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Early Risers.


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Well it was sunny about 10 minutes ago...

No giraffes in residence.

I don't think think we are going anywhere other than the park today.

My experience of sciatica is that it is painful, then it goes numb, then it gets better.

We do have an alarm with a battery but I think the furry alarm that likes biscuits is more effective.

Have a good day.


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  • RMweb Gold

I remembered valentines day in time to visit the shops yesterday so other half is happy.


Currently waiting in the doctors waiting room to find out the results of last week's tests. As there is often a parking problem I decided to walk from Mum's and will walk back as it's dry at the moment.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning, I'm pleased to report that the playroom painting is all over bar the shouting and that the carpet fitter is coming to measure up on Thursday. Hopefully not long before I can move toys and books in. I'm looking forward to picking up on a couple of part started projects, an SR night ferry brake van and a Belgian riverside micro layout.


For your information I've stumbled across the Facebook page of Guy Verhofstadt; he's an ex Belgian prime minister and I understand he will be heading up negotiations for the EU when article 50 is triggered. I make no comment or judgement but I thought it worth signposting the link as I know some early risers will have an interest, particularly those ex-pats living in the EU.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Sun was shining earlier but now seems to be a bit shy.


Your report on the Settle and Carlisle, missing something just reported on the radio news. The first scheduled steam train service on the main lines since 1968.

This  is running for the next three days. *Just turn up and buy a ticket...( and no surcharge)

*Apparently tickets have all sold out. It was obvious as well that the girl reporter knows nothing whatever about railways, describing Tornado as a 'carriage'. There was also an item on the Countryfile program that followed about the washout at Dawlish.

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ven Mrs BR's 3 dozen red valentines roses have arrived as ordered.......smiles all round in the Sullivan house this evening!


Nite all, of to sleep in th arms of Mrs BR and madams Tramadol and Diazepam. Xx


I trust you did not take the pills too early..........


Best, Pete.

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Morning all,


A walk to the clinic for my annual "bloods".  The knee doesn't actually hurt any more, but boy, am I out of condition.  Walking about a mile whacked me out and I definitely needed breakfast.


I may be in trouble ....  I didn't think the relationship had quite reached the Valentine Card stage, but HJ has sent me one!  Advice, please .....



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all,


A walk to the clinic for my annual "bloods".  The knee doesn't actually hurt any more, but boy, am I out of condition.  Walking about a mile whacked me out and I definitely needed breakfast.


I may be in trouble ....  I didn't think the relationship had quite reached the Valentine Card stage, but HJ has sent me one!  Advice, please .....




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Much of the weekend was taken up following a decree handed down by the Queen of the land Friday evening;

"let it be known that the grand piano taking up FAR TOO MUCH ROOM in the living room, will be required to vacate the premises as soon as possible. It's sale WILL be arranged once suitable pictures are taken and it is cleaned/tuned" :O

Large amounts of time therefore spent, moving it into a more suitable position for cleaning/pictures, and a couple of hours tuning the beast on Sunday.


Hope the week starts well for you.


You can tune Pianos?

I once went out with a Piano Tuner - actually for more then one year. She was beautiful but I worried about her hands, she could twist off the cap of a beer bottle that did not have a “twist off top”....


Best, Pete.

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You can tune Pianos?

I once went out with a Piano Tuner - actually for more then one year. She was beautiful but I worried about her hands, she could twist off the cap of a beer bottle that did not have a “twist off top”....


Best, Pete.

That would be the end of the bell then.............

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Morning all,


A walk to the clinic for my annual "bloods".  The knee doesn't actually hurt any more, but boy, am I out of condition.  Walking about a mile whacked me out and I definitely needed breakfast.


I may be in trouble ....  I didn't think the relationship had quite reached the Valentine Card stage, but HJ has sent me one!  Advice, please .....




You should worry... I once received one from a “well known, male Pop Star”.


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Premium

Your report on the Settle and Carlisle, missing something just reported on the radio news. The first scheduled steam train service on the main lines since 1968.

This  is running for the next three days. Just turn up and buy a ticket...( and no surcharge)


Settle station was fairly busy with public onlookers this morning for the first southbound.

Comments about the loco being tender first and what's the diesel doing there? The diesel is providing and electric train supply for the aircon and door locking systems. Northbound Tornado will be chimney first and diesel at the back.

The first southbound through Settle was well loaded at the front. No doubt the slightly empty coaches at the back will be heavily loaded when it returns north in about 30 minutes. The northbound will be conveying people that have come in from the likes of Leeds.


Pics later.




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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning everyone


It's been a busy day here so far. Sheila and I exchanged Valentine's Day gifts earlier, I got a couple of model railway related books, Sheila got a hand made (not by me) silver heart shaped necklace. She then went out for her manicure, whilst I stayed in and started making the birthday cakes she is taking to her Zumba class on Thursday, (plenty of brownie points being earned there). I've made just above 2 dozen, 16 will be taken to her friends on Thursday, the rest will be finished off by the grandkids on Friday when they come round for tea.


Whilst in the middle of making the cakes the door bell rang, it was the window cleaners asking if I'd unlock our back garden gate form them. A few minutes later it rang again, this time asking for payment! So once they'd been paid, it was out once again to lock the back gate up again.


