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Working all day, then off to the airport at 7PM heading for Long Island. Will be there tonight through Friday afternoon this week <sigh>.


-8 and overcast this morning, expected to have snow later today through tomorrow, accumulations 2-4 inches predicted at present.



Nevermind you’ll be basking in the “heat” here after tomorrow, Ian. Bit damp, though, but.


Best, Pete.

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Mrs and Junior NB return home tomorrow after 6 days away. Not due until late evening, so plenty of time to shift my temporary kitchen workshop back into the shed......


I only hope that I can remove the PVA blobs from the laminate floor...............


Catch you tomorrow - maybe.




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Mrs and Junior NB return home tomorrow after 6 days away. Not due until late evening, so plenty of time to shift my temporary kitchen workshop back into the shed......


I only hope that I can remove the PVA blobs from the laminate floor...............


Catch you tomorrow - maybe.




Do you have a neighbour with a cocker spaniel? Let it run round on the laminate chasing biscuits. All blobs of PVA will be removed.
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Diefenbaker's birthplace is north of us in Neustadt. We once had him and his wife as guests on a fantrip to Owen Sound. While the train was being turned around and crossing the inlet to the other railway, he was taken on a car trip to his birthplace. When they arrived, the rabid Liberal who then owned the house refused to let him in and he was reduced to viewing it from the outside.

(For the others: Dief was the Conservative prime minister from about 56 to 62.)

A group of our friends were trying to turn the house into a monarchist museum/library. We've never managed to get there when it's open.


Our weather is still being called a "Colorado low". Don't know it it a new one or the same old one.

Edited by BR60103
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Morning All,


We have snow!  Strangely enough, more at home than there is here at the office.  We must have got the tail end of the weather front that went across the Taunus and dumped a large amount of snow up there.  Normally, it is the other way around.  Despite the weather, the traffic was flowing fairly well, accounting for the occasional driver wanting to do 20mph and the "tank drivers" who only clear a small letterbox sized slot of the windscreen.


I spent part of yesterday dealing with UK officialdom.  I thought the German Civil Servants could be frustrating - then I was reminded by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office that it isn't limited to Germany!


Have a good day everyone...

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Good morning ...evening Rick and WW.


Like Duncan not feeling 100% this morning. No worries as today I collect the new car...any guesses how much fuel will be in it? I even have to tax it myself (well it was a bargain price).


Heard an interview with a London commuter on the radio yesterday. He was more than a bit fed up with the unions using commuters as bargaining chips. You can't keep upsetting the people who pay your wages...the unions and management need their heads knocking together but is there anyone left who could do that?


Safe journeys to those travelling, have a calm and steady day to all.



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One for the Canadians on here. "Dief the Chief"s first law office, in Wakaw, Saskatchewan. It's the actual building, moved from its original location in the town to the grounds of the local museum:




  Ah that's where the dog in Due South got his name....


ChrisF said "a can of tapioca pudding.  I've not had that stuff for years!  It bears too close a resemblance to Polycell wallpaper paste for comfort but made a fine complement to the main course of bangers, mash and beans. "

That whole meal sounds like a school meal to me, are you going to make the mash, lumpy hard with a grey water liquid around it as well?


Fortunately I have no Idea what Frankie and Bennys or Brankie & Fenny's may be, I think I'll keep it that way....


Morning awl, definitely an ER morning, I awoke at 0:45, gave in, got up at 01:02, went down and put the TV on, and was asleep again by 02:00. Then awoke at 04:45 got up got ready for work, and drove down the garden.....


 I'm was very hot all day yesterday and all night, my core is still too warm, but for my extremities see below....


Why down the garden? Well yesterday having picked up a load of wood for the shed, it was bucketing down when I got home, so I didn't unload it, expecting to use the car this morning. However when I got todays emails later, I found a reminder to SWMBO that her weaving group was starting up again for this year. So on a Tuesday she needs to leave just before I get home. So she's got the car, and so at 05:45 under a star lit sky, I was unloading wood from the roof of the LandRover, having in bare hands undone all the rope holding it on. My fingers are just recovering from the cold an hour later.


Forecast says it's going to be a strange 48 hours with the temperature rising during the coming night, before heading down during Wednesday daytime.

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Morning all from a still dark village.  I managed to get most of my jobs completed yesterday then had an enjoyable evening at the clubrooms for out annual photographic competition though I did not feature in the top three in either category.  This morning it's chauffeuring duty as Beth has a couple of appointments in different parts of Leeds.   Apart from that not a lot to report.  Regards to all and thoughts are with those caught up in the transport chaos in the South.



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Good morning everyone


Another damp start to the day, but at least it isn't raining. Today sees me off to the delights of Blackpool, Kirkham and finally Southport. I will call at the DIY place on my way home to collect the plywood. Not much else planned.


WW, a belated happy birthday.


