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As a great fan of snow, I hope I live to experience this just the once. You'll be able to spot me, as I'll be the one out there manically building snowmen.


Just as long as you don't use yellow snow..........




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New car has been collected... 693 pages of handbook to wade through..then there is the Navaid book as well....lummy!






You're a man. We don't do manuals........




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Spam fritters. Now you're talking :sungum:  :sungum:  :sungum:


May have been your school. Ours, we reckoned, were Bull’s Testes flattened by the ass of the biggest dinner lady and then fried in Squid fat. The best bits were the parts of batter not adhering to the Spam.

Mind you, Hearts were even worse. I remember getting home, one day, and my Mother asking why I had a dead heart in my pocket wrapped in a handkerchief.


Sorry about the double-post, Tony. iPhone jobby.


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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Discovered earlier that Hendon School will be hosting - gasp! - a large model railway exhibition. This is just five minutes away from where I live, in the heart of Orthodox Jewish Hendon, and virtually next door to Ner Yisrael Community Centre.


What makes things particularly interesting is that the show will be on a Saturday in July. That's Shabbat, the Jewish day of rest, in this area, running from sunset on Friday to sunset on Saturday. So far, so good. What we don't know is whether the School will make its (limited) parking available to show punters. If not, then bear in mind that most households around here have at least two cars each. It being Shabbat, all these cars will be parked at home, so space is going to be at a premium. If people park near Ner Yisrael, which will itself be open, then its security guards are going to be a bit nervous. (Every Jewish institution here - synagogues, schools, community centres - has security guards, and all are vigilant in this day and age.) There is no space on the other side of Brent Street either.


I'm starting to feel this hasn't been thought through.....

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Had a good birthday yesterday. Some tasty looking bottles of a red substance, JD honey and some spondulicks. Some family came round for some nosh in the evening.


Bumped into an ex colleague who said that she was willing to provide a statement to my wifes solicitor regarding certain employment matters. A result there as she is on the 'assaulted'list also.

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Morning All,


We have had no new snow overnight - so at least I didn't have to clear the street this morning.


It is still pretty dark outside, so there is no real way of telling what today is going to bring weather wise.  Other than the temperature is around 1°C.


I have an all day workshop today.


Have a good day everyone...

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Good morning one and all


Goodness, all those triggered memories of skool dinners!  They varied widely.  When I was at Latymer Upper School in Hammersmith from 1959 to 1962 each table of 8 had a table captain who dolloped out the food, not always equally.  Fortunately there was also a school tuck shop which sold a fizzy soft drink called Fling.  It was put into a thing like a tumble dryer which cooled it and you got it to fizz by tapping the bottom of the bottle with a penny.  The food was much better at what was then Huntingdon Grammar School [1962-66].  A teacher or prefect would say grace.  Mr Jamieson, being irreverent, would whack a table with a large spoon and grab our attention by shouting "Eyes Down".  Sometimes I wanted to say "For what we are about to leave may the pigs be truly thankful" but I found myself in enough trouble without that.


JohnDMJ, rest assured that snake and pigmy pud is alive and well in 'Spoons.  I had one yesterday.  This was about five hours after Poorly Pal and I had enjoyed stir fried chicken with a bold selection of vegetables and Blue Dragon chilli and garlic sauce.  He wants beef next time I visit.  Must remember that.


Today I may visit the market as I need some spuds.  If I do I will also check out the WI stall for marmalade.  The rest of the week should be relatively quiet.  On Saturday I will be at Whittlesey Straw Bear to watch lots of morris dancing in the streets.  The event attracts local trainee drinkers who seem determined to learn the hard way, bless them.  Among the dance teams booked is Red Leicester and with any luck a friend of mine will be allowed out to dance with them.  Long story ...


Ongoing best wishes to all travellers, especially victims of Southern and their workforce, to the lonely and depressed and to the ailing, recovering, supporting, grieving and missing.



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Happy belated birthday LE.


Morning to most, evening to Rick and WW.


It has been a tad windy in these parts overnight. Sea weed stranglers may have got the forecast spot on.


Lots of housework today, with a visit by the window blinds man to fit a new blnd to our kitchen window.

Her indoors has left for pre school swimming so I can enjoy my tea.



Pete, moreasons do pre prepared Spam fritters just heat and eat.


Her indoors painted an Airfix Spam can as a tin of Spam. It was awarded to the person in the Leeds Club who managed the biggest C0ck up of the year.....the Chairman still has it....


Have a good day everyone.


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You're a man. We don't do manuals........




Mick, not just a man but an Engineer and Rocket Scientist too!

But if I build a kit I give the instructions a cursory glance until it doesn't all fit together.....


Edited by Barry O
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Morning Awl,  Six hours unbroken sleep, so that was good.


