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Early Risers.


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Well I'm happy to report the rally was the most peaceful and supportive collection of people (a significant number of men there though of course predominantly women) I've seen in a LONG time, even the local sports team supporters are way more unruly.

The expectation was for possibly 20,000. St. Paul police final estimate is 100,000!

Only reported incident so far was a Trump supporter using spray mace on the parade walking to the state capital building. Apparently he was restrained/removed by police, just reported as I type this that he actually was arrested and charged with aggravated assault.

Nothing other than that and the local transit system was maxed out.

Following the rally we (Mrs, myself the Mrs nieces partner and their daughter) found a nice place to grab lunch.

Rather tired and getting warm after being a little cold after spending a few hours outside...

Why not protest outside the Saudi embassy next as I believe women have virtually no rights at all there?

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Why not protest outside the Saudi embassy next as I believe women have virtually no rights at all there?

Because Ian lives in the USA, Mr. Trump has just been elected as president of that country and will possibly have a direct effect on Ian and members of his family?

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Because Ian lives in the USA, Mr. Trump has just been elected as president of that country and will possibly have a direct effect on Ian and members of his family?

I doubt it, if you want to protest then protest where it matters?


I don't recall any mass protests outside of any Saudi (etc) embassies anywhere, or have I missed those?


Like it or not, Trump won, let's keep it real eh?


Now time for bed.

Edited by BlackRat
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Post eyelid inspection a couple of mundane tasks were undertaken before this evening was spent doing some research for the layout.


Tomorrow should be a day where modelling is the primary task.


Night all

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Evening all. Firstly i am glad to hear that Ian A got back safely from the protest event. Secondly let us agree that that is the end of the sharing of views on the subject. There is a reason why political talk is discouraged from RMWeb - it generates strong views from all of us and can lead to ill feeling and arguments. Whether you agree with someone going to a protest, or the legitimacy of such an event, it is their choice if they wish to go. I do not feel it is right or fair to comment or criticise someone for doing so. I also do not think these pages are the correct place to comment on whether Trump is a right and proper president or not. I am saddened by some of the comments I have read on here in the last few hours.

Ian - if you wish to attend a protest you have the free right to do so, and no one should judge you for that. Let us end the discussion there!


Onto other matters and sadly I seem to have been hit with another bug. I ended yesterday with an irritating cough and now feel awful. Thankfully it did not hit too soon as to prevent me from catching up with an old friend last night. Mark, was the best man at our wedding, and someone who has been a good friend for many years. We used to meet up once a week at the pub, now we struggle to catch up more than once per six weeks. He has struggled with depression for a long time with his life lacking direction as he struggles to find a career to suit. His latest venture, a business specialising in the Bowen Technique of bone therapy is struggling to take off and it has not helped his mood. Last night's chat centred a lot around careers and next steps. He advised me to contact the school to find out exactly what the pay figure for the job would be. Somehow I doubt the school would give that information though. I have rather written that post off as not being viable. I will keep looking.


Sleep well all.

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  • RMweb Premium

I find myself confused more and more these days. However ever I did grow up in an are of the country where you could giggle in Giggleswick, wiggle in Wigglesworth, skip in Skipton and settle in Settle.




And clap in Clapham


Did you ever visit Piddletrenthide?



Not only - but also .....


I have visited there and neighbouring Piddlehinton and also questioned Wyre Piddle.  If English villages were really named with a sense of humour the next one should have been Wyre Knot, surely?


You can run well in Runwell, ride in Ryde, walk in Walkergate and do what ever you feel appropriate on a hillside in Dumfries-shire by the name of Knockenshag.



Edited by Gwiwer
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Just a shame that some thugs are hi-jacking the marches


Are they really? That's not what I've seen or heard, or read reported, though to say so, of course, removes the legitimacy of their concerns, doesn't it?


Someone asked a while back why I had stopped posting here. Its because I no longer feel comfortable around some of the posters and their 'opinions'.

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Rick, I'm glad that you were safe after yesterdays events but it can't have been easy.  Unfortunately certain events in Washington seem to have pushed all mention of it off our news here





Sad to report the death toll has risen to five and may well rise further.


Being pushed off the news is a fact of life.  Taking place at much the same time as events in the USA would have made it harder to justify any news time at all beyond these shores.  A check-around (one of the best uses yet found for the likes of Farcebook and Tw*tter) has found none of our friends, family nor workplace colleagues were involved any more directly than watching events unfold.  


