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I think I need some new glasses Ivan. I read that as how to tackle his org#sm.*

The Irish Draught was gelded at an early age, so any hopes of an org@sm are long gone. Pity, as he's such a well-mannered horse that a generation of his similarly easy-going offspring would have found many welcoming homes.


...A nimbus 2000, or nimbus 2001?

Judging by the fog hanging around the yard, I'd say it was more cumulonimbus.

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Evening all from Estuary-Land. Having a good look at yesterday's swap meet purchases. One was the new caravan model from Oxford, examination with a magnifying glass revealed a mass of interior detail that is for the most part hidden, well done Oxford. Whilst I was out the tea I ordered on Christmas Eve arrived, the postie left it in a safe place. When I opened the box I realised that I'd ordered the wrong size, I've now got enough tea for the next couple of months, a 750 gramme catering size. (A normal packet of loose tea is 150 gramme.) Tony, I have some turned brass whistles somewhere so if I can find them you're quite welcome to one for your Peckett, going by whats been said on the Peckett thread your not the only one to have this problem.

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The missuss's knee op went well and she was sitting up in bed when I got back there.


Have you heard the latest piece of wisdom from Jamie Oliver? He wants school kitchens to be open in the school holidays because children with free school meals may be starving in the holidays

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The missuss's knee op went well and she was sitting up in bed when I got back there.


Have you heard the latest piece of wisdom from Jamie Oliver? He wants school kitchens to be open in the school holidays because children with free school meals may be starving in the holidays

Sadly he is right, one little mite stole a tin of beans and cooked them in the tin his hob was a bike wheel on some bricks.

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Evening, from a somewhat frazzled stocktaker!  Stock has been took, and it was mostly there, or too much there on occasion.  We finished just before 5, which was a miracle!


JohnDMJ, we might actually be around at that time, as we go across with the van around then as a rule.  Not stocktaking though!  Not sure of our calling places this year, although Norfolk and Wales will feature, and many placed in between.  Julian promised us a tour de G'master if we are ever in the vicinity. 

Edited by New Haven Neil
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The missuss's knee op went well and she was sitting up in bed when I got back there.


Have you heard the latest piece of wisdom from Jamie Oliver? He wants school kitchens to be open in the school holidays because children with free school meals may be starving in the holidays


Given the tons of edible food which every supermarket chucks away each week, it makes a lot of sense.

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Get a broom stick and a suitably sized brass angle. Tape brass angle to broom stick, bend etching into shape :)


Someone's been watching too much Harry Potter.  You'll be suggesting the use of a wand, next, and turning the whole thing into a Hall and telling everyone it's 'modified'.

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How the devil did I get so much 'stuff'? And now I've brought it into the open again, what am I going to do with it?


Get some storage boxes?


oh.... you already have.............




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Someone's been watching too much Harry Potter.  You'll be suggesting the use of a wand, next, and turning the whole thing into a Hall and telling everyone it's 'modified'.


Modificato Hallius!

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Good evening from a freyed telephone answerer with the post-C problems.


Evening, from a somewhat frazzled stocktaker!  Stock has been took, and it was mostly there, or too much there on occasion.  We finished just before 5, which was a miracle!


JohnDMJ, we might actually be around at that time, as we go across with the van around then as a rule.  Not stocktaking though!  Not sure of our calling places this year, although Norfolk and Wales will feature, and many placed in between.  Julian promised us a tour de G'master if we are ever in the vicinity. 


If Julian says a tour, then a tour you'll get! Either by himself or your AM. I'll stay out of the way unless invited to the party!


Hope the stocktake adds up after reconciliation!



Edited by JohnDMJ
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Mawnin' awl. Managed a skim-read of the past several pages only and did notice unwelcome news to have been made known to Rick in particular, so may I address these with sympathies first of all. It can't ever be easy for anyone to be losing relatives, children even, during Christmas, so I hope your friend will receive all the support she needs…


Bit nippy outside and I'll be working from 1212 till 2115. Which leads me to this little quiz:








Which line was I driving yesterday?



Enjoy what you're up to… :yes:


A straight one from the look of the second photo.



