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I agree Mick.


The only thing I can think of is that it's at this time of life that your own contemporaries are passing on and you reflect on the memories they brought into your life. Until a few years ago, I could never understand why my mother particularly, was always talking about people who had died, rather than those who were still alive. It's only now as friends, family, actors, sporting heroes and musicians of your own era pass on, do I recognise the significance of what other gave, so we may enjoy life today.


We will remember them....

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all I am not sure why Remembrance day seems to mean more to me as I get older.

I too feel the same. My father lost a lot of friends /comrades while he was young. I don't think to my knowledge he ever had what I would call a friend after he left the army. Even though I've now lost friends through illness it is difficult to comprehend what losing so many in a relatively short period of time was like for him.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All


Not a day for flippant remarks and drivel, as Remembrance Sunday seems to get more poignant and important every year, and the sights of Wooton Basset come into the mind. It is not only the two World Wars that we need to have in mind, but also the other conflicts in which we have lost members of the Services, of which there are many.


In my earlier years, as a Boys' Brigade member, I went to many local services and stood at a very cold war memorial. Then as a BB officer, I also carried the colours for the same services, including bring the Legion colours into church to be blessed. Since those days, I have always observed the solemnity of the day, and hopefully my ER post today will reflect that.



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  • RMweb Premium

Strangely for a Remembrance Sunday it's raining! I seem to remember it always being frosty having played Last Post at an awful lot of ceremonies over the years from the age of about 13 onwards. For several years I played with a little village band and we attended 2 parades and a church service all on the Sunday. It was always a "lump in the throat" moment as they read out half a dozen or more names all from one family in the village.




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Evening All,


No sign of rain here today - in fact, it has been a real Indian Summer day. Almost T-shirt weather.


However, despite the sunshine it has been a bit of a melancholy day - for various reasons. Strangely fitting.


Our Rector read "In Flanders Fields" this morning - which never fails to bring a lump to my throat.


In Flanders fields the poppies blow

Between the crosses, row on row,

That mark our place; and in the sky

The larks, still bravely singing, fly

Scarce heard amid the guns below.


We are the Dead. Short days ago

We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,

Loved and were loved, and now we lie,

In Flanders fields.


Take up our quarrel with the foe:

To you from failing hands we throw

The torch; be yours to hold it high.

If ye break faith with us who die

We shall not sleep, though poppies grow

In Flanders fields.

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  • RMweb Gold
They'll be one very happy man in the NE tonight.....:)


Very happy.


Have just read your article in MR. Very interesting too. I hope they give you the opportunity to do an update later as your scenic section is coming on in leaps and bounds.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


Would any of you agree that there ought to be a law against Mondays? :blink: :D Class in the morning, and when I return home I'll need to clean out the rabbit enclosure once again.


Have a good day everyone!

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Morning All,


It is rather dark and damp here this morning. Typical November weather - except for being unseasonably warm.


I've got some rather uninspiring tasks to do in the office today - so better get on with them!


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All


Quite chilly here this morning - not sure how cold as the outside thermometer blew off the wall in the gales last week, and got smashed to bits, but certainly cold enough for Mrs 45156 to comment on the temperature, and not to deliver a "don't leave the central heating on" type lecture. Also the dog decided that she needed to get warmer by joining us on the bed at about 3.30 am.


Hopefully will warm up before I go out later on my first unaccompanied drive (picking up Mrs 45156 from work).


Regards to All


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

It is sunny here but not very warm. I had to do some windscreen scraping this morning.

I don't really have any plans for today but Robbie will expect a walk later this morning.



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Guest Max Stafford

Yes, it's a beautiful bright morning up here too. Lots of frost around. Hopefully after this week, the colder air masses will start to hold off the Atlantic systems and give us more of this.

Mr Robin has come into the garden for his morning suet, followed by the Starling gang!