In the midst of a very busy weekend here with three farewell parties (including one of our own with a house-full to dinner last night and some overnight guests) to attend in two days.  I hope to have more ER time as of tomorrow despite the 03.30 alarm call.  Best wishes all.

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Platelayers meeting today. 45 minute run in light to medium fog. Several members came from even farther away. SWMBO suggested a stop at the train shop and came away with cows and hay bales. Her ice cream bar/farm is moving from jersey to Holstein. I came away with nothing. A query showed that modelling size drill bits are 2 for C$4.50. What are they elsewhere? The drill collections seemed to have disappeared from the shops computer lookup.

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In an attempt to bring discussion back to trivial matters, may I comment on the activities of the manufacturer of chairs for those unable to sit or stand.

Whenever I am searching for something to watch on TV I encounter either Leyland Paint or these chairs.

They seem to be designed to tip the elderly into the fireplace and execute curious pets as the working parts are invitingly opened.

Further, they are covered in fabrics which are so awful they can only be provided for the potential to entertain visitors.

I'd give you their name but I'm always channel hopping when they appear and it hasn't registered.

Something with three letters I believe.


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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Frosty again, -1oC and yet another cold, dry sunny day is forecast.


I note the temperature has dropped here as well. Please guys can we not go the way of some other threads. The mods never have to visit ERs and I for one would not like to see that happen.


Today I will be visiting the Guildford show with Bob 81C riding shotgun. I hope to find a).some inspiration and b). something to spend a (very)small lottery win on.


Have a good one,



PS Anyone been to Shitterton lately?

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Good morning one and all


As Mike Stationmaster has revealed, I was at the Cardiff show yesterday and thoroughly worthwhile it was too.  On the way home I diverted to Bristol to spend an hour or so with my aunt, now nearly 93 and in fine form.  The homeward run went fine.  Until ...


Just before 7 pm on the A420 between Swindon and Oxford an animal, possibly a deer, hit my car.  The front bumper is badly damaged and the car cannot be driven safely.  It has been recovered and tomorrow will be taken to a body repair shop in Swindon.  The recovery driver kindly dropped me at Swindon station.  My attempts to make the ticket machine work were fruitless and there was no sign of a booking office.  It turned out to be behind a shutter.  Another traveller advised me to pay on the train but of course it was just pulling out as I reached the platform.  The next was in 45 minutes but at least a member of staff - yes, really - convinced me that paying on the train would be OK despite loudspeaker announcements about penalty fares. Fortunately the guard acknowledged my plight and for a mere £41.05 I had my ticket home.  It opened the barriers on the Underground but not at St Pancras LL.  Then the four car all-stations train to Bedford was full and standing and I had to be hauled on board after missing my footing as the doors began to shut.  Oh boy.


Today began badly as I was wakened at 4.30 am by cramp in my right calf.  Later I have some calls to make cancelling various appointments.  Among the casualties will be lunch with a mate tomorrow since I need to be available when the insurance company calls.  If they do not make a courtesy car available Poorly Pal does not get his lunch on Thursday and I don't get to various other things.  How I get the repaired car back from Swindon is another matter altogether.


Best wishes to everyone



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Sorry to hear of your woes.  First things first are you yourself OK or do you need repairs as well as the car?


If the panel-beater can identify the species of beast which collided with your car it might make a difference.  Not if it proves to be a deer, though, as most would be considered wild and the condition for taking a claim for costs and damages relies upon the beast having an owner and being found liable.  It happens sometimes.  A horse, dog, cow or pig is considered domestic and must be confined adequately so as not to be able to wander onto public roads.  A deer - you would need to prove it came from an estate but even so they are not considered domestic and they can (and often do) jump fences.  It happened to me just outside Lyme Regis.  On that occasion I luckily had both a lightning fast reaction and little more space so the beast was avoided by about the width of its tail.


Now - ERs are a reasonably friendly and accommodating bunch.  You are without a car for who knows what duration.  Who is willing and able to step up and offer transport for Poorly Pal's meals?  Let's hope there is some help forthcoming. If your insurer is willing and able to furnish a hire car (which usually comes in the form of a policy option for which additional premium is payable) then all is well.  But in case it is not well ......... 


When it comes to recovering your car this assumes in the first instance that it can be repaired.  If not then the need to recover is removed but the need to replace is urgent.   Collisions with animals in my motor insurance industry experience do not always result in the outcome hoped for.  Any costs involved in travelling back to Swindon again cannot be recovered through insurance unless an animal owner is proven liable and pursued by your insurer.  But if using a hired car ask if you can leave it at their Swindon depot when you pick your own up rather than taking it back to where it was hired from and forking out for another train fare.


