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Good morning one and all


I decided to shred some surplus paper yesterday.  Unfortunately I reckoned without my shredder, which has always been prone to clogging but really surpassed itself this time.  The process of fishing out the tiny bits of paper which, when accumulated, cause the device to cease operation must have taken well over an hour.  It cannot be good for the blades to be prodded with a serrated knife and not too good for the knife either.  Running the shredder in reverse only works to a limited extent.  How frustrating.


The afternoon was brightened by a phone call from the body shop.  The plastic door trim has arrived from Germany and once it has been fitted I can have my Polo back.  The current plan is for it to be delivered on Tuesday.  I welcome this kindness, which beats having to drive to Swindon and back, or spending up to five hours on the bus, or paying through the nose for a train journey.


Today I will be at the Biggleswade show, a mere hour’s journey from Bedford by bus.  It would take only 20 minutes or so by car but I have a bus pass and I’m going to use it.  I shall treat myself to a ‘Spoons breakfast.  Sister Diabetes would not approve but she is not invited!


Warm thoughts to all, particularly those in need of them



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When I joined the police in 1973 it was in Standing orders that if we were out on foot patrol and a cortege approached that we had to come to attention and salute the coffin as it passed.  O di it a few times.  However it seems to have died out as a practice now.  


Presumably, the practice was similarly given full respective honours!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

I don't think it has rained. Robbie didn't seem damp after his morning exercise in the garden.

We are off to Enfield this morning/lunchtime. At Aditi's sister's house rather than MiL's today. Aditi's brother and his family will be there as may other assorted nephews. We must not be late as Aditi has cooked the lunch for the "peskytarians" who won't eat the lamb main course.


Edited by Tony_S
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Morning all !


A mild night outside although constant thirst inside due to little blue tablet!  Just taken two Anadin Extra to ease the thumping headache and stepped on the scales to see how the weight loss is going, Happily diabetes review is some months away so the fluctuation of a couple of pounds in weight is not critical.  Next really mild day we get, we shall have to open all the windows and drive the germs etc., on their way ! Sounds like a mad habit I know but......


Today I am chauffeur to Miss RhBBob as she goes to the hairdressers in the centre of the congested town of Boston; later we two visit the recently arrived Iceland Food Warehouse, next door to Home Bargains where the food for Daughter's large Ginger Cat will be purchased.  Must get some practice on the Boston golf range before annual trip to North Shore, Skeggy with the younger Mr RhBBob and his various relatives, F-in-L, two B-in-L and one of F-in-L's Brothers; they breed well in Mansfield !  Must take thick coat this year since last year I gave up halfway through the first round thoroughly frozen! However on the Sunday I was able to complete the full 18 holes.  Bracing ?  Yes, Skeggy lives up to its nickname all year round thanks to the onshore wind, all the way from Siberia!


Sorry better get on as this is turning into a blog........


Enjoy your weekend, everyone !

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Crap Circles:




EDIT: Apparently that is the miscreant in the hedgerow. The Farmer had plenty of time to call the Police as you can tell...


And then to bed, G’night!


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Dry start here and a fine day with some sunshine is forecast.

I had a minor success with my Sentinel yesterday and managed to refit the handrails. They seem to have stayed on overnight!

Watched a good game of rugby last night and was surprised by the result. More games today and tomorrow.


I had  an small altercation with a delivery driver yesterday. He left about 2/300 local newspapers on my doorstep. These should have been delivered next door for their daughter to deal with. When I went outside to mention his error I found him sweeping all the rubbish from his van onto the road outside my house. Having shouted something like "Oi, don't do that, pick it up and move your papers from my doorstep, they should be next door" he started to comply and then threw the errant papers into next door's porch. As he walked back to his van he muttered something like "You should mind how you speak to me, I'm wearing military uniform." (he had camouflage trousers on but I could still see him) I told him I didn't give a #### what he was wearing and if he wanted to start something he'd picked the wrong bloke. He then jumped into his van and drove off at a rate of knots. My neighbour has notified his employers (and photographed the rubbish he left behind) and he will be spoken to. (Perhaps) <Rant over>


Daily orders have just been posted. My assistance is required with  (yet another) visit to JS followed by things domestic.


Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning Awl,

5 hours sleep in bed followed by another couple on the sofa so not too bad.


A Letter waiting for me when I got home, diabetic eye test on March the 9th, I'll have to take the day off. I'm also glad I've got till June to get my weight back down before I get my ears bent by the diabetic nurse....


A quick look out of the windows has shown it to be damp and misty.


