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By all accounts Alison would second that opinion.




As our music teacher, "Chrome Dome" (nicknamed due to a total lack of hair and the tin of chrome polish found in the music cupboard) was want to say,


"Again. This time with feeling!"

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Morning all.  26C and beautifully sunny here.  


First appraisal today for future renting out of Penhayle Towers.  Agent seemed quite happy and suggested we  could command a rent slightly above the top end of our expected (and required) range.  Plus 6-monthly reviews probably upwards.  Knowing the neighbours sold up for $100K (£61K) more than they asked indicates the strength in the property market here.  We're no prepared to sell at this stage.


Mention of school dinners reminds me.  Grace was said in Latin by the Head Boy while we all stood behind our seats.  "Benedictus, benedicat per Iasum Christum Dominum nostrum.  Amen"   You then all sat down and woe betide anyone who scraped their chair or spoke at the table.  That would result in your table being called to the serving hatch last.   Amazing how some things stick.  The Spam fritters which sometimes followed certainly stuck.  In the throat.  Accompanied by an item called "mashed potato" which was served from an ice-cream scoop and contained mysterious grey lumps.  


There's a nice man coming on Saturday morning all the way (650 miles or so) from Sydney for a chat and to look at 1:76 scale things.  The line will not be closing early but if an offer was to be made he might be coming back another day ..... 


Best wishes to all.  Sleep well for those who can.

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Morning all. A lousy nights sleep and I really don't feel like being awake at this hour.


Plenty of coffee required this morning and hopefully a short day especially with the predicted weather.


Have a good day everyone.

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Good morning one and all


The WI stall was not there when I went to the market yesterday.  I do hope they have not run out of essential supplies for their marmalade cauldrons.  I shall try again next Wednesday.  Apart from that, a reader's letter in the new Radio Times sent me scurrying to the i-player.  Sure enough, I had missed two episodes of EastEnders while supposedly catching up.  Some will wonder how anyone can tell but I would never have forgiven myself if I had missed the poignant scene between Lee and the car park attendant.


Apart from that, life is unremarkable for now.  This is about to change, with imminent visits to Whittlesey, Stevenage show and a nearby theatre for a concert by Vin Garbutt.  Stewart 45156 will know who he is - a folk legend from Teesside.  On Monday there could well be the weekly trip to the newspaper office.  Someone the other day speculated that it is a good local paper.  It is better than the competition but this is akin to comparing measles with chicken pox.  Then come lots of hectic things of which more anon.


When I do the fodder run tomorrow I shall get the ingredients for another good old-fashioned beef stew.  As the weather is about to get colder it seems only right.  Feeling much colder in the wind, the man says.  Oh joy.


Best wishes to the lonely and depressed, to all travellers [the poor devils in Southernland still need us] and to the ailing, recovering, supporting, grieving and missing.



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Morning All,


It is slightly milder here this morning, and most of the snow is gone.  However, we are set to get more tonight, accompanied by heavy winds (if the forecast is correct).


I have the prospect of a day of testing!


Have a good day everyone...

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Morning to most! Evening Rick and WW.


A full moon is visible outside our dwelling in the North Leeds highlands. Apparently it may or may not snow on Friday/Saturday - a yellow warning has been issued but no snow appears on any of the weather charts. The 2 to 3 cm of snow may cause traffic disruption...why???


I have been informed that we have a leaky tap. Her indoors has ordered a visit by a home serve plumber today. I reminded her that I could fix it and that I have an appointment at my opticians but...you will have to wait in...humph!


Have as good a day as you can everyone.



Edited by Barry O
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Morning all.  26C and beautifully sunny here.  


Mention of school dinners reminds me.  Grace was said in Latin by the Head Boy while we all stood behind our seats.  "Benedictus, benedicat per Iasum Christum Dominum nostrum.  Amen"   You then all sat down and woe betide anyone who scraped their chair or spoke at the table.  That would result in your table being called to the serving hatch last.   Amazing how some things stick.  The Spam fritters which sometimes followed certainly stuck.  In the throat.  Accompanied by an item called "mashed potato" which was served from an ice-cream scoop and contained mysterious grey lumps.  



Best wishes to all.  Sleep well for those who can.

That post brought back some memories Rick..  We also had the Latin grace intoned by the senior master present. IIRC the one aid at the end of the meal started off differently along the lines of "Benedicto Benedictatur"  I may have the spelling wrong.  We sat at tables by House with the housemaster or his deputy at the head and the house prefects at the other end.  The headmaster, other staff and the school prefects sat at top table which was on a raised dias at one end of the dining hall.  The less said about the spam fritters the better.   The only redeeming feature of the dining hall was the nameplate "Giggleswick" mounted over the doorway.  O S Nock was an  old boy and had apparently nobbled a director of the LMS about the lack of northern school names on locos.


