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Hello from a very frosty Norfolk.


Fog seems to have lifted a bit over the last 90 minutes. Took Dad shopping yesterday evening and he should have enough to keep him going until next Tuesday when he can shuffle to the bus stop 50 yards away and collect his pension.

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Morning all ! 


Mrs RhBBob and I did finally make it to England to see the Grandkids via '111' on Christmas Eve and A&E on Christmas day to swap the powerful antibiotic for a milder version !!


However She-whom-I-love now has flashing pains on the right-hand side of her head - probably ear wax - so back to the surgery today to see Dr Lucky - no, that's not his real name but it helps us yokels who can't pronounce a Far Eastern name !!   He is a superb GP who lives up to his nickname.


Thanks to you all for your support

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Morning all. Cold, frosty and misty here so will need to take care on the paths again. Sarah has arranged to meet her mum in town for some shopping this morning so I will have a bit more free time to try and tackle the teacher's block. Sadly the need to work will mean I will have to decline the offer I have just received to meet up with the model club.

Very jealous of those people who have received sparsely containing Pecketts during this festive season. I really fancy one for my new shunting layout but they are like rocking horse manure at present.

I tend to agree with GrandadBob about the taking down of decorations. I always leave ours up until new year. Once New Year's Eve has been and gone I am ready to take them down. I think they came down on January 1st 2016. This year they may have to wait until the 2nd.

I did cast an eye over the job pages last night. Nothing really available at present. Will keep my eye open buy nothing likely to appear until around Easter now


Have a good day.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. I will be venturing out later for a few essentials later but its a good day to stay indoors. It looks as if GDB must have, or did have an excess of brownie points the way he has thrown them away today, perhaps he has bumped his head once to often. So long for now, be back later.

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  • RMweb Gold

In a different Sainsbury's for breakfast. We're on the upper level - can't see much further than across the car park.

Does this one have a different age profile to the one where you lowered the average age?


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Morning all,


We have another nice bright morning here. It was foggy earlier but the sun is now breaking through. It is also very frosty.


There isn't a lot else to report, so have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Definite dose of fist & mog this morning and the Fog Object still remains out of view although it has lifted a little.  Nice proper job frost to go with it but we are assured by the Exeter seaweed that temperatures will rise to the giddy heights of 4C by this afternoon once the fist & mog has departed.


In this house the decorations stay up until 12th Night but this might be slightly amended depending on where the Good Doctor's days off happen to fall.  I can still see little point in actually starting 'Christmas' (certain shopping apart) until as late as possible before the 25th because otherwise it just turns into some sort of drudge and the main event almost becomes an afterthought.  However despite the best efforts of tv's (professional) bakers we do not indulge in such things as 12th Night Cake and of course another significant event occurs during the 12 days (in fact one could probably say two significant events if you also count New Year' Eve).


Have a good day one & all.

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  • RMweb Gold

No, we're about on the average here.

Is your signoff a typo or a confession?

Samsung spill chucker.

Though "Tiny" might describe the amount of brain working today. I put it down to briefly crossing into the western hemisphere yesterday.


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  • RMweb Gold

No loss of points here Phil as I have just been helping her put things into cupboards she can't reach. Managed it without falling off the chair I was standing on. 

Connecting rod successfully re-attached but only finger tight at the moment as I haven't (yet) got the right spinner. (or spanner)

Now going to crawl under the layout to assess what room (if any) there is to fit a slide out shunting plank.

Edited by grandadbob
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No loss of points here Phil as I have just been helping her put things into cupboards she can't reach. Managed it without falling off the chair I was standing on. 

Connecting rod successfully re-attached but only finger tight at the moment as I haven't (yet) got the right spinner. (or spanner)

Now going to crawl under the layout to assess what room (if any) there is to fit a slide out shunting plank.


Do you think that's wise?

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I see they are going to allow Learners out on motorways under instruction, pity there are no motorways in Norfolk. Come to that I wish I had taken my test in the Hebridies, no roundabouts, no duel carriageways, no pedestrian crossings, no traffic lights, just the odd sheep and passing places to let cars past. A bit different to Weston super mare, in mid summer, on a Wednesday lunch time when I took mine. 40 years ago ouch..??



Our nearest one is around 150 miles+ due south - These prats who come up with these stoopid ideas should look carefully at what is available outside the south east corner of the UK. When SWMBO did her test there were no roundabouts, no traffic lights, no dual carriage ways, but there were two zebra crossings and a lot of HILLS Reminded me of Belize, where there was one traffic light at the end of a single track bridge in Belize City - they were still installing one at the other end when I left

Edited by shortliner
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  • RMweb Gold

No loss of points here Phil as I have just been helping her put things into cupboards she can't reach. Managed it without falling off the chair I was standing on. 

Connecting rod successfully re-attached but only finger tight at the moment as I haven't (yet) got the right spinner. (or spanner)

Now going to crawl under the layout to assess what room (if any) there is to fit a slide out shunting plank.

Mind your head or put a bump hat on.  :jester:

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Afternoon all - just!


Lightengine, hope that your wife's op goes smoothly and doesn't take too long otherwise you'll be rolling up to the ward after just one too many Shipyards and probaby sounding as incoherent as she will be after the general anaesthetic!


AndyRam - does your local authority have some kind of counselling service to help those in situations like yours? Could be worthwhile?


Just surveying the Christmas presents strewn around the living room - not all mine, but 5 of us - and there are just too many Brexit Toblerones! Have they changed the recipe as well as the shape? They seem much too sweet now.


Think Gabe and I will be seeing Rogue One later this afternoon, she for the first time.


Hope you have a good day



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  • RMweb Premium

'  Morning all form red dragon land. 

Reddish sky this morning with fluffy clouds.  Just grey now.

Lightengine, best wishes to your wife.  Hope all goes well.


Lazy morning after not getting to bed till 2.45 this morning, the result of staying up to watch FS on the SVR, followed by the the beginning of JM reassembling his 1972 FS.  I'll watch the rest of that later (HP - Harry Potter film, not Huntley & Palmer little blue loco - permitting! not my cup of tea - even if the Hall does get a frame or two).


Better start lunch now or there won't be enough time left to squeeze in all the food breaks (C*****mas cake/pudding/mince pies/chocies/biscuits....) between meals!


Keep chuffing.  Nearly NY.

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The AEC Railcar etch arrived from CPL just now, as I was about to leave for the stables via the Post Office:




It is by far the biggest single etch piece I've ever had, and I did wonder whether I'd been sent something for 7mm rather than 4mm. As there are no instructions, the challenge will be in identifying the minor components and then trying to think like the original designer when trying to assemble it....

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  • RMweb Gold

The AEC Railcar etch arrived from CPL just now, as I was about to leave for the stables via the Post Office:




It is by far the biggest single etch piece I've ever had, and I did wonder whether I'd been sent something for 7mm rather than 4mm. As there are no instructions, the challenge will be in identifying the minor components and then trying to think like the original designer when trying to assemble it....


I reckon a far bigger challenge will come with turning those flat etches into the relevant shapes to match the real ones, especially the ends!!

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