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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Sorry to hear that it's not a good one for you Ian.


Weather forecast here said 'high cloud' an hour ago - it has now been corrected to reflect what is actually happening so presumably someone has told the seaweed wranglers that rain is falling  Something of a nuisance as I really need to get a barrowload of logs round into the ready use stack in the porch.


Interesting noises coming from the kitchen - I wonder what it is - no doubt I'll find out before too long, if I'm in luck (update, I'm in luck - I am being called to breakfast).


Have a good day one and all and I hope Ian's improves.  

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...Disposing of a dobbin takes some doing - you can't really dig a hole and dump them in it, unless you have a JCB, and there's almost certainly a law against it, anyway....

You certainly can't bury a horse here unless it has been cremated first. I think the last burial of a deceased horse before the rules changed was Red Rum, and he was interred very quickly indeed.


I only know of one big pet crematorium near Duxford, but others are doubtless available.

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If I could work out how to use CAD software properly, I'd be happy to do my own designs. I struggled to get my head around AutoCAD 2005 but, since I upgraded to Windows 7 Pro, it no longer works.


 A cunning ploy to separate you from your money. I have an old PC in my workshop that enables me to run an aged copy of Autocad.

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Just sitting down for elevenses. Goes back to time spent with grandparents as a kid. Still try to do it on time daily. The coffee that is, no need for an ea.


Since her surgery I think my missus has developed narcolepsy. She falls asleep just like th............


The early sun has vanished and we have a grey mass overhead now.

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If I could work out how to use CAD software properly, I'd be happy to do my own designs. I struggled to get my head around AutoCAD 2005 but, since I upgraded to Windows 7 Pro, it no longer works.



Would any of the free programs work? LibreCAD, as recommended on here, for instance?


P.S. Then you could use it for 3D printing for the other bits :)

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  • RMweb Gold

Ian - don't know if there's anything any of us can say - you have our sympathies.


Thanks John, but there isn't much to be said, it's true. Bronte had had an easy life - apart from being bossed around by Varian for 23 years. Dorothy Mary Miller was 94, was divorced and had alienated both daughters from an early age - and of course had the dreary experience of being predeceased by both of them. You may recall that prior to her death Deb had declined all contact with her mother for the previous 6 months, but I re-established relations after a short while, called her weekly and visited her a couple of times a year until last year, when she became increasingly impossible company. I expect to be the main beneficiary of her will, but would be most surprised if it amounts to more than a net £3.57p. Once again Deb's cousin Roger (75) is mustard, is talking to the solicitor tomorrow as well as clearing the flat of remaining stuff. Among the artefacts this time are Deb's skool reports from her years in Malta. I will nip up to collect those - and buy him lunch this time! Sherry will be most welcome, but I am loath to cause her too much pain on such a long and complicated train journey again.


Frankly, ERs, in the grand scheme of things my troubles remain smaller than many of yours. But your warmth always helps! 

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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning everyone


It's another damp, cold but only slip foggy day today. Not a lot planned except that I have to go out and pick up a Vick and collect package after lunch. I also want to draw up a cutting plan for the wood for the small layout that I have been pondering over, once that is done, I'll drop it off out our local DIY (not a big chain company) so that they can order it it in and cut it ready for me to pick before the end of the week.


Ian. Sorry to hear about Bronte and Deb's mum, let's just hope they don't come in threes.


Back later.

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  • RMweb Premium

Ian - our thoughts and best wishes are with you, and those around you, at this time.  Remember there is always support freely available here (both in ER and personally).  


FWIW I remember the rules pertaining to the accidental death of beasts on railway lines but they do not apply here.   I have no idea what would be done; I don't have much contact with "horsey" people.


In other news it's been a hot weekend and local media and emergency services have suggested (pleaded) that we avoid the beaches if possible.  Car parks have been full through the nights.  Some beaches have suffered poor water quality and one had two alleged sightings of a shark.  We mostly stayed home in air-conditioned comfort.  It's high energy consumption but when the nights only drop to 27C you need some way to sleep.  In the end sleep has been poor and intermittent, caught up somewhat yesterday by dozing most of the day instead of venturing forth in almost 40C for any reason.  


