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  • RMweb Premium

Morning Awl, only 5 hours sleep last night, so I got up abut 02:30 before settling on the sofa for the second part of the 5 hours.


Most surprised not to find the car Iced up this morning, and still no lying snow. Although is was gently snowing on the way in to work but still not settling..


The New A/C at work is now in full control and even my desk area in Partition land is at 23+_1C


Time for work....

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from a rather dark and chilly village.   Not a huge lot to report apart from the fact that the cats have arrived downstairs demanding food.  The boss will be up sometime soon as the hairdresser is due at 8.30.   Apart from that I believe that I will have the house to myself most of the day so might even get some modelling ​done.   Regards to all.



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Good morning one and all


Jamie thought yesterday that I might have been inspired by breakfast TV in my use of "murmuration".  Not so, my liege.  I only have breakfast TV on to avoid the tranche of religion that Radio 4 emits on Sunday mornings.  With predicable reverence I call this the mumbo-jumbo hour.  On other days I allow the Today programme to digest and analyse the news for me.  The remarkable footage of 60,000 starlings in an aerial ballet was shown on the 1 pm news.  By this time my report had been completed and sent to the fixtures secretary.


Yesterday I tried BT's 1572 service for the first time. Just after noon I got one of those irritating recorded message calls offering me a service that I do not want.  This time it was for cleaning ovens.  I have heard from this outfit, CMF, before.   You press 1 for a quote and 5 to be removed from the list.  Last time they rang I pressed 1 and when they rang me back I explained patiently that I wanted neither a quote not any more calls.  Clearly they listened intently.  This time I pressed 5.  Then I dialled 1572.  Although it was a withheld number it is, I hope, now blocked.  We shall see.


What else happened yesterday?  I cooked bangers and mash and did the ironing.  One was enjoyable, the other a chore.  You decide.  I also ordered a CD from Amazon.  It is Geoff Lakeman's first solo album and I can't wait till I see him at Sidmouth to hear it.   Oh, and I managed a bit of m*d*ll*ng.   The earth may have wobbled on its axis at that news but rest assured that it will continue to rotate.  Now if I ever manage to finish a project things may be different ...


Warm thoughts to all, especially those who need them



Edited by chrisf
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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Dry and 2oC earlier. Forecast to remain coldish with the chance of light sleet or snow showers and the odd bright period. Good-oh!

Thursday means meeting The Boss at Sainsbury's at 9.00 and then shopping. I don't mind it at this time of day as there aren't many people about blocking aisles or trying to dismember you with their trolley.

After that the railway room needs tidying up. I don't know who it is that makes such a mess in there  :scratchhead:  :whistle:

Have a good one,


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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning everyone


I'm pleasantly surprised by the lack of heavy frost that was predicted last night, but at least I don't have to defrost the car! Today will see me driving around the Stockport area to collect information for my bosses, this will hopefully enable appointments to be made, so some essential maintenance can be carried out on some of our equipment.


Back later.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Cold and dry.

I will probably do more garage tidying today.

Aditi is off to a seminar about French verbs this morning.

Matthew is going to Rotterdam for a conference.


Dd. I had somehow not realised that you were a runner. I do hope the nocturnal pain has lessened this morning.



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  • RMweb Gold

On my way for an eye test. So far so good as can still find Wetherspoons although only for a cup of tea.


Slept till about 4 am after loading up with herbal sleeping tablets as I was still awake at 11.30pm.

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  • RMweb Premium

Woken early (5:30) this morning by the smoke detector. As I'm not typing this amid charred timbers and singed furniture you should be able to deduce it was a false alarm. No spiders about (a common source of false alarms) but the innards were both dusty and greasy. Taking no chances I'll be heading out to the hardware shop this morning for a replacement. One curious thing though the old alarm was running with a rechargeable battery, somewhere in the distant past I seem to remember reading that rechargeables weren't recommended for alarms.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all,

Not much news of late as I'm still holed-up with my youngest who is off school poorly. 


Our neighbours continue their home improvements at a pace and the next project is a single storey rear extension.


Does anyone know if they have the right to put the footings across the boundary line?


I can see our patio being lifted up and plants along the trellis being destroyed on the altar of home improvement for profit.

Due to the months of disruption so far we're pretty fed up with the constant building work - often at no-notice.

Hence if there is a request for builders to bring materials, machinery and remove spoil via our sideway and garden the answer will be "No".

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  • RMweb Premium

Woken early (5:30) this morning by the smoke detector. As I'm not typing this amid charred timbers and singed furniture you should be able to deduce it was a false alarm. No spiders about (a common source of false alarms) but the innards were both dusty and greasy. Taking no chances I'll be heading out to the hardware shop this morning for a replacement. One curious thing though the old alarm was running with a rechargeable battery, somewhere in the distant past I seem to remember reading that rechargeables weren't recommended for alarms.

