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The next round in the Estate of my late Irish client comes from Ealing Council, which has sent me a sheaf of paperwork. You know how bureaucracy sometimes struggles to cope with things like personal situations, or computer glitches? Things like "you must settle the outstanding balance of £0.00 within the next 14 days".  :scratchhead:


Well, I've finally seen it with my own eyes. One of the documents I received this morning is a Council computer-generated letter which reads, and I quote:


"Dear Mr...... [yes, this was addressed to my late client rather than the Executors, so that's a good start]


Reason for Calculation: Customer Passed Away


Your claim for Council Tax Reduction has been cancelled for the reason shown. However you may qualify for some reduction based on your new circumstances. If you would like to make a claim for Council Tax Support, please contact this office on the above telephone number..... Please note: submit your online application form immediately, even if you do not have all the information needed...."



At this point, I'm thinking that it's going to be interesting reporting all this to a recently-filled grave in a cemetery in Drogheda, but never mind the surreality. Do I take a laptop out there so we can do the online form?

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Apologies about my rant last night (it was my turn) regarding UK Pensions and the enigmatic bureaucracy put in ex-pats way.

I had just read reports about Ronald Fiddler.

Another British person who received (no questions asked) 1M Sterling from the UK Government for having been held by the US in Guantanamo Bay for 5 years. Who then travelled back to Iraq or Syria and killed 20 people in Mosul for IS.

Reports are buried on the BBC site but on the World Service an official was beautifully skewered by an interviewer.


This is not Politics it is idiocy.


Anyway back to normal service....


Best, Pete.

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When my dad passed away a few years back, I phoned the council and was put through to the 'bereavement department'.  I had expected to have to notify a number of different departments with which dad had dealings, but this department said that, to make things easier for us, this one phone call would suffice and they would deal with all the other various departments as necessary. They requested a copy of the death certificate but after that everything from blue badge to council tax, attendance allowance etc were dealt with without any more input from us. 

Some seem to be able to get it right.

Warren, Really that is exactly what they should do and many councils simply don’t - it may comfort you to know that local councils in the US are very similar in this regard.....


Upon renewal of my Dog Licence (really to make sure it has the necessary Rabies Vaccination) I was advised that they must be informed of the dog’s death within 7 days together with the reason for the death).


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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At this point, I'm thinking that it's going to be interesting reporting all this to a recently-filled grave in a cemetery in Drogheda, but never mind the surreality. Do I take a laptop out there so we can do the online form?

That reminds me of a report years ago when the Ministry of Transport had planned a new bypass (somewhere in England) that involved the moving of a Parish Cemetery.

A quote from the Ministry said:


“...our officials will be in full consultation with all bodies concerned.”


At the time I had hoped they meant the Religious Authorities - but who knows?


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

Sherry has not slept well since her op. She must sleep only on her back for these early weeks, and after a couple of hours in bed she is awake and fidgety. So in the small hours it is back to the recliner in the lounge, with the extra support it provides. I made tea just after 7, and Sherry came back to bed. A couple of teas later, we dozed off, being rudely awoken by the door bell! Gah! Dressing gown on and I opened the door to find the vicar! So he came in and we chatted over coffee. He is smashing, I must say, and I've promised him a pint some time. You don't have to be a believer to find clerics good company.


It is a pity that Ivan is acting in his professional capacity, because otherwise this would make a great tale for the local rag, with the theme 'this is the quality of organisation your taxes are funding!'

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Morning. Still in dock but might get home today. From A bloke with a funny accent or is it that others are funny not ours? Lol.


To me, the way I speak is immaculate RP, but I must admit that there could be admixtures of Leith and Sheffield present. These don't really explain why various individuals have taken me to be a Londoner, or Liverpudlian, or a Teuchter, or an Irishman, or a Canadian, or a Pole... to mention a few I can remember. All I can say is that many of my interlocutors must find me unwittingly hilarious...

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Sherry has not slept well since her op.

I wonder if this is not induced by the drugs used for the op.

I have slept on my back since my lung op in July and have dreamt every night since. Not sleeping well since the op either.

Pat has not slept well since her op although she says some of it is due to the pain.

Fortunately we have 2 electric single beds in the spare room and we have both used one of these after surgery. It makes sitting up in bed much more comfortable and easy to achieve etc and the mattresses are really comfy.

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We arrive at HUMP day, excellent.


Yesterday the training went well, although only 15 showed (over the course of three sessions, a total of about 100+ are "supposed" to attend!!), so today and tomorrow could prove to be overcrowded, but in reality that's unlikely. All in attendance were at least conscious and did ask some relevant and informative (for them) questions and seemed to go away armed with the tools they need to do their jobs.


For the accountants here - and I've already asked the three auditors (the "police/secret service" of accountants??) temporarily sharing the dungeon with me this also - WHO in the HELL changes their Balance sheet at least once a month?

I don't mean adding a couple of accounts that need to be rolled in or fixing descriptions/text , I mean WHOLSALE changes to format, line items, MOVING ASSETS TO LIABILITES?!?!?!

Apparently, they have never seen so much movement either, but, that's what I was doing AGAIN yesterday afternoon. Give me strength...


Another training session this morning, then after lunch a meeting with the Procurement Director, to assess her requirements for their departmental dashboard/reports.


5 and cloudy driving in, 13 for the high later.


Over the HUMP we go...

Edited by Ian Abel
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  • RMweb Gold

Discharge delayed due to sudden bp increase hope to be out later. DAmn.


