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Crikey, talking politics, chill pill! Donw hardly mentioned it and it drew no debate from anyone.


The newly promoted Sturmbahnfuhrer of a Facebook group has caused so much dissention that people have left in droves this week. That is the ones that were not blocked by the sturmbahnfuhrer already. 6 days in charge! This was a group that happily got along posting daily, chatting daily.

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  • RMweb Gold

This is a bit like people from Gateshead being at great pains to say that they are not Newcastle.


Strangely enough Gateshead is the only town in the UK that has exactly the same number and type of river crossings/bridges as Newcastle.

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  • RMweb Gold

... 6 days in charge! This was a group that happily got along posting daily, chatting daily.

Facebook enables one to set up another group. You can block the membership of the person who annoyed you all.

The moderators of RMWeb have been quite light in their monitoring of our ramblings on ERs as we have generally while noting events are taking place not made partisan comments about politicians or parties. Similarly with religion.

On a couple of other Wheeltappers threads there seem to be some people who can't resist twisting a topic round to their particular social/political hobbyhorse. They are allowed to run until it gets personal.

I enjoy a bit of political argument but perhaps ER is a little break from it perhaps, (Please?)

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I enjoy a bit of political argument but perhaps ER is a little break from it perhaps, (Please?)

We all do I think. The challenge is the required self policing of our thoughts.


Topics like Brexit and the present US administration are much easier to get worked up about than more 'run of the mill' politics.


Having watched most of the Presidential press conference yesterday, it's difficult not to want to offer an opinion, knowing I will find many sympathetic ears here, but as this is a thread where we have collectively agreed to avoid politics, such opinions are better left unsaid.


After several days of heavy rain (local records for the day were set yesterday) we have now had our 5th wettest February on record with more than 10 days to go yet. Today however is quite lovely and the sun is out.

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  • RMweb Premium

We all do I think. The challenge is the required self policing of our thoughts.


Topics like Brexit and the present US administration are much easier to get worked up about than more 'run of the mill' politics.


Having watched most of the Presidential press conference yesterday, it's difficult not to want to offer an opinion, knowing I will find many sympathetic ears here, but as this is a thread where we have collectively agreed to avoid politics, such opinions are better left unsaid.


I think that's putting it well, Michael. And yes, I know from my own experience that it can indeed be hard to resist commenting, however briefly, on topics of such magnitude and global importance.


I really meant to add a fitting comment on how, all that having been said, we should definitely strive not to fall out with each other over such issues, but I cannot seem to find any suitable words, I'm afraid. :(

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  • RMweb Gold

...but I cannot seem to find any suitable words, I'm afraid. :(

Changing the subject entirely but still about "finding words".

Matthew takes part in various language exchange activities, both online and in person. Earlier this week with a language that has no articles, has gender rules and non fixed word order, instead of saying "I would love to help you", he instead communicated " I love you. Help".

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  • RMweb Premium

My upbeat post this morning was rudely knackered this afternoon.


A simple walk along a muddy stony path, and I slipped and fell, twisting my left foot - which promptly exploded.  Or it felt that way.  An afternoon at the pleasure of A&E ensued, with a Lisfranc fracture of several metatarsals diagnosed.  Then the medics went to war on management of the injury, resulting in a split decision.  At one point I was being prepared for surgery, next thing is a pot on the foot/leg and discharged after having intravenous morphine....  I have to wait until Monday for a CT scan (remember that weekend stuff about the NHS.....) and then a decision about surgery.  Pump.


In the meantime, lots of painkillers, leg in plaster and a lot of pain.  Still, despite funny pills.   Nasty injury.  How you can do so much damage by a simple slip and fall is beyond me.


Quite ruined my day.


edit for speelink - not easy when you are as high as a kite.

