merit an hourly non-stop to London - shouted loudly, probably.


Today I shall go to the East Anglian show near Godmanchester.  The venue is just round the corner and up the hill from my late father's last home so it's a bit of a sentimental journey.  When I get home I need to phone Poorly Pal about my visit on Tuesday.  Once again I think we are having sandwiches instead of stir-fried something, aka wok and roll.


Warm thoughts to all, particularly those in distress for whatever reason



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Feels nice to drive, as you might hope, albeit I'm still learning the new gearbox


But it can't possibly be anywhere as good as the three-speed Z shift on my Citroen Ami wagon. That was truly a transport of delight.

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Morning Awl,

An exceedingly good night's sleep was had of 7.5 hours in two pieces.

The seaweed botherer on TV at the moment has reduced the amount of rain expected today. But it is expected to arrive at race start time. From the light pouring in past the curtains we still have clear-ish skies.


Time to rise, have breakfast and then sally forth.

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Not raining.

Not a lot done so far. Dog released to garden, tea drunk, and croissants found.

After breakfast I think I will be off to the park while Aditi prepares something nice for her Mum's lunch. We will then set off doing our best to avoid the roadworks in Enfield.


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“Wombles are organized, work as a team,

Wombles are tidy and Wombles are clean,

Underground, Overground, wombling free..........”


Thanks to Mike Batt.


Best, Pete.

The cockwomble however, is the opposite evil sub-species. This is needed to bring balance to the universe. Like Brian Cox balances out the collective stupidity of parliament.

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Morning all,

Raining steadily here. 


My shoulder has been giving me jip for some weeks - painful and reduced mobility. Didn't want to trouble the Doctor so was waiting for it to resolve of its own accord. 

This morning, lying in bed, a small audible "click" was heard and the arm was mobile again. Fingers crossed it stays that way. 


Just writing up the learning point from my garage layout. Onwards and upwards as they say! 

Edited by AndyB
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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Still dry here atm but how long thats going to last is anyone's guess. I noticed yesterday that the house opposite me has a marquee in the back garden and last night it was illuminated within and this morning someone was decorating the front of the house with pink balloons. So far it has been quiet but I'm bracing myself for a bit of noise later on. This is the privately rented house that seems to have a new tenant every month.

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Could it be case of "noidea" from the HST driver who didn't have a clue what they had done wrong?


Could it be the instructors can no longer cover anything more than the basics?


I have no answers but it sounds very frustrating.


Glad you enjoyed the show.. It was a long day for us at the East Anglian show.


Sleep well all



Baz I think the HST Driver was suffering from what I fear is an increasingly common malaise - p*ss poor road knowledge.  Normally they go sailing through Twyford on the Mains with occasional diversions over the Reliefs so they probably (hopefully) at least know where the right direction signals are.  But when it comes to doing something slightly unusual the poor dears are a tad lost so the 'assistance' might well have been 'hello henwomble, how the heck do I get to where I need to be to go back the other way?'


However that is slightly perjorative as I can remember many years ago when Single Line Working down the Berks & Hants one Sunday morning a Down West of England train duly stopped ready to set back to the Up line and the Driver was instructed to 'pull down clear of the dummy please mate'.  A slightly bowdlerised and abbreviated version of said Driver's response was 'what effin' dummy?'  - and he'd been running Up & Down the B&H, with an occasional condescending wave to the locals no doubt, for many a year as both a Fireman and later Driver.


But in his defence a little ground disc was perhaps slightly less obvious than the main aspect colour light signal at Twyford.

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Morning all,


Properly now having added to the reasoning (??) behind yesterday afternoon's episode.   It seems I scored something a victory with GWR at the local Branch Users Group (BUG) meeting recently when I pointed out to Mark Hopwood, the GWR boss man, that the

last branch train of the evening (night?) from Twyford has a nasty habit of not maintaining the connection with the train from the big city and that not to put too fine a point on things as it's the Driver's final Down working of the day that fact might not be entirely disconnected from the breaking of the connection,  Seems that young Mr Hopwood duly got the message as last night the branch train left Twyford 3 late after waiting connection and laddo duly arrived home without having to pay for a taxi from Twyford  (he has however also been promised £30 from GWR as reimbursement of previous taxi fares for that connection being broken).  So despite what many might say it seems that some operators do listen to their passengers.


