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Very difficult to tell if it was a joint account,

All the deceased's accounts were in his sole name.


...however I strongly suspect that the Met would say it was a civil matter. Maybe I'm getting cynical....

It looks like it happened within a division of Lancashire Constabulary's finest, rather than the Met, but they're even more under-resourced.

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I presume, not having quoted it (an annoyance that exists prevails on this forum!), that you refer to one of my posts? (The cap doesn't fit and I'm not wearing it!)


Check the warning in my signature!


BTW, I refrain from referring to 'one of my EARLIER posts'  as I am not a time lord, so it could not have been anything other than earlier!

No, no post in particular or I would have quoted. There were several posts over the afternoon that called for a groan thats all

Night all

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  • RMweb Premium

All the deceased's accounts were in his sole name.



It looks like it happened within a division of Lancashire Constabulary's finest, rather than the Met, but they're even more under-resourced.

You could always ask for the return of the cash and threaten prosecution for theft?

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Evening all from Estuary-Land. My niece has taken up researching the family history so I have been passing on my own research which I haven't done much with for the last few years. One branch of the family has gone back to someone born in 1516, I haven't counted the number of generations but reckoning on four or five each century that must be between 20 and 25 generations. Biggest problem is that being now of the 'senior' generation there's no one else I can ask.

Thats always the way Phil. One family branch stuck at 1780ish and a marriage I can't find. Only 1 or 2 elders left now, How I wish I had asked questions years ago.

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I will be raising that with the banks. There is a 3-letter code next to each of the cash transfers, marked "FPO". I understand this to denote "Faster Payments Order". They appear nowhere else in the statements.

My suspicion is that the partner had access to the deceased's accounts and decided to clear out the money before Solicitors got involved.

Is it theft? I am in two minds as to whether to go to the Police, but would they brush it away as a "civil matter"?

You could always try the "if the monies are not repaid, some naughty videos may get on the web." Is it THAT partner?

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We are lucky in that my father applied for a coat of arms and did all the research. He also had the advantage of growing up in a town with most of the older relatives nearby and having heard all sorts of family history. And possibly having been interested in it at a young age.

One of the cousins on my mother's side has done a bit of research on their line.


We put in a service call about a small drip from the new water heater. While dealing with that, the tech added a few more bits of pipe. Apparently the pressure release is supposed to drain just above the floor, not at chest level. 


And today was the hottest February day since records began.

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Ladies and gentlemen.  An update.


I have not been able to read or rate anything in this topic through want of time and therefore must offer generic greetings.  For the past week or so I have been burning the proverbial candle somewhat at both ends with genuine ER alarm calls at 4am or earlier and the needs of the Big Move meaning i sometimes am not in bed until 10 or 11pm.  


Paperwork is dealt with.  We are at the right place for our departure on Monday.  Sharon may not see Australia again for some years.  Matters have been complicated by my very poorly father having taken a turn the day my sister began her respite week in St. Ives.  Alone in a cottage overlooking the harbour and paid for, as recognition for all she has been doing, out of funds which have become available to father from his late sister's estate.  She arrived to receive a message that he was unable to get out of the chair.  Help was sent but decided an ambulance and hospital assessment was required.  He was admitted and found to be "critically weak" and with a blood pressure "so low it could barely be measured".  


Mother has taken this as well as we might expect and is even relieved that she can rest a little.  Being a full-time carer when you yourself are 91 isn't easy.  Dad's condition worsened for a couple of days but seems to have been stabilised. He is not being allowed home for now as some changes need to be made including providing a bed in the (former) dining room so hat he can access all facilities without using stairs and most requirements can be met without taking more than a few steps.  I am told that we do not, yet, expect this to be the end but he is so weak that his body might simply shut down without warning at any time.  I should be able to see him on Thursday of next week after we arrive and have completed the initial and non-negotiable engagements required of us.


I also received my notice of UK pension in the mail today.  That's scary.  I must choose whether to take it now or later, and what split between lump sum and income stream I desire.  It's too much for Sharon to cope with right now but my instinct is to take the maximum lump sum, the lower monthly payments and continue to seek part-time employment.  That should give me the best income against the lowest tax liability.  I cannot claim my Aussie funds until I turn 68.


While in London I shall have very limited internet and phone service but intend to offer news updates here now and again.  


In the meantime it is the family dinner in a rather good restaurant tonight in celebration of our move and our birthdays (which are 60 and 50 respectively in the coming weeks) then friends over for pizza tomorrow.  Sunday is our last day at home here and on Monday we fly north.  


See you soon.  Literally.

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Morning all. Doris has gone and we were relatively event free compared to other parts of the country. For a change I managed a good nights sleep and don't feel as tired as I have been.


Rick - I hope that there are no further adverse issues prior to you arriving in the UK. It sounds like you could do with a holiday.


For those travelling to Glasgow I hope that you enjoy the weekend.


Time for another coffee.


Have a good day everyone

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Good morning one and all


Effects of Doris noted yesterday included a tree down across the northbound A1 at Tempsford while I was heading south, a collapsed fence panel adjoining Poorly Pal's garden and the lid broken off my recycling bin and neatly placed inside.  Whether Doris or a bin man did the last of those is one of the great unknowns, admittedly not on a par with the Marie Celeste but a puzzle nonetheless.


