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Best wishes to all those that need/require them. I hope all is as well as it can be in your world.


For the past few evenings, I have been putting together my layout control panel, mainly using components of my new employer [*].... (obviously)

attachicon.gifpanel 9.jpg

attachicon.gifpanel 10.jpg


There's still a bit of work to finish it off, but it is literally two wire supply in, two wire DCC accessory bus out.

Initial testing away from the layout has been successful. It will be a few days before I can hook it up to the layout to fully test.


Catch up tomorrow.




[*] some of you already know and OD had spotted my mugshot in the February RM, but as of Feb 1st, I am now a full-time employee of DCC Concepts at their UK base in Settle, North Yorks. My official role is technical support. I have been part-time, gradually doing more hours as a sub-contractor for  the past 3 months or so. The driving instruction has virtually finished, but I have a coupe of pupils with tests still to do - they will be done on my rostered days off. I will be working some/all weekends at DCC C, but that's good for me and Mrs NB.


Nice bit of looming there, Mick!


Not quite, but I am settling in to my new job.


And there's a model shop about 3 minutes walk from the office that offers very good prices! So much so, that pre-orders at a well known box shifter have been cancelled in favour of the shop.


Has your boss negotiated any decent discounts with them yet?

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Good morning one and all


At last there is news of my Polo.  An essential part is on back order from Germany but will not be available to the body shop until mid month.  Until Stewart 45156 posted yesterday I had presumed prescience by the insurance company in extending the hire period of the courtesy car.  Keeping me informed of developments was hampered by the body shop choosing to leave two voicemails on my mobile instead of using the landline as I thought we had agreed.  I only discovered them yesterday morning when the phone switched itself on in my jacket pocket and I heard the beep signifying an incoming text.  Likewise, the insurance company returned my landline call on the mobile not two minutes after I had put it on charge.  One day, I know, landlines will disappear, but not if I have anything to do with it.  My mobile is switched on only when I need to use it.  So there.


Another book of draw tickets arrived from the well-known charity.  They have gone straight back with a copy of my previous letter, telling them not to send me any more begging letters, enclosed.  For good measure I have copied that letter to the head office of the charity.  Gushing letters thanking me so much for my donation cut no ice and waste too much of my  money.


On a happier note, I will be at the Stafford show tomorrow.  It will involve an early start so I may not post here.  I am expecting to meet my cousin 88C at 11.30 am at the refreshment area so if anyone else fancies a brief encounter you know where to find us.


Warm thoughts to all who need them



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning Awl,

Not much sleep last night , but My own / the companies fault as we had a company dinner, from which I did not get home until 23:00, So I've had about 4 hours sleep as I woke as usual early at 03:00.


With all the begging letters we used to keep getting, sometimes with lottery tickets, I started sending them  (and any other junk ) back in other peoples begging letter's return envelopes. they mostly seem to have stopped being sent now.


The house of the strong ladies has delivered some connectors  I need for tonights work at the MRC dividing a 6ft by 2ft board into two 3ft by 2ft boards, lots of wires to cut and put into connectors.


Left work at 15:00, got home 15:45, wash and brush up, Left home at 17:30, arrive at pub for meal at 18:30, ten minutes of which was stuck behind a possible future cockwomble (learner driver) who made several attempts and about 10 minutes, to get out into the traffic onto a round about before being succesful


Just before the dinner I was taken aside to have explained to me a very senior manager was exiting stage left. permanently. The official reasons were emailed to me as the info was given in a briefing after I left work yesterday. The unofficial reason which I witnessed from behind a partition in partition land, was probably a huge shouting match between him and another high level manager a couple of weeks ago.. 


Coming home last night a maximum points cockwomble was witnessed, and avoided Just , on arriving at a traffic light controlled roundabout   the left lane is left turn only, the centre lane straight on only (main route), the right hand lane is straight on and right turn. I was in the right hand land going stright on for a later right hand turn, on the lights going green BMW 4X4 driver in the middle lane decides to be maximum cockwomble and turn right without indicating, sending me towards the roundabout itself as I avoided him.


This morning was cooler than it has been, with clear, skies, the large puddles indicated we had large amounts of rain but the roads were mostly dry. Just one cockwomble this morning, who went past me in a 30mph village at 60+.


