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.....Mrs BoD is off to the hairdressers.  What she pays for one shearing would get me three years worth.....


I dunno, but ladies' coiffure is always more expensive and takes longer than most men's styling cuts. Over two decades ago I lost a bet and had to do a forfeit. This turned out to be a perm which - just to emphasise the forfeit - I had to pay for. It took bloody hours - three hours I sat there in the stylist's chair. The end result lasted months.

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  • RMweb Gold

Aditi goes to the same hairdressers in Brentwood that she has frequented for about 30 years. Her hairdresser started as the hair washer about then and now is "senior stylist". This means the cost is higher but Aditi is more than happy to pay. When Matthew was little she couldn't get to the hairdressers so often. Unfortunately one of her favourite photos of her and Matthew has a need to visit the hairdresser look, or so she claims.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all from Estuary-Land. My post last night was upbeat, talking about the joys of bread pudding. Yet it received a load of friendly/supportive marks? Or do you all hate bread pudding? 




I think the friendly marks were because we want some..... yes please....



See recipe above.



Don't hate it Phil, I love it although not had it for some time so recipe copied, pasted and printed. It was then given to The Boss to deal with. She dealt with it by saying "That looks lovely -you can make it" so at some time in the fairly near future my diet will be put on hold again.  :yes:

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I do not query or criticise the (rather high) hairdressing costs that Chris incurs, in fact I encourage them in case she starts looking into some of the er purchases that I might make from time to time. The next time may be tomorrow at Basingstoke!  :whistle:

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Can anyone suggest why this has started to happen, and how to cure it. All my sites load very quickly, except for ebay.co.uk, which can take up to five minutes to load a page, and on making a selection the same thing happens again - swmbo, on her own computer and on the same server, loads almost instantly, just as mine used to. I have tried deleting cookies and internet history. This has been going on for around 6 weeks. I should add that there is no problem with ebay.com . If replies could be reasonably non-techie or low tech I'd be grateful

This is the result of a speed check done 2 minutes ago



Edited by shortliner
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  • RMweb Premium

I do not query or criticise the (rather high) hairdressing costs that Chris incurs, in fact I encourage them in case she starts looking into some of the er purchases that I might make from time to time.


I don't quibble at what Sheila pays, for the very same reason! ;-)

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 I never was impressed by Aldershot & District ...

There was a reason that in my yoof it was lovingly referred to as "have a shot and risk it" :jester:



POETS - yay!


Nothing of note from yesterday - inspected the fallen tree in the light of day, and concluded it IS DOWN, so that's sorted! :O

Awaiting responses from a few folks we've requested bids from for removal and subsequent landscaping of the area, including filling in the sodding great hole created.

Additional images for your enjoyment include;








If you look at the left side of the last picture you may be able to spot the cut made by the city crew to remove the 5ft. of tree encroaching on the street, which they then loving placed back on the lawn for our disposal :jester:


Hoping to POE today with the prospect of no serious plans for the weekend, as a result expectations of some modeling, so THAT won't happen! :rtfm:  

Leaving Sunday evening for dungeon land.


Weather currently attempting a return to Minnesota winter, -13 and sunny high only -6 today, about the same all weekend and snow for Sunday.


Hope your weekend starts with a POE.

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Bit of an unexpected development in my late Irishman's Estate. He had been at pains to leave his property in Ireland to a friend of his and put that in his Will. Anyhow, I've just received the results of the Irish Land Registry search. Turns out there's no record of the fella ever owning it!!


Some other fella owns it, and has done since 1966! I went through the thing several times to make sure I wasn't imagining things and that I hadn't been searching against the wrong property. But no, it's there in the official search. No trace of him at all.


My colleague thinks my late client might have been having a bit of a laugh at our expense by sending us on a wild goose chase. On the one hand, it saves me having to find an Irish property valuer, but it does rather diminish the value of the Estate.... It's quite bizarre, because there is a Tenant in the property who was paying rent to my late client.

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I have sold as much rolling stock as I have bought this year. Definitely need a clear out,ainly to make space but the funds may well be needed if I do decided to make a career Change in the coming months.


There's also quit al to around the house the can only be down if I create more space.