All the best.  Keep us posted on progress.


In other news it's been a beautiful sunny day which I have been unable to take much advantage of.  Cleaning up from last night's dinner party continued once the overnight guests had left around mid-day.  That also required cleaning up from breakfast and cleaning of the guest suite as well of course.  Six loads of laundry have been dealt with.  A lunch date has been arranged with a friend not seen since she left our previous employer some five years ago.  Despite keeping  in regular contact we haven't managed to coincide since.  That situation will change but not until 2nd April.  With a family of five that's how far ahead her diary books!

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And clap in Clapham




Yes I realised after posting that I'd forgotten that one.  We actually lived there for 8 months in the late 50's.


In an attempt to bring discussion back to trivial matters, may I comment on the activities of the manufacturer of chairs for those unable to sit or stand.

Whenever I am searching for something to watch on TV I encounter either Leyland Paint or these chairs.

They seem to be designed to tip the elderly into the fireplace and execute curious pets as the working parts are invitingly opened.

Further, they are covered in fabrics which are so awful they can only be provided for the potential to entertain visitors.

I'd give you their name but I'm always channel hopping when they appear and it hasn't registered.

Something with three letters I believe.


Both those products that you mention are, or were, manufactured near to us.  Leyland paints is now part of the Kalon group in Birstall and the chair manufacturer used to be Shackleton's high seat whose adds were just as annoying as the one you mention.  They were made in Batley next door to Birstall.  My wife's from Batley and we have to visit there this afternoon.


Chrisf, sorry to hear about you encounter with the local fauna yesterday.  I hope that things are sorted quickly and easily, I suspect that you will have to stand the excess though.


Anyway the house is still quiet and even the cats haven't yet asked for breakfast.  Church duties this morning then the above mentioned visit to the outlaws.  Hopefully some modelling later.


Smiffy, glad to see you post again, we are missing the updates on the whelk fishermen.



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Rick, I'm fine, thanks - unhurt.  As far as I could see under the arc lights of the yard where the car was taken, the radiator grille is broken and the front bumper partly smashed and distorted to the point where it rubs on the front passenger side wheel.  One of the lights that pokes out from the bumper is hanging loose.  As far as I know that is the extent of the damage.  It could have been a lot worse.  I don't even know if it was a deer but whatever it was had gone when we passed the scene later in the recovery truck.  I have to wait in tomorrow until the insurance company get back to me, hence lunch with my mate will have to go.  Later this morning I will talk to Poorly Pal.


Subject to what happens tomorrow, my view of insurance tends towards the cynical.   I believe that it covers everything except what happens.



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Good morning one and all


As Mike Stationmaster has revealed, I was at the Cardiff show yesterday and thoroughly worthwhile it was too.  On the way home I diverted to Bristol to spend an hour or so with my aunt, now nearly 93 and in fine form.  The homeward run went fine.  Until ...


Just before 7 pm on the A420 between Swindon and Oxford an animal, possibly a deer, hit my car.  The front bumper is badly damaged and the car cannot be driven safely.  It has been recovered and tomorrow will be taken to a body repair shop in Swindon.  The recovery driver kindly dropped me at Swindon station.  My attempts to make the ticket machine work were fruitless and there was no sign of a booking office.  It turned out to be behind a shutter.  Another traveller advised me to pay on the train but of course it was just pulling out as I reached the platform.  The next was in 45 minutes but at least a member of staff - yes, really - convinced me that paying on the train would be OK despite loudspeaker announcements about penalty fares. Fortunately the guard acknowledged my plight and for a mere £41.05 I had my ticket home.  It opened the barriers on the Underground but not at St Pancras LL.  Then the four car all-stations train to Bedford was full and standing and I had to be hauled on board after missing my footing as the doors began to shut.  Oh boy.


Today began badly as I was wakened at 4.30 am by cramp in my right calf.  Later I have some calls to make cancelling various appointments.  Among the casualties will be lunch with a mate tomorrow since I need to be available when the insurance company calls.  If they do not make a courtesy car available Poorly Pal does not get his lunch on Thursday and I don't get to various other things.  How I get the repaired car back from Swindon is another matter altogether.


Best wishes to everyone




Goodness me, Chris. I am sorry to hear of your misfortune. It was smashing to meet up with you yesterday. As I have said elsewhere, it was truly very humbling to find how far people had travelled to the show.


I had a lovely day yesterday exhibiting but what really made it were the people I met. Thank you.


Hopefully the insurance company will organise the transfer of your vehicle but I fear a few days of messing about are ahead.




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