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Afternoon all


Just popping out for a few groceries after Gabe's had her bath wallow; I'm not allowed a bath until the stitched operation cut has sealed, lucky it's too cold for flies...:-))


Unsure what we're doing this evening, nothing planned, may watch the fireworks from Arthur's Seat's nursery slopes, may stay indoors - could even go to bed early! Kids here tomorrow for a late lunch of roast lamb. One of the kids may have become vegetarian because he's very interested in a young lady who is vegetarian, so may have to prepare something else. The idea of a cheese fondue with crusty bread appeals.


Sorry to hear of Sherry's hip trials on your travels yesterday, Ian. Hope the pain is something that gradually wears off with time.


Watched Charlie Brooker's Screen Wipe 2016 last night which we enjoyed (parent advisory for language)


Hope you all have a good time tonight - and hope you are enjoying it right now, Rick



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Clearish at present after yesterdays foggy appearances at the start and at the end.

We were at Torre at 06.50 ish so may have passed Ian and Sherry like ships .......

The op went well thanks Jamie and 1st physio has been undertaken this morning, probably more later.

Very annoying to find that the Dunelm place cannot deliver an armchair for 4-6 weeks. My missus needs it dreckly as our sofas have low arms.

Off out soon for visiting time to see the patient and then back for a quiet NYE home alone with a bevy.

Ciao for now.

Don't forget the Cavendish mobility centre in Babbacombe, near The Range. Can they help at all?
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Another year over and I intend to toast the new year in with a wee dram, the granite dice that I mentioned before Christmas are now residing in the freezer. I've been examining the wooden presentation box the whisky came in, no doubt machine made but well constructed out of some sort of solid hardwood that resembles oak but isn't. The ends, side and base are about 5mm thick with the base rebated to take the sides and ends. It measures 33 X 14 X 7.5 cm now all I have to do is find a use for it. Its not the right size but someone I know converted a similar box that contained a pint bottle of ale into a nesting box for birds. Today would have been my mum's 97th birthday so I will raise a glass to her as well as Jock and other departed friends.

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blue sky and sunny here. House work done, lunch eaten, kitchen car built.. well the shell is complete.


Her indoors has started to organise the 2018 mega trip to Oz and new Zealand...may need to be there for 3 months or so to get everything she has pencilled in done.



I see we are now page Silver Jubilee.. a proper engine!



Enjoy the rest of 2016 and have a great 2017!



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The underside of the layout was inspected (safely) yesterday and there is room to park a shunting plank of about 3'6"/4'0" x 18" ish.  However do I really want to start another project whilst the current one is so incomplete?


GDB - FWIW the original layout that I posted about in http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/118357-anybody-have-infodrawings-for-scrap-yard-equipment/&do=findComment&comment=2556047 post #10 was originally designed as a dual purpose UK/USA layout and built to fit above the hanging rail in a wardrobe in an apartment in Jersey (CI) and be run on the balcony in good weather (Hence the name)  If it might fit your needs, I have legal scans of the article (4 pages) that I can send - if so, PM me your email address



Edited by shortliner
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Only half an hour? You lucky sod! Over here, fireworks will usually continue for at least 2, sometimes up to 4 hours :rolleyes:  Oh, and the complete ****** who sets off a Chinese 1000-banger at 6 AM, like a few years ago :angry:


Mind, fireworks here is strictly prohibited, except for the last 2 days of the year. One can only use it on the 31st, from 10AM to New Years day 2AM. But as sales are highly restricted, people go to great lengths to get it from abroad: both neighbours have much laxer rules on fireworks. Plus of course the illegal import from China and Russia. And in their desire to get the biggest and loudest bang, these juveniles (mostly 20-somethings, even older, who have some money to spend) are actually buying military strength grenades in a pretty package :rolleyes:  And every year they think is funny to put such a device in someone's letterbox :angry:  Back in 2010 some idiot threw one of those things in our stairwell, which resulted in blowing out both mine and the below neighbours top light above the door. Fortunately I had sufficient wood at home to close them up before midnight (the blast happened at 10PM).