Oddly at the NDR road works at about 06:20 a lorry pulled out from the works carrying lots of temporay fencing panels, normally the site is closed at that time but it was all lit up this morning.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning everyone


The sun is shining and the wind has died down, it's Friday, which makes it POET'S day. Today I'm off to work in Blackrod and then onto to Bolton, hoping I'll get home sometime after lunch, but hopefully we'll before mid afternoon tea.


Back later

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Rather dull and dreary here but dry and some sunshine is forecast followed by possibly heavy rain and strong wind.(s)

Missed posting yesterday as no news or even drivel to impart. Not much today either apart from yet another shopping trip being necessary. We're off on a cruise at the end of March so of course The Boss has decreed that there is a need for certain new items of clothing.(not for me , I bought enough when we went on one last year)  I do however need the diet to continue to succeed so that one or two things will fit!

A busy weekend is in prospect with a railway show to visit and some 6 Nations games to watch. As usual I of course will be rooting for England but I think it will be very difficult and they will do extremely well to continue their winning streak. 

Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from a bright and sunny village.    Not a very good night as neither of us could get to sleep for unknown reasons.  However breakfast has now been consumed and I am contemplating the day ahead.  Nothing is planned at the moment.


Chrisf, I'm glad that your car repairs are progressing well..


Ivan, I have much sympathy for your work situation.  Our family solicitor is a friend from Uni days in small2 person practice and I am well aware of the ups and downs of his situation as well s the stresses that it involves.   We are lucky to live in a country where there is a functioning legal system that functions well most of the time.


Yesterday I even got time to get some modelling done and will update my layout thread shortly.


Mick, I hope you enjoy Settle.  I grew up across the river and have very happy memories of the area. Where is the model shop, when I was a kid I used to get my Airfix Kits from Pounders newsagents on the corner of Duke Street and Station Road.  I went there whilst my dad went into the tobacconists next door.



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning All,


It is a dark and wet morning here - but fairly mild.


As far as Tony's Mixer is concerned, it may not be the fault of the oranges but more to do with the motor technology.  As much is built down to a price these days, thinner motor windings are used which, of course, means they get warmer in operation.  The warmth causes the windings to break down over time, and eventually short, causing the motor to draw too much current and burn out (with the characteristic smell of burning enamel - the fumes of which are toxic)


As for valve amps - they often let go with a bang!  They high HT voltages involved can make for some spectacular pyrotechnics.


Still, at least spare parts are available.  This is by no means a given.


Have a good day everyone...


All depends on the design Robert I specified using a thinner wire with more turnings to achieve a motor which wouldn't overheat when stalled. something of a danger with a fan motor. A lot of things are designed to be used for short periods only power drills can be an example. This is usually stated somewhere in the instructions but often ignored. Professionals use models rated for higher usage.


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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning, and after a very windy night (outside) the sun is shining, and the roads are drying which may indicate a trip to the bike club.....on a bike!


I may even remember to take a photo of the BMW 3.0CS for Ivan as discussed on another thread. May.


Then maybe a fiddle on with the, er, other things in the garage besides motorbikes, which also have wheels.  Flanged.


The photos of NB's panel makes me cringe in shame, as the current railway is a cats cradle of wire of which I am thoroughly ashamed, but it just grew that way!  Oddly whilst having a tidy up in the garage loft last week I found the panels from my past layout in the UK, no idea why I brought them here 14 years ago!  I seem to have regressed from earlier attempts.

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I may be soldering today though it will be tiny wires on a decoder not Kenwood Chef bits. The Kenwood motor coil is OK, it was foil capacitors that disintegrated. Aditi almost certainly exceeded the recommended time but the overload button didn't pop out, the aged capacitors did so. Not uncommon it woukd appear. My brother said he has repaired quite a few of these mixers. I could have just repaired the motor control board but the recommended repair is to replace the motor with a more powerful version with a more sophisticated control knob! Still a lot cheaper than a new one.


No shopping today. Dog walk sometime later.


A parcel from Amazon is due. It is coming from Germany. In Köln last night, out for delivery now.


I don't think we will be too stressed by lack of icebergs. I don't like lettuce and Aditi doesn't normally eat that variety.

Have a good day


Edited by Tony_S
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....Ivan, I have much sympathy for your work situation.  Our family solicitor is a friend from Uni days in small 2 person practice and I am well aware of the ups and downs of his situation as well s the stresses that it involves.   We are lucky to live in a country where there is a functioning legal system that functions well most of the time.....

My colleague will tell you that, in some areas, such as immigration appeals, the system is barely functioning, and family law courts seem to be heading downhill as well.

