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  • RMweb Gold

Of course you have no right to stop anyone using their phone. It is however very rude of people, if I sat down on one of those table seats in a train and was talking loudly to the bloke three seats behind people would be offended but that is how they behave on the phone. I have been sat at such a seat peacefully putting together a slaters kit (all the kit needed in my briefcase) and my concentration has been ruined by someone taking the seat opposite and then making a non stop series of calls. All these people seem to be phoning deaf friends there must be an epidemic of deafness. :jester:  :jester:  :nono:  :nono:


Some people are very inconsiderate but that's life as they say. 


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  • RMweb Gold

Meanwhile, the relatives of my late Irish client have come sniffing around about his Will again. How should I politely tell them that you have to be in it to win it, and the fact that they haven't been contacted should speak volumes about what he intended?


Why be polite? I doubt they will be polite when you tell them. Just a blunt 'All those referred to in the will have been contacted.' would do.



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We were in Austria and someone was selling jewellery at the hotel one evening. It was made from various interesting minerals. Aditi quite liked it however the saleslady was telling her that the crystals would absorb radiation from her computer monitor.

Did the saleslady own a quartz watch or use a credit card reader?


Back in the 1980s when crystal power still had currency with the new ageists an electronics engineer colleague of mine liked to joke that he imprisoned crystals in little metal boxes and forced them to thrash about emitting electronic screams.

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Far better to turn the whole train into a Faraday Cage - job done.

I thought they were already imperfect Faraday cages to start with - hence the propensity of callers to yell to try to overcome the poor reception.


I live in fear of the day the FAA and IATA will break down and permit the use of mobile phones on airliners. With on-board WiFi quickly becoming pervasive, the technology is in place to spend your five hour transcontinental flight next to a sales guy making all his cold calls for the week or a teary teenager looking for solace from the boy/girlfriend she/he just left at the gate.  (Other nightmares maybe substituted.)


At least the old pay per use airphones are gone. Despite the horrendous expense, they didn't work very well.

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  • RMweb Gold

Did the saleslady own a quartz watch or use a credit card reader?


Back in the 1980s when crystal power still had currency with the new ageists an electronics engineer colleague of mine liked to joke that he imprisoned crystals in little metal boxes and forced them to thrash about emitting electronic screams.

I don't think this breaks the religion rule but I thought some readers might be interested.

We were at a 60th birthday party for one of the relatives. His friend was telling us that she liked to start the day communing with the energy within her crystals and deciding which one should be taken for a walk. I thought she was joking...

I am much better at talking to small infants it would seem.

Edited by Tony_S
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I live in fear of the day the FAA and IATA will break down and permit the use of mobile phones on airliners.


I think the overwhelming response to a recent US survey was "not on your Nellie", but if somebody hasn't already started one it might not be a bad idea to start a petition at USdotGOV. I don't fly much these days (yeah!) but when I did I used to enjoy the fact that I could get a few hours of "radio silence".


My boss managed to drop his Blackberry in the toilet, not once, but twice. I'm not sure if it was deliberate, but I must admit I considered doing it myself on several occasions.

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Why be polite? I doubt they will be polite when you tell them. Just a blunt 'All those referred to in the will have been contacted.' would do.



or even, "Y'll not be getting a fekin' thing, so p!ss off won't ye!"


(Ooops! Hope AY isn't watching.)

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  • RMweb Premium

Still here.  Not a lot to report, on the grounds that not a lot happens when you are marooned on the sofa with your leg in the air!  Excitement of the evening was a shower whilst balancing on a bath board, with my leg in what looks like a bin bag with a diaphragm. Steady....  Shaving has been abandoned, so my usually trimmed short beard is turning into a rather threadbare full set.  It'll have to go as the neck bit is really irritating. 

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My boss managed to drop his Blackberry in the toilet, not once, but twice. I'm not sure if it was deliberate, but I must admit I considered doing it myself on several occasions.

A Canadian colleague of mine dropped his Blackberry in the toilet. For some reason he was always embarrassed to talk about it. (Frankly it's the sort of thing that can happen to anyone.) In his case it wasn't deliberate.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening everyone


It's been quite a good day today, physiotherapist said she no longer needs to see me and I got a clean bill of health from the dentist too. I go back to see him in 6 months and see the dental hygienist in 3 months.


The weather has thrown all sorts at us today, rain, snow, which made the walk to the hospital very slippy this morning. On my way back it then turned to hail, then back to rain. Later in the afternoon the sun managed to shine, but only for a few minutes and when I went to the dentist it was raining yet again.


Plenty of twiddling in the cellar with the wiring, planning vale routes etc. Now that it is completed I need to make a couple of modifications to the control panel. When powering up for the first time, all the servos twitch, but I've discovered that if I isolate the power to the drive circuit and plug that in after everything else is switched on, the twitching reduced significantly. So whilst I'm and an switch for that circuit, I'll also add one to the servo control circuit too. When I built the panel I kept the point and signal wiring separate, but after putting things into place, it makes more sense to mix things up a little, so that's another modification that I need to do. It will all be quite easy though as all the wires are numbered and documented, it will literally be a case of swapping them about a bit.


Dick. Glad to read the news about Laurence's CT scan, let's hope he can get home soon.

