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Thanks so much, I really appreciate it.


Definitely NOT discouraged, and as I tried to explain a day or so ago, Trump IS ACCEPTED as the elected president - no matter how anyone sees the process - but he only represents 50% AT BEST of the actual population, that's NOT a mandate, and what IS NOT accepted is the potential problems the administration may cause following through with their campaign objectives.

Many people will possibly suffer, including the poor, old and infirmed. Everyone is HOPING that doesn't happen but showing that you care and support the plight of other humans is what makes us .... well, HUMAN! :O


One of my US cousins put some photos on FB of her day yesterday. Travelling overnight from Boston, Mass to DC. At 6pm she had a 4 hour wait for the bus back, apparently getting back about 4am but I could be wrong on the times. She said it was a great experience despite being a long day.

Another cousin her sister, participated in Sacramento and said similar and had some great photos.

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  • RMweb Gold

Just copped another meteor, this time greenish hue. Cannot find anything about meteors in January in the Uk.


Could be a bit of space junk burning up on re-entry. The greenish hue suggests copper.


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  • RMweb Gold

I have returned from Margam and am now within the hippodrome.


I got to the Cardiff show yesteday afternoon to be greeted by naturol who took money off my brother(he was paying this time) for our entry, only immediately afterwards to be threatened with ejection by Br2975.  'Don't let them in' was the cry form across the main hall.


Of course walking into the main hall I was immediately attracted to the cafe area.  This was not an urge to sit and converse with the RMWeb contingent whom were all already sitting and gassing, but there was cake: And lots of it!


Now if there is anything that makes a hippo happier than trains, it's cake, and that was duly consumed and washed down with tea.


Having satisfied the inner beast, I was able to distinguish various 'webber's in deep conversation about, among other things, a new Dapol 0 gauge box van the was being clutched by no other than Captain Kernow. Chrisf was dispensing words of wisdom, whilst poor Stationmaster Mike was still in shock after his traumatic exit from Cardiff General Central station.  I'm not sure my sudden appearance helped his recovery.


Danemouth banned me from the upstairs gallery until he was satisfied that no mud or other hippo like detritus was clinging to my feet.  Having passed the cleanliness test, I was then shown a book on Cardiff Trolleybuses which had a number of very atmospheric photos, the detail in the background being a snapshot of life in Cardiff of days gone by.


I think there was some model railway stuff on display, but was somewhat eclipsed by the people I talked to and (obviously) the cake!


Having trekked back today, I am now having to prepare for the OFMG meeting tomorrow which will include a demo of the Dapol 08 to which I have yet to fit a sound decoder.


The Obergrumpenfuhrer, who was away on a Guiding jolly to Portsmouth, thinks we will be having a make do and mend day tomorrow, I have other plans.

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Apparently, not content with "fake news", the new world order has now coined another doozie - "alternative facts"...


Hear ye, hear ye, let it be known that I, Ian Abel, am 25 years old, a billionaire and am simultaneously King of Great Britain and President of the United States.


Any and all reports to the contrary are simply incorrect :jester:  :O  :jester: and are fake news and the media are lying.

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Bugger that, I think I need some bullshit bullhead rail first but only if the sleepers are exactly the right size to the mm  for a TRUE scale railway with a 4' 81/2" gauge AND have model turds strategically placed so it mirrors what I saw standing on the platforms in the 50's and 60's at Weybridge station.

Now then...where do I actually find correct size room to build it so the points and curves are realistic. I'm thinking something the size of a football stadium is what I'm after! :jester:


I've got some spare SMP if you want to see what it looks like.


(Exits stage left, running.)

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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening everyone.


Once again we had a lie in, well it is Sunday when all's said and done. We got up mid morning and when I went to the workshop it was trying to snow, but it soon turn to rain, but thankfully it wasn't heavy, but it stayed around all day.


Now that I've made a pair of legs, my first task this morning was to fully assemble the 3 baseboards for the first time.






A start has been made on the control panel, 240-15v transformer has been fitted and connected up. This will feed 3 regulated AC-DC rectifier PSU boards, a pair of 12v, one each for the SERVO control circuit and SERVO drive circuit. The 3rd is a single 5v board which feeds the layout control circuit. The 12v ones are connected whilst the 5v one is still to do. I've also located the main control PCB, whilst leaving a bit of room for expansion if I wish to do so. The beauty of the system that I'm using (MERG - Point to Point Lite) is that you only need 4 wires from the control panel to the layout and you can expand the system without any additional external wiring, you just plug in some more units and away you go! All that remains is to fit an output fuse for each of the rectifier boards and to start putting in all the inter-connection wiring and the trunking to make it look neat and tidy. The switches and lights will be the last to be fitted, as there final location will be dependent upon the actual layout, once I've finalised the track plan. I did a bit of tweaking last night and this morning, so it's almost there. I'll, post a few photos of it all when is completed.


Chrisf. Sorry about your car, I do hope it's sorted out soon.


Dick. Nice to see you posting again.


Andyram. Stress can play some really strange tricks on the body, meaning that you can succumb to some bugs that you'd usually take in your stride.


AndyID. Driving in earth rods is no fun, I feel your pain!


Jamie. That country dog wasn't the Barghest was it?


Back to work tomorrow, so goodnight all.

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Under the thumb?!?!?

If you call how women are treated in Saudi et al as being under the thumb then.....

Ok I give up.

Time for bed......boooiiinnggg

Middle East Rules of Thumb: Understanding the Complexities of the Middle East

By Steven Carol


Saudi Arabian Women Still Forced To Live Under The Thumb Of Male 'Guardians'






All these use the term. Perhaps they are all wrong.

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Apparently, not content with "fake news", the new world order has now coined another doozie - "alternative facts"...


