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Yep, winter clothing is funny - out in Edinburgh yesterday it wasn't too chilly, but there were some people wrapped up as though they were in north Norway.


I didn't spot you noticing me! I was wrapped up rather warmly yesterday and sweltered walking to the office!


Used to enjoy Brown and Polson's chocolate blancmange but can't find it anymore ;-(

Talking of which, another make of food I can't seem to find anywhere now is Vesta. I used to love the crispy noodles in the Vesta Chow Mein, but no Chinese supermarket recognises that type of noodle from my description and they seem to have stopped stocking Vesta meals in supermarkets. If anyone finds them let me know!


Didn't, and still don't, like dessicated coconut and wondered why they put it on top of skool jam tarts so used to scrape it off. Now coconut in curries and stews is just great to eat.

No Tunnocks Caramel Log for you then, Mal!
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Talking of which, another make of food I can't seem to find anywhere now is Vesta. I used to love the crispy noodles in the Vesta Chow Mein, but no Chinese supermarket recognises that type of noodle from my description and they seem to have stopped stocking Vesta meals in supermarkets. If anyone finds them let me know!



Vesta used to be my staple diet when I lived in my camper at weekends many, many years ago.

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Talking of which, another make of food I can't seem to find anywhere now is Vesta. I used to love the crispy noodles in the Vesta Chow Mein, but no Chinese supermarket recognises that type of noodle from my description and they seem to have stopped stocking Vesta meals in supermarkets. If anyone finds them let me know!




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  • RMweb Premium

I'm still waiting for a 1963 or 1947 winter, the Milankovitch cycles indicate we are now on a 30year down turn in temperature. It will come some time in the next 20 years.

All those supermarkets with just in Time delivery, will run out of food, if you can get to one, there will be many struggling to find food and petrol.... then they'll have something to worry about...

Well, 1979 wasn't that great - not a 63 but I think probably the worst in the last 40 years.

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  • RMweb Gold

I sometimes have to fend for myself as I'm a lazy old sod I buy the "Ding Box " chinese meals in Morrrisons they are very tasty I think it's their own brand or Amoy and I can't resist a bowl of cold Ambrosia creamed rice with a blob of jam on top.






G. U.Tsy

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  • RMweb Gold




Talking of which, another make of food I can't seem to find anywhere now is Vesta. I used to love the crispy noodles in the Vesta Chow Mein, but no Chinese supermarket recognises that type of noodle from my description and they seem to have stopped stocking Vesta meals in supermarkets. If anyone finds them let me know!


 Or even here:



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Get yourself one of those really nasty tummy bugs! I got one last October, lost over a stone in a week and only put on a couple of pounds afterwards. Still one kilo (11 pounds) lighter, even after seasonal excesses.


You jest, of course, unlike the catwalk model who commented (apparently quite seriously) some years ago that a spell in a Nazi concentration camp might have its benefits.

By the way, my RNLI pocket diary's metric conversion table tells me that 1 kg equals 2.2046 lb. Best not to mix metric and avoirdupois, I suppose. 


Edit: corrected punctuation. 1 kg does not equal one short ton.

Edited by bluebottle
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  • RMweb Premium

Talking of which, another make of food I can't seem to find anywhere now is Vesta. I used to love the crispy noodles in the Vesta Chow Mein, but no Chinese supermarket recognises that type of noodle from my description and they seem to have stopped stocking Vesta meals in supermarkets. If anyone finds them let me know!

To make crispy noodles, just fry a few flat noodles (taglielle works fine)

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  • RMweb Gold

One would imagine that putting the union chiefs and the respective CEOs in a medium sized room with about 40 irate commuters might result in a rapid end to the strike.................and a number of CEO and Union chief jobs being advertised pdq (Well, at least soon after after the funerals)


As long as they put the 'Viennese commuter' Wilkinson from DafT in there as well I'd be happy to assist with polishing the cudgels and adding the barbed wire to them.  Wilkinson is at the root of all this but is getting away scot free whereas any well informed Southern commuters would be taking him to court with claims for loss of earnings etc.


As for snowy winters 1963 was good & bad - good because school stayed shut for an extra week after Christmas; basd because my Swindo works visit between Christmas and New Year didn't happen because teh branch bubble car got stuck in a snowdrift (while running Down ecs.


1978 in Taunton was amazing - massive snow drifts all over the area and the snow in the four foot on the Down Main at the west end of Taunton platform was level with my nose, where it hadn't drifted it was about thigh level yet there was virtually none by the time you got to Weston but it was also bad up through Somerton and into Wiltshire, but we still ran trains (albeit with a few hairy moments and the occasional torn-up Rule Book).


New Year /'78/'79 wasn't much snow but I spent the whole of New Year's Night out steam lancing and trying to unstick (and keep unfrozen) points and it was definitely extremely blinkin' cold.

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.... the catwalk model who commented (apparently quite seriously) some years ago that a spell in a Nazi concentration camp might have its benefits....


OT, but a lot of people in the fashion industry really are on another planet. I recently came across a report of a photoshoot for a German fashion magazine which used an empty factory building as the interior location. When the models and their camera crew got there, they discovered a corpse hanging from one of the beams - apparently a suicide, and quite recent. After thinking about what to do, they carried on with the photoshoot as if nothing had happened.


The concentration camp remark therefore doesn't surprise me in the least.

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All


Now wet and foggy here, and when I walked Lily, the wind turbines up on the moor were hidden by the cloud. 


Posts all read and rated, and generic greetings are on offer, as usual. 


