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  • RMweb Gold

I did mention on Facebook that I was looking for an edited set of highlights to the Trumpton inauguration set to the Benny Hill theme.

Film 4 had "Lincoln" on tonight. We watched that.

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Paris Hilton has hinted that she would like to run for president. :O Another 'celeb' who has been suggested is George Clooney so its not all bad.



Dr. Emmett Brown: Then tell me, future boy, who's President of the United States in 1985?

Marty McFly: Ronald Reagan.

Dr. Emmett Brown: Ronald Reagan? The actor?

Dr. Emmett Brown: Then who's vice president? Jerry Lewis?

Dr. Emmett Brown: I suppose Jane Wyman is the First Lady!

Marty McFly: Whoa. Wait, Doc!

Dr. Emmett Brown: And Jack Benny is secretary of the treasury.


Due to the fact that he was born in Austria, disgraced former Kalifornia Governator Herr Gropenfuhrer was at one point the darling of a group of people who wanted to change the Constitution to eliminate the jus soli requirement for a Presidential candidate.


Or perhaps fathering a child with your maid in the Governor's Mansion is no longer disgraceful. I don't understand these things.


One might speculate that the (still) Executive Producer of the New Celebrity Apprentice would endorse his new protégé at the big desk, or perhaps not:

Wow, the ratings are in and Arnold Schwarzenegger got "swamped" (or destroyed) by comparison to the ratings machine, DJT. So much for....


being a movie star-and that was season 1 compared to season 14. Now compare him to my season 1. But who cares, he supported Kasich & Hillary

Then tell me future boy, who's President of the United States in 2017?

Edited by Ozexpatriate
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Unexpected good morning one and all.  I don't need to leave for my destination for another half hour and it won't take that long to scrape the ice from the car.


I see that we are on page 5619. This number is shared with a preserved GWR 0-6-2 tank - not "taffy tank", please! - which earned itself some notoriety by running away down the Big Hill pushed by its train and ending up at the bottom in a crumpled heap.  This, of course, is no way to describe Taffs Well.  Its frames were twisted in its encounter with Mother Earth and it's never been quite right since.  Sidmouth of this parish is organising an appeal to get the loco repainted into BR black, to which I have not yet quite got round to subscribing.  I will, though.


For a change, I tried a different supermarket for the fodder run yesterday.  I noticed that some prices are not as keen as those where I normally shop but the different bus ride was pleasant enough.  How can anyone enjoy shopping?  Discuss.


There may be some entertaining tales tomorrow.  We shall see.  Sadly I shall miss some culture in Chepstow today, to wit the Mari Llwyd, but I can't be everywhere.  Fun trying though ...


Best wishes to the lonely and depressed, to all travellers [moi aussi aujourd'hui] and to the ailing, recovering, supporting, grieving and missing.



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I enjoy shopping......especially at Lidls.


Why only yesterday I realised that I desperately needed a 3 in 1 sander and a battery/alternator tester although Mrs BR wasn't so sure.


At least the former was handy for sanding the ceiling and........ ageing me 100 years or so.


ps......note the similarities with the avatar.......


Edited by BlackRat
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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning from a bright but cool village east of Tong.   Yesterday went well with some nice sun in the afternoon.  Then it was a good evening at the club working on the layout.  I was very pleased that we had two of our junior members trying their hand at weathering pavements and cobbles.   They were fascinated at how platforms can be built cheaply from plywood, card and paper with a bit of paint.   The boss is still asleep but the cats and I have had breakfast.   The remaining contents of the ironing basket will be sorted shortly.  Apart from a bit of shopping this morning there is not a lot on the agenda so I might even get some modelling done. 


Rick, I'm glad that you were safe after yesterdays events but it can't have been easy.  Unfortunately certain events in Washington seem to have pushed all mention of it off our news here


Regards to all.



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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Another frosty start and -2oC. Sunny but cold morning followed by cloud later according to those who claim to know about these things.

