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  • RMweb Premium

In The UK you can go up to the boundary with planning permission.

You CAN NOT  build a shed that is flammable within 6ft of a boundary, which I'm betting means 99% of the wooden railway sheds owned by people in the UK on this site were actually built illegally... luckily most councils quietly ignore this one....

Actually I think they've revised this one to 2 Metres.

Edited by TheQ
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Aditi is off to a seminar about French verbs this morning.






I had no idea that Aditi was a masochist...


Perhaps she will recite them to you upon her return?


In reality, Aditi can do no wrong so far as I’m concerned.


Best, Pete.

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Greetings all.


HMRC came and went pretty much as expected. They had far more fun with the paper expense claims from our Liverpool office than they did with the computerised ones from London, and as a consequence feel more strongly placed to ask further questions. Given the relative size of the two operations and the relative size of the expense claims, I am happy with them concentrating there.


It has turned much colder here than in the past few days, just in time for half term...Younger Lurker starts his tomorrow.


In the meanwhile we have had another set of people round to quote for a complete revamp of our central heating, It is a necessary horror.


All the best to all on here

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I suspect AndyB hasn't just by coincidence noticed rare newts that seem to appear whenever planning disputes arise.


In days gone by it was a hermitage complete with hermit (who could be hired by the week).

Hmmm. I sense new career opportunities.


Two plows have just gone by in echelon. We’ve had so far (I estimate) 4 inches of the white stuff in two hours. The town rates our road “tertiary”. The worst could be over in four hours (by Noon).


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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  • RMweb Premium

Greetings all.


HMRC came and went pretty much as expected. They had far more fun with the paper expense claims from our Liverpool office than they did with the computerised ones from London, and as a consequence feel more strongly placed to ask further questions. Given the relative size of the two operations and the relative size of the expense claims, I am happy with them concentrating there.


It has turned much colder here than in the past few days, just in time for half term...Younger Lurker starts his tomorrow.


In the meanwhile we have had another set of people round to quote for a complete revamp of our central heating, It is a necessary horror.


All the best to all on here

About 32 Pecketts for just a boiler, maybe 64 Pecketts for a system?

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  • RMweb Premium

I suspect AndyB hasn't just by coincidence noticed rare newts that seem to appear whenever planning disputes arise.


Ahh, the old "rare newt" ploy; it's been used so many times in this neighbourhood they're no longer rare! 

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I suspect AndyB hasn't just by coincidence noticed rare newts that seem to appear whenever planning disputes arise.


Ahh, the old "rare newt" ploy; it's been used so many times in this neighbourhood they're no longer rare!



No newts is good newts.

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Many thanks to whoever posted the link to "Living with a Hernia" by Weird Al a couple of days ago.


Have had James Brown as an earworm since then...


Chilly here and overcast today.


Any of you watching Hospital on BBC2? Really shows the problems London hospitals have for beds. A good programme imho.


Stay warm, all



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Which is why you do it with a shot gun.


(Same with rook and crows nests)


I have a feeling that the HG will appear on the general list before much longer.


They are big enough to cause serious injury to both adults and children, and their attacks on people as they scavenge for food is going to lead to someone being seriously injured or even killed, unless something is done about them.  


I suspect their boldness in these events is as a result of their greater numbers, which results in  greater boldness.  Similar to dogs when they are part of a pack.


which brings me onto bondu dog hunting!


After the Turkish invasion of Cyprus in 1974, there were many stray dogs around, which eventually banded into packs and they ended up entirely feral.


Any pack found wandering into the  eastern extremity of the Eastern Sovereign Base Area got short shrift from the local infantry detachment.


The local Greek Cypriots were terrified of them. (And the dogs!)

RAF Episkopi/HQNEAF had the same problem in 1964/1967 - Greener guns were most effective!

Edited by shortliner
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  • RMweb Premium

Thanks for all you thoughts about extensions. 

One element of these designs is known as the 45o Rule, which may well apply to both properties affected by the extension, and addresses the "right to light". Arguably less of an issue if a conservatory is built than a brick walled extension. 

As the properties are staggered by about 3 feet on one side, and our nearest window is about 3'6" from the boundary this gives less scope for the extension.

6 inches by my reckoning.  

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  • RMweb Gold

Andy, make sure you ave enough evidence of the current situation in your garden, should the need arise and you'd have to go to court for it. And if it so happens the photo's also show relevant parts of the neighbouring property.... ;)


Btw, if you find the contractors are doing things you haven't agreed to, have the police shut down the site as it seems they lack planning permission anyway. Also, if you enter a dispute with the current owners of that property, IIRC they can't sell it until it is resolved, so in the event they do sell it before resolving any outstanding issues, inform the new buyer so the sale can be undone: I doubt the buyer would have been aware before the purchase. And assuming they use an estate agent to sell up, inform said agent if you see a sign in the front garden :yes:  Estate agents don't like selling houses with unresolved issues :no:

Lots of photos sounds sensible. We had lots of before and after photos after the neighbours falling Leylandii crushed some particularly nice shrubbery.

