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  • RMweb Gold

Peter, I was at Wembley for the Eddie Reynolds final which I think was a bit earlier in 1962 or 3. I was a lone Sutton supporter with several schoolmates who were all Wimbledon fans.My son has been a Dons fan for years and is now very happy that they look like returning to Plough Lane.

Although I haven't visited St. Helier this year it's still there at the moment although there are still talking about closing it (and others) How the hell can that be justified in view of the waiting times and bed shortages being quoted nationally.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Ordered the new shoes on Sunday and they arrived this morning, even better they are a perfect fit. On the subject of social care even Germany which has amongst the best health and social care system in Europe has found it coming under strain but estimates are the crunch won't come for another 15 years or so and they have time for action. The problem has been that politicians of all colours do not think further ahead than the next election, 5 years when they should be thinking in terms of 50 years when those in school and younger will be drawing their pensions.

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politicians of all colours do not think further ahead than the next election

Twas ever thus.


#45 has weird handshakes - such as the one which was literally at arm's length (I forget who, sorry), but it was really telling. Once his supporters begin to turn away his time will be up, but that's the same for all politicos.


Quiet day here today, but have some free tix to a preview of Patriot's Day, the new Mark Wahlberg film about the Boston Marathon bombing, so will expect excitement squared.


Have a good day, all, and thinking of you Neil



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


I am waiting for a parcel which, according to the courier, is with the delivery van and will be delivered 'before the end of the day'. So do I go up into the loft as planned or do something else. 

In the overall scheme of things not an important issue but wasn't life so much easier before they made it more convenient for us?


In other news, whenever I put my coffee cup on the desk my keyboard loses its wireless connection to the computer and has to be moved slightly. Makes me wonder what the coffee is doing to my internals.

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I'm now told by herself that it is her wish t visit the well known (to afficiandos) local establishment which sells material and 'the gear' for quilting - people actually visit it by the coach load such is its mystic popularity although all herself needs is some velvet and as they stock numerous 'end of roll' (or whatever it's called) cloth etc she might find something, she hopes.  I just wander around looking to see if any of the various bits of equipment tools or whatever else they sell just might potentially have some sort of use for modelling, I have yet to find anything, which I suppose isn't really surprising.






We have enough 'material' to keep several shops going for the next ten years. Some more has arrived from an online shop this morning.


And quilters stuff from shops tends to be damned expensive - we look and go online or when she drags me to shows and it's usually half the price.


WAH today - peace.

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....waiting for a parcel which, according to the courier, is with the delivery van and will be delivered 'before the end of the day'. So do I go up into the loft as planned.....


Sod's Law says that if you go into the loft, the courier will turn up, ring the bell and, by the time you have hotfooted it out of the loft and down the stairs, all you will find is a "Sorry You Were Out" card on the doormat, and a van disappearing down the street.....

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We have enough 'material' to keep several shops going for the next ten years. Some more has arrived from an online shop this morning.


And quilters stuff from shops tends to be damned expensive - we look and go online or when she drags me to shows and it's usually half the price.


WAH today - peace.

My missus buys quilt wadding and soft toy stuffing online as it is so much cheaper

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Actually, the 4-bit nibble dates from the 70's 4044 microprocessor, an early Intel product. It was followed by the 8088, which had 8 bits and as the industry needed to standardise, this was then chosen as one byte. That in turn was followed by the 80186, sporting 16 bit arrhythmic possibilities. The next iteration was the 80286, an  improved version as the '186 had some design flaws. When the 80386 arrived, so did 32-bit computing. By the late 80's the '486 made it's appearance. My little bro bought one, earned with hard work during his holidays and aided with a sizeable tax return sum, for about 4k in hard Dutch florins :O  It had a 10" VGA monitor, ISA bus and a whopping 128kB (or thereabouts) memory. The '586 and 686 models where re-branded as Pentium processors, still 32-bit. Although Intel introduced 64-bit processing around the Millennium, it only took off when competitor AMD launched their cheaper Desktop versions in 2005-ish. For a time, Intel was catching up as AMD took a considerable chunk of market share. Nowadays, if you're after pure speed, Intel is your choice, but those with a bit more sense and a good look at the performance vs cost charts, choose AMD instead :yes:


I actually still have various data sheets for the peripheral 8088-system chips (8281 USART, 8255 PPI, etc) :O  If that didn't ring a bell to you, you're a mere young whipper-snapper! :blum:


It wouldn't surprise me if the next 5 years or so will see the coming of 96 or even 128-bit computing, especially in cryptographics. We'll see :)


I think I'm losing the will to live ...

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My word, Five of the clock and still remarkably light.

More cork underlay cut and laid without slicing a finger off.

Things are looking up.


You’ll soon catch up and overtake us - we were basking in sunshine yesterday at 5: 30pm - Civil Twilight (you know, the friendly kind) is at 6:15am, Sun up is at 6:42am.

BUT even on the longest day it is pretty much dark by 9:00pm - just as well as it is usually hot by then.....


Best, Pete.

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Woman must now be pronounced woperson, mandate persondate, lower mandible lower personible, Peter Mandelson Peter Personelson.

Where will it all end man! Oops, where will it all end person!

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......By the late 80's the '486 made its appearance....

I think it took until 1992 for me to buy my first 486 (an Apricot). It didn't stay in factory form for very long, as I changed the CPU for the quickest AMD one, branded as a "5x86-133", and stuffed as much RAM into it as I could afford.




