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Early Risers.


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  • RMweb Premium

Some dangerous lowlife overtaking has nearly wiped out my daughter with a head on. It was only the wing mirror thanks to evasive action by Junior NB. Junior, thankfully is fine after a few tears with delayed shock. It happened about 2 miles from home at the end of a 5 hour journey.

Unfortunately it was dark and happened so quickly that the offending numberplate hasn't shown up on her dashcam.

Quite scary footage as she virtually had to take to the grass to avoid the ar$ebadger. Even the car being overtaken has spotted what was going on and tried to pull over for the smeghead.


I can only hope the other car has an expensive wing mirror, as there's no way it would have survived as Junior's wing mirror is now a bit of plastic hanging on the adjuster cable...... .



Thats exactly what happened to me last April in broad daylight. I wish sometimes I was still driving the vehicle I had 20 years ago, a jeep with a full set of (legal) bull bars, when I was driving that I was very rarely cut up.

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  • RMweb Gold

Blimey Neil, you made a mess of that. I couldn't have done better myself!  :jester:


Rugby has been watched and pint drunk. Pint was good, rugby not so much as my team lost, however the victors deserved their success.


Early start tomorrow as The Boss is chief caterer for tomorrow's party. I will be duty driver, fetcher, carrier and generally hindering and getting in the way. 

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Evening all. Actually had one of those moments that make you smile today.

End of day, whilst busy putting up displays in my room I overheard our boss going around asking all the other members of staff if they wanted a drink. I leave you to guess which staff member did not receive such an offer! I had to smile at such a petty display.

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A quick edition of Does The Team Think.

Took my pair of Hush Puppy waterproof shoes out of the cupboard today, not having worn them for several months. About 9 years old but plenty of tread left on the soles. Unfortunately there was hardly any sole left. The rubber sole seems to be eating itself away. About 60% of both soles has vanished. The inside of the sole has almost crystalised and fallen apart.

The shoes are in excellent order but is this a case of unfit for purpose?

Customer care at Hush Puppy said it's "hydro" and you can expect it with shoes in storage.

The words poppy and cokk spring to mind.

Any evidence of rodent damage?

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  • RMweb Gold

Any evidence of rodent damage?

Our of curiosity I Googled the sole rot epidemic. It does appear to exist and is consistently blamed on stored unworn shoes. No explanation of the physics and chemistry involved though.

So not necessarily rodents.



When I was 5 years old my hamster ate the pocket off my dressing gown.

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An afternoon of getting the Digitrax system and Rocrail on the laptop to work together. It all works.


This evening I watched the Scotland v Wales women's 6 nations match. An excellent game but I hope that the result is different tomorrow.


Back on site tomorrow so I will probably miss the rugby.


Night all

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Here we are now, 5PM and I'm relaxing :)


Reporting in on;

i) Cockwomble client report panic/POETS - subsided early afternoon, meaning I managed to finish a few hours early, but NOT before running up a few hours over the "40 limit" so the ar$ebadger who demands the reports, but is the same one who complains about the bills, will have to suck up/fork over for some extra time this week. :)


ii) Weather report - changed from this morning to...wait for it... EXACTLY the sodding same as it was then.

Not even the expected high, we're STILL at -2 and no snow. Just partly sunny now and a prefect early spring day here - IF it was mid-APRIL!!!! :jester:


iii) "Comfy chairs" - ones the Mrs ordered last weekend delivered as planned - then found to have imperfections on the upholstery on BOTH chairs, they weren't even CLOSE to "cheap" (no surprise there) so they are going back.

SWMBO, definitely NOT a happy camper, as we get to keep them until customer service handle the whole pickup/replacement issue. Apparently the van/"Orilly men" delivering them aren't equipped just take the sodding things BACK, they only do deliveries "this run".


Right, must warrant a drink or two with dinner and a relax/fester with a book/TV/playing trains as the various options.