Anyway good morning all from a slightly less windy village.   I got the modelling room window safely boarded up without any model being damaged and am now faced with the problem of finding a manufacturer of wooden window frames to replace the damaged one.  The casement got smashed as it dropped onto the drive and the frame got damaged as the screws on the hinges pulled out.  


Most of the day was spent on the phone apart from a couple of trips out to deliver books and look at window frames.  I did however manage some modelling in the evening.   Today the weather from the lovely Carol, and her Look North counterpart look as if today is not going to be very pleasant so staying warm and assembling bogies looks like a good idea.


Regards to you all and stay safe.



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I’m a Racket Scientist....


I hear that London and the South East have Yellow warnings for disruptive snow 2Cm to 4cm - that’s a maximum of 1.5 odd inches - we wouldn’t even get “Advisory” for that small amount...


Obligatory shot from our Breezeway (between House and Garage):






Best, Pete.

Pete a lot of people in the UK have little idea of driving in snow. 2cm can gridlock roads down to drivers who are too afraid of it but go out in it panic stricken.


How my old man drove his Morris Minor ( complete with a sack of spuds in the boot) heaven only knows. Now it's a case of snow...omg slow to a crawl or go flat out...



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There may be lovely rissoles somewhere but all the ones ever served to me as a child were disgusting. I always imagined them to be faggots that had failed some quality test. I remember some that were especially awful that Mum gave us for tea (as we called dinner then) . We got the usual "eat it or you won't get anything else until you do". When Mum had hers later we were amused to see how she struggled but had to continue rather than admit they were horrible. She did say she wouldn't be buying them again.

Buy ? Rissoles.

 Sunday It was always roast dinner,

Monday it was cold sliced meal of what ever we had the day before,

 Tuesday was rissoles, made with the leftovers from the days before.



Morning Awl,

ER time 02:00 yes not a lot of sleep last night I feel knackered and I haven't actually started work yet.


Going home last night Henwomble pulls out n me less than 100 yards from, work, stops half way across road as she finally takes a look in my direction. Less than 50 ft on Cockwomble in LWB high top delivery van does the  same, Have I gone Invisible or something??

it was difficult getting out of the car at Screwfix, the pressure of the wind was trying to shut the door on my legs.


There has been a marked deterioration in the weather forecasts, more predictions of snow today and the following days, and the number of flood alerts from Kent to Yorkshire has gone up to 27.

 I think I'll definitely use the landrover for the next couple of days....


At the first point I reach a road that is ever gritted they went a bit over board, you couldn't see the tarmac for salt, great for cars but it's a tight S bend, so if you arrive on a motor bike it could be a bit interesting....


For those who like sailing round in ever decreasing circles,


Here's the confirmed information, for this years 3 River Race.

Race date 3rd and 4th June 2017

First Start 11:00 near High Tide!!!

Entry forms will be going out early February after the next 3RR committee meeting. If you weren't in last years race but wish to be, then some time in early February, the entry form On the Horning Sailing Club website /3 rivers/ entry forms, should be updated to the 2017 version.


I'll be counting you all round the  Hickling Mark...


 For those who don't know what the 3RR is then if you wish to find out , visit http://www.horningsc.co.uk/  select Three Rivers race

or go to



Up to 150 sailing boats from 14ft to 40 ft , miles round the Broads, 3 bridges to lower your mast and go under (twice) 24 hours to do it. the record is less than 8 hours, the worst only 13 boats finished...

Edited by TheQ
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Morning all


On the train to Paris, where I hope to get lucky with a Eurostar seat, too. Relishing the prospect of more quality time w Sherry, of course, but the joy was seriously alloyed by the news that Alison's sister, 43, was in hospital, apparently seriously ill. News just in as I type says she is now home and been told to rest. Phew! If things had gone badly A might have been rushing off to Stirling, and I might have needed to be at home!


Hope your day going well, and you can keep warm.

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Good morning everyone


It's a damp say, we've had rain during the night but it seems to have stopped now as does the strong winds.


Today I travel to Clitheroe (1 site) and Great Harwood (2 sites), all these jobs are quick functional tests so I'm hoping to be home mid afternoon.


Back later.

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Good morning all,

Dry and mild start, 6oC at 4.30. Apparently there is an alert for Yellow snow  :scratchhead:

Shopping at Sainsbury's today when I collect Herself. Because I haven't been drinking any this week so far no beer is required which is very unusual. (also no cakes, biscuits, chocolate - quite worrying really)

Our headmaster or his deputy used to say the Benedictus, Benedicat per Jesum Christum Dominum Nostrum grace as well - every flippin' day for the 6 years I was there. No imagination whatsoever!

 No muddling got done yesterday, may try again today once I've found the snowshoes and sleigh and rounded up the reindeer.  :jester:

Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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Morning all.