Spam Fritters Yuck....




For the next 3 days, we have an inspection by one of our customers to see if we do everything correctly,


Friday it's switch off time again, yes much delayed rewiring of the power supply room part two will be started 6 pm Friday. Now they've solved all the problems with part 1. one of which was they were intending to have RCDs in the switch room powering complete areas. The problem with that all the electronic filters in the equipment leak a tiny amount of current. When you add it all up, it trips RCDs instantly. So the solution is every socket has to have it's own RCD. My 15ft square lab has about 30 Double sockets on it's own. we are probably heading for a  thousand in this part of the building alone....


 The repair wombles have put up signs saying, road closed, on the Horning road at both ends, the road is about 3 miles long, I  need to go to a place on that road tonight, what's the betting I choose the end with the road works, before the place I need...

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Good morning all,

Dry and mild start at 7oC.  Should stay mainly dry with some isolated showers.


LE - Many happy returns for yesterday.


Mind you, Hearts were even worse. I remember getting home, one day, and my Mother asking why I had a dead heart in my pocket wrapped in a handkerchief.



Agree with that Pete. Yesterday I said that my school meals were edible in the main. This did not include hearts which I believe may have been supplied by graverobbers and I was put off them for life. 


Usual kids visit after school yesterday but it was very quiet as they had quite a bit of homework to do. They livened up at feeding time!  :yes:

Day 2 of my diet passed successfully and I am coping with the reduced amount of food and drink. Early days yet.though.

No major plans for today apart from a couple of small domestic tasks so may attempt some muddling.

Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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Morning all. A terrible nights sleep thanks to this bug but couldn't sleep any more.


If I can concentrate for long enough today, some modelling may take place, otherwise the idiot box will get a lot of use.


LE - Many happy returns for yesterday


Have a good day everyone

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'Twas on a Wednesday morning that the Electricity man came to call.

Power being renewed throughout the village.

Some new poles (wooden) already renewed.


No power here after 9am "all day".


The village playground:



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Morning all from a somewhat draughty village.  Apparently there is a tree down on the A62 nearby and every time there is a gust of wind our loft hatch rattles. Fortunately despite eating many sprouts I have never produced that effect.


I actually managed some modelling last night having cleared enough of the floor to get my chair near enough to the desk.  Some EMU bogies made a bit of progress.  Today the boss departed early t help at Weight Watchers.  I've now breakfasted and will shortly sally forth to meet some friends for coffee.    Hopefully some more modelling will be done this afternoon.


Rick, glad that the visa has come through and that things are progressing. 


To all others, particularly our long suffering southern commuters, sympathy


Regards to all.



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Same weather here as reported by Bob.

Bin bags deposited.

I had a good night, that is, good in the sense that I didn't fall out of bed and damage anything.

I will chauffeur Aditi to Brentwood today. She has a hairdressing appointment. She still has the splint in her wrist and hasn't been given any advice about driving yet.



Edited by Tony_S
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Good morning all,

Day 2 of my diet passed successfully and I am coping with the reduced amount of food and drink. VERY Early days yet.   :declare:

Have a good one,


Seeing is believing.  :derisive:

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I'll be off to the Family Court at Hatton Cross at some point today as a favour for my colleague who is currently up to her eyes in work.


Next door to the Family Court is the Immigration Tribunal (First Tier), which for a long time has been sinking into a logistical crisis, partly of its own making. As you know, certain categories of immigration applicant have the right of appeal if their case has been refused, and the Tribunal is where they all end up.


The crisis comes in because there are insufficient Immigration Judges available - many have retired or simply given up, and replacements have been thin on the ground. Consequently a backlog of cases has built up - 68,000 and growing - and waiting times for hearings have stretched ever onwards over and beyond the horizon.

The average waiting time for an entry clearance appeal from overseas is now eighteen months!! (I have two clients stuck in this jam.)


Even where a hearing takes place, it's not always certain you'll receive the published decision. Just ask my colleague: one of her cases was heard late last year. It then went a bit quiet. She called the Tribunal to be told that the Judge had made a decision and that it had been sent to us. It's now 2017 and there's no sign of it in the post, or indeed anywhere. Meanwhile the Tribunal continues to maintain it was sent out and, no, we can't have a replacement copy.


We're beginning to think that this decision is a figment of the Tribunal's imagination and that, somewhere in their back office, someone pressed the wrong button, making it look like a decision had been made and sent....

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'Twas on a Wednesday morning that the Electricity man came to call.

Power being renewed throughout the village.

Some new poles (wooden) already renewed.


No power here after 9am "all day".


The village playground:



Brrrrrr!.......a cold day to be stuck up in the air.......or in a house without power!

Is this work related to the catastrophic earth/neutral fault from a year or so back?

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