Going too the MRC last night, I drove past the road closed signs, yet again they've completed the work, but left the signs.

This time it was for the water connections for a new build house.

Last time was a hundred yards further down the road, for a water leak, the signs were left for three days after the repairs which were just on one edge of the road.


Also going to the MRC there were a couple of muntjac deer on the road, they turned and ran into a field which was a nice change instead of running across in front of the car.


Todays intended work, shelving, and wall paneling in the shed extension. If the grass dries out, a bit a quick mow round the main strip of grass before it gets too deep.




time for breakfast...

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My upbeat post this morning was rudely knackered this afternoon.


A simple walk along a muddy stony path, and I slipped and fell, twisting my left foot - which promptly exploded.  Or it felt that way.  An afternoon at the pleasure of A&E ensued, with a Lisfranc fracture of several metatarsals diagnosed.  Then the medics went to war on management of the injury, resulting in a split decision.  At one point I was being prepared for surgery, next thing is a pot on the foot/leg and discharged after having intravenous morphine....  I have to wait until Monday for a CT scan (remember that weekend stuff about the NHS.....) and then a decision about surgery.  Pump.


In the meantime, lots of painkillers, leg in plaster and a lot of pain.  Still, despite funny pills.   Nasty injury.  How you can do so much damage by a simple slip and fall is beyond me.


Quite ruined my day.


edit for speelink - not easy when you are as high as a kite.


Jeez, Neil, I suffered something similar whilst walking down a “mountain” in the Brecons - however I was carrying someone over my shoulder and was both very fit and young. That is a particularly nasty result of something seemingly trivial at the time...

Trust you will get the pain meds sorted soon. Feel better.


Back to bed.



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Yesterday I was on my hands and knees scrubbing the roof of the motorhome (neglected for the last year) this seemed to do my sciatica good but a night's rest and there is a slight pain this morning I assume it is do do with how the body weight is supported. The walk with the dogs usually seems to clear it. I know others have much worse problems but I am looking forward to be able to relax in a chair sometime soon.


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from a bright and sunny village.   A good evening at the club last night with much work accomplished.   Breakfast is being consumed and some orders have been posted.   I may not post for the rest of the weekend.  No 1 son and newest girlfriend have got themselves a new home and we have been invited to Lincoln for the weekend.  We will meet Katie's 5 year old son and 2 Jack Russells.   I'm not sure if I will be allowed to take my laptop.  However it should be a good couple of days.   Regards to all.



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Overcast morning here in sunny Teignmouth.


Diabetes checking seems a rather random process. My mother, has been under the gp for diabetes for 4 or 5 years. Early last year they told her she was not diabetic. Simultaneously she was attending foot clinic for her ankles, where the dr told her that she had diabetes.

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  • RMweb Gold

Just a quick pop-in to commiserate with NHN. These little slips can turn so nasty, and we all know your skeleton has already had more than its share of serious knocks. I hope the pain subsides soon, at least.


Other stuff only skimread. But Sherry amused to learn GDB was having luck with his Sentinel!

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Morning all. Firstly lots of supporting wished to NHN. It sounds like a painful injury and I really hope the recovery is trouble free. Roundhouse I hope the chest pains have eased. Have you had them checked out?

Donw et al let's make sure we don't fall out over any topics, political or otherwise. We do try and avoid political comments on here, but as Don correctly stated, he was not the first or only person to have made comments regarding Blair and Brexit so a little unfair that his comments were highlighted for response. I have not seen Blair's comments, in fact I have not seen a news bulletin all week. Sometimes blissful ignorance is best!

Grandadbob it sounds like you encountered a very unpleasant gentleman. I hope his employers deal with him in the correct way.


So I am just typing these thoughts as I contemplate getting ready to head out for a visit to the Sileby show. It is usually enjoyable if quite cramped inside at times. I have an offer from Peter BB of these pages to help operate his Swad Lane layout if I wish. That depends on time as I really need to get stuck into the school planning this afternoon. I got very little done yesterday after a longer than expected stay at the beer festival. I was there at 1.45, met my friend just after 2pm and we walked out the door around 7pm just as the long queues were starting to form. We had a very enjoyable time, catching up and consuming several samples of the dark ales on sale. I cannot honestly say how much was consumed, but suffice to say we were both in good spirits when we left the building. I can't remember our walk back to the bus station although I can remember the bus journey home and the telephone conversation I had when I got home. The latter has brought a show booking for my layout, Skaleby West. I am really pleased although I won't get too excited until the paper work comes through. Last year I was contacted about exhibiting at a show next month. I accepted an invitation via RMWeb, placed the show in my diary, gained the necessary permission from Sarah but then received no further communication and we are not on the layout list for the show. Therefore I have assumed this outing will not take place. Hopefully this new booking, scheduled for October, will prove more fruitful.


