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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from a village that is getting slightly brighter.  There is still a light dusting of white stuff on the roof opposite.   The house is now mainly tidy but the final work will be done after church and lunch.  The kids and partners will descend later this afternoon for a meal.  It will be noisy but fun.  No doubt as all three of them will be together there will be some serious mick taking.  Any two of them always get on but put the third in and sparks start to fly. 


I enjoyed the rugby yesterday, it seemed a good game to me.  I hated playing the game at school but at least have some basic understanding of it and can appreciate good play when I see it.  The one thing that seems strange to me is that the ball is no longer put straight into a scrum.  They seem to be allowed to throw it directly at their own hooker.  We were penalised for doing that. Line outs still seem to be straight though.


Interesting points were made about sickness.   I was in charge of personnel for a division at one time and the comments made by Phil above rang very true.  Much more low level sickness amongst the women but more serious and longer term among the men.   However I once compared notes about sickness rates with my brother.  he was a senior captain with BA and apparently the sickness rates between the two groups of pilots and police officers were almost identical in percentage terms.



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Dull, no snow, outlook is for occasional drizzle becoming less drizzly.

Plans for today include breakfast, taking Robbie for a run (I don't run, he does) and then lunch with MiL in Enfield. Lunch will be something fishy.

I don't think we will be back too late.

Have a good day.


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This seems to be a natural phenomenon and who are we (relatively ignorant humans) to do anything to reverse this process?


Given that it happens world-wide with differing species, why can we not accept that it happens but strive to improve our own education as to why it does?

I have often thought this John. Whales and dolphins are intelligent creatures and must beach for a reason. Surely its not just because their inbuilt radar has told them that some little inlet or some beach is actually the Atlantic deep. This time the numbers are huge and I believe it was the 3rd largest beaching in NZ.


An overcast day in sunny Teignmouth. Not much planned for today, after last nights raclette meal with friends, just a good relaxing day.

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I enjoyed the rugby yesterday, it seemed a good game to me.  I hated playing the game at school but at least have some basic understanding of it and can appreciate good play when I see it.  The one thing that seems strange to me is that the ball is no longer put straight into a scrum.  They seem to be allowed to throw it directly at their own hooker.  We were penalised for doing that. Line outs still seem to be straight though.




Yes, the 'new' safety rules are starting to impinge on the game.

I used to play Wing 3Q and they've even abolished the position!


The Irish were terrific I thought.

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Morning all. I hope that this morning finds you well. All this talk of "man flu" makes interesting reading. As one of the few males in our establishment I have been victim of the man flu jibes on many occasion. Jamie makes an interesting point about the different levels of illness that causes time off between men and women. I would suggest similar is true in my work place and also at home too.

I hope Chris had a good time at the Doncaster show. I have never been there, and had considered visiting this weekend. Unfortunately there is not enough free time so I will have to give it a miss again.

Tony s I have loved the pictures of the layout / cars. I know there seems to be some unwritten rule that model railway pictures are frowned upon, in some quarters, on these pages. However I really like to see them because I don't always get to see our fellow ER's efforts on other pages. I think Tony's pictures are excellent and would love to see more pictures of his, and others, layouts.


Some people may have noticed I have not been present on these pages for a few days. I am sorry if I missed anything. I am sad to report that I did not get the four day per week leadership job. The interview day came and went on Thursday with no response so once again I failed to be shortlisted. Whilst extremely disappointed, it does mean that the watching the pennies scenario will not occur. That may be a blessing I suppose. Another consolation was the failure of the dreaded advisor to appear. Unfortunately (or not) he was too ill to attend! Perhaps that was one prayer that was answered.

The end of the week brought the end of term so there is a half term break to, hopefully, enjoy. I do come home with a pile of work but that is normal at this time of year.

The half term ended with the latest round of performance management reviews. Mine was more positive than expected. But one piece of news was unsurprising. The budget cuts will mean the two year shared deputy role will come to an end in the summer with one single role created. Everyone entitled to apply, but I shall not bother because I know there is no point.

