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Morning all. For some reason I managed to get a good nights sleep and now I feel totally shattered. Just the start I need for this week.


Time for another coffee before heading off to undo some of the work completed in previous weeks to meet the requirement changes.


Have a good day everyone.

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Good morning one and all


 Fat and eaten is converted to Triglycerides and may be stored in globules. However when dieting and exercising you hope the fat is transported as triglycerides in the blood to muscles etc where it can be used.



Dieting?  Exercising?  You don't know me very well, do you?  Seriously though, thanks to those who posted explanations and translations.  I am inclined to the view that the Triglycerides is the three-eyed counterpart to the one-eyed Cyclops in Greek mythology.  In a not uncharacteristic bout of defiance yesterday I cooked myself toad in the hole followed by woodland fruits strudel and custard.  I then got some exercise by ascending the staircase to my bedroom and there reposing for fully 90 minutes.  This is not something I do at all regularly, not least because I have plenty of useful things to do that do not all get done.


So what does the week ahead hold?  LCGB meeting on Tuesday - an evening of Derek Cross's slides presented by his son David, should be good - and writing report of same on Wednesday, Doncaster show on Saturday, usual fodder runs and unspecified pottering.  Thanks to looking up things for various people I am surrounded by books which really ought to be replaced in their designated bookcases.  Many of these are upstairs.  This means exercise.  Oh goody.  Amid all this a couple of impulse purchases at recent exhibitions are glaring at me as if to say "build me and build me well".  Do I hear the sound of gauntlets being thrown to the ground?  Maybe I do.


Condolences to Alan Shedman5, hang-on-in-there to Andyram and warm thoughts to all others who need them.  That just came out as 'arm thoughts'.  How do the keys get sticky?  Probably the marmalade.



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Morning All,


We have a rather gloomy morning in this part of the world.  However, it is relatively mild and dry, so maybe the weather will brighten up as the day goes on.


A fairly quiet weekend was had.  Yesterday, I spent some time getting my Sprog DCC controller working.  Nothing dramatic, but by the end of proceedings I was able to drive a class 25 up and down a yard of Flextrack :danced:


I am not sure where the weekend went though!


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning everyone


It's a frosty start to the day, so I'll have to defrost the car before I head up north to Blackpool, well just outside Blackpool really, a place called Hambleton. It's not a big job, but one that I'll be on site longer enough to warrant putting the kettle on once the job is completed. I've also got a couple of remote CP units to check before making my way back home.


Best get cracking then.


Back later.

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Good to see you, BoD.

Hope you're managing OK.


Booked to go to Aghios Nicholios (south of Portsmouth) for the Independence and Liberation celebrations in May.

Mostly for the sun but will bring back pictures of all the main line trains I find.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning from a somewhat misty village.   The biss has departed to Asda for chat, breakfast and shopping.   I suspect that the first of those will take longer than either of the other two.   I'm off to church shortly then into town and for banking and a tip run.   Ths afternoon I plan to spend some time tidying in the modelling room before an evening at the clubrooms.   It's an All Your Own evening so I'll have to decide what to take and show.


Regards to all.



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Sunny but chilly. I suspect if we were going out for a drive the cars may require demisting rather than deicing but we aren't going out!

Dd. I had to Google your destination. I haven't been there.

We had a phone call from Matthew while we were drinking our first cup of tea this morning. He had an email this morning asking him (and other students) to reduce the time for their presentations tomorrow. Matthew has now got to lop a couple of minutes out of something he has prepared. That sort of thing annoys him and I think he likes to let us know!

Have a good day all.


Edited by Tony_S
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Another poor night due to my stupid cold and Sherry having some discomfort. At times it is as if she is looking after me! But within the last hour she has had a shower, standing up unaided. The Outreach Team are due today, and I think Sherry's waterproof dressing gets changed. We are also due a visit from the cleaner, but the expected confirmatory text has yet to arrive.


V cold overnight, but instead of a bright morning it is largely overcast.


Hope your week sets off well.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning Awl,  I was so tired I went to sleep an hour early, but then I awoke at about 02:30. After going down to the sofa and putting Trump news on TV, That was enough to send me to sleep again, so I got about 7 hours sleep, as good as it gets...


Damp roads, cloudy skies at home, but as I got within 10 miles of Norwich heavy fog.


Talking of Norwich, if you happen to be in there next Saturday 11th Feb, there is a not very well advertised small model railway show at the URC church http://ipswichroadurc.org.uk/how-to-find-us/  in aid of http://www.norfolkrailwaysociety.org.uk/. 12:00 to 16:00. I'll be there with Broadland MRC http://s643945335.websitehome.co.uk/ and Formhill. Meanwhile SWMBO will be spending her time, walking from one end of Norwich's shopping area to the other filling her shipping trolley and then down the the URC hall.

The tea and coffee's cheap come and visit us out for the forecast cold weather...