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  • RMweb Gold

On a happier note, I will be at the Stafford show tomorrow.  It will involve an early start so I may not post here.  I am expecting to meet my cousin 88C at 11.30 am at the refreshment area so if anyone else fancies a brief encounter you know where to find us.

You silver tongued devil, you might have talked me into that!


I'm having a bit of trouble with my eye this morning, so I'd just like to confirm I'm looking for a man in the refreshment area at 11.30 am with his briefs on the counter?

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Good to see - tho' I;m not in the least surprised - that ChrisF is another who only turns on his mobile 'phone when he wishes to use the thing.  They undoubtedly do have their (occasional) uses but I'm totally unable to comprehend why people seem unable to part them from their ears when walking about, shopping or even partaking of meals, and it's not even an age thing from what I see of a (small) percentage of older folk).  And why do some companies insist on being given a mobile 'phone number when one has a perfectly ordinary landline in the house?


We did secure an Iceberg lettuce in Waitrose yesterday - the last of two but they had (and we didn't buy any) plenty of aubergines which are also allegedly in near famine situation.  I hope that if nothing else the current shortage actually reminds people that there is actually seasonality in foodstuffs and that the idea of 'food security' is not such a bad one after all.  Meanwhile Mrs Stationmaster intends to insect her broccoli crop today and see if the deer have left any for us.


Have a good day one and all and hoping Sherry will soon be running around like a spring lamb, even if she still has to use the crutches ;)


PS Yes, I shall be going to Alton tomorrow - probably arriving late morning-ish (and there will be a blue box from Cornwall ready for me to collect assuming some past members of my staff have done what was asked of them  :sungum: )

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bright sunny and breezy here this morning but the forecast is for rain this afternoon, and more wind. A couple of times in recent months I've had cockwombles cut me up on roundabouts, both times cutting across from the left turn lane to go right. Methinks it might be a good idea to go back to buying an old banger with a long MOT as I did when commuting on the A13.

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As for valve amps - they often let go with a bang!  They high HT voltages involved can make for some spectacular pyrotechnics.




You are so right, Robert. That has been the downfall of so many tinkerers of large Marshall amps.


Downright dangerous if you don’t know what you are doing (says one who doesn’t and learned the hard way).....................


Cheers, Pete.

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You are so right, Robert. That has been the downfall of so many tinkerers of large Marshall amps.


Downright dangerous if you don’t know what you are doing (says one who doesn’t and learned the hard way)......................

Does that mean it's not possible to make them go up to "11"?

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Does that mean it's not possible to make them go up to "11"?

No! Yet only early Fender “Tweed” Amps actually had “11” on the controls.


You can however run a Marshall all day on “10” - if you are completey deaf (or you will soon be). The famed Marshall 100 amps actually put out close to 200 Watts on “10”.  Going through 8 x 12” speakers the SPLs are numbing.


Eric played through two 100’s (SuperLeads)  and 16 x 12” speakers with Cream. Nowadays you don’t need so many because the guitar amp is miced through the PA system (or Sound Reinforcement as they call them - these were very rudimentary in the ’60’s).




You can see the two Marshall amps on top of the four 4x12” cabinets behind Eric in this photo from their last gig at the Albert Hall.


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon all


It is a wet day in Torbay, and I have a full-blown cold. I do not seek sympathy for that, as we generally survive such things - but poor Sherry will have to remain unvisited today. It would be grossly inconsiderate, nay irresponsible, of me to introduce a cold into a ward full of recovering orthopaedic patients. This morning Sherry has conquered stair climbing and descending - to the extent that the physio suggested she might go home today. Yikes! I'll have to get rid of all the other women! Sherry explained my present state of health, and so I expect there to be a further day or two before she is released, and suspect she will benefit from the extra professional care rather than amateur hour here. The stronger she is on arrival home, the better chance we have of getting her fully fit again.


Talking of hospital visitors, a chap called Paul breezed in to see Sherry yesterday morning - quite out of the nominated visiting hours. Evidently wearing a dog-collar gives Access All Areas! He is the vicar across the green here. I expect we will see him again.


Now that Newbryford has made a formal announcement about his new career, it occurs to me that we have watched several younger ERs take the plunge and find employment in a job related to our hobby - Dom and NHN come to mind. Such moves do not mean there is no pressure, particularly in 2017, but may well make the job simply more enjoyable. Let's hope Andyram has a success in finding a school where he feels appreciated.


I hope your week is winding down as required.

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