It has cooled somewhat tonight and I have even managed to enjoy some m*d*ll*ng.  Despite a self-imposed rule of no more expenses there are many things I cannot reasonably pack and bring with me.  So I topped up the ballast where it had cracked and broken up in the heat and gave it a decent spray with the PVA.  That was the end of the PVA so the bottle went in the recycling rather than for refilling.  


Back neighbours are having a blazing row using some very adult language.  It seems, given we can hear every word, that mother has received word that her daughter's friend's mother has been calling her something disrespectful on social media.  Friend and friend's mother are present but daughter is not because neighbour's ex- has not returned her as required from a weekend visit so neighbour is going, to put it mildly, monkey-poo.  Or something like it.  Ah the joys.


Back to Attendance tomorrow after a four-day break.  Very glad I was rostered off in this heat.  It seems to have done something for two of our number however as they have just announced their entanglement.  Most of us had wondered how long it was going to take them as they were obviously very taken with each other yet firmly denied suggestions ..... 


Have a good day.  Or if you can't then rely on us for friendship and support.

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  • RMweb Premium

Well its afternoon now from Estuary-Land. Condolences Ian on your travails but at least Debs cousin is there to smooth things out. When I'm out and I fancy a cuppa I usually look out for a supermarket with a resturant, they usually provide you with your own small pot of tea at a reasonable price. I'm not a great coffee drinker but on the continent I will drink coffee in preference to tea, in fact the only place in Europe I know outside the British isles where you can get a decent cup of tea is Malta, there may be other places but I probably haven't visited them.

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When my wife goes to hospital in Kendal I usually go to the nearby ASDA cafe for a cuppa. Last time, I paid 70p and was handed a teabag, a mug, with added surl that came free of charge, and was told to brew it myself from the coffee/hot water machine nearby. The mug was not exactly dirty but had been in the dishwasher so many times that it was coated with metallic streaks. Not exactly appealing. 

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  • RMweb Gold

One set of relatives manage to make tea that always gives me acute indigestion. They put about half the number of teabags normally used and smash them vigorously with a spoon. Whatever this does doesn't suit me and I am not very fussy about such things, I even cope with continental tea making. If I can't make my own when visiting I have a glass of water.

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  • RMweb Premium

I stil fancy a Mustang, UK spec one but still guzzles gas and no room for layouts

One of my neighbours has imported one (not UK spec, unfortunately) from the States, and is restoring it in his garage  It is interesting to see how it is progressing (ie slowly) when the doors are open, and I pass when walking the dog.  BTW it isn't Geoff.

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All


Duly caught up after a more hectic day than expected.


Ian - it never rains...I am sending supportive e-vibes in your direction, and I make that your three now with Sherry's postponement, and your two losses, so perhaps now all will be on the up.


I have also comments on a couple of posts separately, as I answered them as I was going through the pages since yesterday.  As there is a lot to cover, it has to be the now obligatory generic greetings.


Had to make a rush trip to town today, as 30747 decided that a couple of items that she bought in the sale were not to her taste after all.  No problem, we'll have 28 days to return them - NOPE, sale items need to be returned within 14 days - guess what, this was day 14 and the items in question were on my card, not hers, as we "did" some of the sales together.  Then a pretty large shopping list was added "just as you're going in anyway".  We no longer have any Sunday bus service here, and I had the devil's own job in finding a free parking spot - I refuse to give the thieving council any more money that I have to, after being given a green bin for the free collection of garden waste, then having that extended to also take food waste, then having the food waste service removed at a massive cost as they had built an incinerator to deal and closed it after a short time as it was "uneconomic", then being told that I would have to pay £30 to have the green bin emptied once a fortnight. 


Anyhow, I'll get Lily walked before it gets datk.


Back tomorrow

Regards to All


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  • RMweb Premium

A'noon all…


It did start to snow by late afternoon yesterday and while it probably won't stick for more than a few days, the outside world does remain white. Except for the streets, which are liberally drenched in slush.


Ian, thinking of you and sending sympathies your way…



Other than that, try to make the best of today, everyone. Might look in again later!