Edited by New Haven Neil
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Evening All,


Touching (lightly) upon the subject of politics, I wonder at what point does reporting an observation become a political comment? Presumably it's all down to to language and phrasing? So a statement like "iL Dottore put forward the premise that Spaghetti Bolognese was more British than Bolognese, which was not agreed with by the audience" would be considered apolitical, whereas "iL Dottore, who is barely fit to hold a frying pan, tried to spout his nonsense about spaghetti bolognese and was quite rightly shouted down by the enraged audience" would be considered both libelous and political? I think many solicitors and barristers have made a good living dealing with such conundra.


Poor old Schotty had two very painful moments today - both times when I changed his dressing. He yelped and whimpered and tried to lick my hand away, but nary a growl, not even a warning nip. I am continually amazed by my dogs and whatever Schotty's faults (he has many) he is a sweet natured and loving dog. Although he - like many male ###### h o m o sapiens I know - doesn't like to show affection except in certain rigidly defined situations. Anyway, back to the vet tomorrow and I'll ask for some analgesia for him.


My sympathies to NHN: as an experienced connoisseur of the varied types, forms and grades of pain the skeletal system can throw at one I can certainly "feel his pain" (and sometimes not metaphorically).


But look at the bright side, Neil. Orthopaedic op or not, you'll be delightfully incapacitated for a number of weeks. But why "delightfully"? Because, once the analgesia has been sorted out, you will find that the injury will allow you to do things that are enjoyable - such as watching sports on TV, doing modelling, etc. whilst effectively preventing you from doing less desirable things - such as the washing up (no prolonged standing), taking the rubbish out and doing DIY chores (note: chores not projects) around the house. Anyway, NHN, good luck for Monday.


Now off to watch a history program I recorded earlier and then to the "Land of Nod"


G'night All




I knew it, I knew it. I knew the moronic censoring software that curses this board would censor h0m0. It's an extremely useful little word: either used as a deriviative from ancient Greek (in which it means "equal" or "the same". e.g. h0mozygotic) or used as a derivative from Latin to mean mankind (e.g. "ecce h0m0" "Behold The Man" - attributed to Pontius Pilot address Christ). just because the brain dead use the term in a pejorative manner shouldn't mean that we can't use the word at all, should it?

Edited by iL Dottore
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Back - all done.


Quick training course for the four of us, Brother in law - half brother in law, son and me, on the way to carry a coffin. Walked into the chapel to Nimrod, That had me going. Hymn was the Seaman's hymn (was at Normandy Landings as Radar Operator), mid service music was some swing dance music (he once ran a dance school) and out to Tchaikowski 1812.


On the way home Sandy told me of the cortege (I'd gone on playing taxi) passing a road. Old beat up car with music blaring out driven by young guy in baseball cap. As they passed music stopped and cap came off until they passed. Touched her a bit.




Now home with glass of port.

Edited by Coombe Barton
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  • RMweb Premium

Neil that is not nice, just hope that the pain is bearable and it all gets fettled soon.


Our friends booked hotel rooms for us and them for tonight. They forgot all about it! Tea as very nice as as the wine and a beer.


Sleep well all. 8 hours of indoor cricket umpiring coming my way tomorrow...



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  • RMweb Gold

Been to bed but just cant switch off from work after only being back a few days. Chest pains been bad today.


Just taken another sleeping tablet so hopefully that will get me to nod off in a while.


Need a career change and one that doesnt involve commuting so as to avoid any more strike days - RMT strike on Southern next Wednesday.

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  • RMweb Premium

When I joined the police in 1973 it was in Standing orders that if we were out on foot patrol and a cortege approached that we had to come to attention and salute the coffin as it passed.  I did it a few times.  However it seems to have died out as a practice now.   On a happier note I was once approached by a gent to ask if I would stop the traffic so that he and his daughter walk from their home to the church on the other side of the road for the daughters wedding.  I duly obliged and got a photo of the occasion and a piece of wedding cake for my pains.  I was very pleased to do it.


Neil, that sounds nasty, I think that ID's prescription of plenty of modelling time is a good one.



Edited by jamie92208
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  • RMweb Premium

Neil. Sorry to hear of your accident, I your foot starts to feel better soon, if not, I hope the painkillers do what they are supposed to do.


Goodnight all

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