Can't imagine the police turning up for a civil matter unless violence occurs!

The questionnaire one fills out for house sales certainly did mention disputes with neighbours. Though it was some time ago I filled one out. There were also lots of warnings about what wouldo could happen if you mislead potential purchasers.

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  • RMweb Gold

Any of you watching Hospital on BBC2? Really shows the problems London hospitals have for beds. A good programme imho.


Stay warm, all



I take the bed shortage with quite a simplistic view.




When I were but a small child, Cardiff and the surrounding areas had quite a few hospitals which all had spare capacity.


So much so, that in times of slack occupancy, wards would be closed down (albeit temporarily) and staff redeployed accordingly.


Now all this spare capacity and real estate was deemed to be wasteful, so various management and accounting types took a rather large knife to the whole empire and trimmed off the excess fat. 


I saw shades of industries 'just in time' resupply chain, which was forced upon the armed forces Logistic system, for a short period, until it was realised on the run up to Gulf War 1, that just in time does not equate to urgent operational deployment with sufficient war reserves, but I digress.


Those that designed the fatless hospital envisaged patients leaving and arriving in a seamless flow, with no hiccoughs in the system and certainly no seasonal variation in admissions.


Add bed blocking by patients who in the days of yore, would have been sent to nursing homes or sanatoriums, which were wiped out by the fatless hospital in the attempt to streamline the system.


Throw in the increasing population  both in size and a larger proportion of older patients and you can see why we are getting have a problem.


I don't believe that throwing another pile of money at the existing system will solve much, as it would be likened to putting a plaster on a ruptured artery, but the whole thing needs a radical overhaul.


I know we have a great argument about overseas aid, but let's say how about putting aside some of this money to pay for the overseas and none entitled persons who use the NHS and leave without paying.........As it is alleged that the NHS has a poor track record when it comes to chasing up payment...........I owed the Tax man £1.40 this year but if we all owed him the same that collectively is a rather tidy sum (but is still small beer compared with what is actually taken by HMRC)


Obviously such a move would only be one of the many innovations that might help, but there are also many political considerations as well as the general public's expectations on what the NHS is required to deliver, which have to be evaluated before anything worthwhile is going to be achieved.


On a personal level, I am pleased by the service I've receive and continue to receive. My ophthalmic consultant, deciding to take on my ongoing eye car for three differing symptoms rather than have three separate consultants, and therefore appointments, is joined up medicine. but even then I have a field of vision test that has to be carried out at the hospital.  The same test can easily be carried out by any dispensing optician. (After all certain ones are employed by the DVSA for the LGV and PSV field tests, which are far more demanding than the hospital ones:  I know because I asked why my hospital test was not valid for the LGV test!).

Edited by Happy Hippo
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Of course we knew this all along...





Best, Pete.

We even have one in our little town in Ireland. I am however getting suspicious since they started offering carpentry classes for the fair sex. I can see I will have to start locking up my tools (no, I don't mean metaphorically!) as Steph has enrolled.

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  • RMweb Premium

My optician has stuff the local hospital doesn't have. However he doesn't have a very good appointments reminder system. I need to book an appointment I think.


My optician's an absolute stunner, but I have to be very careful.  She's my sister in law.



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  • RMweb Gold

We even have one in our little town in Ireland. I am however getting suspicious since they started offering carpentry classes for the fair sex. I can see I will have to start locking up my tools (no, I don't mean metaphorically!) as Steph has enrolled.

Many years ago a friend of mine worked in a primary school. This didn't provide an environment rich in eligible males so she enrolled in various evening classes (it was some time ago). Both woodwork and car maintenance in her part of London seemed full of women with the same idea.

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Quick heads up - if anybody is looking for an illuminated magnier, Aldi are selling one this week on a special at £19.99 - I got one, and it appears to be reasonably quality.




I bought one of those and could never get on with it as a magnifier, but it makes a good worklight,

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BIN day - again sodding cold taking the BIN out - only one this week as the "recycle" is every other week.


Nothing of note for yesterday, another day passes without noteworthy happenings.


Managed to fight JMRI again last night and convince it the re-introduce itself to two locos that somehow it'd magically lost, and one it had decided no longer had a long address :O


Jemma leaves on a 4-day trip today, thankfully NOT east coast, where they appear to be having some snow, cue Pete with the latest update...


-16 and sunny, wind chill of -22 at BIN time, forecast for a high of -8, THEN we head for completely unseasonal +6 for a high tomorrow and the next several days


Wishing your BINs are suitably "serviced", tally ho...

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