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  • RMweb Premium

Morning Awl, I must admit I at first read the V & D as VD. Sitting it out, then caused some puzzlement....


Leaving work last night I had to drive down to the road to that passes the police station on the industrial estate, with all the lorrys parked waiting to be serviced, and then a line of cars (police personally owned cars?), there was a full 200 yards of single lane traffic to the police station. cars coming the other way were as usual hammering round the corner at 40+ (30 limit).  Then getting annoyed at the traffic coming the other way not moving over.... there was nowhere to go. There have been accidents because of this in the past. Today the line of cones has been extended, but with just plain red and white cones not the police ones. It will be interesting to see how they are when I leave tonight. PS to that, I've often seen police / police private cars going well in excess ot the limit to the station.


 A further mile on on my journey, so I'm following, a big ridged lorry, which then stops for longer than normal at a mini round about and then turns right. I suspect he was following his black box meaning to go straight on, which has been recently closed forever, for the NDR bypass. That meant he then tried to drive past the schools at full henwomble time. It took a long time....


On getting home, and having dinner a hours eyelid inspection was carried out, that was later followed by 6 hours sleep, I'm doing well this week.


Our doctors never phone unless it's VERY important it's alway done by paper post. you now have to go in to drop off pescription orders, as they don't allow telephone repeat orders any more.


Our council do put out a bin lorry(privatised) collection day calendar, It doesn't mean a lot, they often don't collect on the day shown, as they stop when their hours are up. Then they do come round some time in the next couple of days, so our bins are often out for several days. At least the calendar tells us what type of bin to put out...


MRC tonight, more excess wiring to remove from the layout I'm helping renovate, this will be interupted by loading up for tomorrows show.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Cold and grey out.

Closer inspection of the broken cistern lever reveals,that it is plastic, the crystalline growth from limescale mislead me into thinking it was a metal casting.

I will head off to DIY warehouse and Sainsbury sometime after breakfast.

After the loo repair I will probably return to the garage rearrangement. It is fun finding things I didn't know I had!

Have a good day.


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The Lower Mainland is now cut off from the rest of BC. All 4 highways into the Interior are closed because of freezing rain, avalanche hazard, avalanche control and accidents in various places. The only way out by road is to the US.


Trump that.



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  • RMweb Premium

The Lower Mainland is now cut off from the rest of BC. All 4 highways into the Interior are closed because of freezing rain, avalanche hazard, avalanche control and accidents in various places. The only way out by road is to the US.

Is that why it's rumoured Sarah Palin is being put forward as Ambasador to Canada?


She might know where that is...

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Up early because I’m aching from taking a slide when clearing snow yesterday, luckily my elbow broke my fall...


Quite chilly at -8C but not as cold as reported last night with  an expected high of  -1C today and a little more snow tonight. The ice though had stuck to my car with the consistency of epoxy and proved  impossible to get off  the bodywork. A Black Ice morning with the local guys unable start spraying the roads until 7:00am - they had an 18 hour workday yesterday.


Amazingly Saturday and Sunday will be above freezing for 48 hours. On that happy note I’m going back to bed for an hour.


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold



Our doctors never phone unless it's VERY important it's alway done by paper post. you now have to go in to drop off pescription orders, as they don't allow telephone repeat orders any more.



I use the  national online Patient Access system, which allows me to order my repeat prescriptions without having to attend the surgeries black drop box.


A text is received from the chemist when it has been processed and is ready for collection.


You might want to investigate this method, as it saves a great deal of time and having to drive to and from the surgery unnecessarily.

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  • RMweb Premium

I use the  national online Patient Access system, which allows me to order my repeat prescriptions without having to attend the surgeries black drop box.


A text is received from the chemist when it has been processed and is ready for collection.


You might want to investigate this method, as it saves a great deal of time and having to drive to and from the surgery unnecessarily.

