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  • RMweb Gold

I cannot believe it costs as much as three grand to repatriate a body home to Ireland. I detect a rip-off in there somewhere. Already found an Irish Undertaker to receive it and deal with the funeral and burial.

Hopefully the bank will tell me next week how much money is resting in the deceased's account, and whether it gives me a sporting chance of sending him home.

If not, he'll be staying here.... unless his grasping relatives stump up the money.

Some near neighbours accompanied cremated remains back to Ireland recently. The Catholic Church had recently changed rules on disposal of ashes so the urn got taken to where the person had wanted their remains to be scattered and then taken to a more approved final place.


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We've had snow on the ground since December 5, which is very unusual for the Wet Coast. Not to worry - it's forecast to stop late this afternoon. It will then be replaced by freezing rain.

The promised light snow in Portland last night did not materialize. The freezing rain this morning did, though it was very light and where I live has sublimated. Other parts of the Portland area were not so lucky.  It's raining again and the temperature (according to my car) is right at or below freezing. I didn't see any new icing though.


It has been a weird winter in the Northwest.

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And ... it's snowing! We've had snow on the ground since December 5, which is very unusual for the Wet Coast. Not to worry - it's forecast to stop late this afternoon. It will then be replaced by freezing rain.


Chucking it down in lumps here. I shouldn't complain too much as I'll be "up on the piste" tomorrow - that's assuming the pass isn't closed.

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening All


Can't believe how much water has passed under the ERs bridge since yesterday.  A lot to take on board, so it has to be the usual catch all greeting.


However, I see that Sherry is progressing quickly, and I found that my progress was very similar - much is down to modern surgical techniques, and with the replacement, I was back on my feet with crutches after a very short time, and was home in three days, and coping with the stairs as well.  The best advice I can offer is to push ahead with mobiity, but to know when too much is a good thing,  and stop as soon as you feel too tired.  Also take the medication as prescribed, and it will be only a few weeks before you are on one crutch, and doing a fair distance along the road.  And do all the physio exercises as directed, and don't overdo them - or underdo them for that matter.  I knew somebody who underdid things and wound up with a problem.


As for my day, a trip to town (wow) and then finishing off the power washing of the back paths with the new washer as the last one never did come back to life.  Now waiting for the scaffolder to arrive so we can get the roof work started.  He should be here sometime next week.


Back tomorrow

Regards to All


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Some near neighbours accompanied cremated remains back to Ireland recently. The Catholic Church had recently changed rules on disposal of ashes so the urn got taken to where the person had wanted their remains to be scattered and then taken to a more approved final place.

The oul fella stipulated burial, not cremation.

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Wet and windy on the seafront. Trains delayed at times but still running.


Went to see a rescue dog today. After our very quiet and placid lab we wondered if we would find something similar. We have and just have to wait a few days. Sherry (OD's) was instrumental in our search.

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  • RMweb Gold

Just passing through to prove I am still able to do so.

Not a hope of reading back so I need to be excused if there is news of ER import.


Apart from anything else I'm transferring data to a new iMac.

A penalty for doing this is that I've lost a P/Shop suite and my spreadsheet programme (not compatible).


Also increasingly furious with the wretched predictive spelling feature which I haven't found how to turn off.

I'm quite able to make my own mistakes.


Agree whole-heartedly about the Mac spelling 'errors' - I too have found it impossible to turn off or add English spelling to it as opposed to the American spelin!

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Agree whole-heartedly about the Mac spelling 'errors' - I too have found it impossible to turn off or add English spelling to it as opposed to the American spelin!


I don't have a problem with correct English spelling on a Mac. What settings do you have in the Setting-Language?

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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening everyone.


POETS day was achieved, getting home in time for a late lunch with Sheila, which was nice. It being Friday, we have the grandkids round for tea, this evening we had No 1 son and his daughter round as well. I went to pick up the twins from school, whilst Sheila stayed in and waited for our daughter and partner to drop of Ava. Ava is really struggling at school, particularly with maths, so they've been to look at a new school with her, one that will be able to help her with the special needs that she requires. The school also has some places that the twins can fill so they will all be going to the school, which will make picking up so much easier, as it's about 2 1/2 miles from their current one. They will all start the new school, later this month.


Cockwomble of the day goes to the ejit in the Mercedes mini-bus, who was at a point where you have 2 options, turn right o turn left, he in the lane for turning right and turns left. He got a long blast of my horn and vigorous hand gestures from me for that one.


I also like to use a fountain pen, I was given a really nice one from Sheila for Christmas about 5 years ago. I bought an italic nib for it and taught myself some rudimentary calligraphy whilst I was recovering after my radiotherapy treatment.


Talking of amps, the 3 guys I used to sit behind when I used to play drums, all used a Marshall with a 4 x 12 speaker cabinet each, I'm glad I used to sit behind that lot. I also used to carry a speaker cabinet in and out of the van on my own, it usually took 2 of them.


Ian. Hope you start to feel better soon.

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Use a knife to pare the broccolli into what is quaintly referred to as florets.


Pop into a microwave dish, add about an egg cup full of water, cover and nuke them in the microwave for two and a half to three minutes depending on the quantity.


If they are not cooked enough, you can always give them another 30 seconds or so.


Drain and serve.


They should be cooked, but not limp and wilted.



These cooking suggestions are of no use to me unfortunately. Since having to take Warfarin to thin my blood after my last heart operation, broccoli is a no-no along with grapefruit and cranberry juices.    

It's a hard life!  :no:

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  • RMweb Premium

Evenin' all.