On Thursday I was invited to look around another school by the head teacher there. It was a nice enough place, but no job at the moment. At least it puts me in the head's thoughts should anything come up for the next school year. I also had a brief chat with the head at my daughter's school. I am putting my name out there so hopefully something will come up.

My wife had an interesting chat with one of her Avon customers yesterday. She works at the school I applied to back in December. She did not have anything good to say about the school and is looking to leave herself. Perhaps failure there was a blessing.


Wet and windy today. Sarah is off to church, but Amber is struggling with a cold and wants to stay in so I am staying at home to look after her. Enjoy your Sunday.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Sorry to hear that you didn't get the job Andy, better luck in future. I'm afraid that I'm not into rugby, or football for that matter so all this talk just passes straight over my head. Slept like a log last night so why do I keep yawning? So long for now, be back later.

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This is a raclette grill with a granite slab above for cooking meat/fish.


I used the term 'heater' genericly!


Nothing like this bit of kit, for example? https://www.thecourtyarddairy.co.uk/shop/cheese-gifts/cheese-accessories-kitchenware/swing-raclette-grill/?gclid=CjwKEAiArIDFBRCe_9DJi6Or0UcSJAAK1nFvtJTHsBHcVjp8y7AySwfM9ntc-AT-ShlwCfoIxA5uhRoCa1rw_wcB

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No. Nothing like that apart from the heat and the cheese.
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  • RMweb Gold

G'day all,



The mist forecast for this hour has sort of descended but not very effectively so it just remains a dull soggy day and yesterday's attempts to snow would seem to be history, probably.


Interesting to read the comments about female vs male sickness rates, the only female staff I was ever involved with in any numbers were Carriage Cleaners and they seem to have been as tough as old boots (or, in some cases,  not only considerably tougher than old boots but far more violent than said footwear).  But in my final big railway job I did find the female staff probably more inclined to occasional sickness than the males.


Enjoy the rest of your day one and all.

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The weather on the planet that I am currently on is cloudy with a chance of meatballs.....


Mrs BR is away on a hen weekend, so I have had some great fun in the railway room.


Just had a brilliant operating sesh with IKB and Sir Daniel Gooch, we even had a visit from Mr Bulleid himself.


AND the little people are still talking to me.


Pain free ..........happy daze!

Edited by BlackRat
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Thinking about it, sickness rates and perceptions of illness might be something that changes over time, after all, most of the recollections here seem to be from a bygone age when a number of things were different. What I mean is the employment scene has changed today so that most men and women now work, something that wasn’t the case in the past, and men tended to do more physical work, whereas now there doesn’t seem to be such a gender difference.


In our engineering machine shop where I work, for example, the apprentices are about 50/50 male and female, which was never the case when I was an apprentice 35 years ago so it shows how things have changed, and when it comes to taking days off sick, again, there doesn’t appear to be anything to report regarding which group takes most, they are all as bad as each other, all of them frequently taking random days off. At the end of the day though, we don’t get rewarded for martyrdom, so the moral is whenever you get a little snivel, ring in sick and have a couple of days off with man flu. If everyone assumes you are malingering anyway, you may as well milk it because everyone does.


If that last statement lacks conviction it’s because I know I couldn’t do that. I think I belong to an earlier age regarding honesty and self respect

Edited by Dick Turpin
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Chilly easterly wind yesterday and today. A lot of rain yesterday, less today.


Really enjoyed the Wales-Engand match yesterday - really exciting, well-played rugby. Thought that Wales were set to score in the final 10mins, but that clearing kick set up a lovely England try. But a close game.


Trouble is that Scotland really have to win against France this afternoon for any hope of winning the championship. England's next game is against Italy at Twikkers and England should win very comfortably. The way that both Wales and England played yesterday would be a tough ask for Scotland, especially England at Twikkers. Luckily I have tix for the Scotland-Wales match in a couple of weeks and hope it's as exciting and well-played as the game against Ireland last week.


