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Greetings all


Last night was a very cold night to end up with no heating and no hot water, even with the plumber finally leaving at 1.45. He was back about 6 hours later, by which time the temperature was still -4 outside and was able to finally get a new tank fitted without any more leaks developing....


I have now come back to work, but I am very tired....



I haven't caught up properly but best wishes to all

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Good afternoon; I've spent the last couple of days boxing up toys and books in my playroom in preparation for a house move. I could have sworn I never bought so much stuff.


After yesterday I find myself to be a far more knowledgeable chap; for instance  I now know what a red, white and blue brexit looks like. Turns out it's almost identical to a yellow and purple one. Am consoling myself that this odious member of the elite posing as the average man in the street has lost his raison d'etre; I will also be glad to see the back of this repellent sleaze monger from the Welsh Assembly.  Looks as though clouds do have silver linings.

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HUMP day wishes to everyone.


Yesterday, a good "happy hour" with the largest group yet, must've been 50-60 people there. When we started (we were one of the first "planners/hosts") this back nearly two years ago, we were happy if 10-15 people showed!


In local news one of the most significant events was the passing out of committee (finally after YEARS of trying) of a bill to allow Sunday liquor (booze) sales! Given we're only one of 12 states that STILL bans Sunday sales, it's hoped this time it will pass the legislature.

Reference -  "12 States continue to cling to Prohibition-era Blue Laws banning Sunday liquor sales. They include: Alabama, Indiana, Minnesota, Mississippi, Montana, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, and West Virginia"

Many well populated/progressive/cosmopolitan locations are staggered that in the 21st century there is still ANYWHERE in the US that drink sales are so restricted, and Minnesota should NOT be in that strange list of bedfellows, IMHO. Generally, Minnesota is not considered as rural/parochial/backward as most of the others in the list - no offense intended to residents of those places :jester:


-3 and sunny on the weekly drive to the office, high expected to be a very unseasonal +4 and expected to be that way for the next 4-5 days.


Make the most of the day "y'all"...

Edited by Ian Abel
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Nurse Drac in top form...

Sugar levels down

Weight down

Cholesterol down


So the she prints out a sheet which sas... Think about Statins, you have a 15% chance of a heart attack... My response was ..stick EM where the sun don't shine... If you remove the diabetes bit my score is below average....seems like the one tablet fits all approach is still alive and kicking....


But we have a walk in surgery. Lot of people in there suffering from the common cold. When they are prescribed. Keep warm, drink lots of fluids, take paracetamol.. It isn't what they want to here. One lady was complaining that after not getting tablets for her cold on Monday she spent yesterday at A &E where again she received the same advice. She had returned to the practice to see another GP...now I know why I couldn't have been a doctor...




Well done on keeping your body in some kind of order. I could not agree more in your observations on the old ladies request for "tablets" to cure her cold. It's people like her that's running the N.H.S. into the ground in my humble opinion. Being married to a retired nurse brings me no mercy, not that I have ever deserved any.

What was done prior to 1949 (pre N.H.S.) says I? 

Edited by Judge Dread
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Well done on keeping your body in some kind of order. I could not agree more in your observations on the old ladies request for "tables" to cure her cold. It's people like her that's running the N.H.S. into the ground in my humble opinion. Being married to a retired nurse brings me no mercy, not that I have ever deserved any.

What was done prior to 1949 (pre N.H.S.) says I? 

my understanding is that you had to pay for medicines and treatment.


My Mum once told me the new NHS was almost swamped by women seeking correction to the damage done to their bodies by years of childbirth, such damage being untreated because they could not afford it.


Presumably things like colds were dealt with by various bronchial balsam type cough medicines, the sort of thing covonia reproduces

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  • RMweb Gold

Nurse Drac in top form...

Sugar levels down

Weight down

Cholesterol down


So the she prints out a sheet which sas... Think about Statins, you have a 15% chance of a heart attack... My response was ..stick EM where the sun don't shine... If you remove the diabetes bit my score is below average....seems like the one tablet fits all approach is still alive and kicking....


But we have a walk in surgery. Lot of people in there suffering from the common cold. When they are prescribed. Keep warm, drink lots of fluids, take paracetamol.. It isn't what they want to here. One lady was complaining that after not getting tablets for her cold on Monday she spent yesterday at A &E where again she received the same advice. She had returned to the practice to see another GP...now I know why I couldn't have been a doctor...





At my last review the nursey went through loads of numbers and told me I had a 17% chance of a heart attack - so I asked her '17% of what.?  Or does that mean out of my 100% chance of dropping dead one day 83% of the reasons why I drop dead won't be a heart attack?'  


Meaningless numbers - as for the silly baggage with the cold I'd cancel her access to the NHS on the spot and sue her for going round causing people to catch colds.  People like her are a menace to everybody else and the NHS - maybe she should be referred for psychiatric treatment?

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  • RMweb Gold

my understanding is that you had to pay for medicines and treatment.


My Mum once told me the new NHS was almost swamped by women seeking correction to the damage done to their bodies by years of childbirth, such damage being untreated because they could not afford it.


Presumably things like colds were dealt with by various bronchial balsam type cough medicines, the sort of thing covonia reproduces

From what I've heard the new NHS was a wonderful thing for dealing with things like that in people who previously couldn't afford treatment, and I (no doubt like others on here) can remember from the 1950s that we didn't bother the Doctor if we caught a cold and we definitely didn't present ourselves at a hospital.  Maybe it's time to get back to some basics? 