A visit to Sainsbury's is required as I need some cash for tomorrow and it's the nearest place to get some without using ATMs which I don't trust. Too many around here have had problems in the past.

After that , who knows?  

There will probably be some rugby to watch later so that's one option. I might even have a beer later as I've gone without all week.

Have a good one,


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Morning all. A frosty start to the day. De-icing the car shouldn't take long but another coffee is required first.


Off out to check on some work that a couple of our engineers are completing today and then back home to inspect my eyelids for a while.


Have a good day everyone

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  • RMweb Premium

Having checked the "must do" list I have a day to do whatever I want. Yippeedddoo!


Well apart from a bit of reverse engineering on a bed frame and a bit of tidying up oh and some photography... May get some modelling done.... Or perhaps not.

Have a good day! Sleep well Rick.


And enjoy your trip to the principality Mike and others


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Hello from a very frosty Somerset.


-3C with a 7mph wind; not a frequent occurrence in these parts. I topped up the bird feeders and it felt decidedly chilly out there.


Forecast is for rain? showers overnight, but unless it is freezing rain which coats everything in ice, I can't see where all the warm air is coming from.

There were clear skies a few minutes ago, but the fog appears to be rolling in now. Oh well, stay at home day it is then.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all and another frosty one. -8oC. 

Fortified by a pot of proper coffee I'm preparing for a bit of diy as swmbo is in the mood to decorate.

First job is to defrost the paint! 


Picked up a copy of Model Rail yesterday - rather like the George Street model. 


Curry tonight. 

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning from a village nowhere near....New Farnley?


I tired.  Trackshack Christmas dinner last night, which involved a bottle of decent red, which has the unfortunate effect of making my dodgy hips feel like they have sand in them.  A long disturbed night ensued, but the meal was nice in good company with the staff and partners.  We were last out of the restaurant, as usual! 


A reasonable 5c here at a soaring 90 feet above sea level, but up on the mountain road (1500 feet or so) it is freezing, and I hear on the radio (yes, we have it here....) a van has tripped over up there, so no doubt the road will be closed most of the morning.  This is normal behaviour at the first hint of frost or ice.


Mrs H chasing a new job, which would help reduce our daily commute considerably, fingers crossed for that one.  We do 64 miles a day, which is a bit silly on an island only 32 miles by 12.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Still negative Celsius here but warming rapidly. I suspect the high of 2C will soon be achieved.

Shopping today. I don't normally go on Saturday but yesterday's outing was cancelled due to the freezer audit! It would appear that we have the national strategic reserve of courgettes and rhubarb in our freezer.

My book on cameo layouts has just arrived. Also a small box from the IoM ( ordered on Neil's day off too!).

Have a good day.


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My only hesitation about going myself was that I specifically don't want to be in anywhere that becomes violent/threatening, that's NOT the point <sigh>

Yep, you don't want to go anywhere near violent women, Ian. Gabe's just left for the Edinburgh march (without bricks). I wished her well. I guess we'd better give the new President a chance to do some good things over the next few months.


Glad NF is out of the country working for FoxNews; otoh, he's supposed to have a job at the European Parliament representing SE Britain. How come we can't all just swan off from our regular jobs, still drawing pay, when we want to do something else? How come parliaments don't have rules for employees?


Meantime, back in the real world, it's a frosty day here, but sunny and bright. I'm laid up in bed with a bad back because Gabe asked me to look at the back of her trousers and I twisted something! Just had some medjool dates for breakfast (amongst other fruits) looking like dried baboon scrotums.


And with that, have a great day!



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Morning all. Slightly delicate this morning due to a long time spent in the Prince of Wales pub at Foxfield. A group of work colleagues from 30 years ago have the occasional trip there by train, a few beers, and home by train. I really enjoyed it, but should have cut back on the beer. The place brews its own stuff, and very good it is too.


This morning, I am off to man a MRC display stand in the local Co-op. They are hopefully going to give us some money from their Community fund, so this is by way of showing how we intend to spend it (by building a Thomas layout to attract some younger members to the club).

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