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Good morning one and all


Thanks again to all with kind thoughts about the car.  The body shop in Swindon is "approved".  An examination has been made and approval to order the parts and start work is awaited.  I have a copy of the pre repair inspection form and it shows all sorts of blemishes of which I was not aware. I will worry about those when I get the thing back!  As for getting it back, the insurance company suggested using the hire car to get to Swindon.  The lady in the local Europcar office doesn't see why not and it is certainly a more attractive idea than spending five hours on the bus.  Having the repaired car delivered to my door, or as near to it as the parking situation will allow, is also an attractive idea but I do not see it happening.  When I contacted VW Roadside Assistance for rescue from the scene of the prang I was told that I was only entitled to local area recovery, which is why I had to endure the train journey back home.  I have submitted the receipt to the insurance company because if you don't ask you don't get.  With that mantra in mind I will ask the insurance company if a home delivery is an option but at the back of my mind will be another mantra: he who expects nothing is rarely disappointed.  Oh boy.


Let us consider happier things.  A supplementary fodder run is needed this morning to finalise the ingredients for Poorly Pal's lunch tomorrow and to get the Radio Times. Tonight there is a [an?] HMRS meeting in Bletchley with two speakers.  Between those events I need to finish the feedback on my holiday for the travel company on which I spent a couple of hours yesterday afternoon.  Submitting it on line using their proforma is all very well but there is much more to say than can be uttered by clicking boxes - mostly good, it must be said.  Doing it my way means that I can share my comments with friends on the same tour.


Warm thoughts now to the lonely and depressed, to all travellers and to the ailing, recovering, supporting, grieving and missing.  Let us all hope also that Andyram finds the means and courage to achieve the right solution.



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Morning All,


Glad to hear that Debs is doing Ok.


With regard to Andy's situation.  I don't have much to add, but it never ceases to amaze me how people like that manage somehow to acquire a teflon coating - such that nothing sticks.  It is awful that so many members of staff have to suffer just because of one bully.


We have a rather grey and chilly morning in this part of the world.  The temperature is currently down at around -2°C.


Have a good day everyone...

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Blimey! Mine were $350 for everything, and that was WITH "excellent health insurance". If I'd had no insurance the cost for the frames/lenses (progressive - cost extra) and a few other options that are really standard, would have been on the $600+ cost. My eyes are certainly on the good/very good side for my "age, race and gender", but still isn't possible to get anything on this side of the pond without spending the cost of a loco or two or three! :O



Going into any of the "pound" shops and a variety of other shops such as B+M Stores (cheap supermarket), or sometimes "The Works" (discount book store) they will have a rack of cheap glasses. somewhere near a pound. They are organised by strength, and then there will be a variety of styles. I think if you haven't anything like that over there, then next time you do a UK visit, I'd drop into one of these. Or if you have someone coming over to visit you, get them go in and grab a handful to bring to you.


Morning Awl a reasonable night sleep of about 6 hour in total.


Odd weather this morning, heavy fog all the way in dripping from the tree, but the odd thing was intense patches of Frost on the road, intense enough to have the ice crystals growing up from the surface but in small patches of maybe a couple of feet in diameter surrounded by wet road. The patches weren't in a line like something had been dripped off of a vehicle...


 Still very warm here at work in the outer work area, I fell asleep at lunch time and overslept going back to the lab by about 10 minutes. Talking of which....

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Everything Sherry has told me about the education world she inhabited says complacency and nepotism are the keywords, at least in her county, which wasn't Andy's, of course. Any criticism of a head is a criticism of the county. And the whole system of skool governors is impenetrable to me in the C21.


And now we have something called Academies, aka privatisation..... So glad I don't have kids!

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  • RMweb Gold

Everything Sherry has told me about the education world she inhabited says complacency and nepotism are the keywords, at least in her county, which wasn't Andy's, of course. Any criticism of a head is a criticism of the county. And the whole system of skool governors is impenetrable to me in the C21.


And now we have something called Academies, aka privatisation..... So glad I don't have kids!


I think you have the key to the problem there. Those who appointed him would have their judgement questioned if they now tried to remove or discipline him. Hence they are reluctant to act.


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Good morning everyone


Late yesterday afternoon I was sent some more work, so I'm off to Buxton this morning. Unfortunately it isn't the town, but to 2 quarries just outside of town, then it's off to my final visit to a hedgerow not very far from Jodrell Bank, which I'll pass on the way, at least I'm not going into the orifice again today.


The weather looks cold but there is no frost and I think the sky may be blue and cloudless, which makes the fact that there is no frost surprising.


Back later.

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A frosty, grey morning to you. -1 here, apparently, but misty and a thick rime covers the garden.


A difficult time at the moment, I may write more on that later, depending on some outcomes.


Spent a while thinking of Andy. My honest opinion, Don, is that governing bodies are a great deal more professional than you suggest, and there must (by legislation as well as by goodwill) be procedures for dealing with complaints. All the governing bodies I have been involved with or dealt with have the good of the school, staff and pupils, at the centre of their thinking. I'm certain that the best route is union, evidence, governors. But that's up to Andy.


No Whelkmen saint's day today, but I see that Friday is the day of St John Bosco, founder of the Salesian Order and schools thereof. I'm no Catholic, but I can recognise a good man when I see one.


The weather here on the Carshalton Riviera has kept them safely abed, and as tomorrow is the weekly day held in honour of St Duvet of the Lie-In there won't be any whelks until Friday. Possibly.


Good luck to all...

