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Early Risers.


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Good morning one and all  


I rose early and still find myself late on parade.  Still, I've had a bath which helps me face the wicked world.  After my porridge and toast it's a quick fodder run for little needs to be procured.  At least the comics - sorry, magazines - are all sorted and accounted for now.  This kept me busy yesterday morning.  I need to magic up some storage space, either that or let some subs lapse.


The new brochure from The Stables arrived yesterday.  As I leafed through it there were groans when yet another attractive concert was found to clash with a previous engagement but there were two which I am free to attend so the bookings will be made soon.  In the afternoon I watched part of the recording of 4square's new EP live on Facebook.  It seems that at least one band member lives quite nearby and I must remember to ask the question when I see them next month at The Harrison, just off Grays Inn Road.  All this excitement did not prevent the laundry being done.  At this rate I will soon be quite on top of things.  Gosh.  It won't last ...


Warm thoughts [why did that just come out as 'yogurts'?] to the many who need them



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Morning all from our village.




*The Gusset. I've always called it that because, like improvements in underwear, Solicitors hardly notice its existence; I must be one of the very few who actually reads the bloody thing....and most of it is turgid going. It's long been an unspoken truth that most people only glance through it to see which of their acquaintances has been struck off this week at the Solicitors' Disciplinary Tribunal .


I only subscribe to my old force newsletter to make sure that my name is not in the obituary column.


I have had varied experiences with banks, solicitors etc over estates.   The one that I was co executor with for my father was excellent.  Another who was the sole executor for an aunt was a sole practitioner who specified in criminal defence work.  She made a complete mess of a large will and lost the main beneficiary several hundred thousand pounds due to incompetence. In the end another firm took over the mess.   As I only got some china, I wasn't affected by the debacle.  


Anyway the day is dawning and the cats need to be fed.  I intend to spend much of the morning tidying and sorting.  Then I've got two talks to put together though hopefully a modicum of modelling will be achieved.


Regards to all.



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Morning awl. 5 hours sleep achieved last night, so a litlle bit tired this morning.

Roads very wet this morning,  but no high winds were heard last night.  a generally dreich day is expected.



Some good news, the company is advertising for some very high level personnel X3 now officially they will be covering the whole of Europe, but the advert is for our site, so I would guess it is likely they will be based here. Once in situ, they will take some pressure off my boss as he carries out some of the work they will be doing and is snowed under with work at the moment.

Mind you everyone here is snowed under, somehow we end up doing a lot of other sites work, but they get the payments for it accredited to them, a very strange way of accounting.

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Mornin all.

Glad that your terriers are back home.

People seem to spend a lot of time these days breeding dogs called Cockerpoos and Labradoodles.

We just used to call them mongrels.

I wonder why no one has thought to cross a bulldog with a shihtzu.

They have, they're shy creatures and often hide behind the sofa and are called shidogs. Edited by BSW01
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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning everyone


It's a bright, damp start to the day, but thankfully no frost, so one less task to do before setting of up north again today, where my work takes me to Whasset as I have to complete a generator test and monitor its behaviour whilst it's running. At least I get to sit in the warm whilst I do so.


Back later.

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Matthew really tried to speak Dutch but generally if he asked someone in the Netherlands to speak slowly so he could understand they would just switch to English. He had to pretend not to speak English to get someone to speak Dutch to him. When he was working with Polish people they were quite impressed with someone attempting their language and were very patient.


When I went to Amsterdam some 30 years ago I found the Dutch much the same. I think they thought it polite to use English for my benefit. I did find some of the Dutch words on road signs easy to understand. Verboden didn't need much imagination. 


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I think I can match your single sheet of paper.


To be blunt, even Solicitors don't charge as much as the UnCo-Operative. For example, my Firm works on the basis of a miniscule percentage fee + VAT based on the net value of the Estate; client Executors find this easy to calculate and they know what to expect.


It's a hell of a lot easier than the traditional hourly rate, which can lead to escalation of costs and punch-ups over whether particular parts of the work or the time spent are justified or not. Oddly enough, our professional weekly trade journal, the Law Society Gusset*, carried a brief article recently on the advantages of fixed fees and why Firms should consider changing over to this structure. Well, Gusset readers, we've been operating the fixed fee system here in Ealing for years - we considered the traditional hourly rate to be a liability as clients were frightened away by it.



*The Gusset. I've always called it that because, like improvements in underwear, Solicitors hardly notice its existence; I must be one of the very few who actually reads the bloody thing....and most of it is turgid going. It's long been an unspoken truth that most people only glance through it to see which of their acquaintances has been struck off this week at the Solicitors' Disciplinary Tribunal .


I gave a like to this for how your firm behaves. I think the high charges of some banks are taking advantage of vulnerable people.




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There was a good turnout at the OFMG last night.


Which was apt as we were doing a tutorial on hand laying turnouts


Doubly good was the demonstration piece, a B6, did not require check rails to achieve faultless running through both the straight and diverging routes.


I suspect that this is mainly due to following the various writings of Martin Wynne elsewhere in RMWeb.

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....I only subscribe to my old force newsletter to make sure that my name is not in the obituary column.....

