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  • RMweb Gold

This man flu thing was coined as some kind of feminist derision of men in general. They wished to paint men out as wussy feeble malingerers, while they (the women) who know about pain because they have had to go through childbirth just get on with things. The childbirth thing may be horrible enough, and if men had to do it the human race would die out, but my experience of colds and flu is exactly the reverse of this man flu thing - ie I have never had a day off work through colds (because I know what flu really is - most don't) in 30 years. while my other half, bless her will whinge and whine and expect to be waited on etc when she has a slight snivel, you know, the sort of thing they call man flu, ha ha. Interesting isn't it! 


Actually it is worth comparing which sex frequents the doctors' surgery most and for what type of complaint. Women are there most weeks for absolutely anything, while men almost never go, which is why we are so often found dead one morning and no-one had any idea anything was wrong, and you see so many bus trips to the seaside for the elderly consisting of 95% females.


Back to the childbirth and pain thing. I really do know what pain is because while crawling under the layout, I keep finding those stray track pins get stuck in the gap between my knee caps and the space below them. Excruciating! Even worse than lego bricks!!!


We have different routines, if I feel something coming on I will take to my bed and try to give my body a chance to fight it. This usually works as the infection never really takes hold. I am usually up in the morning. Mrs on the other hand will keep going so she doesn't shake it off as quick and it grumbles on for longer.

However I have something different to contend with at the moment. I think I have pulled or strained something. I have pains down the whole of one leg. If I move about it eases but sitting in a chair or lying in bed its worse. I was tossing and turning all night and it takes a bit of time moving about to get my leg to work properly. If doing too much has caused it not being able to rest hardly helps.


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  • RMweb Premium


However I have something different to contend with at the moment. I think I have pulled or strained something. I have pains down the whole of one leg. If I move about it eases but sitting in a chair or lying in bed its worse. I was tossing and turning all night and it takes a bit of time moving about to get my leg to work properly. If doing too much has caused it not being able to rest hardly helps.



That sounds a bit like sciatica.


I had it once - it lasted a few weeks on and off.




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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening everyone


I've not done an awful lot since I finished cutting wood in the workshop this morning, except play around with bits of track on the base boards that I've already assembled. The extra room that I will get from the 4th base board has made all the difference, the same track plan looks so much better now!


This evening we went to the Trafford Centre to pick up a few bits and pieces, I also picked up a birthday card for Sheila, nothing like leaving things until the last minute. Also, we usually let one of the grandkids pick what to have for tea when they come on Fridays, pizza is the choice for this week and as we were at the TC we picked some up whilst there and we also had a money off coupon that had to be used by tomorrow. Total bill was £43.55, we paid £30.50, result!


Goodnight all.

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Evening all. A busy first week day of the half term break. We visited the Designer Outlet near Mansfield. Sarah had some birthday money to spend and did manage to find a few things she liked. Amber enjoyed the new "Build A Bear" outlet. Whilst similar to the store we have in Derby, it seems to feature end of line stock and so is cheaper as a result. Amber was happy because they stocked the My Little Pony toys and she spent her pocket money on a new toy and assorted clothes to go with it. Sarah also ended up with one, made as a Valentines gift. As some of you may know she is mad keen on giraffes so no prizes for guessing the stuffed animal toy we made for her.

We returned in time for Amber's swimming lesson. This is the first time I have seen her at swimming since the Christmas break. Her improvement is clear to see, but sadly the lesson proved a waste of time. The swimming centre seemed to be short staffed and there were extra children present. Throughout her 30 minute lesson I calculated Amber was active for less than five minutes. Not good enough in my opinion.

The evening has been spent marking again. Very little time left to do anything else. Hopefully I will find some free time later in the week.

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I've had a fun afternoon.


5 AM – wakened by a quiet, steady beeping coming from the alarm system. Display showing ‘Low Battery’. Cancelled the message, but it came back about 9 AM. So - new battery needed.