At least has been a POETs but only by half an hour. Was me of the last to leave aswell.


Home or finish loading the car effort braving the motorway network tonight.

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  • RMweb Gold

Can anyone suggest why this has started to happen, and how to cure it. All my sites load very quickly, except for ebay.co.uk, which can take up to five minutes to load a page, and on making a selection the same thing happens again - swmbo, on her own computer and on the same server, loads almost instantly, just as mine used to. I have tried deleting cookies and internet history. This has been going on for around 6 weeks. I should add that there is no problem with ebay.com . If replies could be reasonably non-techie or low tech I'd be gratefulThis is the result of a speed check done 2 minutes agoattachicon.gifcheck.jpg

There is a problem with our service provider at the moment. Reading online forums Vrigin mediai customers are having a lot of slow internet connections . Our was almost unusable th last few days with some sites loading OK and others including this very slowly or not at all.

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  • RMweb Gold

Greetings all.


It's gone grey over London Bridge, probably serves me right for succumbing to the temptation not to wear the big overcoat to work today! As I refuse to wear a flasher mac, that means no coat....!


We now have a leak from the pipe that leads to our kitchen sink. It is obviously a fairly slow leak as there is a great big stalactite from it, but the leak appears to be flowing quickly enough that we need the attendance of friendly plumbers. Added to which the drains outside seem to be rather slow flowing. We are hoping that discussions with our neighbours will reveal that the blockage is downhill of us and not at our property!


I have managed to apply for one ETA for our Canadian visit in the summer, 3 more to go.


Work is very slow. But the weekend is nearly upon us.


I hope that those who are suffering improve and those who are enjoying themselves continue to do so!


At least it sounds as though the pipe leak is visible. When the pipework is hidden behind the units and the only sign of the leak is damp appearing under the plinth it can mean dismantling the kitchen to find it as the water can run along the pipe before running down to the floor. The rules about Drains changed in 2011 as soon as the drain is serving more than one property it becomes the responsibility of the water board. So if in the manhole your pipes run into from the house has one coming from a neighbours house you can call the water board


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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon all,

The garage archaeology project has started. Plenty of stuff to ebay in due course! 


Looking for some thoughts if I may?

I've put my name in the hat for a job which I'd be quite keen :yes:  to win and just had notification that I've a first interview in a couple of weeks time.

Not sure how many candidates have been called forward but there's a choice of 2 days. 

The format is interviewing on competency and technical* knowledge. 


Given the choice would you go for Day 1 or Day 2? i.e. early on in the interview list or further down?


I have been interviewed by this organisation before and the feedback was that I didn't have any knowledge about something they didn't ask me about. :banghead:

So, this time, lesson learned, lead the conversation, get every point out there, don't assume they've done more than glance at the CV.  


Interesting bit of gamesmanship psychology involved here I think.


If you go late in the field they are more likely to remember you when they run through the post-interview appointment consideration phase - so one in favour of Day 2.  If you go on Day 1 and are early in the field there's a strong chance that they will effectively start to mark other contestants interviewees against the standard you set - which is great if you were a beacon of shining light, supreme competence, and incredible knowledge but not so good if you weren't head & shoulders above the rest - so a bit of a heads or tails situation there unless you consider yourself in the supreme competence etc band in which case it's go for Day 1.


Now the other factor, despite what the personnel idiot might be muttering about scoring and matching profiles and all that nonsense (sorry NHN), is that many interviewers still tend to make 'gut based' selections within the first third of the interview and then spend the rest of it asking questions which will make sure they made the right decision in the first third.  So in that case an early interview can be advantageous because you get noticed sooner and they get hacked off interviewing everybody else - so one in favour of Day 1, again.


Now the biggy - I think it's always a good idea to go along prior to the formal interview and have a chat with the person whose job they are seeking to fill (assuming he hasn't been sacked and ideally if he has been promoted and will be on the interview panel).  This does two things - firstly it show that you are really interested and not just looking for another notch on your CV and secondly it gives them a far better chance than any interview ever will of sizing you up, getting to find out what an amazing and knowledgeable chap you are, and realising how perfectly you will fit into the team.  So try to do that if you can - thoroughly recommended and it definitely worked for me in my final two big railway promotions (in fact thinking back I wasn't even interviewed for one of them, I was simply given the job - as was my opposite number on the Eastern).