This year police in Germany caught a 40 ton load of illegal fireworks destined for the Dutch black market, as a result there's much less trouble now :imsohappy: :good:




Illegal fireworks – due to not conforming to any German safety standards and containing far too much explosive material – imported from Eastern Europe, and hence nicknamed "Polish Crackers", have been a concern for authorities mainly, but not only, in East Germany for several years, resulting in (where possible) increased traffic checks and vehicle inspections in the border areas and even occasional raids on stashes of such fireworks. Domestically, fireworks may be sold only beginning on 29 December till the 31st, though of course, it's all too common to hear crackers being detonated for days after 1 January.


Restrictions also apply which specify that no fireworks may be lit within certain distances from hospitals, nursing homes and other places of care, as well as places of worship or otherwise security critical locations. Also, in light of the incident at the Berlin Christmas Market, venues for public New Year celebrations will be closed for all traffic this year. In Leipzig, Augustusplatz will be so closed and concrete barriers put in place starting around 1830 and lasting till 0200. Furthermore, all assemblies have been prohibited in a defined exclusion zone around Connewitz Kreuz, following a spate of violent incidents to have occurred in the area several times in past years.


I myself will certainly see to keeping my cab windows closed while driving to ensure no morons will even attempt to toss a cracker inside. You never know, after all, and of course, there have been plenty of cases where people set off crackers in passenger spaces… I also seem to remember an incident not too long ago when one New Year's Eve, somebody threw an illegally large firecracker on the roof of one NGT8 or NGT12, causing extensive equipment damage and rendering the tram inoperable for weeks.


Oh, and of course, hordes of imbecile drunkards will doubtlessly be around also and be causing mayhem. Yay. :jester:

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Just back in from another day working on the connection between the two sheds. It was another dreich day, cold and Foggy but at least not icy, all the last few days frost has melted. I managed about half the basic roof being fitted and should finish the rest of the basics tomorrow. Sealing it however, will need a few dry non frosty days so that may not be the till March or April.

If I have time tomorrow there is also the outer door to hang, this an ancient old front door that hasn't done its job for at least 20 years, so it needs some new window glass and new fittings.


As for new year it's something I've never celebrated, I don't remember anyone doing so in Ludgershall in the 1960's and when we moved to the Hebridies, we children were definitely kept away from the locals drunken festivities. Then my first 12 years working in the RAF as a no children single person, I worked practically every Christmas and new year.

These days, I find the years are going by too fast anyway to celebrate another one going...

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Traffic education clip from German TV from 1984 but still as relevant today as it was then....


I bet a lot of people went soggy with nostalgia on seeing all those cars that used to be contemporary..... They wrote off a perfectly good Taunus, though.


....I'm off on another (suitably alcoholic) hack in the morning on a friend's mare to have another think about this.....

I'm back from a wine-soaked (one glass going out, another at a pub stop, and a third on the return) hack. The bottom of the turnunder appears to end (and revert to dead vertical) in an almost invisible seam line which starts and ends at the top edge of the buffer beams. You might just be able to make out the seam line here


Those are basically MJT buffers, ready assembled. The stock shape is correct but the buffer rams are not. I've only ever seen correct ones from Dart Castings years ago, but they're long out of production.

Edited by Horsetan
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  • RMweb Gold

... The bottom of the turnunder appears to end (and revert to dead vertical) in an almost invisible seam line which starts and ends at the top edge of the buffer beams. You might just be able to make out the seam line here Those are basically MJT buffers, ready assembled. The stock shape is correct but the buffer rams are not. I've only ever seen correct ones from Dart Castings years ago, but they're long out of production.

I think there is a Lima GWR railcar somewhere in our loft. I'm sure it must have all the correct bits!

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  • RMweb Gold


 The bottom of the turnunder appears to end (and revert to dead vertical) in an almost invisible seam line which starts and ends at the top edge of the buffer beams. You might just be able to make out the seam line here





That is correct Ivan - yet another of the various folding and bending puzzles which you seem likely to find in that etch.  Wanna a buy a genuine Lima one, one careful owner, low mileage.


And seeing Dom mentioning Polish crackers reminded me of our Tesco visit earlier today where we came across two of them in one aisle - not so much the firework kind but ambulant versions and definitely Polish from the language they were speaking.