Back to this afternoon - looking forward to the match and to some wide open rugby.


Hope your Sunday goes well



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I have often thought this John. Whales and dolphins are intelligent creatures and must beach for a reason. Surely its not just because their inbuilt radar has told them that some little inlet or some beach is actually the Atlantic deep. This time the numbers are huge and I believe it was the 3rd largest beaching in NZ.

And if whales are so intelligent, why have previous generations not taught others not to go to certain areas where they might beach? Just because their brains are huge doesn't mean they use it to any advantage... yet! :no: 



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all,

Damp and dull here. 


Sorry to hear that Andy didn't get the post he was after. 

I think it's a fact of life though that vacancies in schools appear for a reason. This can either be because of retirement, promotion, or because the staff move on because they are unhappy. So, when a vacancy appears try to find out why


Busy paperwork day here today, but if I get time I'm hoping to clad a Metcalfe kit with plasticard and morph it onto a bashed Kestrel kit. 

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  • RMweb Gold

Quite a productive morning for a Sunday, as the Obergrumpenfuhrer was out at Craven Arms helping to run a guide leader training session.


All the range stuff that was temporarily stored in the workshop has been moved into the correct accommodation, and there is now a large space in one corner.


The 7/8ths 45mm gauge track making stores have moved to the garage, so we are now in a position to have another tidy up before the installation of the full length bench.


The tidy up will also allow me to sort out all my surplus 4mm stuff and catalogue it so it can be flogged off to finance the slowly growing 7mm fleet.


During the tidy up I found a suitable bit of 12 mm thick ply which will make very nice end plates for the baseboards.  I just need to cut them to size and fit the pattern makers dowels prior to building the fiddle yard board.  I always build this first as it dictates the rail top height for the other boards.


I have decided that my rather grand plans will have to wait and a smaller much simpler edifice will have to suffice for now, as I'd like something running in three months and not three years hence!

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  • RMweb Gold

Now in Enfield. There are lots of roadworks on the route we usually use through Enfield. Aditi said she knew the way via the town centre. Apart from the diversion round the Tesco car park she did! At least I know where the shops are as we soon passed Waitrose. I did gently enquire if her route was better than that suggested by the sat nav.

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And if whales are so intelligent, why have previous generations not taught others not to go to certain areas where they might beach? Just because their brains are huge doesn't mean they use it to any advantage... yet! :no:




May be the previous generations have taught them instilled in them the need to beach, and given them the reasons why they should! It is not a new phenomenon, after all.

Edited by JohnDMJ
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  • RMweb Gold

Talk of male/female  health matters reminds me of the time I worked in South Korea from 1979 to 1982.


At that time under Korean labour law female employees were able to take a "ladies day"  once a month when they had their periods. Most of the female employees took advantage of this arrangement and claimed their monthly day off on a regular basis.


I had noticed that a couple of staff members were claiming these days on an irregular basis and had a chat with my Korean deputy and, bingo, suddenly they started claiming their "ladies day" on a regular basis.......



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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon all.


Very murky here. It feels like daylight has decided to give today a miss. We have had at least one light on all day.

I hope France v Scotland proves as entertaining as this weekend's other games.

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Seeing as you are all talking weather, how British, it's cold and damp here in North Yorkshire with a leaden sky. We had wintry showers this morning, and I awoke to the discovery that a stone wall adjacent to the garage has partially collapsed. No damage (it could have all landed on the car), only some clearing up to do and another job to see to once better weather arrives, which is OK. It's nice doing outdoor jobs with the sun out.  :sungum:

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May be the previous generations have taught them instilled in them the need to beach, and given them the reasons why they should! It is not a new phenomenon, after all.

I think that it must be the females doing the navigating, turning left here instead of right... :scared:

Have now gone into hiding from the wrath of Debs, Sherry, Polly et al...



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