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Not Ian. South Dakota plates do not mention cities or towns. So far as I can see. Only a few include counties like Georgia I cannot see that SD do that either.


Latest SD plate looks like this:




Best, Pete.

Thanks for that info Pete. I couldnt see any with names online, so that explains why. I can get the new SD plates on Ebay.



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A day at home scanning more negatives. Currently scanning 1988 photos.


The cutlery drawer decided to come apart, due to something getting stuck as it was opened. A good opportunity ot clear it out clean and reglue the joint and clear out items that havent been used in a long time.


A couple more boxes of Railway magazines to take to the paper recylcing but might wait till another day as  its raining heavy outside now.

You obviously have not kept up your donations to Annoia (goddess of things that get stuck in drawers).

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We had a very large Turkey Vulture (it may have been a Black) just flying the length of the backyard - very big it was too...


Best, Pete.


We just get very large turkeys. They keep bending the bird-feeder pole when they try to land on it.


(Anyone for turkey jerky?)

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We haven't tried that with toe cramps. Ours are usually in the calf.



Another tip is what you see the trainers on a football pitch do after extra time:

Tilt the whole foot up as far as possible and push.

Do this before sleep.

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Morning all, A warm but slightly foggy start to the day. The first coffee of the day is being consumed before a proper breakfast to set me up for what could be a taxing day.


Andy - It seems that your options are starting to improve slowly. Best of luck.


Have a good day everyone.

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  • RMweb Gold

I was at the new workplace a couple of days ago and two chaps came into the shop looking for a DCC decoder to fit a loco. One of them looked very familiar. He also had the "I know you" look on his face as well.


It turns out it was Jeff Hardacre from the above post. His shop in the town was called North Western Models.

It's been over 30 years since I last saw him.

Jeff & Barbara Hardaker. Never met them, but certainly bought stuff mail-order. I have a 60' Rock Island gondola that Jeff kitbashed. I think they intended to move to pukka business premises but then things went wrong in some way. Not sure the transfer of business to Porter Wynn in the place at Woone Lane was entirely amicable.
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Good morning one and all, after one of those nights when you wonder when sleep will come at 3 am and realise just before 6 am that it arrived without telling you.


Ah yes, the griping instalment.  It was meant to be a joke but events had the last laugh.  I missed out on my full English breakfast yesterday because I was too early to have one at Toddington and neither Fleet nor Winchester service areas were able to supply anything remotely resembling one.  If I may be allowed a harrumph, this is a disgrace.  A bacon bap and a sausage bap at Winchester had to suffice.  Junction 2 to Junction 4a on the M3 is a long way to trundle at 50 mph and for my return journey I took the A34.  This was made less enjoyable by torrential rain the whole way and by lorries charging by at line speed blotting out my vision with spray. I know, I know: at least I was able to drive.  Thank you, benevolent insurance company and Europcar.  When I got home I found that the delivery brat had defaulted again.  As I actually got a paper last Sunday this is a disappointment.   There is one more gripe but it can wait till Wednesday when it will be more topical.


As I gripe I am well aware that others have matters of much more concern.  Let there be deliverance, and a good one at that, from all of these.



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Morning All,


It is a rather grey morning today.  Plus, it is incredibly icy.  I went outside to put the bins out, and still wonder how I managed to stay on my feet - only my windmill impersonation saved me!



I was particularly on a short fuse with Amber at times and I hate myself for it. The poor girl is too young to understand why daddy is "snappy" and it is not fair on her.


Don't beat yourself up over it Andy.  We have all done it.  Amber won't love you any less because of it.


Time for a coffee!  Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning everyone


It's a dull start to the day, but thankfully it's not raining. However, I do have to spend the day in the orifice, so I plan to make start the documentation for the control panel, wiring drawing and colour codes etc.


Back later.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

The rain seems to have stopped here but a cloudy day with the possibility of some brighter spells and more rain later is forecast.

A belated happy birthday to you Duncan.

Yesterday was really great but due to me mainly forgetting about my diet and eating & drinking far more than I should I now have a little man with a hammer assaulting the inside of my skull. I am drinking copious amounts of tea and have had a couple of paracetamol to combat this. The little man is so far winning. I rarely get a hangover and I didn't really (by my standards) have that much to drink but I suppose the fact that I've been mainly abstaining for the past 3 weeks might have had something to do with it.