I'm not sure about rechargables but you should never use long life batteries in a smoke alarm as the materials in the batteries react with those in the alarm, and starts fires.

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  • RMweb Gold

I'm not sure about rechargables but you should never use long life batteries in a smoke alarm as the materials in the batteries react with those in the alarm, and starts fires.

The reports of longlife batteries causing fires in a couple of smoke alarms seem to be in an alarm with a non replaceable battery. As this was the model distributed free by fire services the design fault has been rectified. However one person in the US did start a fire allegedly when he disposed of what he thought was a dead 9volt battery from his alarm into a bin. It shorted across something and caused a fire.


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all,

Not much news of late as I'm still holed-up with my youngest who is off school poorly. 


Our neighbours continue their home improvements at a pace and the next project is a single storey rear extension.


Does anyone know if they have the right to put the footings across the boundary line?


I can see our patio being lifted up and plants along the trellis being destroyed on the altar of home improvement for profit.

Due to the months of disruption so far we're pretty fed up with the constant building work - often at no-notice.

Hence if there is a request for builders to bring materials, machinery and remove spoil via our sideway and garden the answer will be "No".


I'm in the same boat as our neighbour has permission for an extension which will mean footings on the boundary.  To install them they will have to lift the path that leads to our back garden.  I'm trying to keep on reasonable terms with our neighbour.  However in the planning permission documents there is some reference to the Party Walls Act.   There are obviously legal precedents over such problems but I'm not sure what they are.  



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Didn't need any alarm this morning, bin lorry outside at 07:30 with machinery that needed lubrication judging by the screaching, it was time to get up anyway. AndyB, they can only put anything across the boundary line with your written permission and they are legally bound to restore anything that they disturb such as fences or patios. The builders have a duty of care to not damage planting or anything else on your property. Thats it for now, be back later.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning, a bit chilly outside this morning but not to bad, pub lunch on the agenda then most likely a snooze in the arm chair.


The latter due to the fact that I am not driving hence a chance to partake in a couple (at least) of glasses of red most likely merlot.


Wine at lunchtime seems to bring on the afternoon siesta mode these days.


Food should be good aswell!


Enjoy your day folks

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  • RMweb Premium

I'm in the same boat as our neighbour has permission for an extension which will mean footings on the boundary.  To install them they will have to lift the path that leads to our back garden.  I'm trying to keep on reasonable terms with our neighbour.  However in the planning permission documents there is some reference to the Party Walls Act.   There are obviously legal precedents over such problems but I'm not sure what they are.  




I was reading up about he PWA earlier. My understanding is that there has to be a wall for it to apply. The .gov link quoted gave me a 404 error, though.

One thing I picked up on was that they have to give notice of digging on your land but it didn't say they couldn't. Chris P Bacon may have more knowledge of this?

Another thing to remember is that if the extension wall is hard up against a boundary then, whilst it can be built from the outside-in, it is difficult to do the pointing.

Likewise, if someone builds hard up to the boundary it is difficult for the neighbour to do likewise later on if they wanted to?

Nice to try and stay on good terms with neighbours, but if you suspect (we do) they are buying a renovation project for short term profit then arguably, just stand your ground.  

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  • RMweb Gold

I had some bloodtests on Tuesday at a local clinic. This morning I have had a letter from my GP asking me to repeat one of the tests, not the fasting ones, making sure I am well hydrated.

This would mean the results got to my GP yesterday, she reviewed them and suggested action same day for me to receive a letter today. I know there are problems in other areas but good NHS treatment here.

Hopefully the diabetic, lipids and liver functions are OK as I haven't been asked to make an appointment. I strongly suspect the abnormal electrolytes is due to the high dosage of one of medications. This is one I should be able to hopefully reduce soon anyway as the other medication kicks in.


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I'm not sure about rechargables but you should never use long life batteries in a smoke alarm as the materials in the batteries react with those in the alarm, and starts fires.


That's interesting. Our smoke alarms used to go off regularly and we were told it was because we were using cheap (Asda) batteries. We replaced them with Duracell batteries and have had no problems since. Ours are also wired into the mains with the batteries as back up, maybe that makes a difference.

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  • RMweb Gold

Moprning All,


Andy - the Party Wall Act is about a lot more than party walls as it also deals with footings and similar excavations.  I do wonder if some procedures might have been ignored in yur case as you should have obviously been contacted directly by the local planning office when they applied for Planning Permission giving you a chance to comment and suggest any restrictions.impositions you require.  They are, as I understand things, legally allowed to work right up to their side of the boundary but couldn't, for example, legally remove the fence if it is yours (indicated by a 'T' on your deeds) but they can build right up to it - just watch it isn't put back in a  different place if that is the case.