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Still here.  Not a lot to report, on the grounds that not a lot happens when you are marooned on the sofa with your leg in the air!  Excitement of the evening was a shower whilst balancing on a bath board, with my leg in what looks like a bin bag with a diaphragm. Steady....  Shaving has been abandoned, so my usually trimmed short beard is turning into a rather threadbare full set.  It'll have to go as the neck bit is really irritating. 


Good grief Neil. If you had been rocketing across the salt flats at 200 mph it might have been entirely unexpected, but this is "cruel and unusual punishment." Get well soon.


We got another four inches of snow last night so I suppose I'll have to go skiing again this week. Mind you, after reading Neil's report I might have to reconsider that.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good grief Neil. If you had been rocketing across the salt flats at 200 mph it might have been entirely unexpected, but this is "cruel and unusual punishment." Get well soon.


We got another four inches of snow last night so I suppose I'll have to go skiing again this week. Mind you, after reading Neil's report I might have to reconsider that.


Unsurprisingly my friend who does that is offering little sympathy!  As I have been a motorcyclist for 41 years and not hurt myself significantly but did this walking along a path, it supports my theory that biking is good for you and all this healthy stuff is not!

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  • RMweb Premium

One of my old work colleagues dropped her phone in the lift as the doors opened, and it fell down the gap.  When we got the lift engineer to go into the pit at the bottom of the shaft to recover it, there were two other phones in there too!  All knackered to varying degrees, presumably directly proportional to the floor number they were dropped from.  Just how they are sucked down such a small gap by the lift fairies surprises me.

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One of my old work colleagues dropped her phone in the lift as the doors opened, and it fell down the gap. 

Makes you wonder how many materialize beneath platform edges. (In this case I'm particularly thinking of the Underground and of course the gap one is expected to mind.)

Edited by Ozexpatriate
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For some reason ER's no longer appears in the list when I search on 'My content'.  Can anyone suggest a solution.




Early Risers and Football Focus have been listed as IGNORED in Wheeltappers for quite a while Jamie. It means you don't get updates in My content anymore, possibly because there is so much traffic on here.

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  • RMweb Gold

It was a guy in the US

From the USA's Federal Communications Commission:


Jamming Prohibition 


The use of "cell jammers" or similar devices designed to intentionally block, jam, or interfere with authorized radio communications (signal blockers, GPS jammers, or text stoppers, etc.) is a violation of federal law. Also, it is unlawful to advertise, sell, distribute, or otherwise market these devices to consumers in the United States. These devices pose serious risks to critical public safety communications, and can prevent you and others from making 9-1-1 and other emergency calls. Jammers can also interfere with law enforcement communications. Operation of a jammer in the United States may subject you to substantial monetary penalties, seizure of the unlawful equipment, and criminal sanctions including imprisonment. 




I've seen jammers used in the past, but legally to disrupt the radio spectrum where remotely detonated IEDs were suspected.


There was probably more EW kit carried to kill all communications than there was equipment to physically deal with the device!

Edited by Happy Hippo
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The car was surprisingly frosty this morning so an unexpected defrost was required. A lot achieved at the client site today but the changes they want are impossible to implement. I can feel a days work on Saturday to avoid the issue.


Dick - I hope that Laurence is home soon.


An early start in the morning, for a train journey. A very rare occasion for me. The last one that took me further than a London terminus is well over 25 years ago. I'm travelling to the midlands and hope that there aren't any idiots on the phone as I'm going to use the time to catch up on some sleep.


Back later

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  • RMweb Gold

Evening all.


Doesn't life have a habit of kicking you when you are down. In this case my son rather than me but I am feeling for him. Last year his marriage ended, not by his choice. He was gutted and moved back with us. In November he rented a place of his own and gradually, with a lot of help from family and friends had started to get back on his feet and get his life back on track. Today he was supposed to be working a night shift but got a phone call from work telling him not to go and that there would be meeting for the whole workforce at a local hotel in the morning. When the day shift left security guards were seen chaining and padlocking the factory gates.


Whilst not on a par with those who have medical worries it doesn't sound good. We all fear the worst although we really do hope we are wrong.


I probably shouldn't say this but the factory produces snack foods and used to have strong connections with Leicester City. In fact one of their former players who also represented England and is a current football presenter, sometimes in his underwear, advertises their products.

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From the USA's Federal Communications Commission:


Jamming Prohibition [/size]The use of "cell jammers" or similar devices designed to intentionally block, jam, or interfere with authorized radio communications (signal blockers, GPS jammers, or text stoppers, etc.) is a violation of federal law. Also, it is unlawful to advertise, sell, distribute, or otherwise market these devices to consumers in the United States. These devices pose serious risks to critical public safety communications, and can prevent you and others from making 9-1-1 and other emergency calls. Jammers can also interfere with law enforcement communications. [/size]Operation of a jammer in the United States may subject you to substantial monetary penalties, seizure of the unlawful equipment, and criminal sanctions including imprisonment. 



I've seen jammers used in the past, but legally to disrupt the radio spectrum where remotely detonated IEDs were suspected.


There was probably more EW kit carried to kill all communications than there was equipment to physically deal with the device!

Would it be the same "illegal" as illegal guns, illegal drugs, illegal tazers etc? If so I guess there are quite a few around.

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