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  • RMweb Gold

During WWII, the UK was well served by King George VI and Queen Consort Elizabeth and PM Churchill. We were also lucky that FDR was on our side, too. Mind you, Eleanor Roosevelt didn't seem too impressed by the Queen, whom she thought "Queened it too much" ...

ISTR Bill Bryson remarking that FDR had a regular 'bit on the side' somewhere rural, so perhaps Eleanor was a bit cool about other ladies anyway......

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bit late on parade this morning due to not getting to bed until 01:30 this morning, all down to Facebook. I am a member of about 40-50 groups on Facebook so when I have a session I run through them all to check postings etc. To enable this I like to keep them in a specific order to make sure that I don't miss anything. Lately Facebook has started re-arranging them in sh!t order making it very difficult to keep track. Normally a session takes about an hour or so but now takes twice as long.

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Cold, grey, damp.


FIL still in hospital - looking to get to a hospice. Problems are, in no particular order, heart, diabetes, bladder, and the results of the brain op he had in May. We shall see.


"Comfortable" and 'doing well for his age" is what we're getting back from the hospital staff.


Now onto the domestics and cooking and dog walking and ... and ... and ...

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Far as I know, certainly in DC, it wasn't the "Womens March" that had all the violence etc. That I don't condone either. All the "Womens marches" around the country here were supposed to be tomorrow, but then again, I'm only a participant, so don't really know the organizational aspects.


My only hesitation about going myself was that I specifically don't want to be in anywhere that becomes violent/threatening, that's NOT the point <sigh>


I’ll look out for you on TV then............. :drag:


The problem with democracy in action is  that sometimes completely polarized opinions can prevail and common sense flies out the window.


I remain hopeful in its future despite people twisting it from both ends of the spectrum. It happens everywhere.


Best, Pete.

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A grey cloud base has settled over sunny Teignmouth today.


Plenty of anti Trump humour on Facebook today. People want him to be given a chance. Usually you give the other side a chance when they are relatively normal not when they are like Drump. We shall see.


Having seen BlackRats profile photo for so long it was strange to see his photo. The static grass/weathering powder he used hasnt been applied correctly though.

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....Having seen BlackRats profile photo for so long it was strange to see his photo. The static grass/weathering powder he used hasnt been applied correctly though.

I couldn't help feeling a slight sense of disappointment. He doesn't look anything like I imagined!


Then again, you'd never see my mugshot anywhere. If you did, all you'd see is a balaclava :jester:

Edited by Horsetan
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  • RMweb Premium

A grey cloud base has settled over sunny Teignmouth today.


Plenty of anti Trump humour on Facebook today. People want him to be given a chance. Usually you give the other side a chance when they are relatively normal not when they are like Drump. We shall see.


Having seen BlackRats profile photo for so long it was strange to see his photo. The static grass/weathering powder he used hasnt been applied correctly though.

There's several 'Hitler bunker' ones going on about the Trump victory.

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  • RMweb Gold

I find all these protest and marches rather offensive. Yes I believe in free speech and if people were objecting to actions by the new president it may well be they should object. However to object to his election is basically objecting to those who voted for him. You may consider them misguided and foolish but they have the right to vote how they wish. Many are acting as if they wish to deny them that right. This is rather a dangerous road to tread countries were the right to vote is restricted are not usually good places.



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I find all these protest and marches rather offensive. Yes I believe in free speech and if people were objecting to actions by the new president it may well be they should object. However to object to his election is basically objecting to those who voted for him. You may consider them misguided and foolish but they have the right to vote how they wish. Many are acting as if they wish to deny them that right. This is rather a dangerous road to tread countries were the right to vote is restricted are not usually good places.



Perhaps the UN should pass a sanction to invade the US and instalĺ a puppet government. Taking out the 'legitimate' government has worked well in .........

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  • RMweb Gold

I like Twitter for the humour and Facebook for keeping in touch with those who are not neighbours. Aditi doesn't have time for Facebook but expects me to keep her informed about her family as they move about the planet.

