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The current term is Waste management and disposal technician.





Reminds me of the old joke.


The boss of the Council Sewers dept had a word with one of the workers about his time sheet. In the space for his job he always wrote "Sh1t Shoveller". The boss told him this upset the ladies in the Wages Dept. The man asked what he should write and was told "Excreta Excavator" . his reply?


"If I could spell that it I wouldn't be down the sewers shovelling sh1t"!  :) :) :)



Edited by Danemouth
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  • RMweb Gold

Re Muffin the Mule, at the Scotland-Wales rugby at Murrayfield on Saturday, quite a lot of the female Welsh supporters were wearing sheep head hats. After we'd been chatting to a male and female couple I thought I'd ask if she's often asked to wear it in bed at nights. She may have looked a little shocked when I said they should maybe try it sometime. Ahem.


One time I was travelling first class from Kings Cross to Edinburgh and was at one of those two-seat tables. A well-dressed business man got on, took out his phone and talked loudly for 30 minutes. After that I thought I'd go to the restaurant car (there was one back then) for a late lunch, sat down, ordered, and within a minute phone bloke turned up and sat at the table opposite - still on his bl00dy phone. He stopped after a further 20 mins.


Fabuous day here, very chilly but with bright sunshine and a blue sky. Just back from an hour-long walk on Arthur's Seat which was wonderful. First meteorological day of spring tomorrow, and some daffs are out.




It's a wonder to didn't get a slap for that.


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OT, but anyone remember the Nokia 8210?

Don't laugh too hard but I'm still using a Nokia 6610i - a tough little phone and I really don't want a smartphone just yet. Everyone else in our family has one. I know it's powered by coal bla-bla, but it's a great phone. And Nokia are reintroducing the 3310, too, battery time 31 days.


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  • RMweb Premium

A'noon.  I see Mr Lurker was prompting me for an update, thanks.  I have been lurking a lot but as I'm up to the eyeballs with pain meds I'm not very responsive!


Things seem to have settled to a status quo in that pain levels are controlled, but not moving one way or another.  The swelling has obviously gone down as the foot is now a little more slack in the back-slab/bandage pot.  I am supposed to see the surgeon on Friday but have not yet had a confirmation letter.  As the discharge notes stated this was to be February 30th, I suspect things may well need a few calls to sort out.  On it this afternoon.


Getting pretty fed up with the self-injection every day of the anti-DVT med though, it isn't particularly painful to stab myself in the belly (there's plenty padding....) but afterwards it stings like hell for ten minutes.  I now look like a chess board, with the bruises it leaves.  It could be worse, it could be Mrs NHN injecting me in the bum!  6 weeks of it to look forward to.  The jabs in the belly that is, not the bum.


I have to keep the foot elevated continually except personal needs breaks, so it isn't the most comfortable of times.  Daytime TV and the laptop provide my entertainment, such that it is.  Mrs H is going back to work tomorrow as we have now worked out a zimmer frame powered routine for me to cope on my own.  There's certainly no slap and tickle!


Again, thank you all for caring, as Dick (I think) said, sharing helps.  I have had some lovely messages of support, both on here and faceache, it all is a great help.

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  • RMweb Gold

I read of a guy that had bought a jammer in the US. He sat on the train and every time a passenger close by started speaking on their mobile he would jam it. They would then re dial and he would jam it again. This went on for quite some time. Most satisfying I think.

But is an offence:


Deliberate Interference

The use of any apparatus, whether or not wireless telegraphy apparatus, for the purpose of interfering with any wireless telegraphy, is an offence under the Wireless Telegraphy Act 2006. It is an indictable offence that on conviction in Crown Court carries a maximum penalty of two years imprisonment and/or an unlimited fine. The courts can also order forfeit of any apparatus used in the commission of the offence.

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  • RMweb Gold

Re Muffin the Mule, at the Scotland-Wales rugby at Murrayfield on Saturday, quite a lot of the female Welsh supporters were wearing sheep head hats. After we'd been chatting to a male and female couple I thought I'd ask if she's often asked to wear it in bed at nights. She may have looked a little shocked when I said they should maybe try it sometime. Ahem.



Ewe have been very Baaaaad suggesting that

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But is an offence:



Deliberate Interference

The use of any apparatus, whether or not wireless telegraphy apparatus, for the purpose of interfering with any wireless telegraphy, is an offence under the Wireless Telegraphy Act 2006. It is an indictable offence that on conviction in Crown Court carries a maximum penalty of two years imprisonment and/or an unlimited fine. The courts can also order forfeit of any apparatus used in the commission of the offence.

It was a guy in the US

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  • RMweb Gold

But is an offence:


Deliberate Interference

The use of any apparatus, whether or not wireless telegraphy apparatus, for the purpose of interfering with any wireless telegraphy, is an offence under the Wireless Telegraphy Act 2006. It is an indictable offence that on conviction in Crown Court carries a maximum penalty of two years imprisonment and/or an unlimited fine. The courts can also order forfeit of any apparatus used in the commission of the offence.


Maybe they should extend that to rude p*llocks conducting overloud conversations on their mobile communication devices?  If somebody wants to use a 'phone for a long conversation on a train all they need do is go and stand out of the way in the vestibule - or wait until they get off if there doesn't happen to be a vestibule.  Or get a fancier one and send a txt or email.  It's one thing sending a quick message to say which train your on or it's running late but long conversations are hardly necessary.