....wouldn't surprise me if the next 5 years or so will see the coming of 96 or even 128-bit computing, especially in cryptographics. We'll see :)

The hackers will have got that eventuality covered.

Edited by Horsetan
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  • RMweb Premium

Going back in the thread, SWMBO does felting, weaving, painting, stained glass but not Quilting. All supposing her arms / hands are working at the time and she's had a load of her pills..


Talking of SWMBO , I see a Doris is on her way,, Storm Doris that is, due on Thursday, with 80mph winds, Keep your heads down folks...


As for computers, the earliest I've worked on was built from individual transistors you could see on the many PCBs. These days I've given up the chase for the fastest  machine, they all much faster than I need. Although I still up grade my PC myself when needed, it's still got an ancient Floppy in it from many years ago but it's not been used in years.

Edited by TheQ
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Woman must now be pronounced woperson, mandate persondate, lower mandible lower personible, Peter Mandelson Peter Personelson.

Where will it all end man! Oops, where will it all end person!

I once "discussed" this sort of right on carp with a very right on socialist worker woman in a bar in Leeds. She objected to the term person as it has "son" in it, another example of patriarchal bourgeois thinking. I don't recall her coming up with a suitable alternative!

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Sitting here drinking lots of coffee and musing over yesterday's funeral. That's five this decade so far; wife Liz, Mil Dorothy, fellow first original occupant of our cul-de-sac from '84 Steve and two close friends since early 70s Livingston - Jim and, yesterday, John.

A sweetly-sad day in the company of old and young friends, tributes alternating with recordings of John's own singing and guitar (he was a fine folk musician) and a (live) duet by his wife (they lived apart, but had remained on good terms) and daughter. I won a bet with myself that we'd leave the chapel listening to John's rendition of Rab Noakes's "Together Forever".

Then to the Grapes in Trippet Lane to eat, drink, sing and get closer to people.

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Happy belated Chrisf - at least it sounds like something of a present will arrive today in the form of your car, suitably repaired.



Tuesday in dungeon-land <yawn>


Total lack of useful productive work yesterday as the staff per-offspring (wonder, does THAT work for a "person" replacement :jester: ), whilst here, was deluged with requests to complete still more audit documents, as somehow the upper-echelon cockwombles had decreed his day off, rather than taken up with productively helping me, would be spent generating more unnecessary carp - you really can't make this sh!t up.


On computers and bits, bytes and words, I'll simply offer that the first true mainframe I worked on was a Sperry Univac 1108-II which had a 36-bit word <looks around for those losing the will to live> :O


Considering the Arduino Uno and piggy-backing stepper motor driver board, that I'm using to automate/control my layout turntable, is about the size of a credit card and probably has more computing power than the 1108, and the 1108 filled an entire FLOOR of the Shell building at Waterloo, I'd say we've come a long way ;)


Boring day ahead as I have the first of THREE 1-hour daily training classes to give to users on the use of their business intelligence dashboards. If they are as successful as the last two I gave we're in for a sad drift through a wasted hour each day, that I'll never get back.


1 and sunny driving to the dungeon, forecast to be 9 for a high.



Edited by Ian Abel
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Going back in the thread, SWMBO does felting, weaving, painting, stained glass but not Quilting. All supposing her arms / hands are working at the time and she's had a load of her pills..


My missus doesnt quilt but uses the wadding for other things. Beading was the main hobby but Fibromyalgia doesn't make it so easy these days. She now only does knitting, crochet and soft toy making mainly. Subsidiary things are felting, beach combing finds crafting, and anything else that comes to mind like painting and drawing.

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I once "discussed" this sort of right on carp with a very right on socialist worker woman in a bar in Leeds. She objected to the term person as it has "son" in it, another example of patriarchal bourgeois thinking. I don't recall her coming up with a suitable alternative!


It's all a bit daft really isn't it.... one of my esteemed footplate colleagues has recently undergone gender re-assignment, his nickname has always been and shall ever be 'Doris' (nothing to do with his gender by the way, it's about something else entirely). His new (legal) name is Debs but I still call him 'Dave' occasionally which is the name he was given at birth, he doesn't care, he doesn't mind and laughs it off and just gets on with things as normal (apart from using a different khazi sometimes, naturally). Some folk seem to think their objections and the things which offend them deserve some kind of special treatment, they're perfectly entitled to their point of view of course but then so are those 'guilty of offending' for want of a better phrase. There is and always has been a tradition of taking the p*ss in this country, long may it continue. Funny old world...!

Edited by Rugd1022
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It's all a bit daft really isn't it.... one of my esteemed footplate colleagues has recently undergone gender re-assignment, his nickname has always been and shall ever be 'Doris' (nothing to do with his gender by the way, it's about something else entirely). His new (legal) name is Debs but I still call him 'Dave' occasionally which is the name he was given at birth, he doesn't care, he doesn't mind and laughs it off and just gets on with things as normal (apart from using a different khazi sometimes, naturally). Some folk seem to think their objections and the things which offend them deserve some kind of special treatment, they're perfectly entitled to their point of view of course but then so are those 'guilty of offending' for want of a better phrase. There is and always has been a tradition of taking the p*ss in this country, long may it continue. Funny old world...!

It seems that "Storm Doris" is due to hit UK on Thursday!

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Woman must now be pronounced woperson, mandate persondate, lower mandible lower personible, Peter Mandelson Peter Personelson.

Where will it all end man! Oops, where will it all end person!


Why do I so often hear women addressing each other as "Guys" these days? Guys are men, Women are Dolls!


Runyon rules, OK!!

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