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  • RMweb Premium

I could not agree more in your observations on the old ladies request for "tables" to cure her cold.


Multiplication tables?
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  • RMweb Premium

The NHS came into being in 1948, July 5th to be precise. I was born in the early hours of the 7th so I was one of the first to be born under the NHS, not the first of course but somewhere about the 3,000 mark.

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  • RMweb Premium

From what I've heard the new NHS was a wonderful thing for dealing with things like that in people who previously couldn't afford treatment, and I (no doubt like others on here) can remember from the 1950s that we didn't bother the Doctor if we caught a cold and we definitely didn't present ourselves at a hospital.  Maybe it's time to get back to some basics? 


There is a lady that we know who goes to see her GP every week with an A4 typed list of symptoms after many hours spent consulting Dr Google.   If anyone else has something wrong with them she invariably has the same symptoms within a week or two.   She has even convinced herself that she's diabetic even though her blood sugar readings are fine and after the GP refused to prescribe a check meter went and bought herself one on line.  As far as I'm concerned she should be banned from the NHS.  Rant over.   I am very happy with the NHS as it has done OK for me throughout my life.  However I don't visit the surgery very often.



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Paint brush successfully deployed and a second coat has been applied. What on earth is he painting? you may ask.(or possibly not) I have been commissioned by son Steve to repair a small model head of a Cyberman for a friend of his. Apparently a shelf fell on it and broke off the headlamp? and one of the handlebars?*

I have attempted to fashion a new lamp from Milliput and glued back the handlebar.


Progress so far:









*I haven't personally met a Cyberman or Dr.Who so don't know the correct term for these. My father did know William Hartnell back in the late 40s/early 50s when Dad was a bookie. He didn't like Mr. H as he owed him money!



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  • RMweb Gold

Paint brush successfully deployed and a second coat has been applied. What on earth is he painting? you may ask.(or possibly not) I have been commissioned by son Steve to repair a small model head of a Cyberman for a friend of his. Apparently a shelf fell on it and broke off the headlamp? and one of the handlebars?*

I have attempted to fashion a new lamp from Milliput and glued back the handlebar.


Progress so far:



attachicon.gifCyberman. jpg (1).jpg






*I haven't personally met a Cyberman or Dr.Who so don't know the correct term for these. My father did know William Hartnell back in the late 40s/early 50s when Dad was a bookie. He didn't like Mr. H as he owed him money!

Bill was a crusty old sod Dad said he had short arms and deep pockets, he lodged 5 doors up from my parents house when he appears in the first of Dr Who programmes. 

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I know that my Grandparents paid into some health scheme called the Saturday Fund for health care. My father was very ill as a child and was due to have an arm and leg amputated but a surgeon waived all fees if he could try a new technique on him. It worked though as it was before antibiotics he was in hospital for nearly a year until his 10th birthday. The very ill lady in the next bed was a schoolteacher and made him keep up with lessons.

Edited by Tony_S
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The physio was, as the teens say these days, well happy with the missuss's progress since her op and said that she had not expected to see such movement etc already. She apparently didn't tell that its because she has to wait on me hand and foot as well as doing the shopping and gardening! Nothing like good old fashioned exercise.


Hobbycraft was almost as exciting as usual and as usual I was persuaded by nothing. The Missus on the other hand was asked to donate over £50.


It has been a very pleasant day though with mild temps and nice and dry.

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Evening all


Dusk-ish at around 4.30pm, so feels a lot better than this time last month when it was an hour or so earlier.


Mild day here but overcast, think they're expecting the same for the next couple of days.


Still battling my way through Gabe's tax return - whoopee! - but certainly over the worst. Aim to submit late this or early next week.


Glad to see that Rick's (Gwiwer) property may go better than expected. See that in NZ some houses are selling 4 or 5 times in as many days. Property boom?


Stay warm



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Multiplication tables?

Predictive text, my a***s. I am reliably informed that before the N.H.S. you paid either into a fund your doctor set up or into a scheme available to you if you joined the "Rechabites" . 


No one seems to refer to National Insurance Stamps into which I, for one, paid into for 44 years.

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No one seems to refer to National Insurance Stamps into which I, for one, paid into for 44 years.


If I remember correctly National Insurance Stamps and Graduated Pension contributions stopped about 1974 or 1975 to be replaced by the current N.I. system


So nobody under ~ 55 would have paid "stamps".



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Another wasted day on site thanks to the client. However, I have spent the last 3 hours writing reports as to why the job is behind scedule. Obviously the client cockwombles don't understand that they are the problem.


At least I only have one more day of dealing with them this week. When I finish on site tomorrow a journey north is on the cards in preparation for being audited on Friday.


With all this talk of GP's, doctors and A&E, I tried to remember the last time I saw any of them. I think it was about 7 years ago but can't remember what it was for.

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  • RMweb Premium

Another wasted day on site thanks to the client. However, I have spent the last 3 hours writing reports as to why the job is behind scedule. Obviously the client cockwombles don't understand that they are the problem.


At least I only have one more day of dealing with them this week. When I finish on site tomorrow a journey north is on the cards in preparation for being audited on Friday.


With all this talk of GP's, doctors and A&E, I tried to remember the last time I saw any of them. I think it was about 7 years ago but can't remember what it was for.

I usually forget what I have gone for when I get there not afterwards.

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