Veg cooking. A simple rule was given to me on my cooking course a while back. The quicker the veg cooks the more salt you should use. So, peas cook quickly, use plenty. Potatoes cook slowly, use sparingly. It's all about how long the salt has to permeate into the vegetable and bring out the flavour. 

Also, when cooking a green veg stop the cooking quickly by plunging into cold water. This preserves the colour and nutrients.

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  • RMweb Gold

Evenin' all.


Veg cooking. A simple rule was given to me on my cooking course a while back. The quicker the veg cooks the more salt you should use. So, peas cook quickly, use plenty. Potatoes cook slowly, use sparingly. It's all about how long the salt has to permeate into the vegetable and bring out the flavour. 

Also, when cooking a green veg stop the cooking quickly by plunging into cold water. This preserves the colour and nutrients.


Some of us don't use salt at all. We don't need it, given how many foods contain it already these days. I watched my father put salt on a meal in a cafe opposite Waterloo station in 1982 - he said he loved the stuff but knew it was bad for him. 3 hours later he was dead from his second heart attack. QED!

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  • RMweb Premium

The only salt I use is on occasional fish and chips.  Otherwise, as Ian says, there is enough in any processed food.


At sea though, we had to take salt pills, ships engine rooms are VERY hot places, and thus we engineers sweated gallons.

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Good morning one and all


At last there is news of my Polo.  An essential part is on back order from Germany but will not be available to the body shop until mid month.  Until Stewart 45156 posted yesterday I had presumed prescience by the insurance company in extending the hire period of the courtesy car.  Keeping me informed of developments was hampered by the body shop choosing to leave two voicemails on my mobile instead of using the landline as I thought we had agreed.  I only discovered them yesterday morning when the phone switched itself on in my jacket pocket and I heard the beep signifying an incoming text.  Likewise, the insurance company returned my landline call on the mobile not two minutes after I had put it on charge.  One day, I know, landlines will disappear, but not if I have anything to do with it.  My mobile is switched on only when I need to use it.  So there.


Another book of draw tickets arrived from the well-known charity.  They have gone straight back with a copy of my previous letter, telling them not to send me any more begging letters, enclosed.  For good measure I have copied that letter to the head office of the charity.  Gushing letters thanking me so much for my donation cut no ice and waste too much of my  money.


On a happier note, I will be at the Stafford show tomorrow.  It will involve an early start so I may not post here.  I am expecting to meet my cousin 88C at 11.30 am at the refreshment area so if anyone else fancies a brief encounter you know where to find us.


Warm thoughts to all who need them




Progress with the car - good!


Unsolicited begging letters - I don't do any more than write on the envelope something like 'unwanted mail, RTS. Remove this address from your database'. Then bung it back in the letter box with no stamp so that the sender also pays the return postage fine. IMHO, ChrisF, you're far too lenient with these beggars! My up-bringing focussed on 'explanations are weakening'!


Robbie doesn't like broccoli. He will eat most dropped food items except for sprouts and broccoli.


A post Brexit dog; no Brussels!

Edited by JohnDMJ
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Autentico Arduino UNO, or a knock-off?

After considering the many options, and some searching/reviewing, I determined that a "clone" was reasonable enough, and I can't find any explicit statements that the clones are actually less useable or even illegal (there are a staggering number of varieties from dozens of sources) as it were.


I may be wrong, but as it stands $5.50 a piece including free shipping and a USB cable, or somewhere around $20-30 for one PLUS shipping and cable extra, it was a no brainer. :O

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After considering the many options, and some searching/reviewing, I determined that a "clone" was reasonable enough, and I can't find any explicit statements that the clones are actually less useable or even illegal (there are a staggering number of varieties from dozens of sources) as it were.


I may be wrong, but as it stands $5.50 a piece including free shipping and a USB cable, or somewhere around $20-30 for one PLUS shipping and cable extra, it was a no brainer. :O

Should be ok. It's got the right Atmel chip. I've mucked about with an ATTiny - works fine once you get your head around the I/O mapping.

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  • RMweb Gold

Another not much salter here. A small amount when I make a loaf of bread, and a hint on chips perhaps but never on or to cook vegetables. I notice that Aditi uses little,or none in Indian cookery unlike her mother who used to use loads until it was that or more tablets for high blood pressure. I don't miss salty food but I do notice how salty food is when prepared commercially when we are on holiday.


My Mum used to use salt, sugar and sodium bicarbonate when cooking green vegetables.

Edited by Tony_S
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  • RMweb Gold

These cooking suggestions are of no use to me unfortunately. Since having to take Warfarin to thin my blood after my last heart operation, broccoli is a no-no along with grapefruit and cranberry juices.    

It's a hard life!  :no:


That's interesting as I have never been warned off broccoli and we eat considerable quantities of the stuff as it's one of the very few greens laddo will eat.   (But grapefruit/grapefruit juice and cranberry juice are a very definite no no).


Going back to Horsetan's recent subject matter it has always been expensive to send bodies/coffins to Ireland - the costs was in the hundreds of £s back in the late 1960s so I'm not really surprised by the figure you quoted.

Edited by The Stationmaster
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Oh carp! It's stopped snowing. I'll have to get on the tractor and clear the roads with my trusty tractor - 23 raw horsey power don't you know :sungum:


One of the neighbors had a lot of experience with heavy equipment before he retired and he's been whining that I'm not clearing the snow properly (I think he's gone a bit senile.) He told another neighbor that he's going to put a snow-plow on his truck next year to clear the roads.


Yeah!!!! Have at it Jimmy!

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