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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning everyone


It's a frosty start to the day, but at least the wind has died down. When I went out this morning to put stuff in our recycling bins I noticed that one had been blown over, but at least it was empty and I didn't need to go down the road retrieving items to put back in it.


We have the 3 youngest grandchildren coming round for tea tonight so, as they have requested pizza for tea, we have to go out to buy some!


Back later.

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Good morning all. A frosty start here too. I am guessing that the car may need scraping before I venture to Pride Park for today's game against Birmingham. Not a good night's sleep here either. Amber came into our bed at just after midnight, got into our bed and duely spread herself out. Rather than trying to cling onto the edge of the bed I decided to use her bed instead. Not the most comfortable night. I seem to have caught some of Sarah's problems - a load of gunk down my throat that made me cough and struggle to sleep. This morning it seems to have settled on my chest so I don't feel too great especially as there was not a lot of sleep. Sarah seems very tired too this morning. A very grumpy household likely!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Bright and sunny with a good hard frost which the sun is rapidly removing where it can get to it so almost a proper job winter day.   Boxing Day duly witnessed consumption of some Christmas Day leftovers and no doubt the last of chicken will be in a pie tomorrow.


Enjoy your day everyone.

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  • RMweb Premium

Putting rubbish in the bin yesterday and I heard a cry from a few doors down, "Mum, I lost the drone". Followed by, "I told you to fly it in the field". Probably something similar is being said all over the country this week.

It didn't land in my garden, and if it had done, it would have been rubbish in the bin itself.

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  • RMweb Gold

I said I would peel the potatoes. Aditi said she had tried but couldn't. I had suggested it wasn't a good idea. So I went into the kitchen and also noticed the cutlery draw was only still on the left hand runner. I have fixed it, "next size up" screws. I wonder if she even noticed she had broken it or even how. I shall enquire when she reappears.

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Sorry to hear your news, Gordon. I must admit I missed your post earlier.


The outside lights are now finished, although I should add they are not Christmas lights! They are 12v lamps that stay on during the hours of darkness to provide some illumination when coming and going.


I have also put up a new lamp in the hall. It was a present from Mercedes which she bought for my office, but as we have recently redecorated the hall I thought it would look good there instead. It is a wonderful steam punk style retro-lamp with cloth covered cables and squirrel cage bulbs.

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All


Caught up, and posts all read and rated..


Gordon, I am sorry to hear your news about your mum, and I can really feel for you there, as the same thing happened to me - my mum got a serious chest infection just before Christmas, and her condition deteriorated and she was totally out of it by Christmas Day, and passed away on Boxing Day, so yes indeed, I know exactly how this one hits you, and I really offer sincere condolences.


And of course, generic greetings to everybody else who is deserving thereof.


I loved Geoff's remark about the "lost" drone - round here, it could just as easily be shot down by a landowner or farmer, as shotguns are not unknown in the area.


Yesterday's visit to ex neighbour whose son is building a good whisky collection, and no longer needs any tutelage.  He had 18 yo Longrow, Glen Scotia (down to my encouragement, as I love Campbeltown malts), and a rather exquisite 18yo Arran which was most excellent - a distillery which has really come on in a big way. 


Today, a trip to the "sales" was on the cards, but there was not a lot there for us.  Mind you, there's not a lot at all in Lancaster now, as about 25% of the shops are closed now.


Back tomorrow after a repeat trip to Kendal sales.


Regards to All


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  • RMweb Premium

Well we are back from a trip round what was Lancashire and a walk round Hebden bridge. I can see the attraction of modelling the narrow river valleys, with road, river, canal and railway alongside and crossing each other, along with the architecture of the area. But would I like to live in those valleys, hidden from direct sunshine for much of the day? Definately not, I prefer the open big sky's of Norfolk.

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Breakfast in Sainsbury's Cafe Tamworth this morning. Arguably we were the youngest ones there.


Shopping for a new vacuum cleaner involved looking at it in John Lewis, looking at the Amazon price on the phone and ordering from Amazon when we got home - fifty quid difference!


And thanks for Tony S for the heads up on what to buy.


Dogs walked, fire lit, now can't get near the fire for stretched out dogs.

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  • RMweb Gold

Breakfast in Sainsbury's Cafe Tamworth this morning. Arguably we were the youngest ones there.


Shopping for a new vacuum cleaner involved looking at it in John Lewis, looking at the Amazon price on the phone and ordering from Amazon when we got home - fifty quid difference!


And thanks for Tony S for the heads up on what to buy.


Dogs walked, fire lit, now can't get near the fire for stretched out dogs.

Well ours copes nicely with a dog that sheds enough hair to knit a new dog every week! When you need new bags order them direct from the manufacturer, buying enough to get discounts/ free postage etc.
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What a fascinating cake, Ian. Do the horns(spaces) get filled with cream?

Usually not, though I suppose they could.

Generally, drizzled with your preference of chocolate/fudge/caramel or lemon sauce(s). Since it was a vanilla bean cake, this one was a light drizzle of chocolate with hot fudge and caramel options on the side - most chose to poor large amounts of both :jester: let's face it, this time of year is NOT when you consider diets!

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  • RMweb Premium

Bus was on time, train from Leeds to Keighley on time, K&WVR 10 minutes late BUT who cares. Pint on the train, a pint or two in the pub up the hill in Haworth with a nice fish sandwich then a nice journey back.  BUT when we arrived back in Leeds --we were trying to get off while the great sales seekers were all fighting to get on. It would appear I stood on someones foot. Oh Dear!


And now awaiting roast lamb for tea...



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