I need a cup of tea, back later.

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I see Toshiba is in deep poop and the Chairman has just resigned.....


I remember being in Japan around 1984ish (just when CD’s were taking off)  and when we reached Tokyo we went to  the Toshiba HQ.


We were messing around in a meeting room with some of the latest Toshiba gizmos with some junior staff - when another one rushed in to say that the CHAIRMAN is on his way over to TALK TO YOU!

A few minutes later this dapper little guy turned up with several secretaries who could speak English. The Chairman was dressed rather in a manner that Capt. Mainwaring would have approved: Dark grey wool suit (complete with turn ups on his trousers). Beautiful handmade English shoes, highly polished etc., etc.


The lead secretary handed him two sheets of typed paper and stood next to him whilst the others stood at our shoulders (rather closely). He started speaking in Japanese....

The secretary whispered in my ear that “he is thanking you for helping to make him rich and powerful”...


Very difficult to keep a straight face.


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Coincidentally we too had a delivery from Hermes yesterday - we found out about while standing at Tesco's pharmacy counter and our regular Hermes delivery man saw me there and said 'I've left a parcel in the porch at your place' - definitely an interesting level of service!


Mrs Stationmaster and I exchanged Valentine cards and that's about it apart from a meal out - the dozen red roses were a pre-marriage thing as a sort of, hmm, 'persuader' (according to her).  Interesting to see the Sydney cab ride video and it looks as if the've tarted up the old necropolis station (c2.18-2.21 on the right), probably a wedding venue now so doing the matched bit instead of the despatched bit; oddly the station where the train stopped (Strathfield) was the first station on the City Rail network where I changed trains when I had my first day trip out doing parts of the network.  The Tornado thing on the S&C is rather weird as it's called an advertised service (which it sort of is) and is open to ordinary ticket holders but you have to reserve a seat - I wonder what happens if somebody turns up at, say, Garsdale and wants to get on the 'advertised train' but there are no seats available - do they get a taxi or do they have to wait for the next train?


Anyway definitely an ER this morning and off to see the Doctor - who was already running late at 09.00.  Further discussions about swellings etc and what the ultrasound doesn't appear to have noticed so it seems I'll be off for another ultrasound with a different sort of specialist targetted 'a bit lower down' - so at least I'm now convinced that I'm not going barmy or turning into a hypochondriac; no doubt they'll get there in the end.  Anyway the GP agreed with the previous Consultant about not operating on the hernia and my BP was just within the target range on the third test so that gave him a cheery start to the day even if it was followed by a load handful of, er, b*lls.  


Enjoy the rest of your day folks.

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  • RMweb Premium

.  The Tornado thing on the S&C is rather weird as it's called an advertised service (which it sort of is) and is open to ordinary ticket holders but you have to reserve a seat - I wonder what happens if somebody turns up at, say, Garsdale and wants to get on the 'advertised train' but there are no seats available - do they get a taxi or do they have to wait for the next train?




The northbound that has just gone by has a "relief" service about 15 minutes behind it. Having said that - it's a class 1 and doesn't stop at Garsdale......




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Morning all,  Anyway the GP agreed with the previous Consultant about not operating on the hernia and my BP was just within the target range on the third test so that gave him a cheery start to the day even if it was followed by a load handful of, er, b*lls.  


Enjoy the rest of your day folks.


Mike, Look at it from his point of view. 9:30 am and he’s already got your goolies clasped in his hand..... Good or Bad?


Best, Pete.

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Whilst in the middle of making the cakes the door bell rang, it was the window cleaners asking if I'd unlock our back garden gate form them. A few minutes later it rang again, this time asking for payment! So once they'd been paid, it was out once again to lock the back gate up again.




At least they call round for payment. Ours has only bothered once in about 15 months (last August). He even failed to call around Christmas in the hope of a Christmas box. I guess he doesn't need the cash. It also makes it quite difficult to remember how many times he has done them.

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  • RMweb Gold

Don please check the 17th Edition as Zone 3 doesn't exist anymore...


It is some time since I read my copy and it is now covered by part P. However it still appears on some items which is why I said also known as Zone 3. I was trying to avoid giving exact details as with 'professional approval' there is more freedom now. The diagram posted seemed to miss some things. 

The whole things seems to be a bit of a joke. On the Isle of Wight I had to use a third party certifier. His knowledge of the regulations was less than mine. I suspect it was that having been working on commercial installations his recollection was hazy. On the other hand the building inspector has the last say. The boiler had been fitted by a plumber who had certified it met regulations however the building inspector didn't like the safety pipe and was worried the outlet for the towel rail element could be sprayed from the shower. The former was easy to do having given way on one the Building inspector didn't press the other.

As an Engineer I could see his point about the safety pipe but the electric outlet was protected by an RCD which would operate if any water entered. However both and been approved by registered certifiers.


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  • RMweb Gold

Awoke early today.

The excitement of Valentines Day I expect.

At the first opportunity I greeted her, "Happy Valentines Day my dear"

She replied, "The cat has been sick".

Aditi said "Every day is Valentine's Day here, and I need garden waste bags so shall we go to the library. " Edited by Tony_S
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