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Digesting the various comments about Andy's dilemma I think exit interviews, governor intervention etc would be as effective depending on the brass neck of the individual being complained about. My vote would still be for involving the union who are outside the school's organisation.  


Anyway, a foggy start to the day and strong coffee needed to get the brain working. 

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Mawnin' awl. Dull and grey outside, though at least lightened up a bit by some remaining snow. I don't expect the latter to last forever as it's above 0°C, though.


Andy, just spent a while re-reading what you posted about your predicament, as well as what all the others have offered in comments and thoughts so far. Really not a lot which hasn't been said yet, so I probably can just second the urgent recommendation that you get the hell outta Dodge, so to speak. I would hate to see you (as well as anyone else in the same kind of circumstances) become bitter or even ill over such treatment, which most definitely is too high a price.

But, if at all possible, do at least try taking action to the effect of stopping this bully as a parting gift, if you will. Teaching is sufficiently demanding as it is, and due to its importance should not be further impeded by what I would, in some way, classify as sabotage by ill-intended persons such as the one you ran into.


Sending thoughts to everyone in need and hope everyone will at least try to enjoy their day…

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Hi Peteink they both paid around the 20k mark for them....so I'll stick with the Beemer.


The only let down is the horn ain't loud enough, but an ear splitter on order as we speak.



You need something like wot this Rat Lexus has (I’m sure they will fit):





No doubt someone will pop and advise which loco they came off......


Best, Pete

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They are testing the ceiling mounted Air conditioner drains at the moment, the only one to leak.......


Right over the site directors (AKA the Bosses) desk.....

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I think you have the key to the problem there. Those who appointed him would have their judgement questioned if they now tried to remove or discipline him. Hence they are reluctant to act.

Happens in independent fee-paying schools, too, including the one I went to.

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Of interest to Essex contributors to this thread who might be at a loose end:



To my shame, I did Morris dancing at junior school some 65 years ago. I was the "horse" and the memory has never left me. Even after all these years, I have to cross the road if I see a performing troop. I could sue the school I suppose but it was demolished some 20 years ago.

I feel better now for getting that revelation off my chest.

Edited by Judge Dread
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Morning all,


Having suffered from a non-caring Headmaster of a school when our son was a target of bullying I long ago reached the conclusion that folk in such position's are - unless utterly incompetent or criminal - in a very secure position.  the Governors and council people who appointed them are never going to be at all keen to be shown that their valuing of people and decision making are flawed, the wagons will simply form a nice defensive circle which can be difficult to break.  And if the Head happens to have 'friends' among the governors - which is nit necessarily unusual - the situation can be even worse.


Heads make, or break, a school and once staff resignations start among the good teachers (as they did at laddo's school) the alarm bells should be ringing loud & clear but the circle can just as easily tighten and become even more defensive - it is very easy in such a situation for the appraiser to blacken the reputations of the appraised.  Undoubtedly union backing ought to help but any clever manager can readily list the faults of the complainant just as easily as the complainant can list the faults of the manager and if - as a governor - your natural inclination is to believe 'your man or woman' the defensive circle can still be there and the school continues on its path to h*ll in a handcart.  


So in my experience and from what I've seen it is not an easy one to deal with and the union's legal people need to be a darned sight cleverer than the overpaid halfwit my lot lumbered me with for a relatively simple thing that I actually dealt with myself (not a disciplinary issue, simply supposed advice regarding a contract - I had to advise the idiot solicitor what to do, not the other way about).  And that's one very good reason I didn't keep on throwing subs in their direction when I left the big railway and if I was still paying I'd certainly stop now where the union's leadership seem far more interested in playing politics than actually representing their members' 'bread & butter' issues.


Anyway away from that brief mention of the 'p' word and it is again a day of fist & mog with the Fog Object still not properly visible so double blocking will remain in vogue - oo 'er missus.


Have a good day one and all and glad to see Debs back 'ticking' us (in the nicest possible way, although no doubt the ticking-off might start if toy trains  rise to greater prominence here  :O  :angel: )

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They are testing the ceiling mounted Air conditioner drains at the moment, the only one to leak.......


Right over the site directors (AKA the Bosses) desk.....

By accident or design?

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Morning all.

I humbly report that I am no longer an early riser , not surfacing today until just before 7.

Today will be mostly spent in the loft wiring.  Where is my hard hat?

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To my shame, I did Morris dancing at junior school some 65 years ago. I was the "horse" and the memory has never left me. Even after all these years, I have to cross the road if I see a performing troop. I could sue the school I suppose but it's been demolished some 20 years ago.

I feel better now for getting that revelation off my chest.

It's true what they say: you think you know people, and then this comes out. :jester:

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Morning all


  a [an?] HMRS meeting 



Chris, I think it would depend on whether you say "aitch" as I do or "haitch" as the current generation seem to. Good luck with the car-any idea of a timescale yet?


Andy, if I were you I would apply for the other job. Keep your options open, you can negotiate hours/salary if and when they offer it to you and still be under no obligation to take it. However, applying for a job is bl99dy hard work, and it's difficult to make a positive application when you are in the situation you're in at present. Ask me how I know!


Judge, we who follow one "funny" hobby (railway modellers) need to be careful about critiscising (sp?) those who follow others (eg Morris dancing). I have a friend who does both and believe me Morris dancing keeps you more fit and healthy!


Have a good day all



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Happens in independent fee-paying schools, too, including the one I went to.

It's not like that in maintained schools, it's not like that under the current regulations. Teachers are not employed by the head, and above a certain level of seniority are appointed by a committee of governors. I've been a governor at four schools and I've never seen any signs of that.

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