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  • RMweb Gold

There was a reason that in my yoof it was lovingly referred to as "have a shot and risk it" :jester:



POETS - yay!


Nothing of note from yesterday - inspected the fallen tree in the light of day, and concluded it IS DOWN, so that's sorted! :O

Awaiting responses from a few folks we've requested bids from for removal and subsequent landscaping of the area, including filling in the sodding great hole created.

Additional images for your enjoyment include;








If you look at the left side of the last picture you may be able to spot the cut made by the city crew to remove the 5ft. of tree encroaching on the street, which they then loving placed back on the lawn for our disposal :jester:


Hoping to POE today with the prospect of no serious plans for the weekend, as a result expectations of some modeling, so THAT won't happen! :rtfm:  

Leaving Sunday evening for dungeon land.


Weather currently attempting a return to Minnesota winter, -13 and sunny high only -6 today, about the same all weekend and snow for Sunday.


Hope your weekend starts with a POE.


I expect people complain they wanted it for firewood if they had removed it. I had a neighbour who at 80 was still working cutting trees. He would have been round to sort that out in no time. On a Sunday he would split logs with an axe whistling his head off as happy as larry.


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Bit of an unexpected development in my late Irishman's Estate. He had been at pains to leave his property in Ireland to a friend of his and put that in his Will. Anyhow, I've just received the results of the Irish Land Registry search. Turns out there's no record of the fella ever owning it!!

Some other fella owns it, and has done since 1966! I went through the thing several times to make sure I wasn't imagining things and that I hadn't been searching against the wrong property. But no, it's there in the official search. No trace of him at all.

My colleague thinks my late client might have been having a bit of a laugh at our expense by sending us on a wild goose chase. On the one hand, it saves me having to find an Irish property valuer, but it does rather diminish the value of the Estate.... It's quite bizarre, because there is a Tenant in the property who was paying rent to my late client.

My mind asks the question, if your fella was receiving the rent is it not possible that he "should" be the registered land holder but the other fella (maybe the previous land holder) has been devious and never registered the land to your fella?

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My mind asks the question, if your fella was receiving the rent is it not possible that he "should" be the registered land holder but the other fella (maybe the previous land holder) has been devious and never registered the land to your fella?

I did wonder, on reading the search result, whether my late client had in fact been a long-term (if absent) Tenant of that house who had in turn sublet it to the current Tenant. I've had the bank statements which show that he was receiving rent, and there's no indication he was passing any of it to a superior Landlord.


You might have a point, though. And the question then is, which Firm of Irish Solicitors dealt with the property? Are they still in existence? My client left behind absolutely no documents mentioning his ownership of a property in Ireland.


Just to make things even more spicy, the process of registering each Irish property on a central Register is a relatively recent innovation, so it may have been that if my client really did buy the property then registration may not have been available at that time.

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  • RMweb Premium

Bit of an unexpected development in my late Irishman's Estate. He had been at pains to leave his property in Ireland to a friend of his and put that in his Will. Anyhow, I've just received the results of the Irish Land Registry search. Turns out there's no record of the fella ever owning it!!


Some other fella owns it, and has done since 1966! I went through the thing several times to make sure I wasn't imagining things and that I hadn't been searching against the wrong property. But no, it's there in the official search. No trace of him at all.


My colleague thinks my late client might have been having a bit of a laugh at our expense by sending us on a wild goose chase. On the one hand, it saves me having to find an Irish property valuer, but it does rather diminish the value of the Estate.... It's quite bizarre, because there is a Tenant in the property who was paying rent to my late client.



My mind asks the question, if your fella was receiving the rent is it not possible that he "should" be the registered land holder but the other fella (maybe the previous land holder) has been devious and never registered the land to your fella?

And again it could be that he was at one time the tenant and sub let the property.

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  • RMweb Gold

Matthew seems to like Ireland and is putting a lot of effort into being able to study there. He thinks he fits in better there rather than somewhere extremely efficient.

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