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, Monday again then. Not much in the work diary today (so far). As today is the day I am trying to organise the electrician and the man digging the trench for the cables it goes without saying that it is the day my mobile decides to die. Of course I have all the numbers of the key players on my mobile and they have that number to contact me. Arghh! A hunt round the house has thrown up a spare phone but of course none of the myriad of chargers around the place fit it. Onto the net goes I and orders a new phone to be collected from the lcoal Vodafone shop. Which number did I give them as a contact point? You guessed it, the one on the dead mobile. Doh!




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  • RMweb Premium

I have all the numbers of the key players on my mobile and they have that number to contact me. Arghh!

Hopefully backed up on the Sim card? That sort of thing is why I keep a separate record of any key numbers that I need, and also why I still maintain a land line.


Still very cold here, I think that the outside temperature has just about crawled above zero. Couldn't work out why the upstairs rooms were not getting warm, and discovered that EVERY radiator on the first floor needed to be bled. That's most unusual, but there was so much air in the system that after bleeding, the boiler pressure fell to nil, and I had also to recharge the system, and found that one of the filling taps was stuck - luckily a little persuasion with pliers managed to get it open without breaking the flimsy looking plastic lever. I think that the boiler man will need to come in sometime to replace the sticky valve.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning All, Monday again then. Not much in the work diary today (so far). As today is the day I am trying to organise the electrician and the man digging the trench for the cables it goes without saying that it is the day my mobile decides to die. Of course I have all the numbers of the key players on my mobile and they have that number to contact me. Arghh! A hunt round the house has thrown up a spare phone but of course none of the myriad of chargers around the place fit it. Onto the net goes I and orders a new phone to be collected from the lcoal Vodafone shop. Which number did I give them as a contact point? You guessed it, the one on the dead mobile. Doh!






My wife got a new phone recently and I assumed all her numbers were stored on the SIM but only a few were. The majority had been "saved to phone". The new phone can import from all sorts of applications on the computer though and I did offer to enter all her numbers but she only wanted home, work, Matthew and her mother's numbers

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Hopefully backed up on the Sim card? That sort of thing is why I keep a separate record of any key numbers that I need, and also why I still maintain a land line.


Still very cold here, I think that the outside temperature has just about crawled above zero. Couldn't work out why the upstairs rooms were not getting warm, and discovered that EVERY radiator on the first floor needed to be bled. That's most unusual, but there was so much air in the system that after bleeding, the boiler pressure fell to nil, and I had also to recharge the system, and found that one of the filling taps was stuck - luckily a little persuasion with pliers managed to get it open without breaking the flimsy looking plastic lever. I think that the boiler man will need to come in sometime to replace the sticky valve.

Strange coincidence! I bled the bathroom radiator / towel rail last night and woke up to a freezing cold flat this morning. Same problem, there had been so much air that the pump had run dry and the valve had been fully closed by the guy who'd installed my new boiler.

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Late on parade today but this morning the frost outside was rather nice. This afternoon I was coasting down the Midland Mainline from Desborough Summit with the Angerstein Wharf - Bardon Hill empties, and the colours all around me were simply beautiful, I do love this time of year when I'm 'at work'! Only a Wellingborough 9F coming the other way, toiling up the bank, could have made it any better ;)



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


Getting colder outside and I understand it's supposed to remain like that for the next several days. To be on the safe side, I'll put on the winter tyres later this week. I guess I should also start thinking about Christmas presents... :blink: Oh dear!


Have a good day everyone!

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You're late with your Winter tyres Dominik! I've had mine on for a few weeks now. Still, having said that - apart from a few isolated mornings there haven't been any frosts.


Given that Germany are making Winter tyres compulsory, I have just got a set for the Mini. That was a laugh!


"Are you sure you want 12" tyres?"


"I don't think they make them anymore"

"Can you check?"

"Oh yes! They do make them - Hmmm, they're very small"

"The original Mini's had 10" tyres"


At which point he wandered off mumbling something about his breath about British cars :D

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