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Early Risers.


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Evening all. Best wishes to Sherry. I hope things get sorted with the hospital soon. I have been quietly amused by the comments regarding Debs and the posting of train related subjects on these pages. After all this is a model railway based web site! I am sure any comments she has made in the past, and I have not been party to them, were made with tongue firmly in cheek!

This week has ended with a slightly better day. No follow up to yesterday's events with the head teacher almost being quite upbeat and friendly. I wonder how long that will last.

This week has certainly seemed longer than 4 working days. Christmas seems such a long time ago already. This weekend will be quite busy with Sarah's birthday on Sunday. I will need to find some time to complete some school work too despite spending the whole of tonight marking.


Finally, a thought for the evening. How many other people on here have noticed just how many television adverts feature music that are, or are based on, Queen tracks!

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... How many other people on here have noticed just how many television adverts feature music that are, or are based on, Queen tracks!

I don't think Queen are too bothered as long as the likes of DFS and their ad agencies keep paying royalties....

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I have been quietly amused by the comments regarding Debs and the posting of train related subjects on these pages. After all this is a model railway based web site! I am sure any comments she has made in the past, and I have not been party to them, were made with tongue firmly in cheek!

I find it quite disconcerting to be reading posts and suddenly the font changes to something akin to 0.5 from 10 or 12. Perhaps the modelling reporting restrictions could be removed to help alleviate this problem.

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  • RMweb Premium

Last winter in Guelph there were a large number of water pipes freezing -- the ones from the street into the house. City was a little pressed to keep up, and I don't know what was actually done.

Our only outside water pipe is what they call a bib to deal with the garden. One actually outside in the back; the other n the garage. These have to be manually drained after the supply valve is turned off; there is a little cap that unscrews and water pours all over the place.

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Good morning one and all


The process of catching up is a long one but I blitzed it yesterday.  I much prefer to watch TV programmes on television but the performance or otherwise of my digi box means much time sat at the laptop viewing BBC i-player and All4.  Sometime today I should get to the Dr Who special and the episodes of Father Brown that I missed.  By way of light relief (?) I need to buy some plumbing requisites to replace the U bend etc under the kitchen sink which had to be unblocked and is now less than watertight.  I had forgotten that Homebase had walked away from Nectar.  Grrr.  Silver lining time: Homebase is across the road from Tesco so I will take the opportunity to let someone else cook me breakfast before bewildering myself with plastic screwfit right-angles and the like.


On the fodder run yesterday I treated myself to a slab of rump steak for Sunday lunch.  I suspect that I will enjoy it and the associated trimmings but that is another day.   More of the RMweb back catalogue remains to be read and it takes ages!  So, when I find it, will the honours list.


Best wishes as ever to the lonely and depressed, to all travellers and to the ailing, recovering, supporting, grieving and missing



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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning from the village that's west of Dean Woods and South of the Jewish Cemeteries, east of Tong and stubbornly remains north of Ikea.  Yesterday I actually got some tidying up done and did some sorting of the modelling room.    Then an eventful but productive evening at the clubrooms.   Caught up with various of the usual suspects and we even had two prospective new members.   Then at teatime a discussion ensued that no one had been able to contact one of our elderly members who lives alone.   Four of us decided to bite the bullet and go and visit him.  We got to the house and found the door boarded up.  I feared the worst having been involved in many such incidents in my working life.  Fortunately there was a not on the door referring visitors to a neighbour.  We were then told by the neighbour that Jack was in hospital but very confused having spent a day on the bedroom floor after some sort of collapse.   Much relief all round and one of the members is going to visit him today.   It does highlight the social care side that cubs provide for many people. Jack lives on his own and is a very private man and has, we believe only one elderly relative.   There are going to be some difficult decisions to be made in due course. 


Anyway I'm shortly off to our monthly men's breakfast at church and then will do some shopping before some modelling (dare I mention the word) this afternoon.


Ian, I do hope that Sherry gets sorted soon.   Gordon I hope that this weekend gives you some time to recharge your caring batteries.


Regards to all.



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

I assume it has been raining as the dog was soggy after his short run round the garden. I was somewhat distracted by the tumble dryer beeping and an ominous error code display. Soon sorted fortunately.

I am not sure what we are doing today. I suspect a quick trip to the supermarket that we have put off for days may take place.


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from the sofa,

Yes another bad night's sleep.


I managed to get most of the 5 days work done in four, one equipment should be handed over Monday morning, the other I left starting it's final automatic tests, for which I'll proceeds on Monday, this will of course delay the work on the next shot equipment due on Monday.


Going home yesterday, I noticed the parent wombles cars parked sensibly for a change, then I noticed what passes for a traffic warden with camera and ticket machine on patrol.


The final Christmas pud was demolished , now the diet really starts.


Friday being MRC night, we had some good news a member who had been seriously ill for a very long time, is being allowed to come out to play and in remission. Unfortunately another member on chemo at the moment, is now in hospital with a problem only not directly connected With the big C.