Hear ye, hear ye, let it be known that I, Ian Abel, am 25 years old, a billionaire and am simultaneously King of Great Britain and President of the United States.


Any and all reports to the contrary are simply incorrect :jester:  :O  :jester: and are fake news and the media are lying.

Ian,I expect many thousands more attended your inauguration than any other. Apparently fake news is being answered by fake news. I am the King of Great Britain and so is my wife.

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Ian,I expect many thousands more attended your inauguration than any other.

That is in fact true - we had the inauguration 5 minutes ago and the entire population of the planet was there, I counted at least 7 billion people - not sure how they all fit in our street :O it was beyond "bigly"

Edited by Ian Abel
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  • RMweb Gold

I'm just watching 'Waverley Steps', a short film (1948) being shown on Talking Pictures channel - Sky 343.


The opening shots are of an A4 doing what A4s do best, at some length. It's No 27, 'Merlin', with British Railways on the tender but still carrying the LNER silver numbers.


The scenery of 1948 Edinburgh is very nostalgic, including shots of, and inside, a tram.


Talking Pictures is worth keeping an eye on for black and white gems, including Terminus and Night Mail. These things tend to come around every few moths.


Edit: I've done a bit of research and the film is available for free from the British Film Institute at 



Along with many others!  Happy reminiscing.


There is some great stuff on Talking Picture provided you like old films!  The Edinburgh one is amusing for typical lack of railway continuity running into Waverley behind No.9 but going to shed with No.27 but seemingly off the same train - not that it spoils the story and there are trams!!  And some fascinating juxtapositions in the other film but some really good stuff in it, including some shots from the signalbox (High Wycombe North) which probably helped to get my rheumatism going a good many years ago.

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  • RMweb Premium


Jamie. That country dog wasn't the Barghest was it?


Back to work tomorrow, so goodnight all.

Unfortunately Brian, no one ever actually managed to catch it to confirm.  There was reported to be a mangy  cur called the city dog.  However the county one varied in size depending on the amount of damage to the car.


And it's goodnight from me.



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I've just received three family photographs from a cousin via another cousin. One I have seen before. Another of a family wedding contains a 2 year old pH - that I'm sure about, but I can't identify the other presumed cousins in it. The third is a cracker - a studio portrait of two of my uncles in their WW2 RAF uniforms, each with their half wings - one a Flight Engineer, the other an Air Gunner. The younger one looks about 14 years old - but it does remind you just how young many of them actually were.

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Ian.A I am so glad other people have spoken up in support of you. I certainly understood that you were simply reporting the events of the day as so many of us do.

Today has been affected by the persistent cough that has developed into a full blown cold. We are still three weeks away from the half way point of the academic year and this is my third bout of illness. Whether that is bad luck or linked to the current work situation is debatable.

I managed a lie in this morning. Whilst Sarah went to church I helped Amber with her homework. Then we went to the Cat's Protection centre to book the craft fair stall. The rest of the day has been spent on paperwork. I worked from 2pm - 5pm, broke for a meal and then put Amber to bed. Then I spent 8pm - 11pm on the marking in triplicate we now seemingly need to do. Just another 6 hours added to the weekly total then. I reckon that is 66 hours this week, but hey who is counting? At least I managed five minutes to shunt my layout with the Peckett :-)

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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks so much, I really appreciate it.


Definitely NOT discouraged, and as I tried to explain a day or so ago, Trump IS ACCEPTED as the elected president - no matter how anyone sees the process - but he only represents 50% AT BEST of the actual population, that's NOT a mandate, and what IS NOT accepted is the potential problems the administration may cause following through with their campaign objectives.

Many people will possibly suffer, including the poor, old and infirmed. Everyone is HOPING that doesn't happen but showing that you care and support the plight of other humans is what makes us .... well, HUMAN! :O


Ian you continue to say what you believe in. When it seemed my comment had offended you I said I was sorry.  Surely we can talk about serious things on here without falling out. Both the issue of the treatment of women and the acceptance of democratic processes are important. I agree that party politics should be avoided but life involves some politics so many of the things mentioned on here have a political side to them.

I must admit the US choices of President have picked some odd ones Nixon, Clinton, W Bush, Trump not your finest I think but I dont know of a better system. What I do feel it to give the American people a choice between just Hilary Clinton and Trump is not a good start. I would be looking for none of the above on a ballot paper. Not that our system is much better where a  the government can be changed by the voters in a small number of seats and voters in so called safe seats can feel cheated of any real say in the election. Our local MP is known as 'Idle Stranger' which shows something of how represented we feel.

Anyway enough of all that. Don't get started on Gauges I remember all the fuss about 00/EM/P4 in the end I opted for other scales. I enjoy hearing about your modelling, the weather you get you daughters flying and commiserate about the problems at work seems a good basis to me.



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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all.

Another day, another year older.

AWOL for a day or two as the M6/M5 took up a few hours of Saturday. Lane discipline is suspect under normal motorway circumstances, but within the 50mph restricted areas, it really brings out the cockwomble in folk.

Mrs NB's annual work conference usually coincides with a particular day for me and she usually takes me away for three days.

She does the conference bit and I go golfing/mountain biking/trainspotting as the locale permits.

Today was a round of the Montgomerie course at Celtic Manor. Tomorrow (now today) could see me on a First South Wales day ranger travelling on HSTs between Newport and Swansea for a tenner.


A couple of days ago, I enquired with my new boss if my two days off could be Thursday and Saturday instead of Friday/Saturday. When asked why, my reply was that I'm now eligible to play in the local golf seniors league and the usual fixture is on a Thursday. As I'm now of senior golfer age, I'd like to be able to play. Yesterday (now Friday) he thought that it was a good idea. Sorted.


Advance warning: There may be some South Wales related train pics over the next couple of days.




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