Today The Boss wanted to go shopping but I've just upset her by telling her I won't be driving today as I'm probably still over the limit. Brownie points have been deducted. 

Have a good one,


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Morning all from the village.  It's good to see such a positive post from Andy I hope that things continue to head in the right direction.   We had a good day yesterday with a good Sunday service and lunch at church.  Then a friend called, he's going through a rather messy divorce and he brought his delightful 10 year old daughter with him.  We haven't seen Kate for about a year and it was great to see her looking so well in the circumstances as she is caught in the middle.  She seems to have her head in the right place.


Anyway today some church duties first, including having a look under the floor as we need to inspect a joist as there is a dip in the floor.    Then, hopefully some modelling before heading off to the clubrooms for the evening.


Regards to all.



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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Slept pretty well last night, no problems with the arthritis or cramp. I was once told that a good cure for cramp was to rub  the affected area with a wine bottle cork, and it worked! How or why it worked I've no idea, perhaps its a natural muscle relaxant in the cork. Not a lot to do today but I'm expecting a couple of parcels some time this week so waiting in for the postman who should be here before lunch. Bye for now, back later.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


I am quite convinced that taking statins started off the cramp in my legs and duly putting it to the test by stopping taking them and trying different versions generally proved that although i still suffer occasionally (and very occasionally rather badly) and find standing and applying pressure by leaning forwards often does the trick.  another way of reducing the chance of them happening is to have a dose of dioralyte as - according to some pharmacists - the cramp is also to do with various body salts etc.


Anyway enough of that and so to the weather - not raining but very soggy out there with a bit of distant mist although the Russian place is just about in view so overall nota  good day for the G word although the mini oak tree in the front garden desperately needs a haircut.


And do I conclude that Laurence CB has also added another year - happy birthday if I have got that right.


Have a good day one and all.

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We are off to Enfield this afternoon. Aditi has a cousin (2nd cousin? Daughter of her full cousin) who is a student at Bath University. Her degree course includes terms of work experience. Until July she will be working near London Bridge and has arrived in London looking for accommodation. It hasn't gone well so she is staying with Aditi's sister until she finds something. So we are going over to say hello. Sana (the cousin) did her previous 6 month placement in Dubai and had no trouble finding accommodation.


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An old client who made a Will a few years ago unfortunately dropped dead around the start of the month.


The Will is pretty straightforward, but contains a possible timebomb: he excluded one of his four adult children entirely, leaving a note to his Executors as to why he did it. One of the Executors is seeing me this morning. I think I can guess what's coming next.


Where there's a Will, there's a war.

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Sorry, I seem to have missed something so Happy Birthday Laurence!


The good news is that the little man in my skull has departed with his hammer. I have also regained some of my lost brownie points by finishing off clearing up and washing glasses from yesterday and walking to the local supermarket to pick up a couple of essential items for Her Bossness. All is now peace and harmony in GDB Towers.

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Slept pretty well last night, no problems with the arthritis or cramp. I was once told that a good cure for cramp was to rub  the affected area with a wine bottle cork, and it worked! How or why it worked I've no idea, perhaps its a natural muscle relaxant in the cork. Not a lot to do today but I'm expecting a couple of parcels some time this week so waiting in for the postman who should be here before lunch. Bye for now, back later.

The trick shown online last week was to put an unwrapped bar of soap under your bedsheet at the foot end. Something to do with the makeup of the soap having an effect.

I would have thought it more likely that lack of sleep deterred any thought of cramp.


Grey, wet, dark, foggy, miserable day here in sunny Teignmouth today.

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We are off to Enfield this afternoon. Aditi has a cousin (2nd cousin? Daughter of her full cousin) who is a student at Bath University. Her degree course includes terms of work experience. Until July she will be working near London Bridge and has arrived in London looking for accommodation. It hasn't gone well so she is staying with Aditi's sister until she finds something. So we are going over to say hello. Sana (the cousin) did her previous 6 month placement in Dubai and had no trouble finding accommodation.


Have you suggested living in Enfield and a 20 min commute?

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