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  • RMweb Gold

By contrast I have wood.  Lots of it.  The tree two fellers who attended our trees earlier have left something like a year's supply of firewood out front.  Which needs to be carried around to the wood pile at the back.  Guess what will occupy my next hour?

Probably packing it into boxes for the trip back to UK.


Timber is not cheap in UK y'know.

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In the case I have in front of me, the person inheriting is UK-resident (as was the deceased), and not a blood relative so only the 16250 Euro threshold applies, as far as I understand it, and the rest is subject to 33% CAT. Double-taxation relief should be available, as has been pointed out earlier, but it's another bloody headache and another sheaf of paperwork. My desk is now a bombsite, with three Estates on the go.

It's keeping Bill in horseshoes

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  • RMweb Gold

The Gobbler's Knob prognosticator

Crikey - I wouldn't want to meet him on a dark night!


I have observed the workings of a few lawyers, and never felt pangs of compassion. Denton Hall, Freshfields, Clifford Chance - even the young ladies of Hollingworth Bissell - but Ivan has melted me! May your desk be cleared more easily than you fear!


I watched Sherry walk. On crutches, and very slowly, but she did it. The physios are blown away by her commitment and determination. So nice to see. The gossiping airhead ratbag trouts in the opposite pair of beds are gone. One was discharged, while the other - who had had a fight with a nurse the other night - seems to have been moved to the hospital at Newton Abbott. Nye Bevan saw the need for an NHS that supported all. The son and grandson who sat with this woman were a powerful argument against that. Loud, ignorant, uncaring about multiple other patients feeling poorly and needing rest. Scum.

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The Gobbler's Knob prognosticator

Crikey - I wouldn't want to meet him on a dark night

With a stout pair of gloves you'd be alright, even if the 'Seer of Seers' was (reportedly) "feisty" today.


I don't know if Gobbler's Knob was named with the likes of the William Archibald Spooner in mind* but any township named Punxsutawney will have some leeway for oddball place names. I'm imagining a rustic association with turkeys.


* I'm thinking more of reversing the word order than "Cobbler's Gob".

Edited by Ozexpatriate
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Evening all. Firstly I am pleased to hear that Sherry is up and about. I hope that the pain is easing and the improvement continues. Secondly a belated congrats to Peter BB on his retirement, I also hope you enjoy the Stafford show. At present our paths are unlikely to cross as I am planning to go on Saturday. Hopefully I will able to make it as the cold has returned with again. I woke up coughing and could not stop all morning. By lunch time I felt very rough. It was a good job I had non-contact time in the afternoon because it allowed me to have a quieter time. A quick bite to eat and then I took some books upstairs to mark. I sat on our bed, the cat sat on my knee and curled up. I then woke up an hour later! I did get some bits and pieces done and have also telephoned the other school. I have an appointment to see the head teacher next Thursday afternoon. If I get an interview I will have to rearrange. I tried to get it after school so I could avoid any potential clash but the head is keen to see me during the day.

Thanks again for all the advice. I do intend to sign up again for a union it is just making the time to do it.

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  • RMweb Premium

Mention of Stafford show - I'm planning to be there Saturday in punter mode. I may be found behind a layout at some point on a short training session in readiness for a full day operating it next month at Preston.......

I will not be wearing yellow, but will be purchasing yellow - three shades of it (and orange, black and red) paint for future projects.





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  • RMweb Premium

With a stout pair of gloves you'd be alright, even if the 'Seer of Seers' was (reportedly) "feisty" today.


I don't know if Gobbler's Knob was named with the likes of the William Archibald Spooner in mind* but any township named Punxsutawney will have some leeway for oddball place names. I'm imagining a rustic association with turkeys.


* I'm thinking more of reversing the word order than "Cobbler's Gob".

Apparently they often bite, and I don't blame them being woken from a nice winters slumber to be asked about the weather. If it happened to me I'd be grumpy too. :jester:

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Evening all


Great news from Dick and great news from Sherry, too.


Agree with LE who mentioned that taking paracetamol with the morphine helps - they issue 6 a day in hospitals here. My morphine was withdrawn because I wasn't using enough of it even though I took it when really needed, so hang onto it, Sherry! Hope you can manage some sleep tonight. Always good to keep practising walking, too, and helps with confidence.


Andyram, hope the application is shortlisted, but good to keep looking around.


Looking forward to the 6 Nations - Guardian sports writers are split on England or Ireland to win, but think that Scotland could shock. A win against Ireland on Saturday would do that. One of the writers thought that England's greatest enemy was themselves, which is probably true. Put a tenner on Scotland to win the trophy at 20/1. Both England and Ireland were odds-on, followed by Wales at 8 and France at 12.


Must have been around 13C here all day, unseasonably warm. A slab of grey sky threatened rain all morning and afternoon, and now it's getting quite breezy. Looks like it could be stormy for those of you further south, so stay safe



With the odds the way they are, I have £10 on both Wales and Scotland

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  • RMweb Gold

Evening all


Only day at work this week was Monday. Doctors last Tuesday.


Tomorrow is x ray.


Next week a few other tests but we do a have a long weekend away in between which I did consider cancelling but as the flights are non refundable as is the railtour we might aswell go as the doctor was fine with this.

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  • RMweb Gold

Regarding lawyers one of my colleagues write a fictional case study which featured a law firm Norfolk and Chance.


He got away with it.

Should have used Suffolk and Proud in the case study too.
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  • RMweb Gold

We did have some conveyancing work done by a Mr Careless. In fact he was anything but.


I used to employ a planner rejoicing in the surname Muddle. He was in anything but, always most methodical. Mind you, a chap down the corridor had a team that included a Walley and a Bastard. Tough stuff!
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Good evening all!


I agree. That's my role!



As I recall, the original comment was about chasing the MALE nurse! I respect that I hardly know you ...


Thanks again for all the advice. I do intend to sign up again for a union it is just making the time to do it.


That HAS to be one of those tasks that you must make the time to do. You and your health come first here!

Edited by JohnDMJ
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  • RMweb Gold

Considerable variety in fee levels for repatriating a body to Ireland too  :O


The railway used to do quite a trade in coffins (full) to Ireland - Irish immigrants who made it that far had a habit of asking for a job when they got to either Euston or Paddington (depending on which boat they came over on of course) and thus both stations had considerable Irish contingents on their books at one time.  However like many of their compatriots a lot of them were keen to be buried back home and they, or rather their executors, also got a discounted rate for an accompanied coffin, which was the usual way they seemed to travel - presumably pals going along for the wake.

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  • RMweb Gold

I have two Norfolk & Good vans on my garden railway - custom transfers!


Oh, inheritance tax - none on Fraggle Rock!


One of the Funny names that I liked was on Dudley Hubbard's garden railway where he had a factory in the garage section with the owners name 'Seldoman Rarely Works' so wonderfully victorian sounding.


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