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  • RMweb Premium

I used to be secretary of a meeting chaired by my boss with his boss as an attendee. They could never agree about anything and usually the was no clear decision. I realise that when writing the minutes I could decide which was the best answer and state that it had been the meetings decision. Whatever I said one or the other would agree with it so I was never challenged on what I wrote.




Someone at our company remarked, after reading minutes that the boss had written, "Whoever writes the minutes controls the meeting."


The Model Railroaders set up the "Arts" display for the month in the Village center. I arrived about a half hour after it started and was without a shelf. Since I brought OO, we decided to split a shelf and I managed to provide a glass shelf from my personal collection.

I was secretary of the committee that the lady in question sat on.   At one point another member said "​ We all know that there are actually three different things, a) what we say here, b) what Jamie writes in the minutes, and c) what Jamie actually does."   ​I thought that this was not only very true but quite funny.  


I agree. That's my role!


What, the male ones.!!!!!!!  Is Sherry aware of this urge??


Anyway good morning all.   The morning traffic is speeding past the front window, despite the speed humps.   Like Chrisf the ironing beckons.   No 1 son is due to call at some point to pick up various items we are storing for him.  Apart from that there is not a lot on the agenda.   Perhaps an EMU body might get assembled.



Regards to all.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, and it's a rainy one here.

Another couple of modules (training, not trains) completed yesterday. 

I had to re-visit one about 4 times to get the sense of it.  I suspect I'm more practical than theoretical! 


Sherry, keep taking the tablets! Paracetamol with the morphine is a more effective pain management combination than just morphine on its own. Make sure to ask for some if they haven't been offered. At least it wasn't you that woke up to Classic fm, Abide with me! And don't forget to ask the two yakkers at what time they are due to go into surgery for their glossectomy procedures. Or better still, ask Staff, she may tell them to shut the £@c& up on your behalf.


AndyRam, as others have said, most likely the union rep is busy dealing with paid up members who have a call on services before potential members. Go take a look at the other school. From experience no-one likes changing year group but compared with a lot of forced career changes this is quite mild.


Mike, your mentioning of a local factory yesterday reminds me of a time when I was hired by them for some consultancy. I started on 6th August. There was quite a crowd outside cheering me on. Well, at least I assumed they'd turned out to wish  me luck. ;)

That place is actually an exact replica of the US equivalent. And by exact, they mean just that, save for the topography and the Roman remains in the grounds. This led to some interesting quirks of design where roads that "made sense" in the US, quite clearly didn't in their Berkshire equivalent!


Have a nice day everyone.   

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 The car hire period expires on Monday and I doubt that I should extend it without consulting the insurance company first, so I will. 

Chris, when I had an accident the repairer, insurer and car hire people all spoke to each other without my intervention, as I found out when I called the hire company to ask about extending the hire, and was told it had already been done - however, a belt and braces approach is always worth it.

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  • RMweb Premium

Windy here in sunny Teignmouth 




The gas man cometh




Gotta love the juxtaposition of posts in ERs sometimes.


By contrast I have wood.  Lots of it.  The tree two fellers who attended our trees earlier have left something like a year's supply of firewood out front.  Which needs to be carried around to the wood pile at the back.  Guess what will occupy my next hour?

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Gotta love the juxtaposition of posts in ERs sometimes.


By contrast I have wood.  Lots of it.  The tree two fellers who attended our trees earlier have left something like a year's supply of firewood out front.  Which needs to be carried around to the wood pile at the back.  Guess what will occupy my next hour?





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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All


Early for once, as 30747 has been called in today to cover staff sickness - as usual, every bug that's going round hits the staff, and she's on first call for the lame sick and lazy parade.


Good news - my insurance company has authorised the work in the dormer roof, and the builder has ordered the scaffolding.  Work should commence in a week or two.


All posts read and rated, and as usual with ERs there's too much to take on board to comment on each post. 

However, a special mention to Sherry and a wish for the pain to be minimised - when I had my hip replacement, I was put on a quite serious pain relief regime, and also had to take an anti coagulant drug.  For the short term, oramorph did the trick.  As you had a spinal, you should be home quickly, and you should be mobile with assistance in about four to five weeks.  The physio exercises are mega important as well. 


For me, today promises some domestic tasks (again).  Yesterday, 30747 taught me to do the ironing, which promises yet another retirement occupation which I never dreamed of.


Back later/tomorrow.

Regards to All


Edited by 45156
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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning.


Here's hoping that Sherry is soon able to chase nurses and Ian refrains from doing so.


Today will be mainly spent creating 2 aspect signals. As they are only for the fiddle yard, to indicate to the operator which train to set away (when running in automatic or semi-auto mode), I can't decide whether to give them a prototypical look or just clag a couple of LEDs on lollipop sticks.


Have a good day, whatever you are up to.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Tree trimmers have also been busy here - but the trees out in the road where they have just had their annual shortback and sides.  As soon as the lorries departed the rain arrived - remarkably right on time.  I'm told today will, as is often the case, faux Friday and a shopping expedition will take place to whichever branch of Waitrose the management chooses and car parking space dictates so it might be a local trip or it might be a Tilehurst adventure (complete with the occasional passing freight train to add to the excitement).  Must remember to swop the cars round as I believe a trip to Alton will take place over the coming weekend.


