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  • RMweb Premium

Greetings all.  A quick post from the phone while in transit and I have a nearby luke-warm spot.  It seems the National Bored-band Notwork which supplies the intertubes to our home address is failing to do so.  I have been unable to log on, read, post or indeed do anything at all requiring internet or land line.  Anyone got any chewing-gum and string?

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  • RMweb Premium

Telstra? Or Optus?




Because when we moved here 13 years ago Optus already had a fibre cable connected while Telstra could only offer us dial-up. The cable service has been faultless since then but was turned off in June as part of the government's rollout-out of the NBN.  I know of no-one who is happy with their NBN service.  We're on wire to the property as opposed to the de-specced and utterly hopeless fibre to the node they are using in some areas.   But speeds have dropped to almost nothing now.


We can choose our service provider but not the network.  The only one available is the one the government tells us we need yet no-one wants nor has a good word for.

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  • RMweb Premium

Ian: For razor blade substitute, try your local picture framer. I got a half box of his used blades. About razor blade size, but flat one side, giving a very tight cut if needed. The framer was cutting mats and discarding a blade after either one side or 4 sides of a hole -- and just using the one corner. They don't have the same holes as a razor blade, so they won't work with NWSL's Chopper.


Another of my father's stories.  His father had a cut-throat razor and a leather strop to hone it. The strop hung from a hook on the wall. The hole in the strop wore out faster than the rest of it. But Grampa wasn't going to waste good leather that he'd paid for. He sharpened the razor by holding one end with his foot on the toilet seat, holding the other in his hand, and swinging the razor in between his legs.

One of the uncles saw him doing it and never went in that bathroom again.


We had rain today, accumulating because the sewers are all snow covered. Is it mist if it's coming down? Forecast is more snow and low temperatures below -10 for the week.

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Insomnia....... Mike, I am astounded by what you said about the lack of bogs on CrossRail trains. It's absolutely ridiculous. As for flushing beer cans, the older style lav's with a flap and you can see the sleepers rushing by underneath would work.


I'll try to go back to sleep, night all



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  • RMweb Gold

Good evening all from San Jose.


Our train form Santa Barbara to San Luis Obispo was delayed enroute but only a few minutes late into SLO.


We had a good pint, tasters and food in the SLO Brewing Co.


The coast Starlight was ten late into SLO but it arrived on time into San Jose. Raining here but luckily it had eased enough for the short walk to the Mission brewery.


A quick couple of pints before heading to the light rail stop nearby then to Downtown to our hotel. Just $2.00 per ride.


Checked in for our flight home tomorrow afternoon but we still have time for a ride on Caltrains to San Fran and lunch there.


Time for bed for us.

Edited by roundhouse
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Morning All,


It is slightly warmer this morning - a positively balmy 2°C.  However, they mentioned on the radio that there was a likelihood of snow later on, and the temperature will fall again.


I have a rather large document to get finished today, so I suppose I had better get on!


Have a good day everyone...

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Many thanks for all your kind thoughts and best wishes over losing my mother.


The saying goes 'smile, it could be worse'....I did and it was. :D


I'm just in the throes of arranging my mother's funeral and could hear this call between Jackie and her mother on Monday.  Turns out MiL is in severe pain.  She has osteoporosis with severe curvature of the spine and has fallen over and hurt herself.  Jackie shoots over there and the decision was taken quickly to bring her home and deal with everything here.  Doctor is here within hours and confirms she has a stress fracture and prescribes strong pain killers and rest, so just after we had said goodbye to the last straggler from Christmas, MiL is now back with us for care and recuperation.


OK so far, but we bought her some of her favourite grapes to cheer her up.  Last night whilst we were watching TV, one of the dogs (or both of them) managed to get up on the table and scoff most of them.  We saw the funny side of it until we read this....




Hadn't heard this before, so emergency call to the vet at 10.30 last night and off we go with both dogs.  They were both given injections to make them vomit and then a wait.  One was clear, but the other puked up 13 first then another 10 which in a small dog could prove fatal.  The vet was great and dealt with it with total kindness.  One of the dogs is now on a drip and being kept in for a day or two to monitor his health, particularly blood and kidney levels to ensure he makes a full recovery.  I'm not sure my wallet will, as numbers around £400 were mentioned last night.  Expensive grapes...


Well things come in three's and that's my lot for now.


I hope 2017 finds you all well.  With all that's going on, I'm miles behind....

Edited by gordon s
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  • RMweb Premium

Gwiwer said, "Anyone got any chewing-gum and string?" No but I do have a couple of tin cans,,


Happy Hippo said "I tried reading all these race reports in the style of Peter O'Sullivan at say, Doncaster or Cheltenham, but ended up more like Clive Everton at a snooker tournament."

Since I've never watched Horse racing and the last time I followed snooker they were saying "for the benefit of those watching in Black and white"...... I have no Idea laugh, be amused or be annoyed at this remark I think I'll settle for :laugh:


I came out of the house this morning to find it chucking it down,  that may finally clear all the mud left over from the sugar beet harvesting, I think there is a blue car under all the mud. Force eight forecast for later At least it's not icy. 


Time to go In to battle.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Dry, no frost and 4oC at 4.30 when taking The Boss to work.  Cloudy morning with patchy rain forecast then brightening up with the chance of some sunshine.