If there are excavations you should as a minimum have been served notice under the Party Wall Act if the excavation is within a certain distance of your footings and the depth of them is at a stated angle beneath them.  In most cases it is more sensible to just serve the Notice and let the experts sort it (they have to pay for your 'expert' although you can chose the expert),  If none of this has happened I would get onto Building Control PDQ because I would assume they should have been told the necessary permissions have been sought - s*d all to do with 'neighbourlyness' and a lot more to do with protecting the fabric of your property - the PWA is intended to do that and is hardly an onerous imposition.  Incidentally if they claim they're doing the extension under Permitted Development the PWA still applies plus there are planning restrictions on the size and height of the structure if it is adjacent to a boundary or within x metres of it - plus any local council imposed additional restrictions or variations. 


No problems here with that kind of thing as both our neighbours are pretty good - and today is faux Friday so it's waitrose shopping I expect.  Better than Tuesday which was 'faux Christmas' as it saw me being dragged into M&S to obtain supplies of new socks and a new pair of slippers (but no more Pecketts - and we all know that Pecketts are not just for Christmas).


Have a good day everybody

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“As I walked out in the streets of Laredo...

As I walked out in Laredo one day,

I spied a poor Cowboy...” - Oh, holy crapola!



This is what happens when Scousers go on holiday in the States.


That's interesting. Our smoke alarms used to go off regularly and we were told it was because we were using cheap (Asda) batteries. We replaced them with Duracell batteries and have had no problems since. Ours are also wired into the mains with the batteries as back up, maybe that makes a difference.

I use Maplin rechargeables in the two alarms. Never a problem. They tend to need a recharge roughly once a year, and the alarm gives a "pip" alert when the recharge is due.

Edited by Horsetan
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All


Missed a day as 30747 had a hospital visit yesterday.  Managed some catch up, but the rest had to be this morning.


Still got a lot of home matters to deal with from the scaffolding shrouded 45156/30747 towers, and then a pickup taxi ran - possibly back later.


Regards to All


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  • RMweb Premium

Moprning All,


Andy - the Party Wall Act is about a lot more than party walls as it also deals with footings and similar excavations.  I do wonder if some procedures might have been ignored in yur case as you should have obviously been contacted directly by the local planning office when they applied for Planning Permission giving you a chance to comment and suggest any restrictions.impositions you require.  They are, as I understand things, legally allowed to work right up to their side of the boundary but couldn't, for example, legally remove the fence if it is yours (indicated by a 'T' on your deeds) but they can build right up to it - just watch it isn't put back in a  different place if that is the case.


If there are excavations you should as a minimum have been served notice under the Party Wall Act if the excavation is within a certain distance of your footings and the depth of them is at a stated angle beneath them.  In most cases it is more sensible to just serve the Notice and let the experts sort it (they have to pay for your 'expert' although you can chose the expert),  If none of this has happened I would get onto Building Control PDQ because I would assume they should have been told the necessary permissions have been sought - s*d all to do with 'neighbourlyness' and a lot more to do with protecting the fabric of your property - the PWA is intended to do that and is hardly an onerous imposition.  Incidentally if they claim they're doing the extension under Permitted Development the PWA still applies plus there are planning restrictions on the size and height of the structure if it is adjacent to a boundary or within x metres of it - plus any local council imposed additional restrictions or variations. 


No problems here with that kind of thing as both our neighbours are pretty good - and today is faux Friday so it's waitrose shopping I expect.  Better than Tuesday which was 'faux Christmas' as it saw me being dragged into M&S to obtain supplies of new socks and a new pair of slippers (but no more Pecketts - and we all know that Pecketts are not just for Christmas).


Have a good day everybody


Thanks, Mike.

At present all we have is early intelligence of an extension going up, based on informal chat a few months back, a new fence put up that was only part the way down the boundary (quote "the un-replaced panel would be hidden by the extension"), and this week all the windows were replaced except those that would become part of an internal wall and disappear.


As I understand it they don't need planning permission per se if the length is kept below about 9'. However, I believe there may be a requirement to retain at least 50m2 of land around the property. I guess that could include the front garden. Tricky otherwise!


If they stick true to form the first we'll know about building work will be when the skip and plant turn up on site. If that does happen then it could be interesting as  you have to give 2 months notice of digging footings on a neighbour's land; as I understand it.


They certainly could take out their fence panel to make building easier, although to hide it we put independently supported trellis and planting up. Their builders would be obliged to make good any damage to the trellis, plants or our patio.


The Spring ahead holds deep joy. Not!

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