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OI!! :angry:  I resent that!! Com'ere and say that to me face lad! I'll have you writing reports for infinity, and beyond!! :threaten: I was in the Royal Military Police :nono:


Don, time to obtain a Sysrescuecd and polish up your DOS. Boot from the image (they can be placed on USB sticks too, if your laptops lack a cdrom drive) and read up on ClamAV. Fair chance both machines have been infected. And even if they're not, it's still a good idea to check with a tool that's immune to masking attempts by malware, as the OS it infected and tries to hide itself from, isn't running. Do note that the Bash you're on is quite a bit more powerful then DOS ever was and some commands differ. Here's a list on what's usually available: click!





Typical, I knew that Smiffy likes Chimping, but I never knew we had a monkey in the ark as well.


Anyone from the RAF Regiment around so we can complete the set?

Edited by Happy Hippo
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Back from the doctors. ECG results fine but I still am getting bad chest pains which I did tell them about.


Will have to see what the doctor says when I next see them along with the blood test results.



After my GP was unhappy with my ECG conducted in his office he sent me for a Nuclear Stress Test with a heart specialist.

It’s hard work but worth it as he declared me very well (considering I was still drinking and smoking at the time - I’ve given up smoking since).


One of these (but not with the Mayo Clinic): http://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/nuclear-stress-test/basics/definition/prc-20012978


Best, Pete.

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Morning all.


Just heard on t'wireless that seagulls are a protected species due to population concerns. Really?


Best wishes




Oh Sh1t!


Had the chest x-ray last week and they said it was all clear this morning.


I have had this a few times the last time was about 10 years ago and much the same outcome.


Don't get complacent!


Evening all.  Early night with the First Aid at Work course tomorrow.  Knee still not good.




Good place for treatment for the knees then!

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Oh and I forgot to mention. I had already been invited to the consecration of the new Bishop of Woolwich, now I've also been invited to the reception in Lambeth Palace!





Early night with the First Aid at Work course tomorrow.  Knee still not good.



Are the two in any way related? Do you need the knee to do a lot of bowing and scraping at the Palace?

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Are the two in any way related? Do you need the knee to do a lot of bowing and scraping at the Palace?


Well, Mal, he does have the right name for it..............


Me? I take the view of the earliest Surrealists in Paris. Look it up.


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Premium

I have a vinyl "Funny Game Football" made by comedians such as Arthur Mullard in the 70's. One of the sketches was about Richard Nixon.

"Whats the good news?"

"Richard Nixons had an ar*ehole transplant."

"What's the bad news?"

"The ar*eholes rejected him."


I heard that one done by the Monty Python team in a live show in 71.  It was done with a messenger bringing news updates with a good pause between the two bits of news.



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“As I walked out in the streets of Laredo...

As I walked out in Laredo one day,

I spied a poor Cowboy...” - Oh, holy crapola!

When Nuevo Laredo sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They steal the wheels from police cars. And some, I assume, are good people.”

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Planning the little add-ons for the big holiday for this year. "Not-a-fan-of-flying-but-only-because-I-have-to" Mrs NB surprisingly booked a seaplane trip from Vancouver. I'm quite looking forward to that one. And at the opposite end of the transport spectrum, a Japanese bullet train is also on the agenda.





Just had visions of a seaplane facility in Japan at the bullet train terminal.

It's just me, Mick - not you! Sounds like fun.

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Some may know that I run to keep fit.

During the night I had shin 'splints'. Like cramp but worse.

Treatment involves screaming in agony, jumping out of the bed, kicking the cat, and being awake for the rest of the night.

Lots of language was used during this experience - thankfully very rare (both the language and the affliction).

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Morning all. A dry but chilly start to the day.


I slept really well last night and feel totally carp now. I just want to go back to bed.


Another day on the client site and it looks like I'll be there at the weekend. If I end up missing the rugby I won't be happy.


Have a good day everyone

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