Today I need to get a code number from the bank so that my insurance company can reimburse the train fare from Swindon to Bedford out of a Danish bank account.  I apologise for mentioning this again but I am still perplexed.  Some time today I need to do a fodder run and await inspiration to choose meals for the next few days.  The car needs unloading and moving from across Mrs E-C's gateway so all is right with this part of the world [apart from the open top recycling bin, obviously].


Warm thoughts to all, especially those in distress for whatever reason.



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Morning All,


It is quite a clear morning here, Doris (or Thomas - depending upon how you choose to call the storm) left us unscathed as far as I can tell.  The peak of the wind must have been at around midnight, but it didn't seem to be as strong as the last storm.


Hopefully today will be relatively quiet, as I have a meeting to go to this morning which shouldn't involve much more than being present.


Time for a coffee!  Have a good day everyone...

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Morning all from a quiet village where the morning traffic is building slowly.  


Rick, I hope that your move goes well and that you get to see your Dad. 


Neil, I'm glad that you're home.  I feel that you need a good occupational Therapist to arrange some sort of modelling tray as part of your recovery.


Yesterday went well.   The valuer gave us a very upbeat report on the house and some sound advice.    Things are now starting to move.  I am now in the process of buying or hiring a 20' container that we can put on a local farm as temporary storage.  This will enable us to de clutter the house and then gradually take stuff to France a trailer load at a time.   Various other tasks were completed and the new issue of Modern Railways got perused.  Morning orders have not yet been posted but no doubt various tasks will be allocated in due course.  


On the subject of pensions.   When I took my occupational pension, for a variety of reasons I wasn't allowed to take my full lump sum.   This has since worked very much in my favour as the base pension for index linking was quite a bit higher.   At the time I was rather annoyed about it but 15 years later it's paying off handsomely.


Regards to all.



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Safe journeys Rick!


Bin lids...I watched the operative use the bin motor to mangle the lid of one of ours as he couldn't be bothered to load it properly...when I did the bin man job as a student I carried a steel bin on my shoulder to empty it in the motor before returning it....it's a hard life being a refuse collection operator now.....not.


Her self has two days to go at school next week. One school yesterday provided 3 bunches of flowers, home made cakes, cards and other pressure and a few tears. After 20 years they all appreciated her teaching.


Off to more reasons shortly then the Building Society then...a load of cricket and modelling related paperwork to do.


Have a great day! Sleep well Rick!



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Morning awl,

Not too bad a nights sleep of about 5 hours...


The Sheringham line is closed till at least this afternoon they have 40 trees to deal with!!

 Norfolk roads had about 250 tree incidents to deal with.

The tree that closed the road on my way home has been half cleared. (it's a biggeee)

The tree on the industrial estate hasn't been touched.

There are 11,000 home in Norfolk still with out power,.

 The sea is still crashing on the beach to the north of me..

 A fuller inspection of my garden will be carried out when I get home.....


Here endeth the news..,


Time for work, more current shunts all the way from America...

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Rick - have a safe journey.


Last night our train was 45 minutes late into Redhill. Ours was a better journey than those trying to get further Aouth as they terminated the train so the platform was a mass of unhappy people as previous trains had been cancelled so quite a few likely to miss their flights (assuming that they hadn't also been cancelled). Took us some time to get down th platform to the exit. We missed our bus hoe, and the next one was very late so the walk did us good.


This morning our train arrived early. Now that's a first. Not so lucky for those wanting the Thameslink service as that's over 20 late.


Hoping its POETs later. Luckily no layout to load but do have stock power pack and controllers that our friends layout relies upon that require loading into the car.


Certainly a much nicer day than yesterday with clear skies at present.

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I will be raising that with the banks. There is a 3-letter code next to each of the cash transfers, marked "FPO". I understand this to denote "Faster Payments Order". They appear nowhere else in the statements.


My suspicion is that the partner had access to the deceased's accounts and decided to clear out the money before Solicitors got involved.


Is it theft? I am in two minds as to whether to go to the Police, but would they brush it away as a "civil matter"?


If the person concerned is already of 'interest' to the police they may welcome the information. Otherwise they will probably not wish to take it on.


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Morning all ! A brief report as Mrs RhBBob is shopping today and needs her sustenance!


I was a little prophetic yesterday when talking about the ECML overhead wires - this morning BBC report that a section has come down.


Otherwise Doris has cleared off and wind speeds of 12 to 15 mph are arriving from the north-west.  Temperature 3 to 7 deg C today. Burst water main in Skeggy on the A158 in, just in case you were thinking of visiting the beach today......


Basically brrrrrrrrrrrr 


Have a great day !

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Good morning everyone


It's POETS day, I'm shortly off to Winsford and Middlewich for another day of collecting data. Hopefully I'll be home mid afternoon, or maybe even earlier if things go well.


Rick. Hope all goes well with the move and your Dad.


Back later.


P.S. The suns out!

Edited by BSW01
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