The late folk violinist, Dave Swarbrick, was one of the few people to have had the dubious pleasure of reading his own obituary. He is definitely dead now, but at the time of the obit he was propped up in bed in hospital, very much alive!

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She was only a Banker's daughter but she certainly .....

Complete with a chance of being included in the Readers Digest prize draw.

.....knew how to capitalise on your assets.


Morning all from sunny Babbacombe


A better night than of late, and I may actually have exceeded 6 hrs sleep for the first time in over a week. I have very sore ribs from coughing, and yesterday actually sought the pharmacist's advice on a cough linctus. Other meds - for BP and asthma - seemed to limit my choice, but I now have some jollop. This helpfully tells you to take between 5 and 10 ml every two to three hours - to a max of 4 doses in 24 hrs! I see long gaps between doses.


As the weather is good we hope to get Sherry outdoors today. There is a bus-shelter just along from the flat, and that has a bum-perch, so she can rest before returning. Her mobility seems very good to me, and she's already using just one crutch to get round indoors. There are various other items of street furniture and side-turnings that will help increase her targetry as the days go by.


I hope your week under full control.

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.....knew how to capitalise on your assets.


Morning all from sunny Babbacombe


A better night than of late, and I may actually have exceeded 6 hrs sleep for the first time in over a week. I have very sore ribs from coughing, and yesterday actually sought the pharmacist's advice on a cough linctus. Other meds - for BP and asthma - seemed to limit my choice, but I now have some jollop. This helpfully tells you to take between 5 and 10 ml every two to three hours - to a max of 4 doses in 24 hrs! I see long gaps between doses.


As the weather is good we hope to get Sherry outdoors today. There is a bus-shelter just along from the flat, and that has a bum-perch, so she can rest before returning. Her mobility seems very good to me, and she's already using just one crutch to get round indoors. There are various other items of street furniture and side-turnings that will help increase her targetry as the days go by.


I hope your week under full control.


Is there not a bar counter somewhere near that she could lean on.



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....handled a deposit or two. 


Morning all,

A sunny start to the day. Actually, as my day started at 03:37 when the youngest succumed to man flu, the sun was yet to rise.

By 04:30 I also had a soar throat and blocked nose.

By 07:30 I was rather glad to hear swmbo pronounce that he was too poorly to go to school, so I retired to bed for a brief snooze.


Scratch building turned to kit bashing last night as a Kestrel townhouse and Peco platform morphed into a parcels depot whilst I had half an eye on the SAS programme on BBC2. This may account for why the model looks like a Lewes bomb did its thing. Milliput time!   

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. I'm sure there's a limerick about a bankers daughter, or maybe just a banker. Plenty of rhyming possibilities there but better not go there. Dull and grey this morning but should stay dry. I have banked with Nationwide for over 30 years now with few if any problems though in the past I had an account with the Woolwich and they were terrible to deal with, not cancelling a standing order when requested and then making charges when the account went overdrawn. Thats it for now, be back later.

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A better night than of late, and I may actually have exceeded 6 hrs sleep for the first time in over a week. I have very sore ribs from coughing, and yesterday actually sought the pharmacist's advice on a cough linctus. Other meds - for BP and asthma - seemed to limit my choice, but I now have some jollop. This helpfully tells you to take between 5 and 10 ml every two to three hours - to a max of 4 doses in 24 hrs! I see long gaps between doses.


The cough linctus that works best for me is a whisky and Crabbies green ginger wine.

There is maximum number of doses that you can take in a day but by the time you reach it you sleep well anyway.

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Morning all.

Damp but not frosty this morning as I set off to the local,clinicmto have my blood sampled. No trouble parking, seen early and didn't feel a thing. Very pleasant phlebotomist.

As my cholesterol levels,have now been measured Aditi thought it was OK to have a cooked breakfast to use up the bacon and black pudding that was lurking in the refrigerator.

Have a good day.


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Morning All


Had to miss a page or two due to time constraints.  So if I've missed anything - sorry.  Greetings are, of course, on offer as usual.


Got home from taking 30747 to work to find that the scaffolders had just arrived and Lily was going a bit berzek in the kitchen due to the racket that they were causing.  Still, it's progress and means that the sorting of the roof will start next week.  View from the windows is, of course, now badly restricted...


Not a great deal more to say, so I'll get herself walked and then sort out the fire, dinner, hoover, etc. etc..


Back later

Regards to All


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They have, they're shy creatures and often hide behind the sofa and are called shidogs.

Just yesterday on FB there was someone talking about their Cavashon. A King Charles Cavalier x Bichon Frise. WTF? Its a mongrel.

Yesterday we got a terrier cross. Is it a Tererr, an Ertier, an Errerr or what?

I would really like a Shih Tzu crossed with a Bassett, a Shihtass!

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Just yesterday on FB there was someone talking about their Cavashon. A King Charles Cavalier x Bichon Frise. WTF? Its a mongrel.

Yesterday we got a terrier cross. Is it a Tererr, an Ertier, an Errerr or what?

I would really like a Shih Tzu crossed with a Bassett, a Shihtass!

Somebody one told me a Staffie was a cross between a Rhino and a Crocodile.

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