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  • RMweb Premium

Funnily enough, up until 6 years ago, I rarely went to see my GP. But had it not been for the fact that Sheila and I were at the hospital, waiting in the corridor to see her mother who was in A&E, having been rushed in once again, I'd have never read the poster about long term back ache and therefore never gone to see my GP about it. Every cloud as they say!

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  • RMweb Gold

I know why my back aches today. Sitting on the floor for hours next to the television trying to get a Mac Mini to stop exhibiting the grey screen of death. Usual half baked solutions from the InterWeb had to sifted through. Fortunately the Mac isn't used for anything important so there was no data loss. Could have been hair loss risk though! Eventually sorted, with a few delays undoing unsuccessful solutions.

All the problems started following a routine iTunes update.

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Funnily enough, up until 6 years ago, I rarely went to see my GP. But had it not been for the fact that Sheila and I were at the hospital, waiting in the corridor to see her mother who was in A&E, having been rushed in once again, I'd have never read the poster about long term back ache and therefore never gone to see my GP about it. Every cloud as they say!

What was it? Re the back ache.

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  • RMweb Premium

Hospitals. Summer of 1927 my new born father was taken from Grantham to St Thomas' Hospital on the South Bank of the Thames opposite Westminster for an operation that we believe was very rare at the time to clear a blockage in the stomach/bowel area that was life threatening. Apparently this is now a routine operation at any hospital and much more common that you might think. My Grandmother (who I never met) went with him and was cared for by the Salvation Army who always get a small donation each Christmas. Dad's 90 this year.



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Evening all.  The last week has been preparing for the CMRA exhibition, setting it up and breaking it down, then recovering from it.  A lot of barriers and tables were carted round.  I was issued with an orange "Management Team" hi-viz, but people kept asking silly questions, so it was quickly swapped for a yellow Steward" hi-viz.  Self-demotion.  That way, I could get on and do my job.


Whacked out from my German lesson, so off to bed.  Take care, all.



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The NHS came into being in 1948, July 5th to be precise. I was born in the early hours of the 7th so I was one of the first to be born under the NHS, not the first of course but somewhere about the 3,000 mark.


Well, you're still here, so it didn't do you any harm :rolleyes:




Yes, but it's what happens when he reaches the other end that worries me. It could easily go Pete Tong.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning and Welcome to Thursday.


Final letting appraisal within the hour which will now be followed by an arborist's inspection of the trees and an assessment of how much work is required for routine maintenance and safety before we become liable for damage to tenants.


At high noon I shall reacquaint myself with the device known as "Iron" in order to present myself suitably clad at the Palace by evening peak.  


Back later.

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  • RMweb Gold

I am off tomorrow morning to Whitechapel to see my specialist pharmacist to discuss the next stage of my medication routine. I think she should be pleased at the progress made so far.

Aditi said she will drive me to the station. She has no pain and has very much normal grip with her right hand. Apparently "one is ready to drive when one thinks one is" according to the literature following her right wrist injury. I can always go on the bus if she changes her mind.


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Usual shite day on Southern GTR.


Completely fed up with this joke of a service


Look on the bright darker side; next week, apparently, they resume a normal service! NO!

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning Rick!  Hoep the shift goes well.


Evening to everyone else!


no news from a number of ERs - including Debs. Hope they are all well.


Sleep well most,



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Good evening all. Generic greetings I am afraid as I have been so busy that I have only succeeded in skim reading the posts for the day. My apologies if I have missed anything major.

Today has been a good day. I threw out the timetable for the day and made it fun. The children loved it, and probably learnt more as a result. I left school, having handled a difficult parent well, feeling quite happy. How much longer this will last is another matter.

This evening I went out to deliver some Avon orders for Sarah before heading up to the club. It is the first time I have made it for several months but I had a good chat with a few old faces and enjoyed a running session on the club layout. The little blue Peckett received a few admiring glances whilst my J15 looked great at the head of a four coach passenger train.

Tomorrow is the school visit. I have read through the website today and feel quite interested. The one day less would be a financial issue but I will know more about that after my visit.


Best wishes to you all.

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  • RMweb Premium

What was it? Re the back ache.

It turned out to spondylitis of the Lumbar region, probably due to working in heavy industry. But the side effects of the meds I was given, caused a reaction that indicated prostate cancer. I was sent for a blood test as a precaution, just to rule it out. The doc was as surprised as I was when it came back positive.


Late this afternoon I kept getting the 502 Bad Gateway message nginx/1.4.4, after 10 minutes trying I gave up and went on the MERG site, which worked perfectly, so I assume it was something to do with the RMweb site itself.


Goodnight all

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  • RMweb Premium

Jamie's comments about the woman who becomes ill by Googling the illnesses reminded me of a former female coleague who came in full of herself, her GP had told her that she had acute hypochondria!  :jester:  Most of us managed to keep a straight face but one of the other girls burst out laughing much to the womans annoyance.  :girldevil:  Not as annoyed as she was when she looked up hypochondria.

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Half-watching the BBC news channel while I tidied up, my attention was caught by an interview with Christine Lagarde, managing director of the IMF. An elegant woman of 61, she speaks excellent English with a charming hint of her native French, and it was a pleasure to hear her thoughtful, well-balanced opinion of this shambles "Brexit" - (hideous neologism!).

I felt a slight twinge of disappointment, however, when, asked about the seemingly endless discussions, she replied "As Winston Churchill said; 'Chat-chat is better than war-war'".    Awww!

Oh well, off to bed now. Helen's coming over in the morning; she needs a tooth filling and has stayed with her old dentist. She'll leave the car at my place and we'll walk down the road with Emily in her pushchair. It'll be my job to entertain Emily while we wait, then it's a stroll down to Sainsbury's for lunch and some clothes shopping.

Goodnight, all!

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  • RMweb Premium

Had a note that the steam museum is celebrating James Watt's birthday on the 19th. We probably won't make it.


Visited train shop today. 2 magazines and 2 items that weren't what I thought. Micro Mask has a warning not to use it with water based paints. My old tube was solid and had a price tag from a hobby shop that must have moved over 20 years ago. Bought a pack of axle sets (Jason's best) and noticed that I'd picked up the narrow code 88 ones. Well, I'll see how they like Peco.  I went to replace a couple of axles the other day and found that the boxes were full of the Athearn, etc. wheels that I'd already replaced.

Weather above freezing for a bit; much of the snow gone.

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Morning all. Another frosty start to the day. For some reason I had a great nights sleep and was awake before the alarm could disturb me.


Yet another wasted day is predicted. Time for another coffee. 


Have a good day everyone.

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