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Afternoon All


Well the year is finally almost over, and I have no plans to stay up to see the back of it, though I have no doubt at all that I will be awakened to see it in anyway when the cockwombles set off their explosives, making me wonder whether this is Lancaster or a battle zone in the Middle East.


Ian - hope that Sherry pulls up a bit - I know from experience what the pain can be like after a bit of exertion.  Other than that, generic greetings are sent to those deserving.


Decided to pick up next week's shopping today - what a mistake.  Supermarket had a real shortage of the more popular items today, so it was a case of getting the next best alternative items. 


Back tomorrow to wish you all a greeting appropriate to the season.


And classical musc lovers, don't forget to set your recorders for the Vienna Concert on BBC2 at 11.45 tomorrow morning




Also more of the concert on BBC4 at 7pm.


Regards to All


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Afternoon, just popped in to wish everyone a great night tonight however you intend to celebrate New Year's Eve .


For us it will be a quiet one with a nice bottle of wine, maybe I will give some thought to coming up with a new year resolution!


Above all stay safe

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Those are basically MJT buffers, ready assembled. The stock shape is correct but the buffer rams are not. I've only ever seen correct ones from Dart Castings years ago, but they're long out of production.


Would ones from an Airfix Auto trailer do? I've been trying to spring mine. Hubert (Emadee) was going to make some, but nothing's yet come of it, so I'm looking at how I can adapt the originals.

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I think there is a Lima GWR railcar somewhere in our loft. I'm sure it must have all the correct bits!


That is correct Ivan - yet another of the various folding and bending puzzles which you seem likely to find in that etch.  Wanna a buy a genuine Lima one, one careful owner, low mileage.....


Quite a lot of the parts offered by "Sidecar Racer" have Lima origins. The rest are....MTK! Is there a subliminal message in all of this!?  :scratchhead:



Would ones from an Airfix Auto trailer do? I've been trying to spring mine. .....


It's the rectangular ram that's the problem - how do you bore a rectangular hole  :scratchhead:  in the buffer stock housings?

Edited by Horsetan
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Quite a lot of the parts offered by "Sidecar Racer" have Lima origins. The rest are....MTK! Is there a subliminal message in all of this!? :scratchhead:





It's the rectangular ram that's the problem - how do you bore a rectangular hole :scratchhead: in the buffer stock housings?

I suspect if I could find a dc power source that the Lima one would work too! It must have been last used about 20 years ago on Matthew's trainset. Probably racing Thomas or Percy.

Edited by Tony_S
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I don't know how to bore a rectangular hole. I know my Dad used to say making square holes in pieces of metal was a machining test when he was a lad! However I would suggest but couldn't do myself finding some rectangular tube and inserting it into a round hole.

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I suspect if I could find a dc power source that the Lima one would work too! It must have been last used about 20 years ago on Matthew's trainset. Probably racing Thomas or Percy.

 It's the rectangular ram that's the problem - how do you bore a rectangular hole  : :scratchhead:   in the buffer stock housings?

Drill a round hole and file out the corners?

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That is correct Ivan - yet another of the various folding and bending puzzles which you seem likely to find in that etch.  Wanna a buy a genuine Lima one, one careful owner, low mileage.


And seeing Dom mentioning Polish crackers reminded me of our Tesco visit earlier today where we came across two of them in one aisle - not so much the firework kind but ambulant versions and definitely Polish from the language they were speaking.

Maybe one of them was the missing one from the ward my missus is on. A patient wanted the window shut but they couldnt find the pole.

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I don't know how to bore a rectangular hole. I know my Dad used to say making square holes in pieces of metal was a machining test when he was a lad! However I would suggest but couldn't do myself finding some rectangular tube and inserting it into a round hole.

There is a youtube bid of a square hole drilling bit that works by moving in an irregular movement



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It's the rectangular ram that's the problem - how do you bore a rectangular hole  :scratchhead:  in the buffer stock housings?


The way I'm trying is not to bore out rectangular, but to drill into the rectangular bit of the buffer and solder in a hard brass wire, drill a circular clearance hole from inside the buffer to behind the buffer beam and spring from the exposed part of the wire, probably by leaf spring. Some relief of the rectangular housing would be required.


I have (somewhere) some 35 year old buffer sets designed for wagons that do this.


But I'm still playing - don't have anything working yet.

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