 Right I'll go and do some work now to avoid the wrath of a Border Collie...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all. Bright sunshine and I'm in a rather "Tiger-ish" mood.  :D

And on that note I shall bounce adjourn to the office. 


The layout needs a couple of industrial buildings - having just looked at my supply of plasticard I'm left with a rather strange multi-rectangular piece left over from all other building activity. Option 1. Purchase a sheet of plasticard. Option 2. Improvise. 

Option 2 sounds like more fun. 

But wait, there's an Option 3. Search through every cupboard and hiding place in the garage - currently at -2oC - to locate a sheet. 

Yep. Option 2. 


Have a nice day everyone. Andy

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bright and sunny earllier this morning but now a bit cloudy. Up rather late last night, discovered a family history group on Facebook covering an unusual surname that happens to be in my ancestory. It can all be traced back to one individual born in 1516 who changed his name and 'invented' a new surname, all very interesting. Not a lot more to report, congratulations and commiserations where neccessary, be back later.

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...as an addendum to my earlier post, it is definitely a good idea to use limescale remover tablets (x3 @95oC) and mold and mildew remover in a washing machine. 

Just not necessarily at the same time.  :no:  :jester:

I may have invented a new form of persistent foam for use whenever you want to douse a fire AND bleach at the same time. 

Edited by AndyB
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A few weeks the subject of place names with body parts in them came up, I've just driven through ESPRICK.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning, sharp frost here this morning, many thanks for your thoughts/support and condolences re yesterdays post, much appreciated.


Waiting for a electrician this morning, a small wiring job that I decided to abidicate on and lo and behold he has just arrived.


Back later, enjoy your day folks

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  • RMweb Premium

...as an addendum to my earlier post, it is definitely a good idea to use limescale remover tablets (x3 @95oC) and mold and mildew remover in a washing machine. 

Just not necessarily at the same time.  :no:  :jester:

I may have invented a new form of persistent foam for use whenever you want to douse a fire AND bleach at the same time. 

Bleach and Harpic is another mixture to be avoided.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Earlier frost gradually being eaten up by a touch of occasional sunshine.


Today seems to be heading towards concentrating on repairs - firstly herself will be consulting the toaster manufacturer about an element which would seem to have stopped heating and therefore needs replacement, t will be interesting to see tif that is home job ('for a qualified electrician') or return for factory overhaul, no doubt a 'phone call to the maker will give us guidance.  


Second repair consultation refers to my revisiting the consultant this afternoon to 'discuss the management of my hernia' as his letter put it.  Quite what this means I will presumably find out but the wording suggests to me that it might not involve surgical intervention presumably on the basis that the NHS can't afford it or the NHS can't afford it and the privateers have now looked at my records and decided that my diet of drugs and sundry other 'age related' defects means they don't want to chance something which might sully their reputation or cost them more than it's worth.  Anyway no doubt the truth will out later today, probably - but it's also a good opportunity to refuel the Good doctor's car at the cheapest place in the area so hardly a wasted trip.


Have a good day one and all and hope Sherry will continue making progress.

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I now have a task. The new motor assembly for the Kenwood Chef has arrived. First task will be to clean the insides of the mixer. I have learned that food mixers need to be lubricated with food grade grease nowadays rather than whatever was on a shelf in the garage. A tube was included in the repair kit fortunately.

The new speed control requires a little slot to be cut in the mixer body. Another opportunity to point out how useful my model railway tools are!

I wonder if some doughy type cake might need to be made to test it.

I think Aditi started a cake that doesn't need mixing though. Lots of fruit is soaking in a bowl of tea.


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Good morning all. I've had a spell away from the internet as we moved house about ten days ago and only had the phone line reconnected a couple of days ago. Though all moves of house are not without stress this has been the worst I've experienced as we didn't know until the day before the move whether we would be moving to our new permanent home or a temporary rental. Fortunately we didn't need the rental option, though the embuggering factor of both Mrs R and myself going down with flu on moving day kicked in to make things interesting. We're both now on the mend but still in the week, feeble and recuperating phase. It's a double annoyance as the new home is a fixer upper rather pristine show home. It's taken most of the week to get rid of the most gruesome elements of the kitchen and downstairs loo, however there is light at the end of the tunnel; we've started to work out a plan of action.


With no internet I've been reliant on print and TV to find out what's happening in the world. Quite frankly I'm appalled by those politicians who put venal self interest (personal and nation state) before any concept of doing the right thing. I was reminded by the rather fabulous Further Back in Time for Dinner that it hasn't always been so. During WW1 our country took in many Belgian refugees escaping from the horrors being visited on their country. In the aftermath of WW2 many Europeans who found themselves here settled and made lives for themselves. The father of a couple of my teenage mates was a German POW who had met a local girl and remained in York to raise a family. I'm saddened to think that at one stage we could welcome 'the enemy' into our communities and yet these days we seem to be turning our backs on our friends while sucking up to the bully across the pond. I know that we're not supposed to harp on about politics but there are times when it looks as though we are in danger of forgetting our sense of basic human decency.

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