Time for brecky, then out to the shed, for more work on the corridor.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Plenty of overnight rain here but it seems to have stopped for now. Should be a dry afternoon but not for me though as I shall probably have a couple of beers while watching rugby on TV.

Before that there is yet another visit to Sainsbury's required as something was not put on Thursday's shopping list. Her list - my fault apparently!

Then a visit to see son Steve and have lunch at his flat then back home in time for rugby. Saw a great game last night with Newcastle just edging Bath.

Not sure if any railway related activity will be done today.

Have a good one,


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning, Damp and foggy here which equals to a modeling day in my opinion more so as all shopping etc was done yesterday.


Breakfast shortly when my thoughts will be confirmed or denied by my other half.


Enjoy your day folks

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Check my post http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/229-early-risers/?p=2564597 for the explanation...


As Tony had mentioned tanks/attic/freezing, I should also mention that all the homes I've ever "ventured into" in the US are devoid of the typical UK practice of having a holding/feeder tank in the attic for cold water and feeding the house from there.

Again, mostly the reason is temperatures.

Water in the US is primarily delivered directly into the house plumbing system at "street pressure" and there's no tank involved to get frozen/fill with dead pigeons etc., and such alarming accidents as the tank ball-cock jamming and flooding the house  :jester:

That also accounts for the US homes having a decent and consistent water pressure for showers etc, that is generally unaffected by everyone flushing the loos simultaneously while you're in said shower  :)



Thanks. I really am going senile, not to have noticed the reply - sorry.

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My plastic organiser box is now full.

I'd get another but I haven't room to store it.  :scratchhead:


All seven of my plastic organiser boxes are now full.  I now sign off my emails to railway friends as:-




Bob's Bits & Pieces


And ask if there is anything they need  :jester:


Oh and I also have two wall-mounted cabinets for the switches, and other larger bits - only just enough room for a layout..he, he !

Edited by RhBBob
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

I assume it has been raining as the dog was soggy after his short run round the garden. I was somewhat distracted by the tumble dryer beeping and an ominous error code display. Soon sorted fortunately.


Poor dog!


Wouldn't a towel have been an easier option?

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  • RMweb Gold

Poor dog!


Wouldn't a towel have been an easier option?

I really should have started a new paragraph! Robbie shows no interest in the tumble dryer, it is the dishwasher that he thinks is a giant food bowl. He has to be discouraged from trying to get at dirty plates.
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  • RMweb Gold

Out today with SWMBO for a her birthday treat  I'm told we are visiting Alton for her favourite clothes shop them see what the Antique shops there have to offer with this Clarice/C coffee set then onwards somewhere nice for lunch this is day 2 of 4 I'm wondering if I can stand the pace yesterdays Antique shop on the Hogs Back Surrey was selling mainly Shabby Chic basically a load of old junk tarted up, the place had gone down hill since our last visit gave up trying to get into Farnham with the traffic queues maybe I will be told to go there Monday, that's if I last that long or either one of us has not stuck the knife in. :O

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Morning all. Late on parade as predicted but at least a good nights sleep was had.


Plenty of coffee to consume before dealing with the mountain of washing that working away generates and maybe there will be a chance of getting some modelling done as well.


Have a good day everyone

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Earlier this week I posted that my wife was ill and had taken to her bed, thanks for the support by the way, now I am pleased to report that she is up and about. I don't want to sound boastful but it is largely down to my cooking. The prospect of another day of it made her get up.


Stay safe all, and try to avoid this lurgi that is going round.

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Well it did rain all day yesterday as forecast, so I did manage to get some sections of track laid. It is misty and foggy today, so more track might be laid. First, an eBay parcel awaits posting, so a walk to the PO is required. Mrs G is still suffering from her cold, so I will be walking alone for once.

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Out today with SWMBO for a her birthday treat  I'm told we are visiting Alton for her favourite clothes shop them see what the Antique shops there have to offer with this Clarice/C coffee set then onwards somewhere nice for lunch this is day 2 of 4 I'm wondering if I can stand the pace yesterdays Antique shop on the Hogs Back Surrey was selling mainly Shabby Chic basically a load of old junk tarted up, the place had gone down hill since our last visit gave up trying to get into Farnham with the traffic queues maybe I will be told to go there Monday, that's if I last that long or either one of us has not stuck the knife in. :O

Plenty of antique shops in West Street, Dorking, about 12 miles East of Guildford. Good restaurants there, too.

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Morning all from a slightly damp Leith. At least it looks damp on the ground.


The holidays have gone far too quickly. 10 days just isn't enough! Especially when 7 of those are with the little one.


Lots to do today, the decorations are already down but need to be tidied away. The tree went out on Thursday as it was dropping showers of needles if even breathed on.


This year's likely to be one without much railway modelling, I think. I do still have an itch to build my layout but it will have to wait till I'm in a bigger property. As part of that though, there's a monastery in my chosen location (now a posh hotel) that I'd like to model and the Faller Beberhausen monastery looks like good modelling inspiration... just a shame its about €400 and in HO! Will just have to make my own when the time comes.


Hope all are well and Robbie's survived the tumble dryer...!

Edited by sixoh8sixoh
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