Perhaps you got too excited about getting out. :nono:  I assume you have the latest DVD from the 16mmNGM that sounds just the thing put your feet up and watch a DVD of garden railways while the storm blows in. You  are going to have to take it easy for quite a while I think.


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  • RMweb Gold

Evening all,


Car done and collected - Stationmaster sort of 'done' too but I got a  5% reduction on the labour element and a 'Free Winter Safety Check' all of which made me feel far better plasticking over a figure somewhat north of 600 smackers.  Mind you averaged back over the life of the car (almost 8 years) and considering its the first replacement of various consumables during that period it actually doesn't sound quite so bad and the labour element on a per hour basis is well below what certain other establishments charge  So apart from the instant 'ouch' effect it's not actually a poor bargain.


New step ladder - which was in one piece according to the invoice and website - has duly had the other two supplied pieces added making suitable use of 24 of the included stock of nuts, bolts and washers in order to do so.  The other 5 washers which came with the ladder seemingly serve no obvious purpose at all so have been added to stock.

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Ian, we didn't work in the UK for very long either but between us it comes to more than $1000 a month.

Fill in the form with plain speaking explanations for the difficult sections. I found the UK much easier to deal with than the US soc sec, and you might get to talk to a nice man with a funny accent.


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Re when best to collect a pension, I'm not actually an actuary (say that ten times quickly) but I did run a spreadsheet and I came to the conclusion that I wouldn't be doing myself a favor by delaying the start date.

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  • RMweb Gold

I really want to retire but my pension was trashed when a company that I had worked at for over 12 years, borrowed from the pension fund then went bust. This was before the laws changed to better protect against such situations. Plus I have quite a few years to go before normal retirement age but got to consider my health aswell as these chest pains only occur when thinking of work or at work.


Anyway just two more days of work this week then we have a show although it appears that we are one operator short at the moment so that will make the weekend a little harder if the layout owner can't find an extra victim to help out. Might have to get my other half do By a little bit of operating but she isn't keen on changing turnouts etc. One slip up and you can have a 12 car EMU crashing into another. Done that myself a few times.

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening All


At last I've caught up, and went AWOL yesterday as the day just got in the way, and as it was 30747's 60th, I thought it was better to turn my attentions in that direction for a while.


So all posts finally read and rated.  Neil - I had the same problem when awaiting discharge after my second (of three) hip op when my heart rate would not come down - after a load of obs, and tests, Dr ordered an ECG - all clear, and it turned out that he hadn't read my drug chart, and hence missed that I was on Tramadol, one side effect for me being increased heartrate.  So I wonder if yours is a similar situation?


Otherwise it has to be generic greetings to all. 


Round here is has been quite frustrating trying to get anywhere, as the powers that be decided to close the back road to town, and at the same time to bang in some temporary lights on the main road.  So a quick trip to do the after work collection resulted in a 40 minute trip (5 miles).  Today, we were planning to go a different way, to find that the other back road had been closed, and there were still temporary lights on the main road, and the tailback was even longer.


30747 has gone out for a birthday meal with her colleagues - so I will make up for it with a feast of bockwurst and a mug of cup-a-soup.


Tomorrow the new roof should get its first real test as Doris comes a-calling.  The old one being copper, tended to bang when a strong Westerly gust hit it and got under a chink in the base, but the new one is felt, so should be a whole lot quieter.


Back tomorrow.

Regards to All


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I really want to retire but my pension was trashed when a company that I had worked at for over 12 years, borrowed from the pension fund then went bust. This was before the laws changed to better protect against such situations. Plus I have quite a few years to go before normal retirement age but got to consider my health aswell as these chest pains only occur when thinking of work or at work.



It was dawning on me that I was no longer able to cope with the level of stress that I was able to deal with in my thirties and forties, so chucked it when I was 57. Had to burn through some cash before I could collect a pension, but it was the right decision. If I'd hung on much longer I was either going to croak in harness or go completely bonkers.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good afternoon and a second bite of the cherry today. Two stories I thought worth sharing, firstly the humanity demonstrated by a Lincolnshire PCSO which lifts the spirits, unfortunately countered by the inhumanity of means testing citizens who wish to bring their foreign born wife or husband to live with them here in the UK. The very structure of this condition means that it impacts those at the bottom end of the economy; I find it shameful that we can be so mean minded.

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  • RMweb Gold

Carp! I have a hard enough time fitting my name into those silly little boxes as it is. Now I'm completely scrooged.

We used to do data collection form design as an exercise in IT classes. My students claimed to know someone with a Greek and Sri Lankan double-barrelled surname.

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  • RMweb Gold

Dyson filters have been in the airing cupboard all day. One is still damp.  :yes:  And Jamie, I have not been watering them overnight and would also like to state that I am not responsible for the Great Eccles Cake shortage.  :no2:  Mind you if there were any in this house there would soon be a shortage of them, diet or no diet. :jester:

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  • RMweb Gold

It was dawning on me that I was no longer able to cope with the level of stress that I was able to deal with in my thirties and forties, so chucked it when I was 57. Had to burn through some cash before I could collect a pension, but it was the right decision. If I'd hung on much longer I was either going to croak in harness or go completely bonkers.

Thats what concerns me really but despite that we can pay the mortgage off the savings won't last till retirement age so I need to find something easier to do even if it pays way less. However many less well paid jobs are also stressful these days.

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