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Evening all,


A return visit to Oxford Street to exchange the jeans what I purchased yesterday. I forgot that I've reduces a waist size. Cockwomble day.


Cockwomble 1 - I popped into an HSBC branch to get the form to change the signatories on the charity account. After a half hour grilling, the lackey was setting up an interview to change the community account into a business account at which point I slightly lost my cool and pointed out that as I was leaving the charity, another trustee could have the pleasure of the interview.


Then cockwomble 2 was a female tourist with some sort of searchlight on her mobile phone who shone it straight into my eyed from the distance of a couple of yards. I thought of dropping a shoulder, but might have sent her flying into oncoming traffic.


Cockwombles 3 - I caught a crowded bus to Charing Cross. Why do parents insist their little darlings sit in the priority seats whilst the pensioners stand? If I had dared to sit my mother would have given me a clip round the ear.


Updating the Charles Roberts records with the assistance of a bottle of port and the Elgar violin concerto.


Keep well all. Bill

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Good evening from a freyed telephone answerer with the post-C problems.



If Julian says a tour, then a tour you'll get! Either by himself or your AM. I'll stay out of the way unless invited to the party!


Hope the stocktake adds up after reconciliation!




Guess what I'm doing next week!  Live steam work is just about up to date, so......calculator finger to the fore!

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And mentioning cockwombles, the number of people driving with no lights or just sidelights in less then 80 metres visibility was staggering.

Bah. I keep seeing people driving at night with no lights whatsoever. Doubtlessly thinking, "there's streetlights, I can see well'nuf, guv"...

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<yawn> 5PM and I'm cold and tired and most of my body aches...

WE managed to get the food shopping done as well as picking up the fencing. Then I made the mistake of deciding the fencing should be at least started.


We nded up putting half of it up (about 75ft) and decided to call it quits as I was by then too cold and tired - I have concluded I actually AM too bloody old to spend several hours doing that sort of physical labour carp outside in -5C weather.


Had a cup of tea that "almost" warmed me up, but now far too achy and tired to be clambering about under the layout installing point motors <sigh>.


Sleep well all you Euro-based ERs, I'm ready for some dinner and a relax/nap now then an early night I think. :jester:

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Another relaxing evening.


I believe that the reason so many people are driving around with no lights on these days is that the dash lights come on when the engine starts. Their logic is that if they can see the gauges the lights must be on.


Night all

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Get a broom stick and a suitably sized brass angle. Tape brass angle to broom stick, bend etching into shape :)


Right, after an evening's Googling/Flickring for suitable high-res photos, I think I more or less understand how to tackle the Railcar roof. At least the main bulk of it is not rounded or an ellipse, but simply slanted.


Turns out there is a very subtle and very gradual turnunder along the bodysides too. It only seems to show at certain camera angles and only in brighter conditions. I'm off on another (suitably alcoholic) hack in the morning on a friend's mare to have another think about this.


The buffers are rectangular-shanked. That's not fun at all. Nobody does sprung ones.


Many thanks also to "Sidecar Racer" who kindly offered the parts from his own long-abandoned Railcar project to help add some detail. The bogie sides will definitely come in handy (interestingly no.22 has no driveshaft between the axles), as will the control desks.

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Evening all. Thanks again for the kind comments. In response to one comment I do not think the council have any sort of counsellors and sadly I let my Union membership lapse when money was tight. On the positive side I managed to break the teacher's block and make some progress with the planning for the new term. Whether or not the planned activities prove acceptable to the powers that be remains to be seen.

This morning I dropped Sarah and Amber off in the city centre so they could meet MiL for some sales shopping. I changed my mind and popped into the railway club for a brief catch up. One of the members was showing off their Christmas present of a Bachman Wickham Trolley. It is a very small but impressive model.

In the afternoon, whilst on a break from school work, I managed to track down a Hornby Peckett online. Hopefully it may arrive tomorrow and will provide the motive power for the Christmas project layout.

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Right, after an evening's Flickring  I'm off on another  hack in the morning on a friend's mare




Make of the above what yuo will.


Selective editing can be fun..................... (and dangerous)







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