Back later

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Good morning all,

Still just about dark here too but now dryish and there may be some bright spells followed by more cloud and rain later.

Yesterday was the first day of my diet and remarkably I am still here to tell the tale. I'm basically counting calories - all calculated by logging intake on an online site and rather tedious but when I've done it previously I have been successful. The problems occur once I stop the diet and dive back into the biscuits, cakes and beer etc.   I can still have some of these (none yesterday) but only minimal amounts. My initial target is to lose a stone at the rate of 2lbs per week. Watch this space.

There are a couple of parcels due today but these should come with our faithful postman Darren so no need to wait in because if I'm out he will leave with a neighbour.

The Boss went to work muttering about being fed up with it and finally retiring but I've heard it all before. It's entirely her decision but I'll lay odds she'll still be doing it (and muttering) for a while yet.

Have a good one,


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Morning all from a much colder Lincolnshire !


News of the closure of the only GP practice in a small town - pop. 1600 - some miles east of us; no doubt the burden will pass on to Skeggy or our Practice or A&E in Pilgrim Hospital at Boston.  We are very much the ageing population area - our own GP retired last October - and encouraging us to stay away is now the role of the ever-increasing number of practice staff.  Oh, and my blood sugar levels need attention !!!  It's all good news !!


Never mind, we still have some of that delightful home-made Christmas Pudding to finish off, sometime....... :)


Keep warm, everyone !

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Morning all.

Sunny here but I am not sure for how long. I suspect the gales and thundersnow forecast elsewhere won't occur here. The weather should be fine for Matthew's short flight to Schipol this afternoon.

I am rather sore this morning. A dream led to me throwing myself out of bed. Right side ribs very sore! I won't be bothering A&E though.


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Hello from a dull and cold Somerset.


Thanks for the Lincs update RhBBob; it is always nice to hear from the county of my birth. My brother must be not too far away; he lives in Sibsey.


I had never heard of Frankie and Bennie, so I googled it - more US imported 'food' I see. What is wrong with steak & kidney pie?

I see they have a section devoted to food allergies/intolerances, but nothing about one of the most restrictive of them all - a cheese/dairy allergy.


Oh well, it's not likely to be culinary destination for me: now, where did I put those slices of liver and rashers of bacon?

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Morning all and it's a damp one here. Contrary to expectations if you replace the "view from your window" with a Daily Fail prediction. 


It may not come as a surprise to learn that there are government guidelines in place on the number of Daily Fail articles that it is safe to read per day. 


Consequences of not keeping a tight limit on your consumption of Daily Fail articles are near certainty that you will get Collins' Syndrome.... 


Collins' Syndrome   A mutating disease that often starts with pain and sensitivity in the victims nipples, then forms a temporary tumor in the brain as it feeds upon the genetic material of the brain cells, sapping away the victims critical thinking skills and intelligence, once it reaches its critical density, the tumor disbands into the bloodstream, the virus going into a form of hibernation, leaving its victim in a state of near absolute uselessness. Once the virus detects that it has entered a new host due to differences in protein markers of the victims cells, the process begins again.


Other diseases are available



Meanwhile the world of work is going crazy and I'm in a business-buzzword maelstrom. 

Out of interest, when you retire do you have to carry on crafting Elevator Pitches*?


* actually I can see a use for these...."Now, dearest, if, and I only say IF, I was to purchase an 08 shunter, Class 31 & Class 37 for the layout..."


Have a nice day everyone. 

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Chris, tapioca isn't tapioca if it isn't served up school dinner style, with all the dry bits from the corners of the saucepan served up with it. Personally I hate the stuff and those of a similar age to me where it was a case of 'Eat it or go without' it was one of the few things I happily went without. I am so glad that I don't have to commute any more, on the local news the A13 was closed for a while between Rainham and Barking and the A12 was closed between Gants Hill and Redbridge. GDB, the online diet sounds interesting, can you please pass on the details. My GP is always on to me about losing weight :nono: and other health issues mean that losing some weight will help. Thats it for now, be back later.

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Yesterday was the first day of my diet and remarkably I am still here to tell the tale. I'm basically counting calories - all calculated by logging intake on an online site and rather tedious but when I've done it previously I have been successful. The problems occur once I stop the diet and dive back into the biscuits, cakes and beer etc.   I can still have some of these (none yesterday) but only minimal amounts. My initial target is to lose a stone at the rate of 2lbs per week. Watch this space.



Get yourself one of those really nasty tummy bugs! I got one last October, lost over a stone in a week and only put on a couple of pounds afterwards. Still one kilo (11 pounds) lighter, even after seasonal excesses.


Now onto weather. Wet and windy but not as cold as yesterday. A friend who lives in Evia, a small island off the east coast of Greece, posted this pic of one of her neighbours yesterday. They have had light snow in the past but nothing like this.


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