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All


All posts read and rated, and as usual generic greetings are on offer.  Chris F, I agree that shopping is a necessary evil, but I do have to do it.  Without it, I'd have nothing in the house with which to do the other chores like the cooking and the cleaning.  I do prefer to frequent the discount supermarkets, and with assiduous buying, I can save more than the cost of the petrol to get there.  I do like the online shop occasionally, but as was said the other day, and rightly, the shopping does get me out of the house.


Chilly here this morning, and car needed scraping before we could set off for town, and we had a deadline, as I wanted to have a close encounter of the Stanier kind.  Leander was due to come through this morning about 09.36, and did so right time.  However, much to chagrin of many with their cameras and videos all set up and ready, the peg came off for the platform road, not the main, and it was evident that she had been heavily checked on the drop down Ripley bank, so not only were all their angles were wrong, but also the sun came out at just the wrong moment right behind the train, and as she was coasting and only had a single yellow, as the 153 to Morecambe (other carp units are available) was let away a minute in front, there was not a lot of exhaust.  Well, steam is steam, and I enjoyed the minute or so with her.  I was also quite gratified that a couple of the other enthusiasts remembered that I was operating at Green Ayre Rises, and also said how much they enjoyed it - I promised to pass this via this post to Jamie.


Now then, this is how Lily rearranged the sofa




And this is how she was just after 30747 told her off




Back later perhaps

Regards to All


Edited by 45156
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  • RMweb Gold

The Chinese Weather Network claims it is +6 Celsius here. It doesn't feel like it.

I am not sure who provided the weather app on my phone but it states 5C here. I shall check on the outside thermometer. 5.5C it would seem.

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I find all these protest and marches rather offensive. Yes I believe in free speech and if people were objecting to actions by the new president it may well be they should object. However to object to his election is basically objecting to those who voted for him. You may consider them misguided and foolish but they have the right to vote how they wish. Many are acting as if they wish to deny them that right. This is rather a dangerous road to tread countries were the right to vote is restricted are not usually good places.



The womens march IS NOT a reaction to the values of free speech and the fact he won, everyone (the women) I know are "OK" with that as far as it goes, not the result we/others hoped for, nonetheless he won.

It's the blatant and obvious disrespect of women and the fact his election has enabled (look for REAL persons who have actually been ARRESTED after assaulting women "if it's good enough for our president-elect I can do it", including a 70-yr old state representative from Connectict two weeks ago) that the march is in support of.

If women lose ANY rights/equality as a result of him being in office EVERYONE should be appalled and ashamed and speak out. Of course, unless one agrees they are second-class citizens??

No intention to deny ANYONE the right to vote, far from it, and the opportunity to vote for anyone including a misogynistic racist is proven to be actually alive and well here. 

Heil Hitler, Long Live the King, welcome the 45th President - we ALL sincerely hope he can actually do some good, we have no other choice.

Edited by Ian Abel
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OK - with that...

Off to what is supposed/planned/expected to be a PEACEFUL rally (it'll be 90% or better women and generally those rallies don't end up in bun fights the way idiot men manage to convey themselves!!), in support of WOMEN and WOMENS RIGHTS.


Already at 9AM the light-rail around town if packed so it appears that there will be a large turnout even though it's drizzling and expected to be drizzle/rain most of the day.


If I'm lucky I'll get some modeling late in the day, probably not.


+2 rain and mist with the high expected to be around 4.


Enjoy your Saturday, whatever you do.

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  • RMweb Premium

A drive out all the way to Laxey for lunch proved 5c is 5c everywhere, and a damn cold wind with it.  However, the sun showed its face most of the day which was a pleasant change from the grey yeuch we have had all week.  Too cold in the garage to do anything, so back inside to waste my time as I'm not allowed dirty modelling in the house :nono:   Log burner lit, magazine mode on.

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