I haven't been out yet but it is cloudy and rain is forecast for later, probably around lunchtime. Other than taking Robbie for a walk we don't have any need to go somewhere. Aditi's family in London seem a bit stressed over the weather forecast which is also one of the reasons they didn't think we should travel to Enfield today. As it turns out probably a good thing as I have a somewhat elevated temperature. Probably something to do with medication rather than any infection. We didn't make any bread yesterday so we are having porridge for breakfast.

We had a call from Matthew last night. He seems happy in his new accommodation. His landlord met him at the railway station and helped him settle in. Matthew got a sim card for his phone and has made arrangements to retrieve his bike. So he is ready to start studying today.



We too have a yellow snow warning but no forecast of snow here today!

Edited by Tony_S
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Morning all and heavy rain is forecast. The sky is overcast and looks like the backscene on my layout. Maybe I didn't do such a bad job with the paint brush this time!

Snow is forecast for later although it'll most likely have the endurance of a snow globe scene. Even as type the forecast has been updated to less snow. 


Today was meant to be spent on training modules prior to an exam. However, I note that I have to source a new dishwasher, draft changes to a will, check medicines are on order, various bits of paperwork,,....

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Hello from a dull, damp and cold Somerset. Rain at present, but heavy rain due to turn to snow (a confusing description, as it all snow when it comes out of the clouds - but simply stops melting before it reaches the ground) this afternoon.


We are going to miss the worst of it apparently. That event has been reserved for London & SE England during this evening's rush hour.


Expect road travel chaos as 50% of drivers run into each other as they believe a 4x4 means they can still stop from 60mph in 30 feet on slush, and the other 50% just abandon their vehicles and walk home muttering expletives about lack of road gritters.

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  • RMweb Gold

Hello from a dull, damp and cold Somerset. Rain at present, but heavy rain due to turn to snow (a confusing description, as it all snow when it comes out of the clouds - but simply stops melting before it reaches the ground) this afternoon.


We are going to miss the worst of it apparently. That event has been reserved for London & SE England during this evening's rush hour.


Expect road travel chaos as 50% of drivers run into each other as they believe a 4x4 means they can still stop from 60mph in 30 feet on slush, and the other 50% just abandon their vehicles and walk home muttering expletives about lack of road gritters.

The ditches around here where I live are normally littered with Chelsea tractors at the first sign of snow .  :mosking:

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Morning all.


Nice and dry but a  bit cold out at present and Mrs Stationmaster has set sail for the shops and her diabetical review at the surgery.  If the seaweed wranglers of Exeter have it right by the time herself will be ready to return it will precipitating and a taxi run will be required to collect her (and the shopping - which probably means collecting anyway).


Laddo will no doubt be returning from work after the rain has turned to snow so it will be interesting to see if it does.  No doubt there won't be any gritting as it would be a waste of time putting it down during heavy rain - not that those who moan about its absence will realise that.  However I do wonder about the likelihood of sbnow as the Daily wail is still forecasting snowmageddon and 'thundersnow' - makes you wonder where their child staff were educated.


Have a good day folks - I think I'll retrieve a snow shovel from the garage in order to have it ready to persuade the stuff not to fall. 

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Slept like a log last night, well from 1 am when I went to bed until 6 am when my bladder required relief and then 8:30 am so I could say I overslept as I normally rise before 8. As jonny777 said people just do not know how to drive in snow and ice but the rules are simple, lowest revs BUT DO NOT TOUCH THE BRAKES and highest gear BUT DO NOT TOUCH THE BRAKES. Problem is that many drivers use their brakes when its inappropriate, I've often seen a car driving up a steepish slope and the brake lights come on, why? Its now 49 years today since I passed my driving test (on the second attempt) and in all that time I have kept a clean licence, not even a parking ticket. Mind you I have on occasion exceded the speed limit and once I was stopped by a traffic policeman and had to accept the rollocking. If the weather predictions are accurate I'd better get on out to do the shopping sooner rather than later so I'm off now.

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 On Monday there could well be the weekly trip to the newspaper office.  Someone the other day speculated that it is a good local paper.  It is better than the competition but this is akin to comparing measles with chicken pox.



We have 2 local papers. One is free and you can collect in town or it may be delivered or it may (as in our neighbourly case) be dumped en masse unceremoniously into our nearest bin. The other is for sale. Strange but true the free one is a "newspaper" but the news is always at least 2 weeks old. I presume, but have not checked, that both papers are printed by the same firm. If so how does one produce news in thd same week that the other produces history.


Today I travel to Clitheroe (1 site) and Great Harwood (2 sites), all these jobs are quick functional tests so I'm hoping to be home mid afternoon.

Back later.

I apologise in advance to the good burghers of Clitheroe but I cannot take that name seriously. It must be because of the Clitheroe Kid. It just doesnt sound like a name for a town. There are others.

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