However when travelling over routes I know I have to say that I find extremely amusing when someone starts off what will clearly be a long and or complicated conversation a few minutes before we reach a tunnel - just time for them to get into the swing of it before they lose their signal, absolutely hilarious.  I used to try to be a helpful soul and warn people seated at the same of adjacent seating bay in such circumstances but a few bouts of ingratitude and/or disbelief that I actually knew we were approaching a tunnel soon converted me into a pragmatist who was content merely so sit back and laugh.  The really good value for amusement is when there are two tunnels relatively close together and the person just manages to re-establish contact before being plunged into the second one. 

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  • RMweb Gold

Maybe they should extend that to rude p*llocks conducting overloud conversations on their mobile communication devices?  If somebody wants to use a 'phone for a long conversation on a train all they need do is go and stand out of the way in the vestibule - or wait until they get off if there doesn't happen to be a vestibule.  Or get a fancier one and send a txt or email.  It's one thing sending a quick message to say which train your on or it's running late but long conversations are hardly necessary.


However when travelling over routes I know I have to say that I find extremely amusing when someone starts off what will clearly be a long and or complicated conversation a few minutes before we reach a tunnel - just time for them to get into the swing of it before they lose their signal, absolutely hilarious.  I used to try to be a helpful soul and warn people seated at the same of adjacent seating bay in such circumstances but a few bouts of ingratitude and/or disbelief that I actually knew we were approaching a tunnel soon converted me into a pragmatist who was content merely so sit back and laugh.  The really good value for amusement is when there are two tunnels relatively close together and the person just manages to re-establish contact before being plunged into the second one. 

But the adverts I have seen for trains emphasise how they enable one to carry on your business instead of spending time driving...
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  • RMweb Premium



Someone in Florida got a $48000 fine.


I thought the US regulations would also disapprove, having read the FCC documentation that accompanied IT equipment for many years.

You must have been bored to read all that gumpf...

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  • RMweb Gold

You must have been bored to read all that gumpf...

It was easier than the German ones.

In the early days of IT in schools we used to often get asked if the monitors we supplied emitted any electromagnetic radiation...

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Just found a Travel Insurance Company, includes all pre existing declared medical conditions etc., and seems too good to be true.

Premium is a fraction of the previous Insurance which excluded existing conditions (SWMBO has quite a few).

Of course, the proof of the pudding is when one has a claim.

PM me if of interest.


Had to leave the premium in a brown envelope through the window of their yellow three wheeler.

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  • RMweb Gold

Just found a Travel Insurance Company, includes all pre existing declared medical conditions etc., and seems too good to be true.

Premium is a fraction of the previous Insurance which excluded existing conditions (SWMBO has quite a few).

Of course, the proof of the pudding is when one has a claim.

PM me if of interest.


Had to leave the premium in a brown envelope through the window of their yellow three wheeler.


Ah, I had a flyer from 'the Nationwide' offering just such a policy a couple of days back, and they said it was 'free' (which appeared to be the case provided you transferred all your banking and whatevers to the Nationwide).  But on reading further, having recently lashed out a hefty sum for travel insurance I found a couple of minor glitches which proved that it really was too good to be true even as a 'free' insurance policy.

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Afternoon all.


Missing for 24 hours and I have four pages to wade through. I won't comment on bins, nor on toasters (other than I press both the "frozen" and "bagel" buttons to achieve suitably burnt toast).


However the Crittal's Corner roundabout must be one of the worst in the country. The signage is useless, the lane markings vague. I treat with extreme caution.


I'm blitzing the Charles Roberts project; three sets renamed so far today, just one more set to do.


Take care all, Bill

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It was easier than the German ones.

In the early days of IT in schools we used to often get asked if the monitors we supplied emitted any electromagnetic radiation...

Probably not harmful, but enough for determined individuals to capture information on the screen.

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  • RMweb Gold

Probably not harmful, but enough for determined individuals to capture information on the screen.

We were in Austria and someone was selling jewellery at the hotel one evening. It was made from various interesting minerals. Aditi quite liked it however the saleslady was telling her that the crystals would absorb radiation from her computer monitor. Aditi quite liked the idea of not being able to read the screen considering some of the stuff she had to deal with. Fortunately she just bought the necklace as it was pretty.

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Just found a Travel Insurance Company, includes all pre existing declared medical conditions etc., and seems too good to be true.

Premium is a fraction of the previous Insurance which excluded existing conditions (SWMBO has quite a few).

Of course, the proof of the pudding is when one has a claim.

PM me if of interest.


Had to leave the premium in a brown envelope through the window of their yellow three wheeler.

If it's Staysure, they are as good as that.

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We were in Austria and someone was selling jewellery at the hotel one evening. It was made from various interesting minerals. Aditi quite liked it however the saleslady was telling her that the crystals would absorb radiation from her computer monitor. Aditi quite liked the idea of not being able to read the screen considering some of the stuff she had to deal with. Fortunately she just bought the necklace as it was pretty.


Not a complete porky as just about anything will absorb some, but if it had been really effective it would have got bl00dy hot, so not such a good idea to wear it.


I always thought it was interesting that a lot of people who were worried about the radiation they were receiving from their monitors were also quite happy to plonk their kids in front of huge colour TVs for hours at a time.

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