Have a good day one & all and hopefully Sherry's pain relief regime will improve and maybe asking for some earplugs would send a not too subtle message as well.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Sherry, glad to hear your op went well, I suppose its debatable which is the most painful, the op or the two old biddies yacking. At least they can give you something to ease the post op pain (how about a couple of gags for the two old biddies?). The sun is still shining here this morning but its predicted to rain later, by the way the trees are waving about its a bit windy. So long for now, be back later.

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  • RMweb Gold

Sherry has been on the zimmer already, to the approval of the physio, and due to a minor misunderstanding, has also had a shower! All less than 24 hrs after surgery so very promising. She awaits results of an x-ray, presumably to be divulged when the surgeon does his rounds.


Stewart mentioned anti-coagulants. After Deb's accident she was on Arixtra for that purpose. After a few weeks at the re-hab hospital her fave male nurse showed her how to inject herself, and ever after that's what she did. On her weekends at home I would get supplies from the pharmacie and she did the rest. Much better than wasting the local nurse's time with a home visit.

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I have been looking at the Met office weather forecast for Watchet. There are warnings of wind for Friday but none for Thursday yet the forecasts wind speeds for Thursday are higher than those for Friday. Don't they read their own figures? It is very windy here today.



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  • RMweb Premium

Good afternoon everyone


Lunch has been consumed and I'm just finishing of my cup of tea. Then it's time to pack all my gear back into the car and head south back home, hopefully I'll get there mid afternoon, just in time for another tea!


There's a possibility that we will go to the Trafford Centre this evening, but I'll have to await Sheila's decision on that. It's not one of my favourite places to go, but there is a WHSmiths, so I can always peruse the model railway magazines there, as they say, every cloud!


Glad to see that Sherry has been up and about, I hope the pain relief starts to work.


Andy. Go and look at the other school, what have you got to lose?


Back later.

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Sick to death of IHT forms already.


The elephant in the room is the Irish property, on which it looks as if Capital Acquisitions Tax (Irish inheritance tax) will have to be paid at 33% even though its recently-deceased owner was normally resident over here.  Plus we'll need an Irish valuer, and an Irish firm of Solicitors to act on an eventual sale. I can just see the costs to the Estate spiralling.* bangs head repeatedly on desk*.

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Greetings all.


Good to hear Sherry is on the move and the Smiffy's son had positive results.


I had a look at Irish CAT, in particular the relevant double tax treaty (the Inheritance and Gift Tax Treaty of 1977) appears to give taxing rights to each country based on their domestic law and says that the situs rules apply as per domestic law too. That at least suggests no IHT in the UK. but that is out of my area of expertise entirely; I just have access to the  treaties....!


I watched Greg Davies on Who Do You Think You Are last night, Nice gratuitous shots of the Festiniog for those that like those sort of things.


Hoping to hear from Mrs Lurker about a meeting she is having at Younger Lurker's school, where she has been volunteering for the past couple of years. The school are offering to create a paid role for her, which was a surprise, but in a nice way. I suspect that it will cheaper for them too as she is not qualified except by experience....

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Just been reading this on another forum.




Oddly enough most of the US seems to broadcast this "quaint tradition" and of course it gained immense popularity following the movie staring Bill Murray.

Having not to my recollection been in another location on Feb. 2nd (accidentally OR deliberately), imagine my surprise watching the early morning news today, to discover New York has it's OWN equivalent - "Staten Island Chuck". Always amazes me that NY MUST have itself as the center of attention no matter what other traditions and non-NY accomplishments abound - hmmm, reminds me of "someone" (cue the ME, ME, ME spotlight/twitter feed)! :O


Ian and Sherry - great news overall, BUT, for heavens sake just decide WHO is going to be chasing the nurses will you :jester:


BIN day at the homestead, for me here on Long Island, a POE day - the great escape. Always looked forward too.


More mad panics and flurry of activity yesterday as they finalize the finances for 2016 and close the books - and more "amendments" to various reports to reflect the requirements of the auditors.


Weather here, CHECK, OK, weather at home - CHECK, OK, Delta computer systems, CHECK, who knows, heaven help us!!!

All looks go for departure, just need to wait 7+ hours to see what can go wrong with THAT picture.


Already +2 and partly cloudy here, expected to be 6 and sunny today.


Make the best of the day.

Edited by Ian Abel
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....a look at Irish CAT, in particular the relevant double tax treaty (the Inheritance and Gift Tax Treaty of 1977) appears to give taxing rights to each country based on their domestic law and says that the situs rules apply as per domestic law too. That at least suggests no IHT in the UK. but that is out of my area of expertise entirely; I just have access to the  treaties....!....


Thanks, I had forgotten this, and have used the opportunity to refresh my (failing) memory!!

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  • RMweb Gold

Glad to see you, Sherry, adding to the blog.  One of my work colleagues, oops former work colleagues, said to me that the number one thing post op was to 'keep doing the exercises'.  Her reason'etre?  was that she did them to start, felt great so stopped ... and some time later realised that she should have carried on until she really had 'cracked it' because she found her mobility lessened.  Hope things go well now Olddudders is back.


Cheers, Peter 

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