I had other things to do this morning, so about 2 PM, I phoned a local number for the alarm company – they have an office in the next town – to see if they have new batteries available. I got into a voice response system, and managed eventually to fall out of the bottom of it and get a real person. I was asked for the phone number given when the system was set up and was told “We don’t have a record of that”. I supplied our address, and the person said “Oh, it’s a Canadian address – I’ll connect you to our Canadian centre”. (Remember, I had originally phoned a local Vancouver number.) After a minute or so of silence, I got into a ‘For xxx, press y’ system. I went all the way through the options, but none of them seemed appropriate, so I waited for them to repeat. Instead, I was told “Select an option or you will be disconnected”! So, I picked a random one and after some more questions, eventually got another real person. I asked if I could have a number that would let me speak directly to the local office to see if they had batteries. He only had numbers for managers – they used to have front desk numbers, but those had been taken off their phone list. But he was sure they would have batteries – if he could take my details, he would create a work order and send it to the local office for them to have a battery ready for me to pick up. I asked if these, somewhat specialised, batteries could be bought anywhere else. He said he was sure they could be – where did I live? Next question – is it a big place? I asked if a postal code would help. He said no, it was OK, he would Google places selling batteries in our town.


At that point, I said ‘Thanks’ and I might get back to him. Googled places selling batteries in and around the town. Phoned the first one. The person who answered said they actually weren’t open today (it’s a local holiday) but he would be in the shop for another couple of hours. Drove down, picked up a battery, thanked him, drove home and fitted it.


I just hope the alarm company is more efficient if the alarm ever goes off!

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Dry and 2oC with the slightest hint of an icy windscreen when taking The Boss to work.There may be some sunny intervals with the chance of rain later.

Yesterday's shopping trip went off OK as we both found things we wanted. Got home to find a "sorry I missed you" card from our very nice Hermes Man (yes really). He will return today with a parcel for Herself. Of course it was my fault we missed him although I wasn't the one who planned the shopping trip knowing a delivery was imminent. This was compounded by the postman then delivering a parcel for me from Sheffield  :yes:  :imsohappy: Apparently this means that we (Me, postman Darren and Hermes) are all in league with the Devil and conspiring together.)

Half term here so no grandchildren after school today which means it will be rather quiet.

I will probably spend some time in the railway room as there is now a new toy to run in. :locomotive:

Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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Morning all. Slept like a log and again I feel great.


Sciatica is something that I suffer with and I find that the best thing to do is keep moving. Although painful it does ease a lot quicker. Lying on a board has been frowned upon for years as it causes further problems due to the spine not being supported.


Time for another coffee before heading out into the big wide world.


Have a good day everyone.

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Good morrow to you Valentine and good morning one and all


There is news of the car.  Paige from the body shop phoned yesterday afternoon.  It seems that the part awaited from Germany is a new wing.  It is due to arrive in Swindon tomorrow so it could be as early as Thursday when the completed car is available for collection.  The insurance company has confirmed that I may drive to Swindon in the hire car and leave it there, being sure to notify the hire company of where it is so that it may be collected.  This is much better an idea than up to five hours on the bus.


Today I visit Poorly Pal, who says that he needs a blood test.  He seems to need something to worry about at all times.  This time he thinks he might have appendicitis.  How you diagnose that with a blood test I'm not sure: I thought sharp pain was the normal symptom.  Be that as it may, we will be dining on orange glazed pork.  I prepped the ingredients yesterday afternoon, having managed to find a lemon squeezer in a drawer which works equally well on oranges.  I also rediscovered a garlic press which seems to do what is required of it.  Before all that I bought a new kettle, leaving me to stop wondering why the old one failed and how to get rid of it.


Parking in my street got worse yesterday.  A skip has appeared outside next door but one to add to the two cars, neither of which get much use.  When one of them does take a trip, he has the nerve to put out cones so that there will be a space when he returns.  Somehow I do not think that he was issued with them but some questions are best not asked.


Finally for today, farewell to Sara Coward who played Caroline Sterling nee Bone in The Archers.  She is the latest member of the 69 Club, joining Bowie, Rickman and Lake who all succumbed to cancer at that age.  It is with some apprehension that I look forward to my own 69th birthday next week.


Warm thoughts to all, especially those with particular need for them.



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Morning All,


We have a fairly cold morning here.  The temperature was down to -2°C in the forest, but it is very clear and so I am expecting a sunny day.


Yesterday evening, the door bell rang at around eight o'clock and it turned out to be two Police officers.  They wanted to inspect my car!  Apparently, an identical car took the wing mirror off of another car in a nearby village and failed to stop.  They were checking on all of the cars in the area to see if there was any damage.  Having satisfied themselves that my car had no damage, they went away happy.


Today looks like it is going to be a documentation day.


Have a good one everybody...

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  • RMweb Gold

That sounds a bit like sciatica.


I had it once - it lasted a few weeks on and off.





Thanks Mick I didn't know the name but I had assumed that something in my lower back was pressing on a nerve. At least I had a better night.