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  • RMweb Premium

Would any of the free programs work? LibreCAD, as recommended on here, for instance?


P.S. Then you could use it for 3D printing for the other bits :)

I now use Draftsight by Dassault systems. It took a bit of getting used to but works well.



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So usual Sunday - walked the dogs after lunch. One decided to take a short cut through a stream, so towel required when we got home


There's the now usual get home ritual - wait for me in the kitchen with both of them looking at me, then the place where the dog treats are kept, then at me, then ...


So they get their usual chicken log.


Then it's into the living room. And there's two of them looking at the fireplace, looking at me, looking at the fireplace.


So I clean, set and light the fire.


It's only then will they deign to get into their baskets alongside the fire.


And now they're both snoring.

Edited by Coombe Barton
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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all,

Not a lot of sleep last night, but that was my fault, I'm reading "Most secret war" by RV Jones. The chief scientific officer ( civilian) in the air ministry during WWII. It's a most interesting read to me as a lot of it is about radar ( on all sides) my old trade. Trouble was I put the book down two hours later than normal.


It being Sunday, it was sailing day, so off to the club in another Dreich day.


We got the bouys out, and then back to the club for a bacon butty. It was topper open day so we had dozens of kids running round getting ready, we were due to do a down river race to keep out of the way.


Race due, 10:45, 10:30 race postponed 30 minutes, no wind.

11:00, race postponed, 30 minutes, no wind.

11:30, racing abandoned. Stupid racing organised for kids, race round 2 bouys 200 yards apart any method of propulsion, had cheese rolls, another coffee, went home.


Met henwomble on way home swerving round puddles, into my half of road,.....She was driving a Landrover Discovery 4X4!!!!!!

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  • RMweb Premium

My route clearing shift last night did take place in appropriate weather conditions, at long last! Thankfully, traffic was rather light due to that and the time of day, so I had pretty much clear sailing.





With the usual set of 2121-2184-2157 – which is the only Tatra set permanently allocated to Dölitz – I first took a round through Märchenwiese, then heading north for the Exhibition Centre…





…but not without taking a break on Kurt-Schumacher-Straße.






Pausing on Michaelisstraße on my way to Gohlis-Nord…





…where I then made a pass through the overtaking track as this is one of the double-tracked loops. As it continued to snow for several hours, Control eventually asked all drivers to evenly utilise both tracks at all double-tracked termini.





Michaelisstraße, heading the other way…





…and the inner loop at Thekla.






To expedite progress, I decided to again make a reverse pass through the Mockau Post loop. Note how, with the rear control panel enabled, both the backup headlights and the tail lights are lit, with the latter turning off as soon as the deadman button is being depressed.



I can tell you that driving trams through slushy roads is, shall we say, interesting, and does entail reduced adhesion. However, at no time did I feel like route conditions were turning really dangerous.


I'm really happy I was able to obtain these shifts and will gladly take them again whenever necessary.

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Has anyone had a car where the differential completely failed? I've had quite a few clunkers over the years but never had a diff go completely out (as in no drive to the wheels). However, it just happened to our son's 2002 Corolla. Mind you, between him and his sister they managed to put 200,000 miles on it so we can't complain too much.


Corolla is now on it's way the scrap yard.

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Sincere condolences to you, Ian, after the shock and loss of Bronte, then the death of Dorothy. Deaths seem to have a knack (no pun intended) of conincidence. It is strange sometimes. I hope that Bronte can be taken away soon.


When in hospital three weeks ago, the doc was surprised that I wasn't using as much morphine as they expected - I was uncomfortably sore, but the pain was bearable - so they withdrew it, telling me that I could go onto tramadol if necessary. I explained that tramadol gives me waking nightmares, and continues for a few days afterwards. Next thing, the pain doctor arrives and tries to persuade me to take more painkilling drugs. But I don't need them, doc, if I do I'll let the duty staff nurse know...


Dom, are your tracks ever so bad as to be impassable?


The mint tea in Costa is pretty good, if pricey, but it doesn't stew if left in for a while, I guess.


Hope your evenings go well



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