Meanwhile this morning's rain is still coming down although the volume is reduced and the birds are scratching a bit for food - supplies will no doubt be rectified when the rain goes away in, allegedly, the coming hour or so.


Havea good day one & all.

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Wet out, Mrs H returned from her cycling constitutional looking like a drowned duck.  You can't say r-a-t here, it's bad luck.


Little else to report, foot is slowly healing and not too uncomfortable until the painkillers wear off when it becomes somewhat more uncomfortable. To coin a phrase.


So no trains today, John is at Groudle doing the steam test on the Steamplex prior to the boiler inspectors visit, I should be doing that!  Bah.

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The cockwomble however, is the opposite evil sub-species. This is needed to bring balance to the universe.


Can we wipe out though, the hideous “hen-womble” tag? Far too cosy for what they really are.................


Btw, whilst I’m at it, why have a lot of  Britain’s women adopted the black arched eyebrow? For chrissake someone tell them they look ridiculous. They’ll be  having butt extensions next (er, OK they have).


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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Baz I think the HST Driver was suffering from what I fear is an increasingly common malaise - p*ss poor road knowledge.  Normally they go sailing through Twyford on the Mains with occasional diversions over the Reliefs so they probably (hopefully) at least know where the right direction signals are.  But when it comes to doing something slightly unusual the poor dears are a tad lost so the 'assistance' might well have been 'hello henwomble, how the heck do I get to where I need to be to go back the other way?'


However that is slightly perjorative as I can remember many years ago when Single Line Working down the Berks & Hants one Sunday morning a Down West of England train duly stopped ready to set back to the Up line and the Driver was instructed to 'pull down clear of the dummy please mate'.  A slightly bowdlerised and abbreviated version of said Driver's response was 'what effin' dummy?'  - and he'd been running Up & Down the B&H, with an occasional condescending wave to the locals no doubt, for many a year as both a Fireman and later Driver.


But in his defence a little ground disc was perhaps slightly less obvious than the main aspect colour light signal at Twyford.

I was wondering that when you posted originally. How often would that particular reversing manouvre be done by a particular driver or by drivers in general at that platform?

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Indeed, I've been watching that as its my week back out in the dungeon next week. Fly in tomorrow evening and there until Thursday afternoon.

I'm thinking I might be working from the hotel Tuesday!


Nite all.


The mini-bar is in for a hammering, then.


To be fair if you are anything like me I always refused to use the moneymaking thing. A quick call on the phone gets a decent bottle of single malt delivered from the nearest liquor store  at a tenth of the price, ho hum....


Best, Pete.

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And just for a bit of cheeky humour, the nickname we use for this bit of route could be translated as something like Mount Bordello:






:jester: :punish:


Taken while stationary, I should like to emphasise.

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Morning afternoon all.


Running late (again!). Went to the excellent East Anglian show at Godmanchester yesterday, although the late running meant too little time there. Met and had a chat with Jamie of this parish. What a nice chap! Didn't realise Barry was there, what stand were you on?


I had left what I hoped to be the best (Grantham) til last, but the show closed and they stopped running and then turned the lights off. Shame.


Not that I was buying, but I thought the trade stands suffered from the poor lighting in the hall, especially when next to a brightly lit layout. The stand selling half-price "daylight" magnifying lamps appeared to be doing good business.


Best wishes



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Well, a disappointing day for us yesterday in an Edinburgh pub!


A great win for the England team. The best England performance this 6Nations and the worst Scottish one for a while. Showed that the Scotland bench lacks any real depth. Can't take anything away from England, though, worthy champions. Can Ireland stop England next week?


Here's to the 2018 Calcutta Cup!



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