Trip to the vet's as Lily was due her half yearly health check, and she's a tad overweight now at about 23 kilos, and then we picked up her next six months' anti parasite medications.  OUr vet operates a very good healty pet scheme which covers all these medications, and also two health checks a year, annual innoculations, and also a discount on consultations, all for £16.50 a month = bargain.


Fire is now lit, and dinner has been consumed.  I was on kitchen duty and made a nice comfort food chicken casserole, with a packet sauce which came from the supermarket and was totally delicious.  I couldn't have made it any better myself.


Must rush now, as it's last walk time.


Regards to All


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I recall eating absolutely everything that was put in front of me at school, and still feeling hungry most of the time. We used to be served tapioca, semolina and rice pudding and I would wolf the lot. I still make tapioca and rice pudding from time to time, but try to find the larger tapioca balls as they make a more lumpy pudding!


Just tried to renew my car tax online, only for a technical error to occur, so I don't know if I have managed to do it or not. I will just have to wait for the confirmatory email and also check my bank balance to see if payment has been taken.

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I enjoyed all my school meals, mainly because our Mum was a lousy cook. Was never forced to eat everything but we could chose the food that went onto the plate, so there were comments along the lines of "Why did you ask for it if you weren't going to eat it?" If food was going to be left did it matter that it was on our plates rather than left in the serving trays? 

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I managed to complete my report and submit it just after 13:00. A bit of lunch and then an eyelid inspection. I still feel carp but not quite as bad as earlier.


I've booked myself sick for tomorrow thanks to not feeling that well and also I don't want to introduce whatever bug it is to a care home.


Back later

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  • RMweb Gold

On what is supposedly the last train out of LBG to East Croydon although there is a Southern one on th board that goes a few minutes later but it's not in the he online departure boards.


However this Thameslink is late arriving into LBG due to the usual signalling problems near Gatwick so I may miss a connection on a Thameslink for Redhill. The next one is some time later and doubt that I will get on that.


Might have to go to a Gatwick and try for an FGW service or a bus.


Really getting fed up of all the this carp. Just non stop problems and we have to pay even more for it with the recent fare rises.

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I enjoyed all my school meals, mainly because our Mum was a lousy cook. Was never forced to eat everything but we could chose the food that went onto the plate, so there were comments along the lines of "Why did you ask for it if you weren't going to eat it?" If food was going to be left did it matter that it was on our plates rather than left in the serving trays? 


State school (primary and junior up to 1981) dinners I can vaguely remember as being borderline grim - at least the food was prepared in the school's own kitchens, served hot and I remember aluminium trays and pots. Their idea of beef was nothing to write home about and I liked liver even less. There was somewhat overcooked shredded cabbage too.


Going into a private school from 1981 was slightly different in that the Junior Branch kitchen did all its own catering and was a great believer in stodge - possibly to fuel the miserable games afternoons on the rugby pitch - whereas the Senior Branch (which I joined in 1985) had contracted out the catering to Gardner Merchant (later Sodexho) so what we got there was basically company canteen / 3-star hotel catering complete with trolleys and heat lamps. I generally kept to the salads - usually chicken - which at least looked and tasted like salads should be.

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  • RMweb Premium

78 as a very junior airman I spent a lot of time with a shovel in the snow at RAF Locking ( Weston super mare), in 79 at RAF Neatishead, we were offered the chance of landrover snowplough on the RAF licence. Many said I'm not volunteering for that. So when the snow came, I was driving around in the cab while they were out with a shovel.

Came in useful at several other camps later...

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  • RMweb Premium

New car has been collected... 693 pages of handbook to wade through..then there is the Navaid book as well....lummy!


Just made a good for diabetics chile con carne.. very nice!


School food got better at Senior school as we could go to two different "tuck" shops. Favourite meals in winter were a large cob with two pasties in it ... in summer a large cob with two bananas in it!


Once in the 6th Form we were allowed to go to the local chippie where we could have chips in a bun or fish in a bun!...seems like my life at one time revolved around bread!


Over the last 5 years I have reduced my weight by 3 stones - I did manage that once before but that was due to Mumps and a grumbling appendicitis.


And I am old enough to remember walking to infants school in 1963. The snow was deeper than my height so we had "trench" lines down the street .. great fun until snow fell off a house roof resulting in the use of avalanche recovery skills.


Ta ta for now.. off to read the handbook...



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  • RMweb Premium

I wasn't around yet in 1979 but I do vividly remember the severe winter of 2010/11! Wrought havoc across the tram system, including a derailment right at Central Station.


E'ning all. Haven't been able to properly backread yet, so generic C&Cs as appropriate. Currently on my break and having a cuppa...

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We are often told the world is smaller than we think. A couple of days ago I was offered a friend by Facebook, which said we have three mutual friends. The context meant I could immediately imagine the  identity of two of them - and the third is our own Skipepsi. Then yesterday Sherry was talking to a former colleague, who is also a Facebook friend of hers. On her page he had noticed someone he recalled from years back - Coombe Barton.


A similar thing happened for me recently.....

A Facebook automated recommendation of a Californian university and work colleague`s 'friend of a friend', happened to be a real-world British contact, whom I haven`t heard of, for over 40 years........`said {former} colleague had no knowledge of the shared mutuality and the contextual spheres of acquaintance were totally different. :scratchhead:


......"Separation by just six degrees" it indeed might be!

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We're now on the "Assam" page. Another of the Jubilees used on the LMS 3-hour Glasgow-Aberdeen services, shedded at St. Rollox. Also, as far as I can find, the only Jubilee ever shedded at Carstairs.

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