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Early Risers.


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I got my late client's friend to do another search of the house.


She found about £1300 in cash stuffed into an armchair.


We also realised that he had pension payments due to him before his death, totalling about £3000. He hadn't drawn the money.


I've come to the conclusion that my late client was a bit of a squirrel. However we can now pay for him to go home to Ireland on Monday.


Told you, do I get a cut!

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  • RMweb Premium

Weather says yes for riding......

A combo of Gabapentin, Tramadol, Valium and Naproxen says no.

However, operating the layout is great as for once, I don't have to pretend the little people are talking to me.......

They actually ARE!

Roll on the op.......

I really wanted to tick funny, but I know what you mean!

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All the pictures have now been re-hung, so a few brownie points earned there I think.


It was a relatively simple job, as we have picture rails, I just place a brass hook on the rail and hang the pictures from the hook. As all the pictures still had the picture wire fixed on them, it only took a few minutes.


Time for lunch.

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I have had no time to read for a few days.  I have even had to (again) unfollow to avoid my phone overloading with TRNs and spitting its dummy.  I am however still very much alive and at something past 1am am also on the way to bed.  ER is not required tomorrow.


Obliged to drive an unfamiliar route today account a combination of occupations affecting all of my various options to reach the Palace by rail.  Not too challenging inbound but homeward after dark revealed the local cockwombles pootling along at 40-50kmh in an 80 zone, often in the middle of three lanes and one who clearly felt there was no reason to use any lights at night. 


Not much else to report as the Great Removal Process is proceeding and the house is looking emptier by the day as items not for removal are disposed of.  The cat is now up to date with the required vaccinations and has his pussport.  The lottery helped rather comfortably tonight as well with a quite respectable six-figure win.  Before you get too excited two of those digits fall after the decimal ;)


Best wishes to all.  As ever I am only a message away and appreciate alerts of any very significant matters.  

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No snow here but it is raining.


Where we live on the North East coast we don't often suffer with lots of snow yet there may well be a good covering a couple of miles along the coast or even a few hundred yards inland. Perhaps our ancestors who built here knew a thing or two even without this interwebby thing. Having said that, on the rare occasion weather conditions contrive against us, we don't half get it. Fortunately this only happens once every few years. I remember one year the school was closed because of atrocious conditions (not the feeble few cm excuse often used these days) but the head had to send photographs to County Hall a few miles inland because they had no snow and didn't believe us.


Have a good day, whatever the weather is up to where you are.


We have a friend in Monk Hesledon, she can have three feet of snow and there might only be an inch on the coast.  Not like it's far....

Edited by New Haven Neil
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Not much happening today. Sad news from New Zealand about the Pilot Whales stranding. Some that are returned to the ocean turn around and strand themselves again. What can drive them to do it? No doubt it has gone on for millennia and will continue. 

Stay safe all, especially any of you pilot whales that read this.

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Another working day finished and a couple more problems have been identified which I now need to work out a solution for. On top of this there have been some heavy snow flurries throughout the day but at least it hasn't settled. I have at least made it back home in time for the Wales game.


Time for a coffee before settling myself in front of the idiot box for the game.


Back later

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Reading of the likely consequences of a dalliance with dockside ladies, I'm reminded of a quick diagnosis method they used in the RN. 

Instead of examining the afflicted matelot they simply asked which nightclub he'd been to, opened at photo album at the relevant page and asked him to point out the gal.  :tender:  :spruceup:  :girldevil:

Whether the photos were labelled Syphilis Suzie, Gonorrhea Girty, Hepes Hattie....I don't know!  

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Every three months or so I go to my local barber, Georgio's:




...so today I was due for the quarterly short back and sides. George, Greek Cypriot by descent and a rabid Spurs fan, has run this outfit for about 20 years-plus and I've been going to him for as long as I can remember. He has developed the shop and, with his colleagues, can now handle four customers at one go. They can do just about every style under the sun; Edwardian/steampunk/hipster styles, and Eastern European "shave-as-close-as-you-dare" are their current main workload.


It can't be easy being a trainee barber, though. Over the years, George has trained loads of people - most of them Greek and Turkish Cypriots like himself, but also Kurds, Turks and Iraqis, and three of them have stayed on his staff. His current student hasn't been with him long, and it sort of showed after I was allocated to him this afternoon. He has a good pair of hands, and is careful (he has to be, with George watching him like a hawk), I'll give him that, but God is he nervous. It took him about double the time that my cuts normally take, and I think he misunderstood George's instructions a bit. After he'd finished, George took one look at the result, groaned, and decided to do it all over again. I got two haircuts for the price of one.

Edited by Horsetan
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Back home after my overnight stay at the Kent and Canterbury Hospital. Follow-up appointment pencilled in for four weeks time to see if any nasties have found as a result of the procedure.


Thanks to all of four your support and good wishes following yesterdays posting.


Biggest challenge was getting out of the hospital today - the place is like a rabbit warren with bits and pieces built and added over the years and connected by a maze of covered walkways and passages. Needless to say, I emerged into the open at the opposite end of the hospital to where my friend was waiting to meet me. No bus journey home as the hospital made it very clear that they did not approve of the idea of me using public transport for the return journey. Being a good boy I did what I was told!


Despite having had a reasonable nights sleep (no heavy snorers, equipment peeping away etc) it will be good to get back in my own bed tonight.



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Oh, so that is a blue pullman?! :punish:



It's a VERY Blue Pullman - when I saw them at Paddington in the 70s, they were never that clean! :jester:

Evening All


Great to have some of the missing ERs back in the fold - welcome back RHB and ID.

Ian - great to hear how Sherry is progressing - I know the thrill that each progressive step means, and the feeling of success that every longer walk represents.   However, I still counsel her (and you as her carer) to not push too hard, and again to rest as soon as any pain or tiredness sets in.  I was able to go into town on my own by bus after about four weeks.


Generic greetings are, of course, on offer to everybody else.


As for 30747, she had a reaction to the local, and the way it has drained, which has left some residual bruising, and it will subside in about a week.


Not a great deal more to report today, just a trip to town to queue up at the bank.  Wonderful.


Back tomorrow

Regards to All


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I have just been to inform my bottle of Penderyn grand slam Whisky (threatened with opening at the next Welsh grand slam), that it has a stay of execution of at least another 12 months.


Wales need to learn from the 'Wilkinson years' that kicking easy penalties makes the points that can win you the game.

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