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  • RMweb Gold

Would it be the same "illegal" as illegal guns, illegal drugs, illegal tazers etc? If so I guess there are quite a few around.

You got it in one.


Usually used by the same type of moron who thinks it fun to shine a green laser into the cockpit of an aircraft or helicopter at night.


Of course, the advantage that the USA has over the UK is when somebody is acting suspiciously, especially using 'electronic' equipment, it is likely to have the heavy hand of Homeland Security pushed into a very uncomfortable place and an intimate examination of your entire home, personal life, and those of your telephone and email contacts etc subjected to some extreme scrutiny.


In the Uk, they'd  either give you a seat in the House of Lords, or a million quid to shut you up and let you run off to spend it all in Syria.

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Lozza update II: he's home, still got a cough but not vomiting, being considered a bad viral infection. Note to all those who think life was better in the fifties: he would probably have died. But then, without 21st century medicine he wouldn't be alive anyway...


Many thanks for all the kind words and messages. Much appreciated, and it does help.

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  • RMweb Premium

Lozza update II: he's home, still got a cough but not vomiting, being considered a bad viral infection. Note to all those who think life was better in the fifties: he would probably have died. But then, without 21st century medicine he wouldn't be alive anyway...


Many thanks for all the kind words and messages. Much appreciated, and it does help.


​Very glad that he's home Dick and hope and pray that his recovery continues.  Yes we have an awful lot to thank modern medicine for.  


I'm off to bed now as I'm having a day out on the trains tomorrow with my mate practising to be a grumpy old man, though a certain person says that I don't need to practice.   I've got to catch the 05.31 bus down into Leeds.   Regards to all.



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  • RMweb Premium


...also known as Little Korea. Probably has the highest concentration of ex-pat North Koreans (some of whom may or may not be spies) in Europe.




Well, I certainly hope they are spies. I'd be most VX'd to find I lived downwind of N.K. dissidents!  :butcher:  :swoon:



But is an offence:


Deliberate Interference

The use of any apparatus, whether or not wireless telegraphy apparatus, for the purpose of interfering with any wireless telegraphy, is an offence under the Wireless Telegraphy Act 2006. It is an indictable offence that on conviction in Crown Court carries a maximum penalty of two years imprisonment and/or an unlimited fine. The courts can also order forfeit of any apparatus used in the commission of the offence.


:telephone: 999...Hello I'd like to repor....

:telephone: 999...Hello I'd...

:telephone: 999...Hell.... :angry:

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  • RMweb Premium

Strangely enough you can use mobile phone on the BAe Systems shuttle flights apart from take off and landing so the idea of no mobiles may well be a good ruse to avoid the long distance shouty calls?


Cricket went smoothly tonight.


Her indoors now retired from Artforms.. lets see what sort of c%ck up they make of her money!


Great news Dick!


Sleep well everyone.



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  • RMweb Premium

You got it in one.


Usually used by the same type of moron who thinks it fun to shine a green laser into the cockpit of an aircraft or helicopter at night.


Of course, the advantage that the USA has over the UK is when somebody is acting suspiciously, especially using 'electronic' equipment, it is likely to have the heavy hand of Homeland Security pushed into a very uncomfortable place and an intimate examination of your entire home, personal life, and those of your telephone and email contacts etc subjected to some extreme scrutiny.


In the Uk, they'd  either give you a seat in the House of Lords, or a million quid to shut you up and let you run off to spend it all in Syria.

I imagine that the two are not entirely unconnected.

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Re. radiation etc, I was once responsible for a project (staffing, budget etc.) that had something to do with preventing radiation for security reasons. The odd thing is I wasn't allowed to know anything about the technology my guys were using because I had not yet pledged allegiance to a certain flag.


We made TDMs (time division multiplexers) that used a proprietary method of cramming a bunch of phone calls and data down a T1 communications line. Customers would buy TDM boxes in pairs and attach one at each end of the T1 line, except for one customer from Virginia who only bought a single TDM box.

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Morning all. A bit damp outside but I won't let myself be put off by that.


Time to find out what sort of a c0ck up this train journey will be. At least I'm driving back, probably on Friday.


Have a good day everyone

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Shall we wait and see whether Olddddudders makes it out of New Malden alive?


How many "d's"?!



And, yes, he did, thank you!