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning Awl,

A good nights sleep was had, 6 hours in bed and another half hour on the sofa,


Just a bit of frost on the tops of cars and where the sewer runs just below the surface of our road. Otherwise dry and clear.

One Cockwomble enroute, who turned across the front of me when I had green, and then he stopped at the next lights with half his car over the the white line.

After the usual email / junkmail clearances this morning, I came across a definate spam / phishing exercise, from " WSW_ Financial group", included in the blurb (read only on preview)


"As a part of the new law, coming into effect on Janurary 1st, 2017, we would like you to benefit from a loyalty income tax refund procedure, based on the Act 8273 16C.

Please find the tax form attached above."


Well the company I work for, doesn't deal with them, the tax reference looks American and the the spelling mistakes don't inspire me. needless to say I have not clicked on the attachment!!! And finally, Loyalty procedure from the tax office???!!!!


Robert,  your police definately have time on their hands, in the UK if you phoned the police about a wing mirror,  you'd be issued with a report number and nothing else would happen.


AndyRam, thanks for the reminder about giraffes, I emailed myself at work  from home last night with drawings of Giraffes for SWMBO, she wishes to make a stuffed toy giraffe as her next project. I nearly forgot to print it off this morning (our home printer has run out of ink, must get some more), which would have lost all the smarty points I hopefully earnt with the gifts left this morning..


Zeros have occured, time to set to work.....

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from a slightly grey village.   The mystery of the great Eccles cake shortage deepens.  Asda still had none, that's 4 weeks now, problems with suppliers.  I demand a full judge led public enquiry, no a proper all singing all dancing Royal Commission no less.  No Eccles Cakes in south Leeds must be far more serious than a lack of courgettes in Stoke Newington.   Here a grey morning has been greatly enhanced by two things.  The first is the Plandampf on the Settle and Carlisle which is getting very good coverage on the morning news, the other is that Lisa Gallagher, the delightful weather girl on Look North has returned after a lengthy maternity break.  


Last nights slide show went well.  I had been presented with a random selection of slides of mainly steam locos from the early 60's.  Not in any order, but of good quality with some very varied and interesting locations.   I bulked it out with some black and white slides of Leeds buses from the same collection.   It seemed to go down very well and with good and knowledgeable audience participation I  am now able to put accurate locations into the index for most of them.   One very amusing point was when I showed a slide of an Irish loco and said 'that's in ireland'  Our resident numpty (Doesn't every club have one), chimed in with the comment, "I don't think that's in the Leeds area.". 


I'm not sure what today will bring but I might well try and get some bogies assembled.


Regards to all.



Edited by jamie92208
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  • RMweb Premium

Your report on the Settle and Carlisle, missing something just reported on the radio news. The first scheduled steam train service on the main lines since 1968.

This  is running for the next three days. Just turn up and buy a ticket...( and no surcharge)

Edited by TheQ
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Morning all, the sky is blue once again at London Bridge, although to celebrate the upturn in weather I now have a slight cold!


The talk of alarms earlier reminds me I must call the alarm people as ours goes off when the power is turned off. It has a battery that is supposed to provide power to the code panel so that it can be deactivated when the power is turned off deliberately or there is a power cut.. This failed the last time so that the alarm went off for a good 25 minutes. As we want work done that will necessitate turning off the power (boiler replacement) and out likely choice of boiler people are "considerate workers" this needs to be dealt with first. Also we want to replace the double glazing which seems to have some kind of reeds on it that I assume relates to this alarm system, I need to understand how that will affect the system too.


The Lurkers are off to Mrs Lurker's grandma in Rutland today. She is slowly losing her attention span and memory and has been difficult for a number of years. The reception could be frosty. Or it could be wonderful. It's a gamble only a 130 mile drive will resolve.


FiL now apparently has Barrets syndrome in his windpipe. He is however ignoring the advice not to drink and says that the vast quantities of red wine he consumes were not in any way a contributing factor to the bowel cancer he has. That is all down to the ham sandwiches MiL forced him to have every day for years. Not that he would eat much else in his sandwiches. As Mrs Lurker says, it's difficult to have sympathy....

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all and it's a frosty one.

Celebrated Valentine's Day by getting swmbo a new chopping board. The old one broke in half at the weekend. 

She also appreciated the roses, fizz and chocolates. 


I note that yesterday's pulled pork, whilst tender and average flavour was very reminiscent of stewing steak.  

Not quite sure what the fuss is about - a new food fad that should go away, perhaps. 

Perhaps it isn't a new food fad at all, just stewed meat from a different animal.


A vegetable curry would go down well, methinks.  

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