On returning from taxi duty went back to bed for a couple of hours but as so often happens I wish I hadn't as I've now got a headache.

Joe & Gemma were here for a couple of hours after school. They weren't very happy about going back as some of their friends at other schools are still off. 

Nothing planned except a bit of shopping when I collect Herself although she has stated that "we" need more exercise so should be thinking about going for long walks. I can do that, think about it that is.

I did start  going for not so long walks a couple of months ago but that seems to have lapsed. I like lapsing, I'm rather good at it.  :yes:

Have a good one,


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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning everyone


It's cold but thankfully there is no frost, so no need to defrost the car. Today my travels take me to Burnley for 2 jobs, then Blackburn, where I have another 2 jobs to complete. So I definitely won't be home for lunch today.

So I'd best not hang about this morning.


Back later.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning to most, EVENING to Rick (I shouted to help it get to you Rick)


Car needs to be taken to the garage as it is showing a fault. It's either dirt on the ABS sensor or a badgered ABS sensor. As we are buying a newer version this month I hope it isn't too expensive!


Have a good day.



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Today, a friend's wife said to him, 


"Honey, get off your rear and fix that gutter downspout! 


And, I want it done before the end of the day!"


Well, as you all know, at my age, my friend, and most of our friends, are retired and do have the time to address such "Honey do's"….


So, he invited some of us neighborhood buddies over to help with the project.


One is a sheet metal fabricator. 


One brought his welder.


One brought beer and Nachos. 


One brought a grill and burgers.                


Took us about 6 hours, and 30-40 beers, but we got it done just as we finished off the last of the beer and burgers.  


As usual, the wife is still not happy! 


Can't understand, cause all us guys love it!


Personally, I cannot wait for   rain.



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Just left Exeter on the Golden Hind (aka Brass Arse according to a former colleague) as I make my way home. Sherry dropped me off at Newton Abbott this morning. This time next week I hope to be in Paris, coming back to Britain, as Sherry is due for her hip op on Thursday 12th. So I shall not be home for many days, but hope to collect a new car and do various chores. I will then be in England until mid-Feb, by which time we hope Sherry will be up and about, albeit not driving. That needs 6 weeks' recovery. Alison is happy to be holding the fort again - she needs the money, having just spent about £2k on car repairs. Her love-life continues to have monumental peaks and troughs, with her moody lover-next-door.


A skim read reveals Gordon S having yet another tough time - how much bad luck can one guy suffer?


I hope your week progressing well.

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Morning all from a slightly warmer Lonely-shire !


Why does 2017 have a River of Culture - do Tykes not like Kingston-upon-Hull as a city ?  Perhaps not gritty enough for Northern tastes and too similar to the K-on-Thames one?  Still the fireworks has filled both the Hull Evening News (BBC) and the Anywhere-but-Lincolnshire-News (ITN) for the last two days.  Similar on the BBC Re-hash News this morning as we learn about what happened on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday !!


Okay, rant over - and I slept well so it ain't that  :senile:

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Morning all. A definite grey tinge to the sky this morning.. Breakfast and several mugs of coffee consumed.


Time to pack the car for working away the rest of the week which I'm not overly impressed with.


Have a good day everyone

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning everyone.

Not frosty. Not raining. Not sunny.

If I didn't have a dog I would be a very lapsed (see GDB's post) walker. Our Christmas tree is scheduled for dismantling today. Aditi would like me to prune back a lot of dead clematis too. I won't use the hedge trimmer on the Christmas tree though.

Gordon. Sorry to read about your MiL's fall and the poorly dog. Poorly MIL and poorly dog was very much our Summer/Autumn 2016 experience so I do sympathise.


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If anyone can cope with this onslaught of misery and damage, Gordon can.

I wish you and your loved ones all the best, Gordon.

You are all due for an upturn in fortunes.



Thanks everyone for your best wishes.  We're still smiling despite the events of the past few days....


Call from the vet this morning that the little b*gger is fine and trying to dig his way out of his overnight cage.  They'll keep him another 24 hours and then send him home, so that's a relief.


Just lucky that Jackie saw the bowl under the table or we'd have never known before going to bed.


Life is like a box of chocolates...... :good:

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Mal, I may have missed the crossword answer but what was it? Not hippo?

Haha! Yes - had thought that Richard HH might have got it but he must have had mud over his eyes.


Beautifully sunny here this morning, will just have some fresh coffee and stollen then start sorting Gabe's receipts for the tax return.


Interesting thought for the day: by midday, fat cats will have earned what most workers earn in one year (£28,000).


Which brings me to Southern - erm - why don't management remove the DOO urgency and therefore get the strikes called off, then management set themselves the task of running a proper railway and then, and only then, do they start talking nicely to staff about DOO? Or am I missing something else?


Gordon, sorry to learn about MiL and then your dog's liking for grapes. Hope things get easier for you soon.


For both Ians - OD and RH - hope your trips go well


Good wishes to all on what could be HUMP day, but is the first day of the week in Scotland for many.




edit for apostrophe

Edited by Purley Oaks
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Gordon, very sorry to hear of your troubles. Like us humans dogs seem to go for food that is bad for them. We've all heard that chocolate is bad for dogs but grapes in any shape or form is far worse, but at least you have reacted in time by the looks of it. Rather dismal and wet here this morning but forecast to clear up later. Bye for now, be back soon.

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