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Early Risers.


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Well, after our last storm earlier this week - which has now passed over you lot - you'll be pleased to hear that it has been very quiet. Yesterday we had an amazingly beautiful day, mediterranean blue skies, intense and clear as if everything is in sharper focus. This should continue right through the weekend until Tuesday when it may rain overnight (from Monday).


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all....


Got a houseful again. Found an old piece of gas equipment buried under some brambles yesterday, which was hissing this morning, so I now have two gas engineers plus five builders comtemplating their next actions. Least I think that's what happening. There's lots of standing around, chin rubbing and sharp intakes of breath.


Add to that someone nicked three bags of cement last night and Friday could be a tad better....:D


Have your gas bills been unusually large or is it from someone else's property?

Perhaps the bags of cement blew away?





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Have your gas bills been unusually large or is it from someone else's property?

Perhaps the bags of cement blew away?






As Gordon seems to abide next door to several "dens of iniquity" in what passes for Britain's answer to "da bronx" maybe someone has been stealing his gas too?


Gordon: It's amazing what comes out when you have remote control, electronic gates installed!


Best, Pete.




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  • RMweb Gold

As Gordon seems to abide next door to several "dens of iniquity" in what passes for Britain's answer to "da bronx" maybe someone has been stealing his gas too?


Gordon: It's amazing what comes out when you have remote control, electronic gates installed!


Best, Pete.


Perhaps Gordon should have CCTV installed to make sure nobody nicks the gates?




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Gas men have gone and all seems OK, though I'm not sure I would trust this old piece of kit. They tell me it is a pressure regulator and the hissing was air going into/out of the unit. We've been here 15 years and it was totally buried. With any luck they may replace it.....


post-6950-066596800 1289560345_thumb.jpg

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It is amazing what you can find buried in your garden! My parents had a similar thing with their drains - at some point the village went onto main drainage and they were connected to main drainage by a right angle bend in the sewer pipe. It always struck them as strange that there was no inspection pit - but when their garage was built, the builders found it when their JCB fell into it!


The old cess pit had been filled in several years previously, they decided it was too dangerous to have something like that on the property and filled it with subsoil and planted a tree on it. I've never seen a tree grow so fast! :lol:


As for drain covers getting stolen - they did the same thing in my road (so it isn't unique to England!) The council replaced them all with a new type of cover that can be locked down, and has no scrap value.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, Late on parade this morning. Been busy trying to sort out the summary post for my challenge entry. Think I've sorted it now unless the mods don't approve it.


Remind me not to leave my car on your drive Gordon. The locals might mistake it for a bag of cement!




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Morning All, Late on parade this morning. Been busy trying to sort out the summary post for my challenge entry. Think I've sorted it now unless the mods don't approve it.


Remind me not to leave my car on your drive Gordon. The locals might mistake it for a bag of cement!





Well, contrary to popular belief, Gordon actually lives on Malcolm X Boulevard in Harlem (in one of those nice old brownstones) - it's actually an up and coming area in Manhattan but even so when he leaves his house it's always with a vintage pair of RayBans (regardless of time of day or season of the year) complete with a Tenor Saxophone case cunningly concealing a rack of 4mm A4's.


I've seen him, I'll swear to it!


Best, Pete.




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  • RMweb Gold

If only I'd known how desirable bags of cement were I would have loaded the old Volvo with them. I always hoped it would disappear miraculously overnight.

I had an interesting experience in Haarlem this summer. Lunch consisted of salad with a raw beef sausage. I have a photo of Matthew looking smug as he had chicken!

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  • RMweb Premium

Well, after our last storm earlier this week - which has now passed over you lot

Thanks for that Pete - I'm not sure we want another like that just yet, it really was a bad one. We seem to have missed the worst of it here in Lancaster, but from what I can see via the local and national news, other areas did considerably worse than we did.


Well now, 45156 late on parade, and for a very good reason. I was due to be taken to hospital today for some x rays and an examination of my broken hip. Unfortunately there was some sort of mess up, and the ambulance did not turn up. When I checked, they said I wasn't booked for transport - I was! Seems there is some sort of computer glitch which means that a few appointments with transport don't actually get the transport. Guess whose turn it was to be glitched! Luckily Mrs 45156 was at home and dropped what she was doing to take me in.


I saw the specialist himself, and hadn't seen him since I was on the ward (and then only once) and I know that if he wants to see you, not one of the registrars, it's going to be good news or very bad news. Luckily it was good news, as the fracture is healing up, and I am now on three monthly reviews, am allowed to drive again, can put weight down, and should be back to work in 2/3 weeks. His words about the operation were "he's done a good job, I couldn't have done it better myself". (The op was done by a consultant from another hospital who was acting as his locum, and from what I'm told, he's one of the best in the area). I may need to go back in to have the plate removed after 18 months, but if I can live with the slight discomfort, it can stay in, apparently. His opinion is that there's about a 70% chance that I'll have a total recovery.


So now, onwards and upwards - to celebrate the event, and being cleared to drive, I drove back, and may well take the car out again later to get the one delicacy that I have missed - a big bag of chip shop chips.


Regards to All


For Sale - three bags of slightly used cement - apply to Chav Towers

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  • RMweb Gold

Fantastic news Stewart!

I guess this means you will have a lot more freedom biggrin.gif


I've been trying to record some music but have found that I just can't make up anything that is cheerful enough laugh.gif Plus the recordings are bad quality. My best friend has recorded a fantastic bit of music with vocals and guitar and I must admit I am very envious of his skills. I may have been playing piano for about 7/8 years, but I can't seem to play the music I would like to play and I definitely can't sing. Not exactly a great start, but I have created an album cover laugh.gif

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Good news Stewart! :)


Just back to Edinburgh now. Armstrong and Miller were good last night, though I felt the first half of the show was better than the second. The food fight (It's all kicking off, Pru!) was rather good fun in the first half. Profiteroles were launched into the audience, and Ben Miller got one full in the face as a member of the audience returned fire! :D

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  • RMweb Gold

Good news Stewart! :)


Just back to Edinburgh now. Armstrong and Miller were good last night, though I felt the first half of the show was better than the second. The food fight (It's all kicking off, Pru!) was rather good fun in the first half. Profiteroles were launched into the audience, and Ben Miller got one full in the face as a member of the audience returned fire! :D


Sounds just like "Mr Pastry" but that was before probably before A & M were born!




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Sounds just like "Mr Pastry" but that was before probably before A & M were born!

Mr Pastry always reminds me of General von Klinkerhoffen in Allo Allo...


Another funny moment (unintentionally) was that during a sketch Xander Armstrong's wheelchair-bound Flanders and Swann type character he rather misjudged the slope of the stage and very nearly ended up in the front row of the stalls...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


There's the proverbial silver streak on the horizon, while a grey cloud ceiling is overhead, and it's still windy. I slept rather well, however :) . We may bake some bread later today.


Have a good day everyone!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


No sign of the BBQ cover. So, Dom and Robert, if you would keep an eye out for it please. I wouldn't care but it was one of the heavier cloth types. I could understand it going if it was just one of the thin plastic ones.


Looks like it is going to be a weekend of marking exam papers with various sports on TV in the background ........ or vice versa.

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