As I pass the surgery 4  or 5 miles away, 5 days a week on the way back from work during opening time, It's not really a problem at the moment , but in roughly 214963200 seconds when I retire, it may become a problem I have no doubt everything will have changed by then, several times...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Luckily I've had all the taps replaced over the last few years so haven't had any plumbing problems, I've also had isolator valves fitted to each indivdual tap. In my last property the previous owner was a tightwad, he'd had the (plastic) plumbing in the bathroom apart at sometime but instead of replacing it with new he put it back together with plumbers sealing tape to stop it leaking. This meant that it was neccessary to cut through the plastic pipes rather than unscrewing the part that needed replacing. In fact the previous owner was so tight he took all of the lightbulbs and replaced them with low wattage ones. He also took the garden shed which was included in the property description so I demanded its return through my solicitor. I ended up with a new shed at his expense as the old one had partialy collapsed when he moved it and he had built a smaller shed from the remains. I've no doubt that Horsetan can tell of similar shenanigans. Have a good POETS day, be back later.

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OK now I’m up!


I just call my local Pharmacy for repeat prescriptions - if necessary they deal with my Doctor -  I just pick up from there after they call me when ready. I could do it by computer too. If I’m away from home in the ‘ States they ensure I can pick up from my nearest Pharmacy or have the stuff delivered. It’s quite good really.


Best, Pete.

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A big, beautiful wall.....of snow?

At least he’s being sensible in shipping Ms. Palin out of the country. She’s alright until she speaks. I’ve got a great Gif of her showing (almost) all she’s got when sitting down on the edge of an outdoor stage (lilac underwear) but cannot link to it here...


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Premium

At least he’s being sensible in shipping Ms. Palin out of the country. She’s alright until she speaks. I’ve got a great Gif of her showing (almost) all she’s got when sitting down on the edge of an outdoor stage (lilac underwear) but cannot link to it here...


Best, Pete.

Aw spoil sport...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all,

And on the lavatorial theme, someone (who was off school with a cold) put too many spent tissues down the loo. Along with something less savoury.

So, whilst I was out last night swmbo rolled her sleeves up and got stuck in.

"I used a jug to transfer the stuff to the upstairs loo"

"Was it the pyrex one we make gravy in?"

"No. The one you use for the tropical fish."


I bought her a lavatory plunger today. Wellll, it is nearly Valentines....  ;)

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Sorry I'm late...about two weeks I think !   I allowed the Black Dog back into my life and so the small blue tablet last thing at night is a solution although the vivid dreams are quite something !  As usual, I ignored the signs and buried my head in the (proverbial) sand, chickened out (not a happy phrase round here at present) of the Barcelona trip.


On the plus side, I have my hearing aids, free-of-charge but 'on loan' from the NHS with free batteries for life !  What a change. I need markers to set the final volume such as television volume settings and maybe the reverse warning signals on the family car.


However I'm luckier than the turkey growers and chicken farmers in this area - a lot of roads closed off and much heartache in the agricultural community.


Snowing again this morning although it should stop in an hour or so; Wonder Woman is out for hair styling and buying up Asda and, yes, I have just ordered 24 red roses and a card for Monday (Tuesday will no doubt be very busy).

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Morning All,


I haven't been around for a bit, for a number of reasons, but now I'm back - aren't you lucky???


Anyway, just to fill you in:

  • I have begun (and kept to) a very rigorous diet. I started on January 1st and - to date - I have lost about 6Kg (still XXKg to go!). It's a combination of the Atkins' and the Dukan diets, plus a few twists of my own. It's easy to keep to, given that I really love the permitted foodstuffs like roast meat, steaks, fish, and seafood. But this low carbohydrate diet does mean that I haven't had pasta, potatoes, rice or bread since last year.
  • Job hunting proceeds apace, but still without success. I have started to "network" (something I find alien to my conservative, 1950s/60s British upbringing) which - I am reliably informed - is the way to get a job nowadays.
  • Modelling has undergone a hiatus. However, interest has been rekindled and I am finalising the drawings for the school that will go onto my "Bishopsmere (for St Cuthberts)" GWR layout and am awaiting some material from Jamie92208 in order to move forward with three structures for his LGA layout. I might even get inspired enough to finally start on a Comet Kits GWR Full Brake. However, I'll have to source some etching primer - something that seems to be nonexistent in Switzerland.
  • In the absence of a full time job, I am thinking of turning my hobby (cooking) into source of pocket money. I am in discussions with a chum about doing the occasional "pop-up" restaurant featuring proper and authentic "foreign (for Switzerland) food". My first planned excursion will be in food from the Southern US states. So Hush Puppies, Spoonbread, fried Okra, Chicken Fried Steak (and gravy), BBQ Ribs, Coleslaw and possibly a cobbler of some type for pudding. I also have some ideas as to the setup, what to drinks to sell etc.
  • We in Switzerland seem to be spared any significant numbers of native born cockwombles and henwombles. However, at the opening and closing times of the International School out in nearby Aesch the roads are clogged by a knob of SUVs all driven by foreign henwombles. Make of that what you will....
  • Finally, the "Wolfpack" are keeping me very busy with their daily training and exercise. Dearest Schotty has an unpleasant habit of barking madly at strange dogs and not shutting up! So I am now training him to bark upon command and then stop upon command (and a reward). Which he seems to be grasping. The idea being that once he has learned to stop barking upon command, when he spontaneously starts barking the same command will stop his spontaneous barking. Lucy is being her usual, sweet, self. With men that she knows, she turns into quite a femme-fatale, trying to seduce them with her incredibly beautiful eyes. I reckon that if she were human, she'd be a sultry Redhead that would break hearts and wreck marriages.

Well enough waffle from me.


Enjoy POETS days


Stay Frosty



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Can you make Ally Pally in March, because LGA will be there in its full glory, with muggins attempting to operate the branch.




I suppose this determines the location of our traditional ER meet on the Saturday.


A large teutonic package has arrived, containing the Lenz BR 50. Four pages of unpacking instructions plus a sixteen page booklet - in German! About to translate .....



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Up late this morning, feeling a bit wossname due to sinuses going bang in the night. Pains in the nose, head and especially eyes... Yesterday was a brief visit from the Goat.


Life is a palimpsest at the moment. I am considering my position vis-a-vis the Monty and I might be ditching the AM&SPHR for a moment and working on an 0-16.5 shelf thingy. Somewhere in the loft is a brass loco I built about 30 years ago with a rotten home-made (never ran) chassis that I might modify to fit on a proprietary one. The big attraction is the figures... It will still have a Pratchett theme, witches and so on.


Expecting a new flashgun today (Nikon Speedlight) so that I can do some decent indoors pix. Since getting my first DSLR (a Nikon D70) I've been using the flip-up flash with a diffuser, but it isn't really cutting it. Especially as I am now leaning towards Aperture mode for almost everything. So, today will be fun. Also ordered a battery charger and Ni-Cads, so back on that roundabout I leapt off 20 years ago!


Health is so-so, blood glucose going up like a rocket and no idea why. I also suspect I may have diverticular disease (thank you, Dr Google). So bran flakes for breakfast.


Nuff 'that. A happy and rewarding day to all of you.


Thought - how often do we say "I'm just waiting in for a delivery" these days?

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  • RMweb Premium

You can find it if you search for her in skirt - she wearing a pinkish suit. The cameraman got it right in his face as she was attempting to sit down. She does have a good figure.......


Best, Pete.

I somehow don't think what ever site it is on will get past works "net nanny" . But If i remember I miight try when I get home. The net nanny is so bad here that at one point you couldn't get to a site  that had "Model" in the title, which made access to railway modelling sites difficult. Model has at least been allowed through now...

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Morning all and welcome back Flavio and RhB


Great to hear BeBop Deluxe on R2 this morning. Reckon they must be due a reappraisal, Bill Nelson was certainly innovative.


Sunny outside but temps around freezing; the hills of East Lothian look good from here with their sprinking of snow.


Amazon parcel expected but they'll slip it through the letterbox. Impressed with the Miele repair as we have one of their vacuums.


Am just out to lunch with a pal from work.


Have fun




edited for an Eats Shoots and Leaves error

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  • RMweb Gold

We have had our Miele (Cat and Dog version) vacuum cleaner slightly longer than Gordon has had his. It is still going strong. We haven't managed to destroy it and unlike the "other make" that claims to be suitable for coping with "Animal" fur deposits it copes well! It did however start a process of making us buy other Miele products as and when household equipment fails. Robbie seems fascinated by the Miele dishwasher.

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