Goodnight all you right-side-of-the-pond ERs, the weekend is here :sungum:

Edited by Ian Abel
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  • RMweb Premium

I was up at 5 this morning to go to Glasgow.

Tomorrow morning I'm up at 4 to take my daughter and her hubby to the airport.

Can I get to sleep? Can I heck.

What you need is a good book to read, perhaps a book on applied mathematics might do the trick!

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Good evening everyone


POETS day well and truly accomplished, home before 12:00 and once again I was able to enjoy lunch with Sheila.


After lunch I went down to the workshop and made a few alterations to the control panel. The good news is it is now fully functional, yeah, I think fitting the heat sink fitted to the 5v regulator certainly did the trick. So now I can start to play with the servo drive modules and I'm really looking forward to playing with them.


When I left school in 1972, I could have worked for GEC in Trafford Park (old Metropolitan Vickers) as an engineering apprentice, I was offered a post there with a starting wage of £9.00 per week. However, I accepted the British Steel job, as the staring wage they offered me was £9.60p a week!


We only had No 2 son and Amelia here for tea as the twins have been of school with a poorly tummy. We've also heard from our daughter, she's told us that this afternoon Ava was diagnosed as having ADD and is also on the autism scale, but to what degree we do not yet know. But this does go a long way towards explain the difficulties she has with her schooling. Hopefully the new school she started on Monday will now be able to taylor her tuition to suit her particular needs.


Photos of the control panel.


The panel before work started on it.



Overhead view of inside.



Switch wiring.



Switch fascia overview, with temporary lining.



Erm, not to be picky or anything, but I do hope you are going to connect those metallic panels to a yellow/green earthy wire?

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  • RMweb Premium

Nope nothing else touched and no deposits. It has happened within 2 or 3 months since I wore them last.


Have you walked across anything spilt such as petrol? Mind you every time you fill the car up you're probably been standing on petrol or oil. Or it might possibly be industrial strength cleaners of the sort used to remove chewing gum.

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  • RMweb Gold


They are just trying to 'hush you up' -  roll on the good old leather and boot polish.  Seriously though why should they disintegrate - to be environmentally sound the tops should have gone too - they have only done half the job and have also left you with a mess to clean up.



Rubber, of which there is a fair amount in the soles of shoes, is a natural product and will naturally degrade even in an unused state.


For instance, Vintage cars in showrooms and museums are frequently up on discrete axle stands. you see the same with all the static aircraft displays at the various aircraft museums around the country.


I remember a problem with the Vauxhall Chevette when it was the Army's general utlilty car of choice.  They were seizing quite quickly in storage and rubber seals were perishing.


This was not happening in the active fleet of vehicles, and as Vauxhall pointed out to the MoD, they were built to run, not get hidden away in a shed, so we had to increase the frequency of 'exercise'.


I suspect your shoes felt unloved and broke up with you.


(But to have that happen in 2-3 months is quite incredible. the last pair of shoes that I had that went like that got introduced to sulphuric acid, prior to the failure!)

Edited by Happy Hippo
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Have you walked across anything spilt such as petrol? Mind you every time you fill the car up you're probably been standing on petrol or oil. Or it might possibly be industrial strength cleaners of the sort used to remove chewing gum.


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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all. Actually had one of those moments that make you smile today.

End of day, whilst busy putting up displays in my room I overheard our boss going around asking all the other members of staff if they wanted a drink. I leave you to guess which staff member did not receive such an offer! I had to smile at such a petty display.

Andy, thats a typical bullying tactic, isolate the victim. You really must join a union and take out a grievance. Not only for your own sake but if you were to leave he would only move on to his next victim.

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  • RMweb Premium


A column from an acquaintance who has an Asperger's son.


You may have to go back a number of pages to find the relevant posts.  She has since written a trio of novels parts of which were inspired by the group of girls who made him their concern.


(Michelle works in a bookstore that I used to go to a lot.)

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