Edited by Ashcombe
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Good morning one and all


There is a development on the prescription front.  According to the Prof’s secretary it is not explicit in his letter to my GP that I should be continuing with the medication that he prescribed in December.  It also refers to pain, which is odd because I am not aware of suffering any.  She will have a word with him on Thursday and get back to me.  Meanwhile there is a deafening silence from the surgery.


I enjoyed making and consuming pancakes.  The very last of the caster sugar went into the batter so each pancake was garnished with a teaspoon of runny honey and a splash of Jif lemon juice.  Today is the first of Lent and I wonder what else there is to give up.  Being very secular indeed I don't go much of a bundle on the guidance of religion as to what I should eat when and being something of a rebel - like you never knew that! - I am happy to eat fish on any day but Friday.


Today I must find an hour to watch again Dan Snow's programme about the Battle of Hastings.  It was about 10 minutes in when the phone rang last night and conditioned reflex led me to answer it.  55 minutes and one hot earlobe later the conversation ended.  Oh boy.  It was interesting though, in fairness.  Perhaps today would also be a good opportunity for a haircut but that is not a decision to be rushed.


The news about Smiffy's Laurence is most encouraging and doubtless a considerable relief.


Warm thoughts to all, especially those in distress for whatever reason



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Morning All,


It is a fairly mild, but cloudy morning in this part of the world.


I have quite a lot to do today, so just popping in to say Hello.


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning awl,

Another good night sleep was had this is getting too much...


 It's get to something when the main news this morning, was Trump didn't make any extreme statements....


Exceedingly wet roads this morning by clear skies. For the first time this year I didn't need to put the outside lights on to find the car and later on was able to drop to sidelights on the way into work.

 On the way home yesterday  at the roads works where they had equipment one side and were working the other, transit sized lorry was making a real hash of trying to turn around by backing into a side road with their mobile office on tow. This morning, the site is cleared except  for one digger parked in the road with the lights set up around it. So why couldn't they have left the digger on the old site entrance and cleared the road?


Got given the information yesterday that through the company I work for, you can get  a payment card that gets discounts from "Block and Quale" and "The Works" . All the other companies I'd never heard of or never use. Still even with the charge of £15 a year my spending would soon be recovered for a 6% discount at BQ let alone the books we buy at The Works"...


Time for work

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Morning all. Best wishes to Smiffy's Laurence and fingers crossed for Laurence's friend that the tests come back clear. I also hope that chrisf gets the medication all sorted out soon. I would also like to pass on further good wishes to NHN and hope that the pain eases and the recovery is a success. His name popped up in conversation with a friend at our church model railway club meeting last night. One of the old gentlemen were praising the services of a model railway outlet on the Isle of Man, stating what a quick service and excellent price he paid and it made me remember, and wonder about the current condition of our ER friend.

Not had much time to catch up recently as life and work has been busy. Back to back after school meetings, troublesome parents and Sarah's Avon round to assist with have all filled my time. The heavy rain last night meant it was me out and about, in car, doing the deliveries before popping into the club. Whilst out there was some concerning events. Recently there has been a spate of thefts from motor vehicles in our area. Last night I saw a familiar car cruising slowly up and down every street. The car belongs to the boyfriend of a girl I know. Through her, I know the chap has problems with drugs, and has in the past turned to thieving to pay for his addiction. Since the car has a personalised plate it is fairly distinctive. This is the second time, whilst out on the Avon round, I have seen him cruising the streets in a similar way. The trouble is there is no proof, well not enough to report unless I hear of a vehicle theft occurred on these streets last night.


Anyway work beckons. I will check in later. Have a good day.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning everyone


The sun is trying to break through the clouds here, but there are still plenty of dark clouds around. Today I travel north up the M61 to the orifice from where I will email all the information I have recently collected. In the past I could have done it from home but my remote connection to the company's website doesn't work, I also need to sort out another IT problem with the APP which allows me to download this months work, that has also stopped working. I suspect I will be on the phone to somebody from the Indian Sub-continent for quite a while.


Back later.

Edited by BSW01
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  • RMweb Gold

For some reason ER's no longer appears in the list when I search on 'My content'.  Can anyone suggest a solution.




Warning: Unknown: 1 result set(s) not freed. Use mysql_free_result to free result sets which were requested using mysql_query() in Unknown on line 0


There is something strange going on that message came up when attempting to reply 


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