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In Liverpool the chains would be to stop them nicking the contents. :jester:


Not mentioning any specific group (the group I first heard this one about were definitely not Liverpudlians!)


Dustman - "Any rubbish today?"

Punter - "Yeah - I'll take two bags."

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  • RMweb Gold

Oh and I forgot to mention. I had already been invited to the consecration of the new Bishop of Woolwich, now I've also been invited to the reception in Lambeth Palace!Bill

Frankly, Bill, with a name like yours we would expect nothing less.

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  • RMweb Gold

Lead-free bullets then?


Given that this year's the Centenary of US involvement in the Great War, why not give Donald a taste of their experiences in the trenches? :triniti: :hunter:







Don't they use depleted Uranium now or has that been quietly forgotten.



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Good morning one and all


Sometimes I wonder whether the word "murmuration" is better applied to a roomful of railway enthusiasts than to a flock of starlings.  Last night, and not for the first time, the audience at the LCGB Bedford branch was quite incapable of sitting quietly and admiring the slides being projected.  As well as offering helpful comments to the speaker, which he invited, they sat and burbled at one another, which he would most probably have preferred not to happen.   I expect some of them do not realise that they are doing it, poor old souls.  Tolerant?  Moi?


Today I have lots of notes to decipher and turn into a report of last night's talk.  If the sheet of lined A4 had turned up in ancient Egypt someone would have reached at once for the Rosetta Stone to decipher the hieroglyphics which pass for my handwriting.  The task is best discharged sooner rather than later while my forgettery is still fresh.  To do so will also defer the ironing for an hour or so so it's not all bad.


There being no further burning issues today, it only remains for me to extend the warmest thoughts to all in distress.



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Morning All,


It is slightly colder here this morning.  According to the forecast, we can expect temperatures to fall before rising again at the weekend.


Like Chris, I don't have a lot else to report at the moment - so have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Premium

Lead-free bullets then?


Given that this year's the Centenary of US involvement in the Great War, why not give Donald a taste of their experiences in the trenches? :triniti: :hunter:





Sadly I fear this will mean a visit by "The Duck" to Europe, for the commemorations,


Lightengine said        "He would have it rewritten and Arnie winning it single handed in about 6 days."


 Arnies ancestors were on the other side, and "The Duck" wouldn't have given him a visa.



Morning Awl,

A surprisingly good night sleep of 7 hours, I fear I will pay for that later in the week.


One thing I forgot to mention yesterday was another cockwomble, It's not an incident I saw, But a car has left a roundabout in a small town I drive  through and finished up 40ft off of the road on the grass verge. The roundabout is only a couple of years old  and a reasonable size, I suspect if the damage to the car didn't stop it, then the soft ground did.

The large area of grass was part of a field, that a few years back required a the fire brigade to rescue a schoolboy, who had sunk up to his waist in the mud.. (after considerable heavy rain the field reverted to marshland). Getting so far off of the road was some achievement in a 30MPH zone...


Talking of soggy areas, Have you noticed how "the Duck's"  presidential spokesman looks absolutely terrified when talking to the press? Rabbit in the headlights time... I can't see him lasting long...


Time to go back to work more repeat tests...

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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning everyone


A dry but dull start to the day, which I will be spending in the orifice, oh the joy! One can hardly contain one's excitement! Roll on Friday, as yet again I will be off for another week, I could get used to this being at home a lot malarkey.


As the bin men have just been I will return our bins to there usual place, before leaving.


Back later.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Dry and dull here with showers expected, possibility of some sunny spells but feeling colder later.

Not much to do today but expecting a small parcel containing wheels so I can re-wheel  my recent secondhand purchases.

After contemplating the layout yesterday and playing with it I almost decided to rip it all up and start again but then thought better of it but may attempt a couple of tweaks.

Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning from a rapidly brightening village.   It's interesting that Chris uses the word murmuration.   I suspect that he was watching BBC breakfast about an hour ago.  The item about starlings has just been repeated with some stunning shots of starlings near to Shap.  We used to see such sights over Leeds regularly but since all the anti bird measures have been put onto buildings in the city centre we don't see them.


Anyway the boss has departed for fat club.  The cats and I have breakfasted.  They have retired to sleep off their repast.  I'm off to do some paperwork then hopefully will continue with some modelling before going down to the club this evening.


Regards to all.



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  • RMweb Gold

Club AGM tonight.

I now have a new title to add to my name.


Chairman - Blackburn & East Lancashire Model Railway Society.




Did you celebrate by going out and painting the town yellow?

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Damp out. I noticed this while putting bin bags out.

Nothing planned other than moving stuff round in the garage. At the moment it looks less tidy after yesterday's effort.

Hope everyone's day goes well.


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