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.....Belgium was apparently in something of a state with many of the locations listed in the Good Beer Guide found to be closed and mussels unobtainable in any of the eateries visited - very odd, maybe the Belgae stop eating mussels during Lent?  (Although I can't really conceive of them foregoing moules et frites at any time of year judging by my past experience of the country.....


Did he not go to Leon de Bruxelles? They always manage to have mussels on the menu. The only thing I can think of which might make them unobtainable is that they might have been out of season.

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  • RMweb Premium

BTW, is anyone going to Basingstoke this weekend? 

My options are: 

1. attend.

2. use the time to work on the indoor plank project

3. use the time to tidy the garage ready for the spring/summer modelling season*.


* somewhere there is a layout under the clutter. The layout is large and of indifferent quality. I could potentially halve it's size and end up with something of good quality with workbench space a plenty. Also I'm cognisant of the fact that in 2 or 3 years time we may move. So, a portable layout might make sense. I can see the current layout being completed just as the removal van turns up!

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  • RMweb Gold

BTW, is anyone going to Basingstoke this weekend? 

My options are: 

1. attend.

2. use the time to work on the indoor plank project

3. use the time to tidy the garage ready for the spring/summer modelling season*.


* somewhere there is a layout under the clutter. The layout is large and of indifferent quality. I could potentially halve it's size and end up with something of good quality with workbench space a plenty. Also I'm cognisant of the fact that in 2 or 3 years time we may move. So, a portable layout might make sense. I can see the current layout being completed just as the removal van turns up!

Banbury had an invited go but when I noticed we weren't listed on their website contacted fthem and they missed us so took up the offer to go to Nailsea which I had turned down due to Basingstoke but they still had space for us so we are heading much further West.


Back from the doctors with 24 hour blood pressure monitor. As expected it's not very comfortable so my poor night sleep is now going to be joined by an even worse night to come. Maybe a few beers will help tonight.

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.... it appears that house like the one I bought for £13,000.00 now cost between £165,000.00 and £190,000.00. Shocking, not sure how we got here as the ratio between property and wages seemed to be stable between my parents generation and mine yet has spiralled upwards since.


I had a fiddle with the Bank of England inflation calculator. The £13,000 you paid for your house (assuming 1988 levels) would be equivalent to about £31990 today. Sobering thought.


In some ways the unaffordability of property (particularly in London and the South-East) is a bit like Singapore was in the early 1980s. It was only a matter of time before we all started catching up here. Lots of factors, almost all interdependent, but now we add to the mix the much greater migration of wealthy - or at least, cash-rich - foreign investors, whether individuals or individuals hiding behind offshore companies, who need a bolthole for their money and who are in a much better financial position than the average UK resident. It is also natural that developers follow the money and cater more for them, rather than make losses building antisocial housing.

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Greetings all, there are blue skies with a few grey clouds. We hear that later there are demos planned outside our building, here at London Bridge. Not sure if they are to do with Southern, News International, or something else altogether. No doubt it will mean I can't get the train I plan to catch because of extra security.


Mrs Lurker is getting stuck in to education life. She was asked to draw up a timetable for the individual interventions she has to do, with no mention of the timing of the lessons in which she had to intervene. She did it on a spreadsheet so that it could be amended or circulated easily, the very minimum that would have been expected in her previous working life. The class teacher just laughed. And laughed. And kept laughing. From the comments it was clearly much too well presented and efficient.  Eventually Mrs Lurker said to him that in all the time she been working, she had never been laughed at and that future proposals would be appropriately dumbed down. That stopped the laughter.

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  • RMweb Premium

Sadly not available outside the UK :rolleyes:  Can someone point me to a section of that program, in particular the Dutch part, on YT or elsewhere I can see it? TIA!


@AndyB: you missed an option:

4. begin to dismantle current layout to start on a modular one that allows easy moving in the future.








Indeed. Option 4 is bubbling up in my thoughts. The problem with a large layout - the current garage layout is about 15' x 2' is that a) its too low down to be easily visible as it balances on top of kitchen units. b) its so long you don't really get a good immersive view of it, unlike say a 6' long layout. 

Lesson learnt and probably no point in persevering with a layout that doesn't quite work. Life is too short. 

The small plank is far better quality and more satisfying as a project. 


Now, if that doesn't get her to surface I don't know what will!  :jester:

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Morning all.


Nothing to report from yesterday save a Tornado Watch for about 7 hours afternoon/evening. Major front crossing the area, but nothing damaging in the end.


Today I get to go to a "Winter Showcase" event as a company representative. All the afternoon taken up, why not, then again why?? :O  :jester:


Windy overnight with continued wind advisories, all effective until midnight tonight, but it has calmed down some for now.


1 and sunny "out there" expecting 9 for a high.


Hope the day sees you well.

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  • RMweb Premium

Sadly not available outside the UK :rolleyes:  Can someone point me to a section of that program, in particular the Dutch part, on YT or elsewhere I can see it? TIA!




I realised that this particular piece could be of interest outside the UK; though Newsnight does have its own YT channel unfortunately it doesn't feature all content and this particular piece has missed out.

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Afternoon all - not yet caught up (5 pages since yesterday afternoon?!).


Went out for a lunchtime run. Slower than the last time I did that route (5 miles), but it's a month since my last run so I'm not terribly surprised. Feeling sleepy now!

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Sheila is searching for local garden designers and found florist shop in Ulverston called,.............


Floral and Hardy!

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  • RMweb Premium

Sheila is searching for local garden designers and found florist shop in Ulverston called,.............


Floral and Hardy!


There's a dog grooming service in Blackburn called "Short Bark and Sides".

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.....how the mood in the Netherlands seems to be changing. He grew up in Amsterdam and visited his old school and talked to its architect. One comment the architect made seems to chime with what we're experiencing in the UK, that when he was a young man the hope that the future would bring better things was borne out in practice; these days it seemed that the best that the Netherlands could hope for was to maintain the status quo.....

It looks like the Dutch electorate are more willing this time round to take a walk on the Wilders side.

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Afternoon from Estuary-Land. Virgin plugged the server back in about 12:30 and everything is back to normal, indeed it seems a bit faster. Facebook seems to be behaving itself as well but we'll find out over the next couple of days. On the subject of investments my mother invested a small inheritance in property bonds about forty years ago and when she cashed them in there was a tidy profit. What reminded me of that was Horsetan's figures for inflation compared to property value increases, in my case I've beaten inflation to the tune of £40-50K. Neil, your ankle looks like the work of Frankenstein's apprentice. Many years ago I received a similar injury to my wrist, it was decided that an operation wasn't neccessary, they'd just push everything back in place and plaster it up, when they removed the plaster a couple of weeks later my wrist was still black and blue. Of course I was much younger then and have had no problems with the wrist since.

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I think my cousin, Jon Kennett used to work at Pebble Beach. He recorded an album under the name Sonny Worthing


Just been on Youtube listening to some of the tracks.

The day we were playing pool there was a youngish guy there also who I think was the studio manager or at least a studio worker.  The Stranglers referred to him as Mr Chips (my previous reply to this got several 'funny's') yes really!

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Back from the doctors with 24 hour blood pressure monitor. As expected it's not very comfortable so my poor night sleep is now going to be joined by an even worse night to come. Maybe a few beers will help tonight.

But the beers won't help your blood pressure, Ian. Choices, choices

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