I am pleased to say the cold bug seems to have subsided too. Best wishes to anyone similarly affected.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Dry start here and a fine day with some sunshine is forecast.

I had a minor success with my Sentinel yesterday and managed to refit the handrails. They seem to have stayed on overnight!

Watched a good game of rugby last night and was surprised by the result. More games today and tomorrow.


I had  an small altercation with a delivery driver yesterday. He left about 2/300 local newspapers on my doorstep. These should have been delivered next door for their daughter to deal with. When I went outside to mention his error I found him sweeping all the rubbish from his van onto the road outside my house. Having shouted something like "Oi, don't do that, pick it up and move your papers from my doorstep, they should be next door" he started to comply and then threw the errant papers into next door's porch. As he walked back to his van he muttered something like "You should mind how you speak to me, I'm wearing military uniform." (he had camouflage trousers on but I could still see him) I told him I didn't give a #### what he was wearing and if he wanted to start something he'd picked the wrong bloke. He then jumped into his van and drove off at a rate of knots. My neighbour has notified his employers (and photographed the rubbish he left behind) and he will be spoken to. (Perhaps) <Rant over>


Daily orders have just been posted. My assistance is required with  (yet another) visit to JS followed by things domestic.


Have a good one,


Do you want the boys to pay a visit next week when said delivery turd driver turns up.  :triniti:  :triniti:


Ron & Ron Inc

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Stupidity is safe and well and living in Boston !


The Borough Council has issued the sticky identity labels for the garden waste bin collection but someone has run the software at least four times!

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  • RMweb Gold

Other stuff only skimread. But Sherry amused to learn GDB was having luck with his Sentinel!


I aim to please!  :yes:


Grandadbob it sounds like you encountered a very unpleasant gentleman. I hope his employers deal with him in the correct way.



If anyone pokes GDB with a sharp enough stick they will find that he too can be very unpleasant as a few people have discovered over the years.

Edited by grandadbob
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.  Sunny with a chance of toast.


I've managed to struggle through the week with worsening gout but having a rostered day off today looked forward to some rest.  Arrived home last night to find Sharon had a friend over as the pair of them had been to the movies.  The conversation was rather loud and with a very tired self struggling to stay awake and sensible.  I finally called quits at 1.30am but was unable to sleep with their continuing chatter intruding.  Friend finally left around 2.30am (and fair enough as he may well not see us again for some years) but I had passed my point of no return and was so tired I wasn't able to sleep.  I remember 4am passing with pain in my foot rising to "as bad as it gets" before I took more drugs and returned to bed.


As a consequence today, which was set aside for numerous tasks and visits, has been cancelled.  I have spent most of it in bed in pain and with the after-effects of a largely-missed night's sleep.  I even uttered words ruder than bottom at one point.


Best wishes to everyone here.  I'm sorry not to have responded or rated but there has been no sort of time to do so.  The week ahead is Sharon's last in Australia.  We have nine days, seven of which I have to attend the palace, in which to complete everything which requires both our names or her input.  We are actually on track.  In ten days time we should know our new London address.  I'll pop in here when I get a moment. 

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Andy - yes had quite a few tests. More tests next week. Doctor says it's stress related and the high blood pressure may also be related.


I also note your comment about show invites. That's happening a lot more than in the past with us. Three shows this year so far but I am not ow checking clubs websites to see if we are listed as going. If not I then get in touch with them. It's actually helped us cut down on shows whilst we enjoy them we do need to keep th number down these days.


Off to IOW at the moment as it's a rather nice day. Was a last minute decision before buying the ticket. Maybe a few beers in Portsmouth on the way back.


Tomorrow may well get me working on a stock tray that I started last week. First bit of modelling this year so need to keep the motivation up. Might even get on with renaming a Bulleid light Pacific to Tavistock and detail it. Had the nameplates for a year.

Edited by roundhouse
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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Ordered two new pairs of shoes by mail order today, normally with shoes I prefer to go into the shop and try them on but I haven't found any of the type I want locally and as I need broad fit as well I've opted for mail order. I have only obtained shoes by mail order once before and I found that they were unwearable so keeping fingers crossed.


Crap Circles:





And then to bed, G’night!


Best, Pete.

I wonder what he was on, I notice that there is a car in the hedgerow (to the left of the field entrance). The other vehicles appear to be police vehicles.

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